I Fix The System Law

Chapter 204: Take heart

  As soon as Leng Shiqi's words came out, all Rao's expressions changed, especially Deng Li and Ding Xiu!

Deng Li is a thin-faced young man, not like his name. Holding a sword wrapped in rags in his arms, his expression is unkind and authentic: "Old man, at such an old age, I am not afraid of my tongue flashing. ."

  Ding Zhou is a person in his fifties who is a bit sloppy. His eyes are narrowed into a gap, and his yin and yang said in a strange way: "Is you really taking yourself seriously?"

  The two people were originally in a competitive relationship. Now that Leng Shiqi stood up and behaved badly, it made both of them very ugly, and they became angry with the enemy.

   "Oh, the captain of the brother just now occupied the position, could it be fake?" Leng Shiqi asked in confusion.

   "Huh! Arrogance! Let me see if you have this ability!" Deng Li showed a bit of anger on his face, and he shook the sword in his hand as if he was about to shoot.

  But Ding Zhou still squinted his eyes unmoved.

  Leng Shiqi stretched out a finger and hooked it. Although he did not say a word, anyone could feel the contempt.

  Deng Li was young and vigorous, so he drew his sword directly!

  His sword is a bit weird. The body of the sword, including the hilt, is dark, and at first glance it looks like a burnt stick.

  But the sword light pierced by this sword is extremely sharp! It is relatively rare in the Hua Ling Realm.

  Leng Shiqi's left palm flickered a little bit of stars, and a light blue formation appeared close to him, and a huge sword tip made of ice appeared!

  Leng Shiqi's palm pushed it, and immediately, a huge sword of ice wrapped in the air of extreme cold rushed out!

  The ice giant sword collided with Deng Li’s black sword, and there was a harsh voice of contention. Looking closely, Leng Shiqi's ice giant sword cracked several cracks, but Deng Li's black sword was completely frozen by the cold air.

  The spiritual seal in Leng Shiqi's hands changed, and the ice giant sword suddenly dispersed into a large mass of cold air that could obscure the vision, and it was about to engulf Deng Li!

  Deng Li is also a spiritual practitioner on the ninth level of the Transformation Realm. He hurriedly withdrew from the horror. However, when he just wanted to move, a few stone pillars with thick arms suddenly appeared at his feet to block his retreat!

  The strong cold air completely enveloped Deng Li!

  When the cold is gone, there is only one vivid ice sculpture left in the field.

  Everyone except Yang Zhengqi was stunned at this time, but Xingdao exclaimed immediately.


   "The spiritual practitioner who transforms the spirit realm is so powerful?!"

   "One move to subdue Deng Li, I don't think there is any need to fight for the captain's seat."

   "It's more than a uniform, you see that Deng Li can't break the ice layer until now, if Senior Liu continues to shoot, he will die."

   "Tsk, no wonder I hear that the older the spiritual practitioners are, the more terrifying it is. It really is."

  In fact, it is true.

  For ordinary spiritual practitioners, the exact point is for Lingwu practitioners. Ran Zhongnian is the peak of his life. As you get older, both your body and blood will gradually weaken, and your strength will naturally slowly decline.

  This is also the reason why Deng Li and Ding Zhou didn’t put Leng Shiqi in their eyes at the beginning.

  However, for spiritual practitioners, they are not afraid of the aging of the body and the decline of blood. As long as there is no problem with spiritual power and spiritual power, spiritual practitioners can still exert the strongest combat effectiveness.

  Even, the older the spiritualist, the spiritual power of course is more refined, and the spiritual power will be higher. So the older the spiritual practitioner, the more terrifying!

  Ding Zhou quietly curled his lips, secretly saying that fortunately, he did not rush to make a move. It would be great to have Deng Li help him test the opponent's strength. However, he couldn't think of this temptation, and he had no chance of competing for the captain.

   Ding Zhou stood up straight, and said to Leng Shiqi, "Senior Liu is so strong, Ding Mou is ashamed."

   His remarks also made clear his position, and at this time, Deng Li finally broke through the ice with only a "bang".

  I saw that there was still a lot of ice scum on his face, even if he used spiritual power to drive away the cold, it still made him shiver. Deng Li's eyes looked at Leng Shiqi's eyes suddenly changed, his eyes were frightened, humiliated, and somewhat unwilling.

  He left a "Farewell" and walked back to his room.

   Leng Shiqi secretly said: "Sure enough, it is still too young."

Originally, both Deng Li and Ding Zhou couldn't understand Leng Shiqi. As a result, Deng Li was used to kill chickens and monkeys, leaving an impression of impulsiveness and irritation.

   Looking back at Ding Zhou, at this time, he completely changed the appearance of an old man who asked Leng Shiqi and asked warmly. The gap between people is still very obvious.

  Ding Zhou eagerly leaned to Leng Shiqi's side and smiled, "Captain, I want you to take care of him in the future."

   Leng Shiqi shook his head and said: "The word captain is old and you can't afford it. Maybe after two, there will be another stronger than old."

   Ding Zhou immediately patted his chest and said: "What's the matter, even if it is true, Ding Zhou will support the senior to be the captain."

  "Oh? Thank you so much, Brother Ding. By the way, it's better to help Lao get to know you fellows first."

"Oh, Ding had forgotten this. It's really a sin. Come and come, all have stood here~www.ltnovel.com~ This is Wang Lin, the cultivation base of the sixth level of the Spirit Realm, this is... …"

  Ding Zhou enthusiastically introduced other people to Leng Shiqi, who also greeted enthusiastically. If nothing else, Leng Shiqi will be their captain soon, and of course flattery at this time.

  When Ding Zhou introduced Huyanmen, Leng Shiqi looked at him a few more times, but not much.

  He didn't use the Breath-trapping Technique to hide his cultivation level now, just to be able to join the City Guard smoothly and have a place.

Hu Yanmen saw Leng Shiqi again, and found that his cultivation level suddenly soared from the fourth level to the ninth level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm. He guessed that Leng Seventeen had hidden the cultivation base in some way before, and his eyes passed quietly. I don't know what I'm thinking.

  For a moment, Leng Shiqi met everyone, and he also took out some pills and materials that he could not use, and distributed them to everyone, all as a meeting ceremony.

   At this time, everyone's enthusiasm for him increased even more, only Yang Zhengqi's eyes twitched slightly. Because he knew that the things that Leng Shiqifen left were all those Jiefang that he had killed before.

  Leng Shiqi first shocked everyone with his powerful strength, and now he has come up with some benefits. He can't get away from the position of captain, and things will be smoother in the future.

  After that, he exchanged a few words with everyone, and Ding Zhou acted as a guide again, helping Leng Shiqi find a room with the best location and settle down.

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