I Fix The System Law

Chapter 148: 6 Yang Poison Fire Palm

  When the cold seventeen kills came, he used the system space to change his sword into a sword, and his whole body entered a strange state in an instant. His body moved into twelve phantoms, each of which moved differently.

  Some are frontal charges, some are besieged from the side, some jump up high, some slide from the ground, some pierce an invisible sword energy, and some pierce a sickle blue sword energy.

   What’s even more bizarre is that these phantoms seem to be slow, but in the blink of an eye they stabbed in front of Wang Xinran!

  Squandering flowers are gradually becoming charming!

  This is Leng Shiqi's use of the cultivation base of the fifth layer of the Spirit Realm. The chaotic flower that incorporates the Piaoxu Spirit Step and combines the Chongmai Sword Qi and Frost Sword Qi is gradually becoming charming!

  The so-called double fist is hard to beat the four hands, and Wat Xinran is a bit at a loss in the face of twelve phantoms' offensives. He can't tell which one is Leng Seventeen is the real body, or each is the real body!

  The smile on his face also converged and turned into a look of shock. He couldn't believe that such an exquisite spiritual skill was mastered by a spiritual practitioner who differentiated the spiritual realm.

  But, at this time, he didn't have any more thoughts, he could only shoot four golden palm shadows one after another. The phantoms and sword auras that the palm shadow passed all over, but there were still four phantoms coming to him!

  At this critical moment, Qu Xinran was short and dodged a sword, and then his body suddenly rotated, and a faint golden light surrounded him trying to block the remaining three phantoms.

Unfortunately, the three phantoms of Leng Shiqi were extremely flexible, and with the help of his white eyes, he quickly found his flaws. The three sword qi pierced the side ribs, waist and legs of Qu Xinran, respectively.

   Sword Qi tore through three blood holes, of which two Chongmai Sword Qi and one Frost Sword Qi poured into the body to block his meridians and freeze his flesh and blood!

  Qu Xinran was extremely horrified, he immediately mobilized his spiritual power to disperse the sword aura, but the three sword auras were like tarsus maggots that were difficult to clear in a short time. The key is that he didn't have so much time to clear the sword qi, because Leng Shiqi reflexed and pierced a sword that looked like a Jinghong, pointing directly at Qu Xinran's throat.

  At this time, Watson had no choice but to control the air pressure of the three swords first to prevent them from spreading, and then he slammed his feet on the ground and hurried back with the help of strength.

  Leng Shiqi's sword pierced the air, his wrist flicked, and three frost sword auras flew out.

  Qu Xinran's body was still retreating. Seeing the Frost Sword Qi shot his hands together, Jin Guang burst into pieces and shattered the three Frost Sword Qi abruptly!

   Leng Shiqi knew that those three frost swords could not hurt Qu Xinran, he had already retracted the sword the moment he shot the sword qi, and then took out three spears.

   Immediately he pointed his spear, and the tip of the spear aimed at Qu Xinran's throat. With a low growl, a wave of unparalleled aggressiveness emerged from his whole body, and then the tip of his spear rushed over like a sword!

  In the middle of the journey, the aura from the tip of the gun suddenly burst into a huge cross aura to stab at the face.

Qu Xinran only smashed the three frost sword auras just now, and he saw Leng Shiqi's fierce blink. It was too late for him to dodge anymore. At this moment, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, but He immediately pressed his tongue and swallowed a pill that had been hidden in his teeth.

   After swallowing the pill, the aura on Qu Xinran's body suddenly swelled, and his upper body robe collapsed and flew out, and a crystal clear meridian could be vaguely seen on his right arm.

  That is Lingmai!

  Qu Xinran at this moment actually used the power of the pill to forcefully open up half of the spiritual channel, but he is not considered a spiritual channel, at most it is a half-step spiritual channel.

  Originally, as long as one or two more years were given to Qu Xinran, he would be able to make a natural breakthrough, but now facing a life-and-death crisis, he has to forcibly improve his strength.

   But in this way, he is tantamount to ruining his own future, because a person like him who uses foreign objects to forcibly access spiritual channels can hardly move even after breaking through the spiritual channel. I am afraid that he can only die in this realm in this life!

  Thinking of this, Wat Xinran’s face was full of resentment and madness. He was originally an extraordinary person, and he came to Shangyang City to give himself a chance to show off. According to the original plan, as long as he appeased the city guard and solved the Three Swords meeting, he could practice in retreat.

  As long as he breaks through to the spiritual vein realm, this Shangyang City will become his palm! Then you can plot a big thing!

  However, today his plan was completely disrupted, and he even lost his cultivation prospects!

  He hates it so much, he is going to kill Leng Shiqi!

  Wu Xinran pushed his right palm, and shot a golden palm that was three times larger than the original one, and greeted Leng Seventeen’s cross gun.

  The cross aura at the tip of the gun crossed the golden palm shadow frontally, and it exploded, causing the entire enchantment to tremble.

  The white aura and the golden palm shadow complement each other, and in the end both gradually dissipated, and no one can do anything about it, but there are a few more cracks in the three guns of Leng Shiqi!

  At the same time, his face was not good-looking, he used two killer tricks, namely the squandering glamorous eyes and the cross spear, which had nothing to do with him.

   "Is this the strength of a half-step spiritual practitioner from an orthodox spiritual cultivation origin!"

  However, Leng Shiqi was immediately aware that the half of the spiritual vein on Qu Xinran's right arm had dimmed a lot at this moment, and it was obvious that the palm he had just used was also extremely expensive.

   Just when Leng Shiqi wanted to make another shot, Watson was the first to do it!

  I saw a flash of golden light behind him, and he flashed golden ripples across the aisles and instantly appeared on Leng Shiqi’s side, taking another violent palm!

  At this moment, Leng Shiqi was all over his hair, and he could be so fast that he hadn't counted Dou Xinran!

Leng Shiqi's spiritual power immediately moved, and the patterns on his back and his confidant suddenly lit up, and immediately a flash of gold and silver flashed, his body rose suddenly, and a layer of thin silver armor was attached to his body. He opened it at this moment. A double beast element war pattern!

  His breath exploded.

  But Watson’s golden palm shadow is already present with boundless strength!

Facing this fierce and unusual palm~www.ltnovel.com~, the palm stabbed his face in a dull pain. At this moment, he became calm to the extreme. Suddenly there was a clear understanding in his mind, and the ghosts followed. Take a palm.

  With a palm out, it instantly became six palm shadows, and there was a little light in the palm shadows, and then the six palm shadows suddenly merged into one!

  Leng Shiqi's palm also lit up a faint flame and the golden palm shadow blasted away!

   "Boom boom boom!!"

  The two palms intersected, and there was a burst of violent air. The floor tiles and furniture in the entire room centered on the two of them were all shaken out and hit the barrier into a pile of pieces. There was no whole room in the entire room!

Leng Shiqi’s body was shaken out and slammed into the restriction, and the thin armor on his right arm was completely cracked and oozing blood stains, the arm was a little twisted, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from the corner of his mouth. , Apparently suffered a serious injury.

  As for Qu Xinran, it is not good, the spiritual veins on his arm have disappeared, and the entire arm is burnt as if burned. And if you can see the inside of the arm, you will be even more surprised to find that the meridians, bones and flesh and blood have been corroded so terribly!

  This is the fusion of Six Sun Palm and Poison Fire Palm at the critical moment of Leng Seventeen, Six Sun Poison Palm!

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