I Fix The System Law

Chapter 140: Lead the snake out of the hole

  Leng Shiqi and Qu Xinran stood on the roof and watched the battle not far away.

  At this moment, the Jinshi Street is full of blood, and the battle between Qingkoutang and Sandaohui has reached a feverish stage.

   Leng Shiqi used the voice change technique to change his voice and said: "Has the Lord Qu made a decision yet?"

  Wat Xinran’s gaze has been locked on Nie Kun. He knows that this Nie Kun is not only highly cultivated, but also very scheming. It can be Bao Pengyi’s right-hand man. If he can kill him, Sandao will definitely hurt his vitality.

  Qu Xinran opened his mouth and said two words: "Nie Kun."

  Leng Shiqi did not answer, but a gray cloud appeared all over his body. When the gray cloud dissipated, he was gone.

   Seeing this scene, worries flashed in Wat Xinran's eyes.

  In the battle on the other side, Nie Kun and Tianhu fought the most violently.

  Or Tian Hu was even more violent. He waved a giant axe and didn't know how many stalls he had chopped down. Everywhere he went, it was a mess.

   Judging from the scene, he did suppress Nie Kun, but in fact, Nie Kun was not injured. On the contrary, Tian Hu's breath was already a bit disturbed.

  A shrewd person can see that Nie Kun is inducing Tian Hu to continuously consume a lot of spiritual power. When his spiritual power is insufficient, it is his death!

   Qingkoutang’s other leader, Ren Gan, could see it. He also had the intention to remind Tian Hu. Unfortunately, Nie Kun had already led Tian Hu away, and Ren Gan had to concentrate on dealing with Ning Qi. He was also powerless.


  Tian Hu's heavy axe shining with rich aura smashed the roadside stall to pieces, but it was empty again. When he used his spiritual power again and continued to attack Nie Kun, he was shocked to realize that he couldn't raise spiritual power for a while!

   Only then did he notice that most of the spiritual power in his body had been consumed!

  Nie Kun has a flirty smile on his face at this moment, the long sword in his hand is like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, waiting for the time to come.

  Now, it’s an opportunity!

  Nie Kun's long sword flicked, and instantly stabbed several swords, each of which pointed directly at the vitality of Tianhu!

  Tian Hu was shocked, thinking that he was careless this time.

   At the moment when Nie Kun’s sword was about to stab Tian Hu, a short figure suddenly appeared behind him, and a sharp dagger pierced his heart!

  Nie Kun was suddenly full of spirits, turned around hurriedly, the calm atmosphere of the sudden change of the sword style, dangerously and dangerously holding the dagger!

  Leng Shiqi did not expect that Nie Kun's reaction was so fast, and immediately his body shape was unpredictable as fluttering in the air.

  Nie Kun's heart at this time has already been mentioned in his throat, and a bit of fear has also risen in his heart, because he can't keep up with the opponent's speed!


  Leng Shiqi seized a flaw in Nie Kun in an instant, and the two scimitars around his waist suddenly unsheathed two shocking purple blades in the night sky.

  Under the two slashes of the wind, Nie Kunjian was cut to death!

  The process was long, but in reality, it took only three or four breaths from Nie Kun's stabbing to Tian Hu to his death.

  Nie Kun's original cultivation base was just like that of Leng Shiqi, but the power base was quite different. In addition, he had already consumed a lot of spiritual power, and he hated it when he was attacked by Leng Shiqi.

  And Tian Hu, the two tiger eyes stared at this time, and he still couldn't believe his eyes.

  Nie Kun who almost killed him died like that?

   was almost killed in seconds!

  At any rate, this is also a spiritual practitioner in the mid-transition realm!

  Could it be that that person is a master of the human realm?

  However, at this time, Leng Shiqi, who is hand-slicing Nie Kun, said to him: "The hall master sent me to help you. Go and support Ren Gan."

   "The hall master sent you here? Why don't I know?" Although Tian Hu had a violent temper, he was not stupid. The person in front of him was too weird, and he couldn't help but also raised his suspicion.

  "Hmph, how can you know the hall master's mind? You know how much credit you have done for killing Nie Kun and Ning Qi, so don't go!" Leng Shiqi pretended to be angry and shouted angrily.

   "Okay!" As soon as Tian Hu heard the word credit, he immediately threw out the doubt in his heart, turned around and killed Ning Qi.

  Leng Shiqi looked around. The place where they were fighting was far away from the battle group. He could notice that there were not many people here, and Tianhu had to bring Nie Kun here, otherwise he would have to spend more money.

  Then he hid in the darkness again and disappeared.

  After that, the news of the death of Nie Kun, the fourth master of the Three Swords Association, spread at a speed that was so strange.

   reached the heads of the Three Swordsmen in the surrounding streets, as well as Bao Pengyi!


  Bao Pengyi broke the tea cup in his hand, he held back the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice: "The news is true?"

  The person who delivered the message repeatedly nodded and said: "It is absolutely true. There is only Qi Ye in Jinshi Street now, I am afraid it will not last long."

   "It's all rubbish! Go ahead and let the third, fifth, and sixth neighbors lead people to support you!

  Tonight, I will see the heads of Tian Hu and Ren Gan! "


  After a while, a large number of helpers from the Three Swords Association came to Jinshi Street.

  Ren Gan and Tianhu were caught off guard, facing the four leaders of the Three Swords Association, they could only defend hard, and their injuries became more and more serious.

  "Bah, the tortoises of the Three Swordsmen are not abiding by the rules, right? Go and call someone!" Tian Hu shouted.

  Shortly after, hundreds of gangs rushed to Qingkoutang, and the two sides were already on the top of the fight and had no scruples.

  The more intense the fight, the more people will die naturally. The strange thing is that in some corners, there will always be people who die inexplicably.

  Both groups of people are killing crazy with red eyes!

  Bao Pengyi Mansion, at this time people passing news are constantly coming and going.

  "Chairman, Qingkoutang has also supported us. There are more people than us!"

  "Good news! Seven masters cut off the head of Qingkou Tang leader Tian Hu!"

   "No, it's not good, Qiye, Qiye is gone."


  "You must avenge Qiye, President!"

  But Bao Pengyi has no words, but the handrail under his hand has been cracked by him.

  He thought to himself: "Is Qingkoutang going to fight me down? Just for a Jinshi Street?

  No, Gou Huarong has been in charge of Qingkoutang for more than ten years and has always been conservative~www.ltnovel.com~ He would not be so impulsive.

  It's weird! "

   While he was thinking, another person rushed in from outside, he ran in with his nose and tears rolling in, and shouted angrily:

   "President, Third Master and Fifth Master, all are gone, all gone!"

   "What?!" Bao Pengyi instantly pinched the armrest of the chair into powder, "How is it possible!"

  "Gou Huarong, the master of Qingkou Hall, made the shot himself."

   "Gou Huarong shot?" Bao Pengyi was a little doubtful the reliability of the news for the first time. According to his understanding of Gou Huarong, the other party would not do such a thing.

  In this way, they are really going to have an endless battle!

  Although he knew there would be today, he never thought it would come so soon.

  Vaguely, he always felt that there must be something strange.

  At this time, he was still hesitating whether to go out to fight.

  At this time, one of the four spirit guards behind him said: "With our four brothers, why don't President Bao worry about it. We take advantage of this opportunity to help you occupy Shangyang City, and it will be more convenient to do things in the future."

After hearing this, Bao Pengyi finally made up his mind, and the breath of the eighth level of the spirit realm spread out, and everyone rushed to Jinshi Street.

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