I Fix The System Law

Chapter 200: misfortune

  After successfully melting the Zhu Yan beast's beast element war pattern, Leng Shiqi's body suddenly appeared a pair of auburn armor like a rock.

  In appearance, this armor is six to seventy percent similar to Zhu Yanmon, and the helmet is almost the same as the head of Zhu Yanmon.

  Leng Shiqi did not expect that Zhu Yan beast’s beast element war pattern could directly condense the armor. He tapped his arm lightly, and suddenly made a "clang" sound.


  He held the palm of his hand, and there was a second-order dagger in it. He raised the dagger and stabbed it down!

  Only hearing a "click", there was a crack in the top of the dagger!

   "Hiss!" Leng Shiqi could not help but exclaimed: "Is it so strong?"

   Immediately after he mobilized his spiritual power, the dagger flashed with a faint aura, and Leng Shiqi stabbed his left arm again.

  This time the dagger and the armor intersected with a clanging sound. The dagger left a white spot on the armor, and the dagger had more cracks.

  Seeing this scene, Leng Shiqi was pleasantly surprised. He also predicted that the beast element war pattern of the Zhu Yan beast would be better than that of the silver-scale fire-clad crocodile, but he never expected it to be so strong!

  This is the beast element war pattern of the third-order monster!

   However, just as Leng Shiqi was rejoicing, his body actually felt a slight sense of collapse!

  His face changed slightly, and the beast element war pattern was hurriedly removed, and the armor on his body was integrated into his body and disappeared, and the sense of collapse was better.

  Leng Shiqi frowned again, and muttered: "How long has it been since I opened the Zhu Yan beast's beast element war pattern? This is too expensive!"

  After he successfully melted the beast yuan war pattern, it turned on automatically. After that, he tested the hardness of the armor. It took only a dozen breaths before and after, which made him feel a sense of collapse? !

   And when he was refining the beast's primordial battle pattern, he also used the power of the demon pill to temper his body, and now his physical strength alone is enough to compare to a spiritual practitioner in the middle of the pure spiritual realm.

  But even so, it can't support the consumption of the beast element war pattern!

  The beast element war pattern of the third-order monster is indeed very powerful, but the price is also not the same.

   Leng Shiqi was a little helpless and said: "It seems that Zhu Yan Beast's beast element war pattern can only be used as the last hole card."

  Of course, Leng Seventeen is already very satisfied.

  After refining the demon blood and smelting the beast element war pattern, his cultivation and strength have been improved.

   Then he subconsciously opened his eyes and glanced, wanting to see if there were any monsters around him. But in an instant, he immediately retracted his eyes, and was startled in a cold sweat!

   Just now, he saw eight extremely large spiritual power groups in his field of vision, the weakest of which were cultivation bases far beyond the spiritual veins!

  There is a lot of spiritual power in it, which is already rich enough to be as terrifying as a volcano about to erupt.

  What’s even more frightening is that Leng Shiqi noticed that the person had stopped and took a look down!

   Leng Shiqi secretly surprised: "Did he find me?"

  Immediately, he immediately used the Breath-Containing Technique to lower his breath to the lowest point, feeling anxious.

  On the ground, a group of eight people were walking by at this time, all of whom were wearing black and red robes. They were members of the Blood Beast Sect.

   Walking in the forefront is a man with gray hair but a middle-aged face. He has a two-faced mustache, and his face looks a bit stern.

  He was walking and he suddenly stopped, he lowered his head and glanced down and gave a soft voice.

  The person beside him bowed and asked: "Elder Xie, have you found anything?"

  Elder Xie said in a condensed voice: “It’s a bit strange. Just now, I suddenly noticed that someone was watching us. That gaze disappeared in a flash, and the source seemed to be underground.”

   "Could it be that Yu Beast Zhai's people have set up a formation?"

"Huh, it's possible. Those people with good looks will only use these methods. Don't worry about it. With me, they won't be able to turn the waves." Elder Xie snorted coldly, and then brought the blood beasts. Zong's people continue to the former school

  Leng Shiqi waited anxiously in the underground for a long time and nothing happened, then he was relieved. Ever since he got his eyes, he has always used it very happily, only at the tomb of Bo Yuanhou because of the formation method that limited his ability to see through.

  Now, Leng Shiqi knows what it means to be someone outside of a person!

  Even if he is hiding in the ground and investigating with his eyes, he can be noticed, but he still has a flaw in his eyes.

  For the real strong, they are extremely sensitive to everything about themselves, even if it is just a glance!

  At this moment, Leng Shiqi still has a little lingering fear. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, even if he withdrew his eyes, he might really be caught by that strong man.

  This unexpected event instantly shattered his joy of melting the beast's primordial war pattern, and at the same time, he also felt that this monster mountain range might really be undergoing a major change.

  He just hopes not to affect him, he just wants to hunt down a few Tier 2 monsters in this corner.

   Then he went directly underground and followed the system map to the remote part of the mountain, where the second-order monsters are rarely seen, but they are not without cherry blossoms.

  Leng Shiqi stayed here while refining the monster blood to improve his strength, while hunting the monster beast to replenish the monster blood.

  Time passed like this. After the ninth, the cultivation base of Leng Seventeen finally broke through to the ninth level of the spirit transformation.

  However, he reached the ninth level of the Spiritual Transformation Realm ~www.ltnovel.com~ The demon blood can improve even less, but fortunately, he still has plenty of time. Combining the spirit stone and the medicine, the entry is not slow.

  With the passage of time, there are more and more Tier 3 monsters in the periphery, and the scope of Leng Shiqi's activities decreases.

  Until two months later, Leng Shiqi finally couldn't stay in the Demon Mountain Range!

  Because Tier 3 monsters are already everywhere in the periphery today!

  Although there are more Tier 2 monsters, Leng Shiqi could not find a chance at all. Once he dared to hunt down Tier 2 monsters, it is bound to attract more Tier 3 monsters.

   More importantly, he no longer has demon blood. Now that he can't get supplements and is full of crises, he has to return to Town Demon City to find a way.

   So he went back to the entrance of the demon mountain range winged, but what he didn't expect was that he was stopped by six people!

  Most of the six people were the cultivation bases of the late transformation of the spirit realm, and they all stared at Leng Shiqi with malicious expressions.

  Leng Shiqi looked at the six people with slightly narrowed eyes, and said with a hoarse voice: "What do you want to stop the old man?"

  One of the six big cheeky guys said with a throat: "Old man, hand over everything on your body and leave you with a life!"

  Leng Shiqi was a little bit dumbfounded at once. Someone even started a house-robbing business and hit him on the head.

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