I Fix The System Law

Chapter 192: Yujuzhai

  Leng Shiqi was taken half a breath before repliing in a hoarse voice: "Thank you for your life-saving grace, I am so grateful for the old."

  The reason why he was stunned was because he thought of what kind of sect Yu Beast Zhai was, and he had a little connection with Xueyi Pavilion.

  Yu Beast Zhai, that is one of the top powers in the next sect list along with Xueyi Pavilion, one of the top seven!

  The next seven absolutes are the Valley of Life, Yan Palace, Bloody Clothes Pavilion, Miaoyinfang, Organ City, Yu Beast Zhai and God Forging Peak!

  The reason why these seven sects can be ranked in the Seven Jues is not only because of their own strength, but also because each of these forces has the best housekeeping skills!

  For example, the Bloody Cloth Pavilion is the strongest killer power in the Leiyan Dynasty, even in the entire Starfall Continent.

  And the disciples of Yu Beast Zhai can fight the beast!

   Yu Beast Zhai disciples basically access the sect from the beginning, and provide them with different types of monster cubs according to their aptitude and cultivation direction.

  It is a monster beast to outsiders, but it is a spirit beast to those from Yu Beast Zhai.

   is not just called a spirit beast, because the disciples of Yushouzhai will always live with the cubs of spirit beasts, they practice together, play together, and grow together. That is really treating the spirit beast as his best friend, and even relatives!

   Therefore, with Yao Liu, it is also the most basic ability of Yu Beast Zhai disciples.

If Xueyi Pavilion is best at assassination, Yu Beast Zhai is best at Yu Beast. Every disciple of Yu Beast Zhai, you must treat it as two people, because every Yu Beast Zhai disciple has one. A spirit beast!

  The strength of spirit beasts is generally stronger than that of the disciples themselves. In addition, they can also perform some combined attack spirit skills, which are extremely powerful in the same rank!

However, Leng Shiqi did not expect that he would meet disciples of top sects like Yu Beast Zhai in a casual run. He saw that this Sikong leader had already stepped into the Spiritual Vessel Realm when he was in his twenties. That's it.

  But Sikong's face didn't have the slightest arrogance, but rather had a gentle temperament.

  Including the latter five, they were all the cultivation bases of the late transformation of the spirit realm at a young age, but they were also polite and were not comparable to people like Hong Ziang.

   "This is the real disciple cultivated by the top big sect." Leng Shiqi nodded secretly.

   But what he still has some doubts is that if he remembers correctly, the sect of Yu Beast Zhai should be near the wild land of the far north.

  Because it is close to the wilderness, you can enter to capture some monsters to cultivate. According to the countless monsters in the wilderness, why did the people of Yu Beast Zhai come to the monster mountain range?

  At this time, Sikong first said: "Senior is fine. The younger generation has heard that there are very few Tier 3 monsters in the periphery of the Demon Mountain Range. How can Seniors encounter Zhu Yan beasts."

  Leng Shiqi knowing that Yu Beast Zhai regards monsters as partners, and naturally cannot come to catch the silver deer, so he made a helpless expression and sighed:

   "Well, the old man was also victimized by a treacherous man. He had to get close to the inner circle in order to escape his life. But unexpectedly, he encountered a Tier 3 monster. Fortunately, you saved an old life with your help."

   "So that's the case." Sikong nodded, but he didn't know how much he believed, and then he asked: "Senior also knows what's abnormal in this monster mountain range recently?"

   "Abnormal?" Leng Shiqi was puzzled. Of course he didn't know if there was an abnormality here when he first arrived, but he still "thinked" for a while and said:

   "The others are nothing. If you want to be abnormal, I don't know if you can meet Tier 3 monsters here. The old man has also heard that Tier 3 monsters appear to appear more frequently than before."

  The head of Sikong heard the words and said, "Thank you, senior for telling me. There are still things that juniors and others don't disturb seniors. It's more dangerous here. It's better for seniors to leave first."

   "But the grace of several people is really worthless." Leng Shiqi showed an embarrassed expression.

   Sikong first stood up and said: "How can my generation be greedy for rewards when we act, seniors should not take it to heart."

   "Sure enough, he is a disciple of the Dapai School, he is really extraordinary, I admire and admire the old." Leng Shiqi held his fist and said with emotion.

   Hearing Leng Shiqi's words, Ji Rao's face was full of joy, and then they greeted a few more and left.

  Leng Shiqi pondered for a while after walking for a while, then sinking into the rain, quietly following the disciples of Yu Beast Zhai Sigong.

  Up to now, he and Cui Jing are completely separated, and the task naturally can't go on, but Leng Shiqi's task of opening the map by himself has not been completed. He felt that he could follow the original path of the system map anyway. With this guarantee, he raised other thoughts.

  The six people from Sikong first came to the Demon Mountain Range for the first time, but they did not find someone to lead the way. Obviously, they had a detailed map in their hands. Following them can not only find out some unknown news, but also continue to open the map, which can kill two birds with one stone.

   Leng Shiqi's convergent breath has been falling far behind Sikong's first few rao.

  He didn't dare to get too close, a spiritual practitioner from a top power like Sikong Chief, who knew what strange spiritual skills he possessed, and he could possibly perceive his breath.

The head Sikong and the others are moving very fast~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s not that they are fast, but as long as they encounter monsters, those monsters will take the initiative to move away, not as before Leng Shiqi. Have to make a big circle.

  Yes, they are moving along a straight line!

  Gradually, the surrounding miasma became more and more intense, even if it was cold seventeen deep underground, you could feel it.

  Cold seventeen-foot heels for a few hours, at this time Sikong stopped his footsteps, and he said in a deep voice, "I will enter the inner circle a little further. Come here today and rest in place."

  The other five people took out some supplies from the mustard bag and set up a simple tent. One person was patrolling outside, and the others were sitting in the tent eating and talking.

   "Big brother, this is almost one, and there is no discovery at all. It seems that I can only look for some clues in the inner circle."

   "There are crises in the inner circle. Wouldn't it be too risky to rush in with our strength?"

   "Yes, do you want to wait for the masters of the sect to come in before going in."

   "Then what is our intention to go ahead? We are opening the way for the sect, and we must enter."

  "Big brother, let's say something."

  The five disciples of the transformation spirit realm have different opinions, so Sikong still has to make the decision.

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