I Fix The System Law

Chapter 212: In danger

  When it comes to swordsmanship, the only thing Leng Shiqi can handle is that the chaotic flowers are gradually becoming charming.

  But this is one of the tricks to press the bottom of the box, and it consumes a lot of aura, so of course it can’t be used as a normal sword technique.

   But apart from this trick, there are only Chongmai Jianqi and Hanshuang Jianqi.

   Although these two sword auras are also third-order spiritual skills, their ranks are not low. But embarrassingly, the opponents Leng Shiqi faced were either much stronger or much weaker than him.

  Chongmai Jianqi and Hanshuang Jianqi can only play the role of icing on the cake.

  Now that he has practiced "Songshan Fast and Slow Seventeen Way Swordsmanship", he finally has a high-level swordsmanship that can face the enemy head-on.

   After clearing up his mood, Leng Shiqi continued to look down.

  Wings·Volley is a pair of palm-sized white wings. He took a close look at the system's Ming, and immediately put the thing away wingedly.

  If used well, this thing might save his life! It can be regarded as one of his hole cards!

  As for the last prize, the flower shape, Leng Shiqi was a little confused.

  This twisting flower image obviously belongs to the Buddhism, but Leng Shiqi was puzzled that this is not a spiritual skill or a secret method, but more like a mental method.

  A mental method that can suppress evil thoughts and purify the mind.

  Leng Shiqi learned with skill points and found that the twisting phase is also like the Breath-holding Technique and the Distraction Jue, and there is no division of cultivation realm.

   Then he picked up the flower shape, his right hand held the flower shape, and his left palm was placed under his right hand. A faint Buddha light appeared on his body, making him a bit solemn and holy.

  And Leng Shiqi himself felt that his mind suddenly became clear, there was a feeling of wantlessness, and even the eagerness to break through the spiritual realm disappeared a lot.

  For a moment, Leng Shiqi relieved the twisting of the flower phase, and felt a little more relaxed in his heart, and he felt a little lighter about breaking through the spiritual vein.

   But other than that, there is no effect.

  He has never seen such a magical secret method, and whispered: "It's really amazing."

  But at this time Leng Shiqi suddenly remembered one thing, that is, there seems to be no Buddhism practice in this world, and no sect of Buddhism!

  Since he can draw the mind of Buddhism from the system, he may be able to reproduce the Buddha's light in this alien world in the future!

  After counting all the prizes that are available, Leng Shiqi's heart can be filled with sadness and joy.

  The natural joy is that these prizes have indeed increased his strength and potential, but unfortunately, none of them can help him break through the spiritual realm in a short time!

  Cold Seventeen This is a bit of a headache. Since the lottery can't help him, he can think of other ways.

  Because of counting these prizes, Leng Shiqi realized that he had a useful prize when he had a lottery draw in Shangyang City before. He has not used it until now.

  Next, Leng Shiqi took out a palm-sized brown disc from the mustard bag, which looked a little shabby.

  This is the treasure hunting board!

  Treasure Detecting Disk can lock some treasures around, but the quality of treasures that can be locked depends on luck.

  People are all monsters. There are also many treasures in the mountains, so you can try your luck.

  Leng Shiqi was holding the treasure hunting tray in his eyes, and a look of hope appeared in his eyes. Now this treasure hunting tray can be his last hope!

   Then he injected spiritual power to activate the treasure hunting disc, and different colors such as white, green, and blue flashed on the disc.

  Finally locked on a purple light!

   Leng Shiqi's heart moved. Although he didn't know what level of treasure the purple light represented, it was definitely not low.

  Then the purple light on the disc condensed into the shape of an arrow, pointing in a direction.

  But Leng Shiqi frowned, because that direction pointed to the inner circumference of the Demon Mountain Range!

  The inner circle is not a place where he can get involved.

  However, he can also understand that the periphery of the Demon Mountain Range has always had the most spiritual practitioners. After thousands of years of circulation, even some treasures in the periphery have long been hollowed out.

  But he was still a little bit embarrassed to enter the inner circle. He almost turned into a ditch when dealing with a heavy ground-bound rat. Isn't he rushing into the inner circle to look for death?

   "Hey, that's not right, maybe there is a chance!"

  Leng Shiqi was hesitating, he suddenly thought of the three people led by Lei Yuanwu!

The   City Guards cleared and suppressed the monsters, and Lei Yuanwu took the lead to slaughter the Tier 3 monsters, but they might not be satisfied with solving the Tier 3 monsters on the periphery, they are likely to enter the inner circle.

  "If they have entered the inner circle, they may not be as dangerous as they imagined. Besides, I have the hands of the earth and white eyes. It might be feasible if I just go to get treasures!

  In case the treasure is guarded by monsters, I will turn around and go to think of other ways. "Thinking of this, Leng Shiqi felt that he could take this trip.

  Since he made up his mind, Leng Shiqi was also unambiguous. He simply cleaned up and proceeded directly from the underground in the direction pointed out by the treasure hunting tray.

  It’s just that the speed in the underground is not fast, and it will continue to consume spiritual power, but for the sake of safety, Leng Seventeen chose this way.

  The outer area of ​​the Monster Mountain Range is very large, and Leng Shiqi has reached the junction of the outer and inner walls at this speed until the second neighbor.

After   , Leng Shiqi was even more worried. He opened his eyes all the time, thinking that as long as he encountered a monster of Tier 3 or higher, he would immediately bypass it.

  Although he can use the hand of the earth to escape, but high-level monsters are all magical methods.

  For example, the last time he was chased by the head of Sikong~www.ltnovel.com~, the Starry Night Wolf King could clearly sense that Leng Shiqi's breath was underground.

  And the ground-bound mouse can also escape directly, and the speed of escape is much faster than him!

  So even if he hides underground, he is not very safe!

  Leng Shiqi entered the inner circle wingedly, and all of his hearts were raised in his throat.

  However, an hour passed, and a strange look appeared on Leng Shiqi's face.

  Because he hasn’t even seen a monster beast in the past hour!

   And he still had his eyes open, and a large area was in his field of vision, and he still did not find a monster!

  "Could it be that the monster beasts in the surrounding area were also wiped out by Lei Yuanwu and others?


  There are not only Tier 3 monsters but also Tier 4 and Tier 5 monsters! Even those people from Lei Yuanwu had to retreat when they encountered Tier 5 monsters!

  Why is the inner circle so strangely quiet? "

  Leng Shiqi was puzzled, but it was a wonderful thing that no monsters came to him inside.

   Then he continued to move in the direction pointed out by the treasure hunting tray, but gradually he felt more and more wrong!

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