I Fix The System Law

Chapter 244: Power of fist

  Tang Yuansuo's thing is also the headache of Leng Shiqisuo.

  The Thunder Destruction Array he placed cannot move, and he consumes spiritual power all the time. If they can't escape, it is impossible for him to maintain the Thunder Destruction Array.

   But if there is no support from the Lei Mie Array, he is not sure that he will kill Errao, if someone escapes, his information will be leaked out!

When he thought of this, Leng Shiqi's eyes rolled and he whispered: "I am too greedy. Since I have killed Cao Mang, he has the resources of three spiritual practitioners alone. It's already a big profit.

  What's more, the two inside have never seen my appearance, so I turned around and left. "

  Next, Leng Shiqi first dragged three mustard bags on Cao Mang's body, and then he lifted the Lei Mie array and immediately ran out of the hall.

   Both Tang Yuan and Liu Can were a little confused. They also heard what Leng Shiqisuo said, and then they remembered that all the valuable things belonged to Cao Mang!

The opponent killed Cao Mang not only obtained the remaining resources accumulated by the three spiritual practitioners, but also included a magical dream stone, a powerful broken sword, and the treasure that Cao Mang had just discovered in the side hall. !

  Now that the other party ran away with so many resources, they are still hiding here like a fool.

  Tang Yuan and Liu Can's faces were as black as iron pots.

  Tang Yuan bitterly said: "Damn it, it was put on by that person!"

  He walked out of the side hall afterwards, but Liu Can thought of something. He opened his mouth and thought, "Does the other party deliberately lead them out by doing this?"

   But seeing that Tang Yuan had already walked out, he swallowed back what he had said.

  The two returned to the main hall and immediately saw Cao Mang’s charcoal-like body.

  Tang Yuan sneered: "Hmph, hand over the baby early. The three of us can kill Luo Yi together. Why are you afraid of this person? You won't end up like this, you deserve it."

  Liu Can first looked around and found nothing unusual before asking, "Brother Tang, where are we going next?"

  Tang Yuan said with a sullen face: "Oh, it's really bad luck. After most of the fight, I didn't get anything. Let's go and meet the same door first. You can do things with confidence."

  The two walked out of the hall side by side, but what none of them expected was that a demon-like figure stood upside down above the hall door!

  This figure is wearing a hideous black armor, and blood is still flowing on the armor, but he has a pair of white eyes!

  Looking at Tang Yuan and Liu Can with endless murderous in those eyes!

  Tang Yuan and Liu Can are also experienced spiritual practitioners, and their figures were at the same time and they became vigilant, obviously also aware of the killing intent.

  But what they didn’t notice was that the killing intent came from above!

  Leng Shiqi didn't actually leave the cluster after disarming the Lei Mie array, but hid here and waited for the two.

  Under the white eyes, the two of them did not take long to come out, and he opened the Warcraft Armor and was ready to go!

  At this moment, Leng Shiqi finally waited for the best chance. He made a fist with his right hand, a palm with his left, and dropped both fists and palms at the same time.

  Fisted, there was a tiger roaring the forest stepping through the sea.

   Palm out, the magic flame is raging, melt everything!

  Tang Yuan Liu Can suddenly raised his head, seeing the palm of his fist falling, they also fisted back one after another while horrified.

   Tang Yuan's punch was wrapped in a strong yellow brilliance, as heavy as Mount Tai.

  Liu Can’s palm is as cold as the winter wind, making people feel like a knife!

  Double fists and both palms were directly facing each other. With the three of them as the center, violent spiritual power fluctuations were set off within a radius of more than ten meters, and even the jade pillar in front of the hall broke and collapsed!

   Tiger Treading Fist The gray tiger phantom completely suppressed Tang Yuan, it seemed that the tiger had taken the mountain as king.

  While the poisonous palm of the six suns and Liu Can’s palm strength are in conflict, the magic flame and the cold wind burst out bursts of harsh statements, but the magic flame is still ten feet tall!

  These two spiritual cultivators were actually held down by Leng Shiqi!

  The floor under the two of them was cracked inch by inch, their faces became extremely pale, and even their feet were caught in the face of the rain!

  An incredible thought emerged in their hearts at the same time: "Who is this Randi!"

  He is obviously also the cultivation base of the early spiritual stage, and even only the first level of the spiritual stage, why is the power base stronger than the two of them combined!

  They certainly wouldn’t know that the spiritual power in Leng Seventeen’s body is a fusion of demon spiritual power and demon spiritual power as a whole. The basis of spiritual power alone is enough to be comparable to the three levels of spiritual veins!

Tang Yuan stubbornly carried the Tiger Treading Fist, and said with difficulty: "Your Excellency, why do we have our swords facing each other without grievances or hatreds? Besides, the two of us have not found anything at all. On the contrary, there was a spiritual practitioner who searched for a lot of treasures, even There is also a magical spirit stone!"

  Leng Shiqi sneered when he heard the words.

  Tang Yuan didn’t know that the spiritual practitioner in his mouth was actually Leng Shiqi!

   "Boom boom..."

Hearing only a roar, Tang Yuan and Liu Can used their spiritual power to confront the enemy, the evil spirits in their bodies began to raging again, and they could no longer support being rushed out by Leng Shiqi, dragging a long ravine on the ground. .

The corners of Errao's mouth were full of blood, and the clothes on her body were even more tattered, especially Liu Can's body trembling as he was burned by the poisonous flames.

  In contrast, Leng Seventeen only had a few cracks in the cuff on his arm!

  Successfully judge!

  Leng Shiqi had gained power and was not forgiving. He held the Qinglin knife in his hand, but the spirit knife was not out of the sheath.

  He lifted the knife and walked slowly ~www.ltnovel.com~ He took this opportunity to try again to integrate the sword drawing technique into the full moon.

  Tang Yuan and Liu Can are ashamed at the moment. They actually had their own cards, but they used them when they joined forces to kill Luo Yi. Now they are in danger and they are a little bit helpless.

   Tang Yuan's heart moved, he blasted a punch again, but the target of this punch was not Leng Shiqi, but Liu Can beside him!

  This punch did not have much power, but it blasted Liu Can's body in the direction of Leng Shiqi, while Tang Yuan fled to the foot of the mountain with all his strength.

  Liu Can never dreamed that he would encounter the same situation as Luo Yi and be betrayed by the same family!

  Seeing this scene, Leng Shiqi was happy in his heart. If the two of them had joined hands to fight to the death, he would have to use all his best to be able to kill all of them. Now it is not beautiful to send a head directly.

  Liu Can, who was blasted into the air, had almost no room to fight back. Leng Shiqi's figure grew rapidly and came to Liu Can in an instant.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw an extremely thin but shining blade flashing away!

  And Liu Can's head was chopped down flat!

   Leng Shiqi murmured: "Almost, or almost..."

   Then his eyes locked on Tang Yuan, who had only one back left, and took out a pale golden longbow.

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