I Fix The System Law

Chapter 417: Elite Club

   Hong Guangji and a large number of Fengleique disciples just rushed back to Fengleitai, they heard the words of the sky, and everyone was angry!

   But the sky is dry but he doesn't care. He directly said to Hong Guangji: "Since Hong Guangji, you have already returned, I think the treasure house matter is also over.

   So is it time to give us the demon? "

   "Why should the Man of the League ask knowingly?" Hong Guangji's eyes flashed Li Mang.

"Humph!" The sky snorted dryly, "Hong Guangji, Hong Guangji, you want to kill this demon in public to make Feng Leique famous, and you not only let the demon beast run away but also stole your important treasures. .

  Hahaha, really ridiculous! If the monster beast was hunted down to death by us, how could you end up like this? "

   Hong Guangji suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "Is the man who made a special trip to mock me here? The monster escaped, I admit it was careless, and then we should join forces to hunt down this monster."

The sky smiled coldly, "Joining hands? When the head of Hong secretly captured the monster beast, why didn't he want to join hands with us? We will catch the beast ourselves, but after we catch the beast, things on its body will be natural. Also owned by us.

go! "

   Then Man Tianqian and dozens of masters from the East County strode out of Fenglei Terrace, and from beginning to end, they did not give Hong Guangji a good face.

   Hong Guangji clenched his fists secretly, but he couldn't attack or get angry!

   Because he is the one who is wrong, and he is the one who broke his promise!

  Man Tian Gan did not delve into those people but chose to leave. It was a very good ending. If Hong Guangji dared to say a few more angry words, Man Tian Gan would really dare to fight him!

   Now for Hong Guangji, the most important thing is to find the Feng Lei Shen Yun Shi.

   Seeing Man Tiangan and the others leave, Wang Tai was also secretly relieved. Right now the two sides will not be in conflict for the time being. Although he did not have much effect when he came here this trip, he was still very satisfied with the result.

   Wang Tai said to Leng Shiqi who was next to him: "Master Liu, I should also go if this is the case, how about you and me?"

   "It's so good." Leng Shiqi replied.

   Then the two of them bid farewell to Hong Guangji. These two were the high-level officials of Dark Leiwei and Zhenfusi, Hong Guangji personally sent off for the sake of face.

After they walked out of the Fengleique Mountain Gate, Wang Tai said: "Master Liu has the cultivation base of the mid-Spirit Gang Realm at such an age, and he is also in the Great Supervisory Envoy. Mr. Liu's quota is none other than Master Liu."

   Elite Club?

   Leng Shiqi was the first time he heard these three words, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

   But he immediately thought of the quota given to him by Father Gao a few months ago. If it is not bad, it should be the quota of this elite club.

   It's a pity, Leng Shiqi still doesn't know what this elite will do.

   There happened to be someone here who knew about this, and he asked: "Master Wang, I don't know what this elite will be when I first came here. Please also ask Master Wang to explain."

  Wang Tai was a little surprised at first, then nodded clearly, and said: "It's not long since Master Liu entered the Dark Thunder Guard. I don't know that the Elite Club is also normal. In fact, this Elite will be a feast within our Leiyan Dynasty!

   The two most well-known forces under the Leiyan Dynasty are Dark Thunder Guard and Zhenfusi. It can be said that these two forces are the right arms of the Dynasty. In order to maintain the strength and vigor of these two forces, the dynasty will gather young talents from all states and counties every ten years, which is called an elite meeting.

   But it is definitely the elites of the elites of each state and county who can participate in the elite meeting! Because the Dark Leiwei and Zhenfusi of each state and county only have one quota each!

  In other words, there are only two people in Xihuang County who are eligible to participate in the elite meeting. It is a pity that Brother Yu failed to run for this place when he was young. He really yearned for the elite meeting in his heart.

   I think Master Liu is very hopeful. "

   After hearing these words, Leng Shiqi secretly said so.

   At the same time, he also understood why Yu Ruifeng would be surprised after knowing that Father Gao had given him the name.

   According to Wang Tai, there is only one spot for the Dark Thunder Guard in Xihuang County, and Father Gao directly assigned Leng Shiqi to him. How can he not shock Yu Ruifeng?

  Thirty-six prefectures and counties of the Leiyan Dynasty, except for the headquarters of the imperial city, all thirty-five prefectures and counties have established branches of Dark Thunder Guard and Zhenfu Division.

   also means that there will be a total of 70 people participating in this elite club, and all these 70 people are the future of the Dark Thunder Guard and Zhen Fusi!

   And Leng Seventeen is one of them!

  He said modestly: "Listening to Lord Wang, this elite will surely live up to its reputation. It's just a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Dark Thunder Guard, I may not have this ability even if I have the heart."

   "Master Liu is too modest. Most people who went to the elite meeting in the past were in the spirit-aperture realm, but there has never been a person who can serve as a great supervisor or a big boss in the spirit-aperture realm.

   Mrs. Liu, you are still the first one, so if the Dark Thunder Guard's place is not unexpected, you will be yours. "

   "Haha, then I will borrow brother Wang Jiyan." Leng Shiqi smiled.

   The two talked as they walked. Although they were talking about face-to-face, Leng Shiqi still received some goods.

   After a short while, the two parted ways.

   After Leng Shiqi and Guan Feihong returned to Hanzhou City all the way, he went straight into the room and was about to start studying Feng Thunder God's Fortune Stone!

It's just that he just took out this treasure, there was a little noise around him, so scared that he quickly put away the Feng Lei Shen Yun Shi ~ www.ltnovel.com~ He turned his face to see, I don't know when Jiu Li has actually been. Appeared in the room.

   At this time, far away in Feng Lei Que's treasure chest, Ji Dong was sitting in an extremely complicated formation.

   There was a disk floating in front of him, and there was something similar to a pointer in the disk.

   This formation is the formation that can sense the wind and thunder god's stone movement!

   I saw that Ji Dong's hands were marked with a lot of inspiration, and the disc in front of him also began to continuously rotate.

   Jidong's eyes were fixed on the pointer, but after a long time, the pointer did not mean to stop!

   Seeing this scene, Ji Dong furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes filled with surprise.

   This situation shows that even this formation cannot perceive the location of the Wind and Thunder God's Fortune Stone!

   "Is the distance too far? Shouldn't it, as long as the Wind and Thunder God's Fortune Stone does not leave the range of Xihuang County, it can be perceived...Huh?"

   In Ji Dong's doubts, he suddenly found that the pointer had stopped!

   But he just took a look, and the pointer started to rotate again.

   Although he didn't know what was going on, the pointer did sense the direction of Feng Lei Shen Yun Shi just now!


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