I Fix The System Law

Chapter 217: Who are you

  Leng Shishi used his eyes to see that there was something beneath the scorpion transforming from the soul!

  There is a strange spiritual power group deep underground.

  In his eyes, the spiritual power in the spiritual practitioner and the monster beast showed blue, but the spiritual power in the underground turned out to be green!

  The green spirit power is not weaker than Xie Pengyu, and it is obvious that it is not a living thing!

  Leng Seventeen This feels weird. Isn't the living thing actually containing such terrifying spiritual power?

  In addition to this thing, there was an aura that was weaker than him beside him, like a Tier 2 monster.

   "The green aura should be the treasure pointed to by the treasure hunting plate!"

  Leng Shiqi quietly observed the battle between the two sects. These people are all cultivation bases of the four realms of human beings, and the momentum of the fight now is huge.

  Especially those great masters who are in one realm. They fought to shake the center of the mountain! Leng Shiqi sank deeply into the ground, spared more than half of the circle, and bypassed these fierce spiritual practitioners to explore the treasure.

  For a while, Leng Shiqi's feet suddenly disappeared!

  He suddenly discovered that a dark cave was hidden underground!

  As soon as he arrived in the cave, he immediately smelled a faint fishy smell, but he didn't care, because the treasure pointed to by the treasure hunting plate was not far from him!

  Leng Shiqi turned two turns and came to a slightly open area. Before he got closer, he could see a flash of green light flickering.

  He stepped forward and saw a half-person-high diamond-shaped green spar floating in the air, and the green light was emitted from this crystal.

  Leng Shiqi felt the familiar aura in the green spar, and the green light that radiated from submerged into his body actually resonated somewhat with the beast element war pattern on his body!

   "It's definitely a good thing!"

  And beside the spar there was a scorpion with a big palm, Leng Shiqi knew that this was the second-order monster. A large amount of cold air condensed in his palm to temporarily freeze the scorpion, but he had not killed it yet.

  Because of his top priority, he still has to collect the spar first!

  However, when he approached the green spar, a dazzling green light suddenly appeared on the spar, and the green light seemed to lift Leng Shiqi away from it!


   Leng Shiqi hit the stone wall behind him. He did not suffer any injuries, but he knew that this green spar might not be so easy to collect.

  To collect spar, either put it in a mustard bag or put it in the system space.

  Leng Shiqi thinks that this thing is extraordinary, and the mustard bag may not be able to bear it, and it is better to put it directly into the system space for insurance.

   But if he wants to receive the system space, he must touch the spar with both hands to adjust

   Soon, Leng Shiqi gritted his teeth, his bones creaked, his body shape became strong in an instant, and a pair of auburn armor appeared all over his body!

  His body arched slightly, and then he leaped out like a sharp arrow from the string!

  In an instant, he came to the green spar. He stretched out his hands to hold the spar, but the green light burst out from the spar again.

   Strangely, this time the green light did not shoot him flying, but instead wrapped him gently like cotton.

  Cold seventeen times, feeling warm all over, and green light penetrated into his body.

  Part of these green lights melted into his flesh and blood, and part of them got into his spiritual space!

  At this time, Leng Shiqi had no time to carefully understand whether the green light was beneficial or harmful to him, because his hands had touched the green spar!

   Immediately after his mind moved, the green spar directly disappeared, and he was included in the system space.



  Leng Shiqi took a breath. Although he still didn't know what the use of this spar was, he finally got the treasure, and there will be time to study it slowly in the future.

   Just when Leng Shiqi was about to kill the scorpion next to him and then leave, a cold suddenly fell behind him, and he was secretly shocked.

  At this moment, there was an enchanting and charming woman behind him, who was staring at Leng Shiqi with a pair of emotionless purple eyes!

  She is the seventh-order big demon scorpion!

  It's just that at this time, the scorpion from the soul has many scars, and there is still a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth.

  Leng Shiqi’s body became a little stiff, he turned his head with difficulty, and when he saw this woman, his brain exploded with a blast, making him blank, and exploding him to death!

  Lixun’s horrifying scorpion's eyes burst into a gorgeous purple light, Leng Shiqi felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he found that his body could not move!

   Immediately a fascinating voice appeared in his ear, "Human son is carrying demon blood. It seems that he has also practiced the technique of devouring monsters."

  Leng Seventeen At this time, for the first time, Ruci hated "Beast Origin Demon Breaking Technique", how much he wanted to fight to death, but now he has no ability to open his mouth.

  Lixun Soul Scorpion walked to Leng Shiqi’s face, and poked his face with a finger, with a look of interest in his eyes.

  The beautiful face was right in front of Leng Shiqi's eyes, but there was only terror in his heart, but he didn't give up, and he was quickly looking for a way to get out.

  At this time, Lixun Soul Scorpion didn't kill him, it shows that he still has a certain value.

   "It's weird that you can collect the Demon Soul Spar, but... it's fine."

  Leng Shiqi didn't know what she meant by "Ye Hao", but he knew that Lixunxuan Po Scorpion was about to attack him.

   Seeing Lixun Scorpion force a drop of blood from her fingertips~www.ltnovel.com~ Then she used blood to volley out a complicated and strange pattern.

   Lixun's Deterrence Scorpion murmured: "You planted the blood contract of the demon slave, and became my slave is your good fortune."

  Leng Shiqi was shocked when he heard this, if he was really planted by this demon slave blood bond, he might be enslaved by the scorpion lock of the soul-scarce in this life!

  However, he has no way to stop it!

  After all, he is still too weak.

With a single tap of the scorpion jade finger, the blood bond was printed on Leng Shiqi’s body, and then he felt a strange energy pouring into his countless blood, and even a trace of it penetrated His spiritual space.

  Leng Seventeen is like a fish on a chopping board, letting it be slaughtered by a scorpion.

   However, what was beyond the expectations of Leng Shiqi and Li Hun Pousou Scorpion was that after a long while, nothing strange happened to Leng Shiqi?

  The power is like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing!

  Rao is Li Soul Frightening Soul Scorpion, the big demon was shocked.

   "Failed? How is it possible!"

  Lixun Soul Scorpion directly grabbed Leng Shiqi, the essence of purple light in his eyes seemed to see him through.

   "Who are you?!"

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