I Fix The System Law

Chapter 400: audacious in the extreme

   The Five Gods Spirit Deterrence Technique was originally a high-level illusion art from the "Five Gods Flowing Light Technique". Leng Shiqi had already cultivated it to the realm of great success with his own understanding.

   And with his majestic spiritual power and the blessing of Gu God Ring, Yu Zimo, a person at the sixth level of the Spirit Aperture Realm, fell into illusion in an instant!

   This is also the moment when Leng Shiqi caught Yu Zimo's heart failure.

   Yu Zimo was temporarily controlled by the Five Gods Deterring Spirit, Leng Shiqi waved his arms, and hundreds of sword auras rose from behind him.

   And the colors of these sword auras are very strange!

   Each sword aura is red and blue, but the color is very light, it looks a bit translucent.

   Each of these sword auras is a fusion of Chongmai Sword Qi, Frost Sword Qi and Shaoyang Sword Qi, three unique sword auras!

   Every sword aura is comparable to a Tier 5 spiritual skill, but Leng Shiqi turned his hand and spread out hundreds of sword auras!

   Sanjue Sword Qi whizzed and ripped through the sky, and Gu Xiuping, who followed Yu Zimo, was still in a daze when he saw Yu Zimo's deep danger! His expression moved, his fingers flicked, and several fingers hit Yu Zimo first.

   Yu Zimo was attacked by Gu Xiuping, which finally helped him regain a sense of consciousness. Relying on this sense of consciousness, he instantly began to burn his essence and blood, and finally got rid of the illusion of the five gods.

  The fighting power of Yu Zimo, who burned his essence and blood, was comparable to that of the latter stage of the Spirit Aperture Realm, but he did not fight back either, but chose to escape!

   Yu Zimo flipped his hand and took out a spirit sword, and then the water blue sword light rolled upside down, smashing the Sanjue Sword Qi after another. But the sword aura is too much, even if Yu Zimo is also trying to dodge, there are still twenty or thirty sword auras that hit him!

   Sword Qi entered the body, causing Yu Zimo to tremble all over, and a stream of blood spurted from his head up.

   What horrified him even more was that after this weird sword aura entered the body, three completely different forces burst out!

   One of them is as hot as fire, burning his meridians and flesh and blood continuously.

   Another frost like ice, freezing the body.

   There is also a line of meridians that actually sealed his meridian, causing the spiritual power to not flow smoothly!

  What kind of sword spirit is this? !

   Yu Zimo's body is now destroyed in a mess, and his body cannot move for a while.

   His heart is extremely shocked, and he has already given birth to regrets!

   Even if he holds the handle of Leng Seventeen, what he didn't expect was Leng Seventeen's strength!

   Cold Seventeen is too strong! Strong enough to scare him!

   Does he hold on to someone like this?

   Yu Zimo just wanted to hide in Duan Chun after he went back. All these plans for Leng Shiqi were left to Duan Chun to deal with. He himself was powerless.

   It's just that he counts a thousand things, but he didn't count one thing.

   That is Leng Shiqi's courage and Leng Shiqi's determination to kill him!

  Cold seventeen fingers, and a **** thunder with the thickness of an arm roared out, blasting Yu Zimo's head into scum in the blink of an eye!

  Gu Xiuping and the three were stupid in an instant.

   Yu Zimo is dead?

   Yu Zimo actually died!

   They looked at Leng Shiqi's indifferent expression, and their eyes were so wide that they burst out!

   The three of them were frightened by the strength of Leng Seventeen, and even more frightened by the madness of Leng Seventeen!

   Leng Shiqi even dared to kill Yu Zimo, who was also a supervisor. This is in Dark Leiwei’s rules to pay for his life, but he still did.

   What made the Gu Xiuping trio even more frightened was that Leng Shiqi's eyes turned to them!

   Leng Shiqi's eyes were still very calm, calmly looking at the three people as if looking at three lifeless stones.

   "Run!" Gu Xiuping yelled, and then exhausted all his strength, exploding out of the fastest speed in his life to escape from the Dark Thunder Palace.

   However, he just ran two steps and found that he could no longer sell his steps!

   Gu Xiuping looked down. It turned out that there were spider webs on the ground at some point, and the ground in the entire courtyard was like mud, not only making it difficult for him to move, but also slowly sinking him into it!

   This is the Bone Spirit Cobweb Array created by Leng Shiqi's combination of the Gu Spirit spider web and the Earth Hand, designed to trap the enemy.

   is not only Gu Xiuping, but also the other two.

   Leng Shiqi again swayed hundreds of sword auras, and the sword aura rained down like rain, only to hear the screams, Gu Xiuping and three of them died!

   He secretly absorbed the remnants of a few people, frowned and said unhappily: "It's a pity that the meeting room is destroyed after a good meeting."

   And several of Leng Shiqi's subordinates, except Qin Jianchen, all of them were full of shocked expressions!

   They were both surprised at Leng Shiqi's strength, but also at Leng Shiqi's courage!

   Yu Zimo is a supervisor, kill it if you say it?

   A few of them had originally guessed that Leng Shiqi would make a violent shot, but they never thought that Leng Shiqi would make a kill!

   Guan Feihong was the first to wake up. What he is most worried about now is, what should he do next?

  Since people have been killed, they cannot be resurrected. Leng Shiqi killed a supervisory envoy and three dark thunder envoys. The Great Supervisory Envoy of North County, Duan Chun, would certainly not sit back and watch. The next most important thing is to figure out how to deal with Duan Chun!

   Guan Feihong just wanted to speak, but found that Leng Shiqi had actually picked up Yu Zimo's private mustard bag by himself. Seeing his expression, it seemed that he did not take this matter to heart.

   Guan Feihong's mouth was open for a long time, but he didn't say anything.

   He knew very well that Leng Shiqi was not an impulsive person. Since Leng Shiqi did this, he had already thought about the follow-up.

   He only needs to follow Leng Shiqi's orders now~www.ltnovel.com~ After picking up the mustard bag, Leng Shiqi asked: "Where is the Dark Thunder Palace under Yu Zimo?"

   Guan Feihong replied immediately: "In Luwu City, about three hundred miles away."

   "Yeah." Leng said at seventeen o'clock: "Qiu Cheng, Qiao Qian and Qin Jianchen stayed behind and built the conference hall. Laoguan and Gan Ming followed me to Luwu City."

   The five people said in unison: "Humble duty!"

   Then Leng Shiqi rushed to Luwu City with Guan Feihong and Gan Ming.

   Among the few remaining people, Qin Jianchen went straight back to consolidate his cultivation. His role in the Dark Thunder Mansion was to deter Xiao Xiao with force.

   Qiao Qian immediately sent a man to the courtyard to prepare to rebuild the chamber.

   As for Qiu Cheng, all intelligence methods were used to block everything that happened today!

   Two days later, Leng Shiqi and three people came to Luwu City.

  The scale of Luwu City is slightly larger than that of Lanqi City. It is not as remote as Lanqi City, and there are more merchants.

   At this time, Leng Shiqi, Guan Feihong and'Yu Zimo' walked to the door of the Dark Thunder Mansion in Luwu City together.

   ‘Yu Zimo’ put on a very ugly face and walked in, and shouted, "Come on, open the treasury door!"


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