I Fix The System Law

Chapter 114: Surprise

   Leng Shiqi walked to the edge of the Yutai and said loudly: "Head Hong, there is something I don't know if I should say it improperly."

   Hong Guangji, who was about to take people away, had a meal. He didn't expect Leng Shiqi to come out to speak at this critical juncture. But Leng Shiqi was a distinguished guest he personally invited after all, and he was the great supervisor of the Dark Thunder Guard, so face was still to be given.

   Hong Guangji suppressed the anxious emotion in his heart and said, "Master Liu, but it's okay to talk."

  "Head Hong, the reason why we all came to Fengleique was to see the true face of the monster beast, and the spirit of heaven who witnessed the beheading of this monster in public to comfort the innocent people who died in the hands of the monster.

   But at this time, the head of Hong gave the monster out so easily, wouldn't this slayer conference become a joke?

   Did you just let us come here to watch the joke? "

When    Leng Seventeen's words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

   First of all, the relatively low-level spiritual practitioners in Fengleitai are also the most numerous people. They are the first to be unhappy.

   "Master Liu is right. We came all the way from Feng Lei Que to see the execution of the monster beast. You took the monster out in a blink of an eye, then why are we here?"

   "That is, we can come to give you the face of Feng Lei Que, but you left us here. What is the truth!"

   There was a noisy sound from the entire Fengleitai, almost all expressing dissatisfaction with Fengleique.

   Tian Qian, none of these people said anything, because they were a little surprised at the moment.

   It is clear that they are the protagonists today, why suddenly no one pays attention to them?

   Hong Guangji no longer entangled with them, and directly surrendered the monster beast to them. Tian Qian should be very happy, but now it always feels a little weird.

   But seeing Hong Guangji being condemned by everyone, he was still secretly happy.

   Wang Tai looked at Leng Shiqi, and a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

   He asked Leng Shiqi to speak for him, but Hong Guangji had already flinched. Although Wang Tai didn't know the reason, Feng Leique and the people from the Tiancang League should not be able to fight today.

   Wang Tai's mission was also completed, but Leng Seventeen's appearance was tantamount to the face of Feng Lei Que, and he was surprised that He Feng Lei Que had just arrived.

   What was even more surprising was the people on Yutai. Leng Shiqi’s move was undoubtedly involved in grievances with Feng Lei Que. Even if Leng Shiqi was a great supervisor, there was no need to get into the second-rate sect for no reason.

   Of course, Hong Guangji is the most surprised and angry!

   Right now, he was about to rush to the Treasure Pavilion, but Leng Shiqi's words made Hong Guangji a target of public criticism. Now he must not be able to leave in the face of public anger.

   It’s just that Hong Guangji didn’t know why Leng Shiqi had done this. Feng Leique and An Leiwei have always been well-watered and not offending rivers. He didn’t even target over-cold seventeen, and even gave Leng Shiqi full face!

   But if he stays here for a while, the wind and thunder god's luck stone may be lost, and his heart is extremely anxious!

   He had to secretly write down this grudge, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, this matter is indeed my fault. I am here to pay you no wrong.

   But now we do have an extremely urgent matter to deal with, please Haihan. "

   Speaking of this, Hong Guangji hesitated a little, but still said: "All the disciples follow the order and go to the treasure house quickly!"

   Treasure Pavilion?

   Everyone heard these three words, and finally understood, it turned out that something went wrong with Feng Lei Que’s Treasure Pavilion!

   That's why Hong Guangji was so anxious that even the monster beasts gave in, and even the Slaughterhouse Conference was ignored!

   In this way, many people can understand.

   But they are also very curious, what the **** is the idea of ​​daring to beat Feng Lei Que Treasure Pavilion!

   Leng Shiqi saw that Hong Guangji was about to leave, and he said, "So it turns out that I misunderstood the head of Hong. I'm really sorry.

   There is a serious problem with the noble faction, and Xia is willing to help the head of Hong, and I also ask the head of Hong not to dislike the low cultivation base. "

   The steps that Hong Guangji had just taken stopped again. He could no longer guess what medicine was selling in Leng Shishi's gourd, but at this time he didn't bother to guess Leng Shishi's mind.

   He nodded and said, "Master Liu is interested, I am really grateful."

   After that, he hurried to the Treasure Pavilion with a group of Feng Lei Que disciples, and Leng Shi Qi also followed in the crowd.

   As for the rest of the people, some felt that they didn't see what they wanted during this trip and left. Some people are curious as to what happened to Fengleique’s Treasure Pavilion, and they just waited here to see the results.

   It was a bit embarrassing for these people to do it all over the sky. Hong Guangji promised to give them monsters. That's right, but now most of Feng Leique's disciples are not here, and there is no one to greet them!

  They had no choice but to continue standing where they were, and they would return to the monster beast when the matter was over.

  Wang Tai's eyes flickered, and finally he chose to stay here.

   After all, the grievances between Feng Lei Que and the Heavenly Remnant Alliance have not been understood yet, and he can't leave without worry.

   As for those people on the Yutai platform, they also left. They hadn't stood up to speak for Hong Guangji before, and now they have no face to sit here.

   On the other side, Leng Shiqi followed Feng Leique’s disciples and ran towards the treasure pavilion.

   He also held Hong Guangji for a while, and he didn't know if Jiu Li had succeeded.

   When everyone came to the treasure house, they saw a corner of the treasure house suddenly exploded!


   There was a loud noise, and I saw a scorpion-like monster beast with purple awns running around ~www.ltnovel.com~ and rushing into the distance extremely fast.

   is followed by an old man with half sleeves missing, blowing a beard and staring at him. He is Feng Lei Que's great elder Ji Dong!

   Jidong rushed out of the treasure pavilion and saw Hong Guangji and his disciples, and hurriedly shouted: "Quickly, chase! That monster has taken the Fenglei Shen Luck Stone!"

what? !

  All Fengleique disciples, including Hong Guangji, were completely surprised!

  Rao, Hong Guangji, the head of the late Linggang Realm, was also a little panicked, and what he worried most still happened.

   It’s just that he didn’t expect that the monster that stole the Wind and Thunder God’s Fortune Stone was actually the monster he caught back!

   Earlier, Ji Dong had given him a sound transmission, only that someone had broken into the Treasure Pavilion and wanted to take the Wind and Thunder God's Fortune Stone, but he didn't have time to say who it was.

   Hong Guangji was frightened and angry. Shouldn't that monster be trapped in the underground formation? When did it come out?

   But he calmed down immediately and shouted: "All the disciples of the celestial and four realms follow me to chase this demon!"

   Immediately, dozens of people left the crowd and chased Nine away.

   And the voice of Jiu Li also appeared in Leng Shiqi’s mind, "The formation in this Treasure Pavilion is extremely powerful. I am injured. Come and help me later."


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