I Fix The System Law

Chapter 262: A flash in the pan

  Leng Shiqi mobilized part of the power that Jiuli lent him, and coupled with the blessing of the beast blood pattern armor and the ghost blood pattern, his cultivation level was directly raised to the spiritual aperture!

   It's just that he just has the spiritual power comparable to the spiritual aperture, but even this is shocking enough.

  The series of changes in him naturally attracted the attention of the public, and everyone who saw him was surprised.

  Everyone is very unfamiliar with his current identity as the "old man surnamed Liu". They have never seen this person before, but he can burst out such a powerful breath? !

  They couldn't help but feel a little confused in their surprise.

  Leng Shiqi's body was surging with demonic energy, demonic energy, blood energy, and holy light, and these mixed and even competing forces could coexist perfectly in his hands.

  Only this hand made Bai Ye, Bing Shang and others who are known as talents feel ashamed.

  As for the black yarn woman, she is not shocked at this moment, but fearful!

  She actually used Leng Shiqi to practice her hands, and then she hated him in her heart. Thinking about it now, how ridiculous she is, if the other party really wanted to kill her, she would have died long ago!

  However, Leng Shiqi had only resentful spirits in his eyes!

  The resentful spirit rushed forward with a deadly breath, and the thick dead breath made him smell a trace of death.

  At this moment, Leng Shiqi did not open his eyes, but closed his eyes instead.

  He felt the majestic power in his body, and attributed the Qinglin knife to the sheath Zheng

  He holds the scabbard in one hand and the handle in the other, he is slowly gathering all his strength.

  All condensed on Qinglin Dao!

  In the eyes of the resentful spirit, Leng Shiqi seemed to have given up resisting, and he smiled even more grimly: "Die, become my blood!"

  The resentful spirit raised its death aura and turned into a horrible mouth that swallowed Cold Seventeen!

  But at this moment, a clear blade of light flashed away.

  The blade of light did not have violent sword energy, nor did it have a violent aura, but a faint intention of opening emerged!

  Under this knife, everything is cut!

  It seems that there can only be this blade of light between this piece of land, and the dying spirit disappears in an instant like a cloud and a moon!

  The resentful spirit still kept the poking posture, but at this moment it was strangely frozen in the air, and even the others were sluggish.

  It's like time is stopped.

  The wraith spirit in the air suddenly shrank a big circle, and the figure became blurred.

  He murmured: "Impossible, impossible!"

  This is not only the idea of ​​grieving spirits, but also the idea of ​​all in the field!

  At the beginning, Leng Shiqi used the cultivation base of the first level of the spiritual vein realm. I don't know what secret method was used, and the cultivation base was actually comparable to the spiritual aperture realm, which shocked them.

   But although everyone was shocked, they were still within the scope of acceptance. For example, He Bo also temporarily reached the cultivation base of the Spirit Aperture Realm by relying on the formation technique.

   But Leng Shiqi’s cut was completely beyond their imagination!

  At that moment, there was nothing in their eyes, as if there was only one knife in the ground!

  They can hardly imagine that a spiritual practitioner in the spiritual realm can swing such a terrifying and amazing knife!

  Don’t go to the Spirit Vessel Realm, even if you are a master of the Ling Aperture Realm, you may not be able to do it, right?

  He Bo’s experience is most obvious. He knows that in his current state, it is impossible to achieve the destructive power of that knife!


  The only voice in the field was Leng Shiqi's upward head spouting a big mouthful of blood!

   Immediately after that, the demon aura on his body disappeared instantly, the beast blood pattern armor, the beast element war pattern, and the ghost blood pattern all faded, and his breath was rapidly wilting!

  Leng Shiqi was half kneeling on the ground, supporting his body with a Qinglin knife.

   With the knife just now, he finally integrated the sword drawing technique into the Zheng of the Moon and Light Slash

  That knife gathered all the spiritual power, devilish energy, and demonic energy in his body, and even contained his spiritual will!

  But he did not explode these forces, but instead compressed them to the extreme!

  Only the moment when the knife is drawn will all burst out!

  However, no matter what state he uses, this knife will instantly drain all his power. So he can only use it once in a battle.

  He called this knife, it was a flash in the pan!

   Leng Shiqi's voice of vomiting blood instantly pulled all the people back, and they all knew that this moment was the best opportunity to severely injure or even destroy the resentful spirit.

  They were too late to be shocked, and they all attacked the closest spire.

   And Bingshang stood beside Leng Shiqi.

  Leng Shiqi gave Bing Shang a grateful look, swallowed an elixir to restore spiritual power, and then took out a pale golden card from the system space.

  He didn't hide it anymore, and the card was activated as soon as his spiritual power moved.

  Immediately, the cards were shattered, and green fluorescence appeared around Leng Shiqi’s body. A wave of energy poured into his body, quickly repairing the broken meridians, making his whole body warm.

  This is exactly the prize he has drawn, the card·Healing Touch!

  The resentful spirit on the other side saw that everyone was destroying the pointed pillar again, and he couldn't care about talking to himself. He was about to stop everyone, but his figure suddenly paused.

  Because he saw the barrier around Meng Zong’s bones, it was gone!

   is Leng Shiqi’s fleeting moment and helped him destroy that barrier!


  Ling Ling burst into laughter, “I also want to thank you for helping me. When I take Meng Zong’s body, you must die!”

what? !

  Everyone including Leng Shiqi was shocked. It turned out that the purpose of the Wraith Spirit had always been to capture Meng Zong's body!

  Leng Shiqi also recalled that when the Wraith Spirit split into two not long ago, the old man with long beard had been attacking Meng Zong's skeleton.

  At first, he thought that the resentment of Meng Zong was too great, and he wanted to frustrate him.

  It seems that everyone has been deceived by the resentful spirit!

  He actually wanted to get the bones of Meng Zong!

  And Leng Shiqi was also a little bit dumbfounded~www.ltnovel.com~ The epiphany that he had realized had severely damaged the wraith spirit, but unexpectedly, it also shattered the invisible barrier around Meng Zong's corpse.

  The barrier had already been destroyed by the resentful spirits, and Leng Shiqi was able to make up for it.

  Ling Ling laughed, and in the blink of an eye he got into Meng Zong's colorful skeleton.

  Seeing this scene, everyone held their breath. They don't know what will happen next, but it will definitely not be a good thing!


   Immediately afterwards, the withered bone suddenly made a slight noise.

  It was just this voice that made many people tremble!

  Then the hollow eyes of Colorful Skeleton suddenly lit up!

  It's just that the colors in the eyes are different.

  There was death in his right eye, but there was a colorful light in his left eye!

   Strangely, that colorful light swallowed death in an instant, and the eyes of the bones became colorful!

  Everyone only heard a terrified scream from the resentful spirit before he died, "You, you are not dead?!"

"Do not!!!"

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