I Fix The System Law

Chapter 207: Qing Suppress Monster Beast

  At noon the next day, nearly two thousand city guards gathered in the large square of the town demon city, including the leader Lei Yuanwu and two deputy leaders.

  It's just that the spiritual practitioners of the pure spirit realm did not participate in this mission of clearing the beasts. For them, even the second-order beasts are difficult for them to deal with. Even if they go out, they will die in vain.

  And such a battle and movement naturally attracted the attention of all the people in the city, and many people gathered together from a distance to talk.

   "There are not many people in the city, what is the city guard doing?"

   "Don't you know? Yesterday, the city guard sent a message that it will go out of the city and destroy the monsters!"

   "What?! Out of town?!"

   "But there are many Tier 3 monsters outside."

   "Hmph, didn't you see that person? That is Lei Yuanwu, the commander of the city guard, a master-level master of the Linggang realm!"

   "With the leader of Lei, Tier 3 monsters can be killed by flipping hands, what's to be afraid of."

   "But even so, death and injury are inevitable."

   "Yeah, so I am so lucky to have such a commander and such a city guard!"

  Leng Shiqi was also standing in the crowd wearing light armor at this time, but because he was a little short, he was extremely inconspicuous in the crowd.


The gate of    Town Demon City was opened and a heavy sound was made.

  Lei Yuanwu is not too nonsense. With a wave of his hand, he took the lead out of the city. The two thousand city guards behind him swam through the city gate like a fish.

  It didn't take long for them to hear the roar of the monsters after they left the town demon city. At this time, Lei Yuanwu said: "After half an hour, all squad leaders will enter the mountains again, and then the guards will enter half an hour later."

  Everyone said in unison: "I follow the instructions of the commander."

   Then Lei Yuanwu took the two deputy commanders and walked straight into the Demon Mountain Range.

  Leng Shiqi looked at these three people, knowing that their masters in the four realms were the real main force in this eradication of the monsters, and these more than a thousand spiritual spiritual practitioners were only assisting in the cleaning of the second-order monsters.

  Lei Yuanwu is a master of the Linggang realm, and the two deputy leaders are also the cultivation bases of the Lingqiao realm. Tier 3 monsters are indeed powerful, but they are really nothing in front of them.

  Shortly after the three of them rushed into the mountains, there was a horrible howling of the Qiandao monster. The sound was endless, and it didn't stop until half an hour later.

  At this time, Wei Hongyi and the squad leaders knew that it was time for them to take action. The commander had already beheaded most of the Tier 3 monsters, and the remaining fish that slipped through the net would be handed over to them to solve.

  Wei Hongyi turned his head to Leng Shiqi and the other captains and said: "After you enter the Demon Mountain Range, don't venture into greed. Each guard will only deal with one Tier 2 monster.

  I hope you will all be there when I come back! "

  Several captains, including Leng Shiqi, said one after another: "Yes."

  Wei Hongyi nodded, and entered the Demon Mountain Range along with the other squad leaders.

  The remaining people still obeyed the order quietly, waiting for half an hour before they poured into the mountain

Leng Shiqi led seven of his subordinates from the spiritual realm to enter from the side of the mountain. The outermost Tier 3 monsters in the mountain were cleaned up by Lei Yuanwu and others. Unfortunately, the bodies of the monsters were not seen. A trace.

  Originally, Leng Shiqi was still thinking about whether to pick it up. Now it seems that the corpses of Tier 3 monster beasts are also valuable and precious materials. Of course, Lei Yuanwu and the others cannot leave it here.

  Now there may be no Tier 3 monsters here. It is not difficult to kill Tier 2 monsters with their eight powerful strengths, but they have no intention of slack.

   Soon, they discovered a Tier 2 monster, a two-headed monster wolf!

  Leng Shiqi took advantage of the situation and directly displayed the Path of Frost. In an instant, a large amount of cold air rushed out and sealed the double-headed demon wolf.

  The other people also cooperated very tacitly, and immediately raised the weapon and rushed forward after the cold air of Leng Shiqi gushed out. In an instant, all kinds of auras shone, and the two-headed demon wolf was cut off with a head directly!

  However, the double-headed demon wolf was not yet extinct. Leng Shiqi's fingers shot, and a rocket swept across and completely wiped out the double-headed demon wolf.

  At this time, Ding Zhou scratched his head, and he felt a little unreal in his heart. He said: "This is a two-headed monster wolf. It is known for its brutality among Tier 2 monsters. It is very difficult to deal with!

  Here, it just died like this? "

  Ding Zhou's words also expressed a few other heartfelt voices. They were also demon hunters before, and they often fought with monsters. Of course, they knew the difficulty of monsters.

  If it was before, they would kill the two-headed demon wolves at least every one of them was injured, and even one of them would accidentally kill them.

   Can you kill the two-headed demon wolf so easily now?

  It is their captain who caused all this, Leng Shiqi!

  It was Leng Shiqi who first discovered the double-headed demon wolf, sealed it with powerful spiritual skills and frostbite it, so that they could shoot with all their strength without any scruples. Only then could they kill the double-headed demon wolf so easily.

  Ding Zhou said sincerely at this time: "Captain, I have completely convinced you!"

  Even Deng Li lowered his head, and the others were naturally complimented. Only Yang Zhengqi looked strange.

   Leng Shiqi waved his hand and said: "Alright, let's dispose of the body of the demon wolf, go back and sell the valuable materials, and everyone will share it equally."

   Ding Zhou immediately said: "No, no, no, it's the captain's credit to kill this beast, how can we..."

Leng Shiqi interrupted his words, "Ding Zhou, you are treating the old man as an outsider in this way~www.ltnovel.com~ Ding Zhou froze for a moment and said: "This, okay, but the captain’s kindness remembers it. mind. "

   "Let’s keep going."

  After handling the corpse of the double-headed demon wolf, several people continued to walk towards the depths of the mountain range, and they encountered more and more Tier 2 demon beasts.

  But every time they work together, they easily slay the monster beasts. They are also very rewarding along the way. Every Rao carries a lot of monster beast materials on his back.

  At the same time, Wei Hongyi is fighting fiercely with a huge earth mouse.

  This earth mouse looks ugly, but it is a real Tier 3 monster, ground-bound rat!

  I saw that Wei Hongyi’s shirt had long been torn, and four crystal-clear spiritual veins were revealed on his arms. He didn't use any weapons, and he hit the ground-bound Rat with bare hands and injured his whole body!

  Especially, there is a big blood hole in the center of the back of the ground bound rat!

   Wei Hongyi slammed both fists out suddenly, and his spiritual power was violently used, and he was actually able to pull the mountain out of the river.

  The ground bound mouse's two eyes slid around, and immediately fell under the rain. Then Wei Hongyi only saw a dirt bag bulged on the ground and escaped with shocking speed!

  While Wei Hongyi saw the direction the mouse was escaping, his face changed suddenly, and he drew a low voice: "No!"

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