I Fix The System Law

Chapter 224: Puzzle

When Leng Shiqi was about to consolidate his cultivation base, Jiu Li said: "Take out the demon soul spar, it will also help you consolidate your cultivation base. I will help you control the dozens of Tier 3 monster injuries. I have gained some vitality, and I should make up for it."

   Leng Shiqi obediently took the demon soul spar out of the system space after hearing this, but immediately he was shocked, because he could no longer call the system!

  The system has entered an upgraded state, and he could not use the system for ten hours. The moment he took out the Demon Soul Spar, the system automatically shut down!

  Yes, Leng Shiqi can be obtained but cannot be collected.

   "Forget it, then just practice ten here." Leng Shiqi secretly decided.

   However, what Jiu Li said just now made Leng Shiqi a little puzzled. He remembered that it hadn’t been long in the spirit spring, but how long did Jiu Li control the Tier 3 monsters there?

   So he asked: "Senior Jiu Li, this junior has a few doubts, I hope seniors can solve them."

  Jiu Li took out the demon soul spar in Leng Shiqi and ran underneath the spar, and began to puff out the demon qi from the spar. At the moment, she seemed to be in a good mood, and she said, "Ask."

   "Senior Jiu Li, how long have I been in Lingquan?" Leng Shiqi asked this question.

   Jiu Li squinted his eyes and said, "Well, maybe it's almost four."

  Four? !

  Leng Shiqi was a little bit unbelievable, it didn't take long in his opinion.

   Jiuli continued: "Or do you think Lao Diao will come back suddenly?"

   "It turns out that this time the younger generation can break through to the spiritual vein realm. It depends on the senior Jiu Li taking me to Lingquan and helping the younger generation to buy time. This kind of affection younger generation will remember in his heart." Leng Shiqi said in a sincere tone.

  Regardless of the reason why Jiu Li signed an equal blood contract with him at the beginning, no matter what Jiu Li's intentions were against him, it did help him this time.

   Jiu Li said a little impatiently: "Okay, my old lady is the most annoying of your human race's hypocrisy, wait for you to recover and get a demon pill for my old lady!"

   Leng Shiqi touched his nose, a little embarrassed, he finally got a **** in exchange for being sincere.

  However, he continued to ask, "Ah, there is still something unknown for the junior. The spirit spring of the mixed demon mysterious sable seems a bit weird. When the junior was practicing, a monster suddenly appeared in his body!"

   Jiu Li said strangely: "I've seen this a long time ago. In fact, you have already practiced the techniques related to monsters, and you already have part of the monster blood in your body, otherwise you won't be able to collect the monster soul spar.

  Previously, you and I signed an equal blood contract. With a part of my soul power, it inspires your demon blood. Then you have borrowed my power. Although that power has dissipated, some of the remaining demon power has penetrated into your spiritual power.

  The most important thing is the spirit spring!

  It has been almost two to three hundred years since Lao Diao got Lingquan. During this period, it has been playing around Lingquan to make it more suitable for his cultivation. So there will definitely be a lot of demon powers in it, and under these points, you won't be able to pass the demon spiritual power without birth. "

  Here, Leng Shiqi nodded secretly, which is a bit like when he was possessed by a demon, he had an extra magical power in his body.

   "Thank you, senior, for your confusion."

   "Okay, don't bother me, anyway, you have solved it by yourself." Jiu Li closed his eyes and ignored him.

  Leng Shiqi had no more doubts in his mind, but at this time he discovered another problem!

   He looked down, and immediately found something wrong, which he had never cared too much about.

  That is, big!

  Originally, the demon soul spar automatically floated in the air and was exactly equal to his size, but now the spar only reached his shoulder!

  In other words, he has grown taller.

  The reason why Leng Shiqi had only reacted until now was that he was not unfamiliar with this height, which was the height he reached only after he opened the spirit market beast king's beast element war pattern.

   "Didn't I remove the beast element war pattern?"

  But he clearly remembered that after he was out of danger, he put away the beast element battle armor, and then he closed his eyes and looked inside. He was startled by this look.

  It turns out that the beast element war pattern of the spirit market beast king behind him has disappeared!

  Leng Shiqi was stunned for a moment, but quickly calmed down, his eyes flashed sharply, and then he thoughtfully condensed a piece of ice with cold air.

  He took off his shirt and looked at the sturdy muscles on his body and arms, and the face that became more mature and resolute, he seemed to understand.

The   Lingxu Beastmaster’s beast element battle pattern has not disappeared, but is permanently opened!

  Or yes, completely blend into his body!

  This change was unexpected by Leng Shiqi. He secretly said: "This may be the effect of the fusion of the exercises. In short, it is a good thing. You don't have to pretend to be an old man in the future.

  Furthermore, there is an extra place for the fusion beast element war pattern!

  It’s just a change in this head, we still have to think about how to deal with the school of acquaintance.

   figured out everything, Leng Shiqi was finally immersed in cultivation.

  This practice is five hours!

  He used the five generals' spiritual veins to completely consolidate the cultivation base, and his injuries have been controlled, but he has to rest for a few minutes to heal completely.

At this moment, Jiu Li opened his eyes with feeling, and stared straight at Leng Shiqi: "With your current strength, hunting the second-order monster beasts is easy, so quickly get some second-order monster pills. ."

  She’s been waiting for this long enough~www.ltnovel.com~ If it weren’t for her fear of exposing herself and wasting her strength, she would have done it herself.

  However, Leng Shiqi did not answer. Instead, he took out an exquisite cloth bag from the mustard bag. He opened the cloth bag, and there were dozens of Tier 2 Demon Pills inside!

  These monster pills were left by the Tier 2 monster beasts he hunted since he entered the monster mountain range, and he kept it for the purpose of melting the beast's original battle pattern.

   But now these second-order demon pill he has a little look down on.

  Jiu Li's two mung bean eyes widened suddenly, "What a cold seventeen, your feelings have been hidden!"

  Leng Shiqi hadn’t had time to speak before he saw Jiuli’s mouth, and those dozens of demon pills were swallowed by her!

   Immediately after Jiu Li's body began to sway in a daze, she said: "I'm going to sleep for a while, don't cause trouble."

  After she finished, she lay down on Lin.

   Leng Shiqi picked it up, thinking that he was holding a seventh-order big monster in his hand, and he was a little tranced. Then he shook his head and stuffed Jiu Li directly into his arms.

  He was very happy when Jiuli was sleeping, and the system would be successfully upgraded after five. Jiuli seemed to wake up internally in a short time, which gave him the opportunity to hide the system.

  Next, he planned to practice the spiritual skills that only the spirit vein realm could touch in the Blood Killing Seven Evil Battle.

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