I Fix The System Law

Chapter 186: pressure

  Feng Shamo used high-level resources such as salivation, which also surprised Leng Shiqi.

  Wind Killing Mo Ze said: "I should have given you some spirit stones and pills, but I think this might be more suitable for you."

  Leng Shiqi knew that this was taken care of by Feng Shamo, and immediately said: "Pavilion Master is great kindness, disciples will remember it in mind."

   "Okay, this pavilion remembered this sentence. There is a third reward. This pavilion can give you a Tier 4 spiritual weapon. What type do you want?" Feng Shou Mo said.

  Leng Shiqi thought for a while, if weapons, he also wanted a Tier 4 spirit spear. But it suddenly occurred to him that he lacked defensive means when facing Tang Haokang's phantom attack.

  Or, the beast element war pattern next to the silver-scale fire-armored crocodile is still too single.

  So he wants a defensive spirit weapon more, and generally, the defense spirit weapon is more precious than the weapon!

   So after he pondered for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "The disciple wants a defensive type spirit weapon."

  Wind to kill the stranger: "You will pick it, no matter what, you can take this thing."

  He finished taking out a brown umbrella from the mustard bag, and then said: "This is a Tier 4 spiritual weapon holding a mountain umbrella. The defense is quite good."

  Leng Shiqi complimented him for taking over the mountain umbrella. With this mountain umbrella, he can make up for his last shortcoming!

  Although his physical strength is not weak, he also has the beast element war pattern of the silver-scale fire-armored crocodile, but these are his body's defenses. You can use your own body to resist injury only when you have a last resort. Now it is completely different with a mountain umbrella, which is equivalent to an extra life-saving method!

  Wind Killing Mo's visit was a great benefit to him, with a large number of sect contributions, treasures for upgrading cultivation, and more life-saving defense tools.

  Leng Seventeen could have developed all of a sudden, and he secretly rejoiced that he had to kill Tang and Pu even if he exposed some strength, otherwise there would be such a heavy reward.

  However, he hesitated secretly when he thought of this. Is Feng Shamo paid a little too much, too good? This inevitably made him wonder if Feng Shou Mo had other purposes?

  Sure enough, Feng Shou Mo has something to do with him. He went on to say: "In addition to giving you the reward you deserve, this pavilion has something to do with you."

  Leng Shiqi knows that things are not that simple, but he still respectfully said: "The disciple listens very well."

"This pavilion also knows your identity, and this pavilion also knows that your potential is endless. However, the potential is only potential after all, just like Tang and Pu who was killed by you. He is also considered a talent, but he is not dead in the end. Potential It's not strength, and your strength is not enough.

This pavilion has something to leave to you, but at least you must have a talented cultivation base in the spiritual realm. If you can break through to the spiritual realm in half a year, this pavilion will give you a great opportunity. No, that's it for you. "

  Leng Shiqi heard these words, and the eyebrows hidden under the mask couldn't help but pick up.

  It's mainly Feng Shou Mo's words that made him extremely familiar!

  Because more than a month ago, his cheap master, the Wuxiang of the nine ghost blood-clothed killers in the blood-cloth pavilion, said something similar!

  It's just that Wuxiang gave him one year, but Feng Shamo only gave him half a year!

  That means he wants to break through to the four realms of human beings within half a year, so that he can complete the tasks of killing the stranger and having no **** at the same time.

  It’s just that it’s easy to do, but it’s harder to do.

  Among countless devotees, more than 70% of them have been kept out of the gates of the four realms of human beings throughout their lives. You can imagine how difficult this is!

  Leng Shiqi knows that his cultivation gifts are excellent, but by no means top-notch. If he continues to practice step by step, coupled with the assistance of the system, he is confident that he will break through to the spiritual realm before he turns twenty.

  Thinking that Tang Heyu of the Tang family broke through the Spirit Vessel Realm at the age of twenty-four and overwhelmed the entire Donglin County talented disciple. Leng Shiqi was able to break through before the age of twenty and was naturally even more talented.

  But Bloody Clothes Pavilion is not satisfied!

  I am not satisfied with nothing, even if the wind kills Mo!

  If Leng Shiqi really fulfilled the requirements of Feng Shou Mo, it would be equivalent to entering the realm of human beings at the age of fourteen!

  This is a bit appalling, even Leng Shiqi himself can’t believe he can do it.

Feng Shamo seemed to see Leng Shiqi’s thoughts, and he directly said, "You can skip any tasks in the past six months. Whatever you want to do, this pavilion can support you vigorously. This pavilion will only look at it in half a year. result."

   Soon, Leng Shiqi felt a breeze blowing in front of him, and then Feng Shamo's figure disappeared before his eyes!

  But at this time Leng Shiqi had no extra thoughts to be surprised at how powerful Feng Shamo was, and his heart was already full of infinite pressure!

He is thinking about what methods can be used to quickly improve his cultivation. The spirit stone pill is definitely necessary. Fortunately, he has wiped out the remaining resources of the Triad Society and Qingkou Hall. There is no shortage in this aspect, and it is definitely enough for him. Use the peak of the spiritual realm.

  However, the elixir cannot be taken too much, because every time a pill is swallowed, there will be some scum in the body. The amount of medicinal residue is related to the quality of the pill. The higher the quality of the pill, the less medicinal residue left.

Even the high-quality pill, after swallowing more, will gradually block the meridians, resulting in slower and slower progress in the cultivation base, and will affect the operation of spiritual power in battle~www.ltnovel.com~ So Leng Shi Seven will swallow a pill every few days, just because it will leave too much medicine residue in the body.

In addition to the spirit stone pill, there is also this drop of salivation in his hand. If Feng Shoumo's words are not bad, this drop of saliva is equivalent to more than a dozen spirit transformation realms, which is enough to help him enter the seventh level of the transformation spirit realm. The pinnacle.

  After that?

  The only way Leng Shiqi can think of is to refine the demon blood!

  But refining monster blood has to kill monsters, monsters are very common in Bloodmist Island, but monsters are unusually rare in the big world, and they are not seen in ordinary places.

  Leng Shiqi began to recall the records about monsters in the mainland.

  Only two places in this continent have monsters. One is in the far north. There are countless monsters there, but they are far beyond the range of the Thunder Yan Dynasty.

  The other one is the Monster Mountain Range, part of it is in the territory of the Thunder Yan Dynasty, and there are many monsters inside.

  It is easy to choose between the two, Leng Shiqi thought for a while and decided to go to the Monster Mountain!

   But the Demon Mountain Range is also thousands of miles away from Donglin County, and his journey back and forth will take a lot of time. Now time is extremely precious to him!

   "This matter, it seems that I really have to go to Feng Sha Mo to find a way."

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