I Fix The System Law

Chapter 426: Destroy 2 Liuzongmen

   Lei Muyan and Gao Gonggong are not only in the top ranks of Zhenfusi and Dark Leiwei, but their identities are also very respectable.

   Lei Muyan is the honor of the princess, and the father-in-law Gao is one of the regular servants by his majesty today!

   It can be said that these two people are deeply imprinted with the mark of the Leiyan Dynasty, engraved with the mark of the royal family!

   The moment they both appeared, there was a slight noise in the hall.

   Whether it's for the people of Dark Leiwei or the townsfolk, Lei Muyan and Gao Gonggong are both superiors. It is rare for everyone to see each other, and being here at the same time at this time caused a sensation.

   It's just that these two people are full of solemn faces at this time, especially the eyes of Father Gao are still a little bit lunar. Wherever his gaze passed, everyone bowed their heads, not daring to look at him.

   Gao Gonggong looked around at everyone, only when he saw Leng Shiqi, his expression paused slightly.

   He and Lei Muyan walked up to the hall. When they sat down, everyone got up and said in unison: "See the chief executive, see Lei's torture officer."

   Father Gao sat blankly and didn't mean to open his mouth.

   Lei Muyan said with a smile: "You are so polite, please sit down."

   After everyone sat down, Lei Muyan continued: "Since you can sit here, you must be young masters from all states and counties, and will also be the pillar of my Leiyan Dynasty in the future.

  According to the usual practice in previous years, you will have a test after the elite meeting begins. I think you all know this. "

   Speaking of this, Lei Muyan changed his head, "But this year is different from before."

   Everyone was puzzled after hearing them, but they didn't ask questions.

   "It used to be called a test, but this year, it should be a task more accurately!" Lei Muyan's eyes revealed a few cold light, "This task must be completed, only success, no failure!

   Those who perform well in the mission can enter the next round of the Elite Club. As for the others, go back wherever they come from. "

   Leng Shiqi also frowned slightly. They came here to complete the task, or a task that must be successful!

   Listening to Lei Muyan's tone, the task is probably not easy.

   At this time, Lei Muyan motioned to Feng Lun, the lord of the lower city, and Feng Lun stepped forward two steps and waved his arm to make a ball of green light.

   Those green lights condensed three lines of words in the air, floating in the air at a distance of ten feet.

   Everyone who saw these words secretly took a breath, including Leng Shiqi!

  The three lines of words are: "Destroy the second-rate sect, Dayimen."

   "Destroy the second-rate sect, the salt gang."

   "Destroy the Erliu Zongmen, Extreme Volcano Village!"

   Their mission is to destroy these spiritual forces? And they are all second-rate sects? !

Feng Lun said: "There are three tasks here. You can choose one of them freely. People who choose the same task form a team. From now on, you can't use the strength and help behind each other, just rely on your own ability. To complete the task."

  As soon as this statement came out, many people looked at each other a bit.

   These three tasks are all to destroy the second-rate forces. Although it is said that more than 90% of the people present have the cultivation base of the Spirit Aperture Realm, it is indeed possible to destroy a second-rate sect if they swarm up.

   But now they have to spread out and divide into three groups, so it would be very difficult to destroy the second-rate sect!

  Assuming that the number of people in each group is about the same, it will be in the early 20s. Based on this, it is theoretically impossible for people to complete the task!

   Of course, if the task is simple, there is no need to use the elites gathered from all over the dynasty to do it.

   Leng Shiqi's eyes narrowed and looked at the three tasks. He had been in Donglin County for a while, and he was quite clear about the forces here.

   Dayi Sect is a more interesting sect. The disciple of this sect does not depend on aptitude or talent, but on whether you have loyalty!

   In Dayimen, righteousness comes first!

   Dayi Gate is even more famous for walking around the world with loyalty.

   But the Thunder Yan Dynasty actually wanted to destroy such a sect?

   Leng Shiqi's thoughts changed sharply, he only thought of one possibility, that is, Dayi Sect is a vassal sect of Shanhai School!

   It can also be said that Dayimen is a **** of the Shanhai School.

  Leiyan Dynasty regards Shanhai School as a thorn in his eyes, so he wants to cut off his **** first!

   It is not unreasonable for Leng Shiqi to think this way, because it is not only the Dayimen, but also the Salt Gang!

   The salt gang is a sect that made a fortune in the salt transportation business. The salt gang has mastered most of the salt transportation business in Donglin County and is simply rich.

   Such sects are all coveted by many people, but the salt gang is very smart. They actively chose to become a vassal of the Shanhai faction, and each year they hand over 50% of their profits to the Shanhai faction in order to protect themselves.

   So this salt gang is considered to be Shanhai School’s money bag!

   It is understandable whether it is Dayimen or the salt gang in the blacklist of the Leiyan Dynasty, but Jihuoshanzhuang is also on this list, Leng Shiqi feels a little strange.

   This extremely volcanic village is far away from the Shanhai School, and it has nothing to do with the Shanhai School. Why is it also on the blacklist of the Leiyan Dynasty?

   Looking at these three tasks, Leng Shiqi began to think about which one to choose.

   Not only him, but other people are also whispering quietly, and some people who are acquainted also get together in groups to discuss.

Leng Shiqi glanced at Gusan silently, wanting to seek her advice, but Gusan shrugged her shoulders slightly, saying that it doesn’t matter what she chooses~www.ltnovel.com~ Leng Shiqi is not in a hurry to choose, he Or decided to see what others have chosen first?

   Not long after, some people stepped forward and stood in front of different tasks.

   Time passed slowly, and Leng Shiqi found that the number of people on these three tasks was about the same.

   Although it is said that the more the number of people, the easier it is to complete the task, but don’t forget that this time the task still depends on your performance and credit!

   The more people there are, the smaller your chances of appearing!

   So everyone is spread out by default, so that the number of people in each task is similar, this is the best choice.

   In the end, there were only a few people left who hadn't made a choice. Leng Shiqi had been thinking long enough, he took his steps and walked to the task of destroying the extremely volcanic village!

   There are three considerations why he chose Jihuoshanzhuang.

   First of all, Jihuochuangzhuang is not closely related to the Shanhai faction, so when dealing with Jihuochuangzhuang, there is no need to worry about Shanhai faction to support.

  Secondly, the location of Jihuoshanzhuang is similar to Yinfengling. He really can't go and call the assassin of the branch pavilion to help.

   As for the third place, Leng Shiqi still remembers that Jiu Li once said that there are precious treasures in the Extreme Volcano Village!

   The treasure that even Jiu Li, the seventh-order big demon is greedy, must be a good thing!


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