I Fix The System Law

Chapter 159: Intelligence leak

  In the early morning of the third morning, Leng Shiqi's door was knocked open.

  Out there was a man dressed as a servant. He saw Leng Shiqi come out and bowed and said, "Senior Liu, the hall master invites you to come over. There is something to discuss."

  Leng Shiqi already knew what was going on, and immediately followed him to the main hall of Qingkou Hall.

  At this time, there were already more than twenty people in the main hall, almost all of whom were spiritual practitioners, and they were divided into three groups standing distinctly.

  One side is the original big boss of Qingkoutang, they stand behind Gou Huarong.

  On the other side are a few strangely dressed spiritual practitioners. Leng Shiqi guessed that they should be casual practitioners recruited by Qingkoutang.

  As for the last party, there are eleven people wearing uniform red robes, each of them embroidered with white feathers on their shoulders.

  They are the people from the third-rate sect Luoyu Villa!

As soon as Luoyu Villa entered the city, he was invited by Gou Huarong, and he didn't know how to convince Luoyu Villa to join forces with them.

  Leng Shiqi is the last person to come here.

   Gou Huarong saw him come, and then he said: "This is Brother Liu, I'm here to tell you the great news!"

   "The big good news?!"

   "Hey, I guess, I guess."

  "Guess what, guess with your knees to know that the tomb of Bo Yuanhou must have fallen."

  The group of casual cultivators immediately yelled in excitement, causing the disciples of Luoyu Villa to be disgusted for a while.

  Gou Huarong stretched out his hand and pressed them twice before quieting down. He continued: "Yes, we have found the location of the tomb of Boyuanhou, but everyone here must not tell the story.

  After the meeting is ready, we immediately set off to the mausoleum. "

  At this time, an elegant person sitting next to Gou Huarong said, "Hall Master Gou, is it too arrogant for us to go out of the city with such a big fanfare."

  The person who spoke was Luo Xiuwen, the leader of the Luoyu Mountain Villa this time.

  His cultivation base was the best on the spot, and it was the thigh that Gou Huarong hugged. Gou Huarong immediately smiled and said: "It is true. Originally, Gou was planning to make everyone dress up out of the city.

  But Goumou thought, wouldn't it damage the face of Luoyu Mountain Villa in this way, so forget it. It doesn't hurt to be noticed by others, after all, we have already taken advantage of it. "

   Luo Xiuwen glanced at Gou Huarong blankly. At this moment, Gou Huarong felt an invisible pressure pressing on his heart like a mountain, making him breathless.

  Luo Xiuwen said lightly: “With this method, Hall Master Gou had better not use it anymore, it's inferior.”

  Although his tone is very flat, it gives people the feeling that a volcano is about to erupt.

   "Yes, yes, Goumou is confused!" Gou Huarong immediately clicked his head like a hammer, and then shouted: "Everyone pretended to leave the city in batches."

  Not long after, Leng Shiqi followed the few casual cultivators out of the city. They were not dressed up in disguise, because no one cared about them too much.

  Today's Shangyang City, there are countless casual repairs coming and going, and it is impossible for everyone to go up and follow the sentry.

  When they left the city, they hurried to the direction of Gou Huarong. They did not stingy with their spiritual power, day and night, until the next day at noon they finally arrived at their destination-Pingdingling

  This is a low hill. The hills are all bare. Only occasional weeds grow in the cracks of the stones, which looks very desolate.

  One person in the crowd said weirdly: "Is there a tomb in this place? Or is it Hou Ye's tomb? Let's make a noise, civilians will not bury themselves in this poor mountain and bad water!

   "Can you control it, thinking that you will become a master after reading two Feng Shui Miscellaneous Notes?" The other person immediately took the stage.

"What do you know!"

   "Enough, noisy, there is movement over there, maybe it is from Qingkoutang, go and take a look."

  After that, Leng Shiqi and these people spared him from the side, and he saw that a large group of people were busy.

  After they approached, Shui Wenli greeted him, “All the heroes are on the way, please take a rest here. The tomb is about to be opened. We can go in when the hall master and them arrive.”

  Leng Shiqi and others all nodded and went to the nearby tent to recover their spiritual power.

  Leng Shiqi found a corner of Wurao, quietly opened his eyes and wanted to explore the interior of the tomb first, but something that shocked him happened.

  He could not see through the walls of the tomb!

  Leng Shiqi was shocked immediately. His white eyes possessed extremely strong perspective ability. At this moment, he could only see through some sand and stones in his field of vision, and then he was blocked by a thick wall!

   "This tomb of Bo Yuanhou is really not simple. I am afraid there are things like isolation formations in it."

   Leng Shiqi silently said, and in the end he could only close his eyes, and honestly went back to restore his spiritual power.

  In the afternoon, people from Qingkoutang and Luoyu Villa arrived one after another.

As soon as Gou Huarong arrived, something went up in the Shui Wenli immediately, a bit of joy appeared on Gou Huarong's face, and then he walked over here and said loudly:

   "Everyone, the door to the tomb will be opened soon. I have taken advantage of the opportunity. After entering the tomb, as long as I get the tomb, the promise Gou made before will be honored!"

  However, as soon as his voice fell, there were waves of footsteps behind him, and by listening to the voice, you could tell that there were many people!

"what happened?!"

  Gou Huarong and the others changed their faces.

  Everyone hurried forward~www.ltnovel.com~ Seeing a group of guards in silver light armor galloping in an orderly manner, and dozens of casual repairs were hanging behind them.

  At the forefront of the light armor guard, there are ten spiritual practitioners in the cloud tower!

  These people are the people of the City Lord's Mansion!

The person headed by    is Zhong Lin, who is the leader of the city guard and is now temporarily the lord of the city. He is burly, wearing a silver armor, holding a huge sword, and looking at Gou Huarong with a sneer.

  And beside him is Yunlou's deacon elder You Jinyu, who stared directly at Luo Xiuwen. In his eyes, among so many people, only Luo Xiuwen was his opponent.

   Gou Huarong's face was gloomy and sternly shouted: "Zhong Lin! How do you know the cluster?!"

  Zhong Lin’s vigorous voice came: "Of course, someone told me."

  As soon as he said this, Gou Huarong looked around at once, and at this moment three words appeared in his mind: "There is a rape!"

  He was extremely angry in his heart, "Damn it, if I can find out who leaked the news, I will smash him into pieces!"

   At this moment, I only heard a loud bang coming from the side, and then Shui Wenli ran to Gou Huarong and shouted: "Hall Master, it's opened, the hole is opened!"

  As soon as he finished, he saw Zhong Lin, the city guards and the people from the Yunlou, and he was immediately stunned.

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