I Fix The System Law

Chapter 232: Grandpa with you

  The next day, Leng Shiqi continued to wander around the city with Jiu Li, and he was also specifically inquiring about Lin Hui's martial arts hall. He really found some clues after inquiring.

  This Shiyicheng is different from Shangyang City. There are no market gangs here, and some are full of martial arts.

  Basically, these martial arts halls were established by casual practitioners, and they did not have any masters, nor did they pass down clever spiritual skills, but the martial arts halls have always been hot business.

  That's because the martial arts hall can help you get started and give you tips on your exercises or spiritual skills.

  What casual practitioners lack most is not only the spiritual skills, but also don’t give me advice!

  You got a good exercise by chance, but what's the use of your difficulty in practicing?

  In the martial arts gym, you only need to pay a certain amount of remuneration to get the corresponding guidance.

  And different martial arts are good at different aspects, there will always be something for you!

  Leng Shiqi also secretly sighed that they really know how to do business when they heard the news. This can be a worthless business.

  There are three martial arts halls with the best reputation and the strongest in Shiyicheng, and Lin Hui Wuguan is one of them.

  At the same time, Lin Hui, the curator of Spiritual Realm Cultivation, is also a popular candidate to win the magic palace order this time!

  And Leng Shiqi’s mission is to assassinate Lin Hui’s only son, Lin Ying!

  It is well known that Lin Hui loves this only son very much. At this critical period, some people want Lin Ying to die, and they have nothing to do with the fight for the magic palace.

  He estimated that this employer might be one of the other two martial arts gymnasiums, Li's martial arts gym and Xu's martial arts gym.

  After finding out the location of Lin Hui's martial arts hall, Leng Shiqi walked around Lin Hui's martial arts hall and opened all the maps of the martial arts hall.

   Jiu Li said: "Is it necessary to be so troublesome? With your strength, even if you directly rush into and kill Lin Ying, you can retreat all over."

  Leng Shiqi shook his head and said: "I can do this, but isn't the senior curious? Lin Hui is one of the hottest contestants for the magic palace order, so why would anyone assassinate his son?

  If his son is dead, Lin Hui won't participate in the battle for the magic palace order? Furthermore, if I killed Lin Ying directly, I would have to return to hand in the task. "

   "No way, no way, I haven't visited enough yet."

   Leng Shiqi smiled secretly, this great demon, who had lived for hundreds of years, occasionally had a childish mentality.

   Then Leng Shiqi's eyes closed and opened, and his eyes instantly turned blue and white.

   Roll your eyes, open!

   With the help of his eyes and the hands of the earth, Leng Shiqi sneaked into the Lin Hui Martial Arts Hall under Guanghua Day, and was not noticed by anyone!

  In front of the remote yard of Lin Huiwu Hall, a servant walked into the yard carrying a lunch box.



  As soon as he entered the yard, he heard bursts of shouts from the courtyard, but he had become accustomed to it. He went straight to the stone table in the courtyard and put the lunch box on it.

  At this time, he turned his head and looked at the boy who was still beating the stake.

  The boy looked only sixteen or seventeen years old. His whole body was soaked in sweat, and even the ground was wet with sweat drops.

  However, the young man continued to beat the stakes resolutely, and he never even noticed the person coming in.

There was a bit of sarcasm in the eyes of the subordinates, and they murmured: "Waste is waste. What is the use of hard work? I wasted so many resources in vain, that is, life is good."

  He walked directly out of the courtyard after he finished.

  What he didn't know was that under the shadow of the courtyard, there was a person hiding.

   "Senior Jiu Li, what's the situation with Lin Ying?" Leng Shiqi asked.

   Jiu Li did not immediately answer. After a few breaths, she said, “It’s a bit strange. Lin Ying’s cultivation gift is actually pretty good. He opened up a sea of ​​Qi and became a pure spiritual realm two years ago.

  But there is another bizarre force in his body that is constantly devouring his aura. So no matter how hard he cultivates, he will always only be at the level of the pure spiritual realm. "

  Leng Shiqi nodded clearly when he heard the words, he could see that there was a problem with Lin Ying's aura through his eyes, but he could not see it so thoroughly.

  He said: "That is to say, he has practiced hard and consumed a lot of resources for the past two years, and the spiritual energy he cultivated has actually been looted."

   "It can be the same."

Leng Shiqi thoughtfully said: "So he also lost the name of a waste. He broke through to the pure spirit realm in the previous two years. Flatter it.

  From a height, suddenly fell into the abyss, it is rare that he can maintain such a firm will to practice. "

   Nine bizarre words: "Why, you assassin are still soft-hearted?"

   "It's not, it's just a bit curious. Senior, can you see where the power in his body comes from?"

   Jiuli felt for a while and then said: "Well...it seems to be the ring on his right index finger!"


  Leng Shiqi's face showed a look of interest.

  I became a waste from one person, and I was discriminated against, and there is a ring on his body that absorbs his aura?

  I'm afraid there is an old grandfather hidden in this ring!

  Leng Shiqi thought the more it was possible, so he decided to try it out first!

   Soon Leng Shiqi quietly emerged from the ground, he stretched out his finger and lightly tapped an invisible sword energy.

  This Chongmai Sword Qi is terrifying with the cultivation of his spiritual veins, if it hits it, it will take Lin Ying's life.

  He is testing, if it is as he expected, then Lin Ying has a secret ~www.ltnovel.com~, she will definitely not die so easily.

  Of course, if he guessed wrong, he will complete the task along the way, and he will not lose anyway.

  The invisible rushing sword energy tore through the sky and shot towards Lin Ying's heart, but when the sword energy came, Lin Ying suddenly rose from behind!

  The grey air wrapped the Chongmai Jianqi in, and the Jianqi dissipated by itself!

   "Sure enough!"

  When Lin Ying arrived at this time, she stopped with hindsight and turned her head to look. He seemed to feel a burst of air behind him just now, but when she turned her head, there was nothing?

   and Jiu Li solemnly said: "He has a part of the remnant soul!"

   "Remnant Soul?"

   "Well, I want to come as a secret escape method used by a strong man before he died, sealing part of his remnant soul in the ring, waiting for the opportunity to find the method of rebirth."

   Leng Shiqi could not help but wonder: "Rebirth! Is it so mysterious?"

   Jiu Li disdainfully said: "Huh, ignorant, the methods of those strong are far from what you can imagine, but Lin Ying's ring is just a ray of remnant soul, there is no possibility of resurrection.

  He is very likely to use Lin Ying to find other remnants of the soul, and then try to resurrect.

  What a pity, he met me! "

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