I Fix The System Law

Chapter 403: Great supervisor


   The collapse of the hall immediately attracted a large number of Dark Thunder Guards, and they quickly gathered to look like enemies.

   However, when they arrived, they didn't find any enemies, and to their surprise, the collapsed hall looked like it was cut open by someone.

   But they didn't feel any knife intent just now?

   What happened here? !

   "Retreat!" Duan Chun suddenly shouted. Although everyone did not know why, they still retreated very obediently.

   Duan Chun re-examined Leng Shiqi again, and the more he looked, the more he realized that he couldn't see through Leng Shiqi.

   His cultivation base has soared at a light age, but he still has such a terrifying strength. No wonder he dares to come to the door so hard, it turns out that his greatest reliance is his strength!

   If you take time and wait for Leng Shiqi to break through to the Linggang realm, can Duan Chun still be able to beat the opponent?

   At this time, a question appeared in Chun's heart. Who is he? !

   Duan Chun also began to doubt the identity of Qi Leng Shiqi. I will not say anything else, just say that the strange knife just now is definitely not something a casual cultivator can teach!

   After dismissing everyone, Duan Chunxin said calmly: "It turns out that your strength is so strong, and the power of this sword is no less than that of Linggang, and it is really a hero.

   But if you shoot me, you are guilty of Dark Thunder Guard. I don’t need to hold accountable for this matter. I can also leave the blame for the things you committed before. In the future, how about you and me? "

   Duan Chun's words are tantamount to making concessions.

   But Leng Shiqi still shook his head, "I said, I'm still very interested in the seat of the Supervisory Officer, why don't you let me sit?"

   Duan Chun's expression became gloomy again, and he said solemnly, "Liu Xingzhi, you have to know that it is only the guilt you committed, even Master Yu can't protect you.

and also! Do you really think I am afraid of you? Even if I kill you here today, I will still be the Great Supervisor of North County! "

   After Leng Shiqi listened to it, he ignored him. Instead, he put away the Demon's War Knife, and muttered in a low voice, "If you count the time, it's time."

   Leng Shiqi made such a weird sentence, which made Duan Chun a little bit wrong.

   Just as he was puzzled, a dark thunder guard hurried over, yelling as he ran: "My lord, my lord Li is here!"

   "What are you panicking! Lord Li? Which Lord Li?"

   The man glanced at Leng Shiqi and walked to Duan Chun's side and whispered: "It's Master Yu's powerful deputy, Master Li Hong!"

   Li Hong is here? !

   Duan Chun couldn't help being surprised. Li Hong was the big red man next to Yu Ruifeng, and even Yu Ruifeng's son, who also had a spiritual cultivation level. According to rumors, Yu Ruifeng also intends to pass the position of the inspector to Li Hong!

   So this Li Hong was not something Duan Chun could offend.

   But how could he suddenly come here?

   Duan Chun looked at Leng Shiqi suspiciously, and then planned to go to meet Li Hong.

   Unexpectedly, Li Hong has actually come in!

   Leng Shiqi and Duan Chun turned their heads at the same time to see that Li Hong's figure is relatively mediocre, but a person full of capable energy, he seems to be about 30 or 40 years old.

   As soon as Li Hong walked in, he saw the collapsed hall called ruins, and couldn't help showing his shock. His eyes turned back and forth between the two, a strange color flashed in his eyes, but he didn't ask much.

   He arched his hands and said, "Master Duan and Master Liu are all here, so I can save myself one more trip."

   Hearing this, Duan Chun's brows suddenly frowned.

   Li Hong actually called them "adults". Although this is a polite and respectful name, Leng Shiqi, the supervisory envoy, shouldn't be called this in front of Li Hong, right?

   Vaguely, Duan Chun felt that things were not that simple.

   Then Li Hong took out a black gold scroll and slowly unfolded it, looking at the scroll from the back, the word "dark" was printed on it.

   Duan Chun was astonished when he saw the black gold scroll, and then he bowed and stood.

   This is a dispatch order that can only be used by the inspector, and it can only be used if something big happens!

   Li Hong cleared his throat and said: "Liu Xingzhi, the supervisory envoy of Lanqi City, has repeatedly made remarkable achievements and outstanding achievements. Today, he is specially designated as the underling of the Dark Leiwei of Xihuang County and the great supervisory envoy of North County!

   Duan Chun, the former Great Supervisor, was transferred to Nanjun. "

   As soon as Li Hong's voice fell, Duan Chun suddenly turned his face to look at Leng Shiqi. His eyes were full of surprise, incomprehension, doubt, and deep fear!

   He wouldn't count it, Yu Ruifeng would let Leng Shiqi come as the Great Supervisor of North County!

  The Great Supervisory Envoy supervises the entire North County, and the jurisdiction covers dozens of cities. It has always been controlled by the masters of the Linggang realm. Now, let Leng Shiqi, the Linggang realm, come to sit?

   Can he sit still!

   But Duan Chun suddenly thought, didn't Leng Shiqi sit on the seat of the supervisor with the spirit pulse realm? Not only quickly became stable, but also made huge profits from it!

  At this moment, he finally understood why Leng Shiqi was so tough and so confident. He also said over and over again that he wanted to be the Great Supervisory Envoy, because he had known that Yu Ruifeng would appoint him as the Great Supervisory Envoy of North County!

   For Duan Chun, although he is flat, but Beijun is the foundation of his business for many years! Even though the southern county is richer than the northern county, it is equivalent to creating a lot of trouble for Duan Chun out of thin air.

   But, no matter how much reluctance he has in his heart, he does not dare to disobey Yu Ruifeng's meaning!

   Duan Chun's eyes flickered, he tentatively asked Li Hong, "Master Li, I don't have any opinion on the level of Nanjun. It's just that some people like me are used to it. I don't know if I can take it to Nanjun?"

   "This..." Li Honglue was in trouble, then he looked at Leng Shiqi and said, "Lord Liu decides."

   Leng Shiqi did not hesitate at all, and opened his mouth and said: "People can take away, but they can't take anything."

   Duan Chun laughed in his heart when he heard it. He laughed coldly. His eyesight only knew the resources, but he didn't know the value of talent!

   Then he snorted with a blank face~www.ltnovel.com~, turned and left.

  He secretly said: "Hmph, I will transfer all the elites in North County, I see what you use to monitor North County!"

   And Leng Shiqi actually hoped that Duan Chun would take as many people away as possible. In this way, he would be able to put in more blood-clothed assassins!

   After this, several people began to transfer power.

   At the same time, Lu Zeming in Luwu City walked around the room anxiously.

   Ever since his adult "Yu Zimo" came back, he has been avoiding people, and many things cannot be determined.

   And the other three Dark Thunder Envoys were gone, so he sent someone to Lan Qi City to check it, but nothing was found!

   All of this is so weird, which is worth thinking about.

   After Lu Zeming hesitated for a while, he resolutely came to the place where the information was passed. He wanted to report all suspicions to the great supervisory envoy, Duan Chun!

   Even though his actions like this are arbitrarily assertive and ultra vires, he still has no choice.

   But when he walked to the Sound Transmission Array, there was an instruction inside, an instruction that horrified him!

   Lu Zeming collapsed to the ground all of a sudden, he knew that they were going to be finished!


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