I Fix The System Law

Chapter 138: System map

Leng Shiqi left the coffin shop and turned into an alley, then quietly dived underground to open up a small space.

His office simply rejected Maocai's proposal, and it was precisely because the word'terrain' mentioned by Maocai reminded him of something.

System map!

He hasn't used it since the system upgrade and the map function was turned on, because this map is really useless in Bloodmist Island.

Now he suddenly remembered this.

Leng Shiqi opened the system map, and a circular light curtain appeared in front of him, which was basically pitch black, with only a thin, curved white line in the lower right corner.

He stretched out his hand for a few strokes, and the map was magnified exponentially. At this time, the white line became a route.

Leng Shiqi carefully arrived at Yinfengling in Donglin County and then to Shangyang City?

And it also shows some geographical features around the route.

He zoomed in on the map again and pulled it into Shangyang City, and saw that wherever he walked in the city, the terrain pattern nearby was also clearly displayed!

"This map is interesting. It seems that I will spend more time studying it in the future." Leng Shiqi muttered to himself.

Then he took a closer look at the pieces of information he could pick up.

In today's Shangyang City, the three forces of the City Lord's Mansion, Qingkou Hall, and the Three Swords Society check and balance each other.

Qingkoutang and Sandaohui are just small gangs in the market, not a spiritual sect at all, but even so, there are thousands of gangs.

The Leiyan Dynasty’s power in Donglin County was not strong, the City Lord’s Mansion had only a few hundred city guards, and the quality of the guards was uneven.

Therefore, these two gangs have never paid much attention to the City Lord's Mansion. But the City Lord's Mansion is the power of the dynasty after all, and they dare not go too far.

Qingkoutang and Sandaohui occupies the eastern city and the west city respectively. Among them, the Sandaohui can suppress one end of Qingkoutang, because Sandaohui climbed the third-rate sect Tianyun Tower not long ago!

Seeing Leng Shiqi here, I feel that this task is probably not that simple.

He thought it was just assassinating the leader of a small gang, but he did not expect that the spiritual cultivation sect was also involved.

It can be said that the spiritual cultivation sect and the small gang like the Three Swords Association are the difference between Yunni.

Even the weakest third-rate sect was created by the masters of Lingqiao Realm!

But Bao Pengyi, the president of the Three Swords Association, was only in the late stage of the Spiritual Transformation Realm, and most of his subordinates were also punks. Leng Shiqi couldn’t think of how he got involved with the upright spiritual cultivation sect of Tianyun Tower of.

Leng Shiqi continued to look down, but the deeper he frowned, the more he looked.

The Three Swords Society has seven big bosses from Bao Pengyi, all of whom are the cultivation bases of the spirit realm, each guarding a street.

But Bao Pengyi has always been cautious and very spared his life. He has been in his house for many years and rarely goes out.

There are also hundreds of guards in his mansion, all of them are spiritual practitioners, who take turns to patrol twelve hours a day, and it can be said that a fly can't fly in.

That's not a big deal, besides, wherever Bao Pengyi goes, there will be four guards of the spirit realm guarding him personally!

They were called the Four Spirit Guards, and even Bao Pengyi ate, drank and slept with them!

These four spirit realms were sent by Tianyun Tower to protect Bao Pengyi.

"What is so special about Bao Pengyi? Tianyun Tower actually sent four spiritual spiritual practitioners to protect him for him?"

Leng Shiqi already felt that this task was a bit tricky at this time. Leaving aside these guards, Bao Pengyi himself was too cautious and could not find a chance to assassinate!

Even if he used the hand of the earth to approach quietly, he would have to face the four spiritual practitioners, and once they fought, they would inevitably attract more guards.

Leng Shiqi thought that he did not have the strength to take the enemy generals from it.

"Hey, while it's dark, let's go to the vicinity of Bao's Mansion to investigate."

Then he fumbled towards the location indicated in the intelligence.

Soon, Leng Shiqi came to the vicinity of Bao's Mansion, and immediately blue veins burst out of the corners of his eyes, and his eyes turned blue and white.

Roll your eyes, open!

As soon as he opened his eyes, the world in Leng Shiqi's eyes turned into a gray color, and everyone in Bao's mansion was seen by him.

Baiyan was originally a pupil technique with extremely strong investigative ability, and it was an abnormal match for the identity of Leng Shiqi as a killer.

In Leng Shiqi's eyes, he quickly found five huge sources of spiritual power, presumably Bao Pengyi and his four guards.

As stated in the intelligence, these five people are indeed standing closely together.

In addition, there are hundreds of spiritual practitioners walking back and forth in the Bao Mansion, and there are hardly any dead ends. The ordinary assassin may not even enter the Bao Mansion.

Immediately after, Leng Shiqi used the Breath-Containing Technique to condense his breath, and his body sank into the ground. Not long after, he came under the room where Bao Pengyi was, looking for opportunities.

However, after waiting for a long while, none of the five people above moved at all, just when Leng Shiqi was hesitant to try to assassinate once. In his eyes, suddenly two breaths no weaker than him came quickly.

Then the voice of conversation came from above~www.ltnovel.com~ Leng Shiqi hurriedly pressed down the murderous intention in his heart and listened carefully.


"Big Brother."

"Fourth, seventh, why are you looking for me." Bao Pengyi's voice sounded a little old.

"President, the people in Qingkoutang have been too much these few days."

"Yes, especially in the two streets of my fourth brother and I, they have been looking for things, and this one has broken my place!"

"You can't settle this matter?" Bao Pengyi's tone seemed a little unhappy.

"The president is relieved, Xiao Qi doesn't dare to bother the president on this matter. It's just that I noticed that the city lord's mansion seems to be out of control of Jinshi Street. Our chance is here."

"Oh? Jinshi Street is one of the most prosperous streets in Shangyang City. Why is Qu Xinran willing to give up?"

"Hey, that City Lord Qu arrived for the first time, and the city guard under his hand hasn't been suppressed yet. Where can I take care of Jinshi Street?

President, before the people in Qingkoutang haven't noticed it, let's act first. "

At this time, Bao Pengyi was silent for a while and said: "First tell the brothers to be ready to do it at any time, but we can't be anxious. After all, the City Lord's Mansion still represents the Thunder Yan Dynasty, and we can't tear our skin face to face."

He paused for a while and then said, "Secretly reveal this news to Qingkoutang."

"Huh? President, this..."

"The president is wise! The president wants Qingkoutang to do it first. Our Three Swords Association is to help the City Lord's Mansion eliminate evil."

"Go down, this matter will be left to you two."

The two happily agreed, since this errand has fallen on them, it means that Jinshijie can let them divide it!

Leng Shiqi, who listened to all of this, left the Bao Mansion silently. He had already planned to draw Bao Pengyi out of the Bao Mansion in his heart.

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