I Fix The System Law

Chapter 258: Resentful spirit

  Humanoid phantoms are exuding all kinds of death and resentment. They don't seem to have any powerful aura, and their body shapes are somewhat distorted, but they give people an invincible feeling.

  Humanoid phantom suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahaha...I finally see the sun again!"

  Weirdly, his voice sounds like it was made by dozens of people!

  There were also several different voices.

   "Kill! Kill! I want to kill!"

  "Vengeance, I want revenge, Meng Zong, I want to kill you!"

   "Hate, I hate! Meng abused me!"

  Leng Shiqi thought that this phantom was a collection of dozens of resentments, probably something like resentful spirits. Before their death, they must contain endless resentments, even after ten thousand years, they are still so strong.

  Before, they did not know how to attach to the pointed pillar and silently sucked the blood of the spiritual practitioners, but they were destroyed by two stone pillars in succession by the Leng Shiqi people, forcing them to come out early.

  Just, who is Meng Zong?

  Bai Ye was surprised, and said, "Meng Zong?! There is a record in this ancient book that Meng Zong is the founding ancestor of the Palace of Dreams of God, and also the master of the Great Palace!"

  Hearing the three words "Grand Palace Master", Leng Shiqi thought of Zhu Shenliu who passed his exercises to him once said "The Grand Palace Master still failed"!

  Since Meng Zong is the great palace lord in his mouth, that is, the originator of the dream palace, what did he do to make people resent him so much, in the end he seemed to fail!

  Alternatively, it was precisely because he failed that he was resented, and even after he died, a resentful spirit was born, but the result came to harm Leng Shiqi.

   "Haha, it will soon become my blood food, and become the nourishment of my flesh. It is an honor for you!"

   "Die, die!"

  The phantom of the Wraith Spirit is still absorbing the blood, and their figure is getting more and more solid, but it is even more crazy.

  He waved his hand and shouted: "Go, go and throw Meng Zong's bones into ashes, so that he will never be restored!"

  Those more than one hundred spiritual practitioners who were still fighting, under the control of the wraith phantom, actually attacked the skeleton at the same time!

  It turns out that the skeleton is Meng Zong!

  It's just that there seems to be an invisible barrier around Meng Zong, and all Rao's attacks fell into nothingness near him!

  Not only that, even the body can't cross half of it.

  While the Wraith Spirit Phantom still controlled the spiritual practitioners to constantly attack Meng Zong, it seemed to really hate Meng Zong.

   But all of a sudden, the ghost ghost looked towards Leng Shiqi.

  At this moment, all the spiritual practitioners who have been in the illusion are besieging the bones of Meng Zong, only Leng Shiqi these people are standing on the side stupidly, this is too eye-catching, and you will not be able to notice

  Leng Shiqi's heart suddenly flashed an excitement, and then he had an idea, and then a crazy and eager look appeared on his face. Immediately, he immediately got into the crowd, and saw a lot of cold air swelling from his side, rushing to Meng Zong's bones.

  He is pretending that he has also been illusioned!

  Leng Shiqi was in a hurry and thought of this method of refilling the number.

  Other people are not stupid, and they all reacted quickly.

  The first thing that reacted was the black gauze woman. As soon as her eyes moved, the expression in her eyes immediately faded and turned into a void, and then rushed towards Meng Zong's bones like Leng Seventeen.

  Followed by Bingshang, Huo Xiao, Bai Ye and others, it is a pity that in the end two of them were a step slower!

  Yin Ling Phantom immediately noticed these two people, his palms were one and one, and Errao's body suddenly exploded, countless blood and pieces of meat flew out, but they flew strangely to the Yin Ling Phantom!

  The mouth of the ghost spirit ghost grew big, and he sucked in the flesh and blood of the two men, and showed a satisfied look, "There are actually two fish that have slipped through the net, so it's a sacrifice."

  When he saw the Wraith Spirit Shadow waving his hands, he easily tortured and killed two spiritual practitioners. Leng Shiqi's heart also sank.

  If this continues, the devotees here will die sooner or later, and in the end he will be dead!

   "You must first help others to dispel the illusion!"

  Leng Shiqi also helped Hua Lingling to get rid of the illusion when he was in the **** mist island. The method he used was to directly use the mental impact to force the illusion.

  However, more than a hundred spiritual practitioners here are performing spiritual skills, and the whole body is raging, and there is no chance to get close.

  Although he has also practiced several illusions, but he does not know how to crack illusions very well.

  He had to whisper to a few people around him, "Do you have a way to crack the illusion?"

  Just now, Leng Shiqi's method of pretending to have been hit by an illusion can be regarded as indirectly saving other people's lives, so the attitude of several other people towards Leng Shishi is very good.

  Huo Xiao replied first: "There are very few sects who practice illusion, and there is no one in Donglin County, so no one has to study how to crack illusion."

  Bai Ye continued: "The self-defense thing that the division gave me can resist illusion, but I have never heard of the method to crack illusion."

  The black yarn woman hesitated and said: "I have seen a battle between spiritual practitioners who are proficient in illusionism. I only heard a way from their words."

  Leng Shiqi glanced at the black yarn woman in a slightly surprised way~www.ltnovel.com~ He found that this woman's knowledge was really extraordinary.

  The black gauze woman continued: "That is to apply another illusion to the caster, and the future illusion will replace the previous one, and then the caster can cancel the illusion.

  However, this method is only hearsay and cannot guarantee success. Besides, there are no spiritual practitioners who are proficient in illusion. "

  Leng Shiqi's eyes quickly flashed a hint of hesitation, but then he sat cross-legged and said: "I have a way, please help me protect the law!"

  Hearing this, everyone was shocked, including Bing Shang.

  Bingshang has seen Leng Shiqi use many kinds of spiritual skills, but I don’t know that he can also illusion?

   But since Leng Shiqi was like this, he must have a way. Bing Shang was the first to stand beside Leng Shiqi and protect him.

  Others did not hesitate much, the best way now is to help everyone dispel the illusion, and then use the power of everyone to kill the ghost ghost.

  When they were at a loss, Leng Shiqi had a way to dispel the illusion. At this moment, they could only choose to believe him.

  The remaining people immediately formed a circle, shielding Leng Shiqi in the middle, covering his figure.

  And Leng Shiqi closed his eyes and called out the system. He wants to promote his newly learned spiritual skill "Flowers Like Falling" to Dzogchen!

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