I Fix The System Law

Chapter 100: Eliminate hidden dangers

  Within a month, the collapse will come again!

  This news made Leng Shiqi's whole body terrified!

If the collapse of    comes again, I am afraid that the entire inner surrounding area will disappear, leaving only the mountain.

  Now all forces will venture up the mountain only when they collect food and water. Because there are many Tier 1 monsters on the mountain, they appear very frequently.

  Even, someone has seen Tier 2 monsters appear!

  That mountain is very dangerous!

  Leng Shiqi was also very fortunate that he had come this time, otherwise he would disappear into the world in a month.

  In the face of Bengzhichang, what is the use even if your strength is strong? At that time, I am afraid that only those who are up the mountain or close to the mountain will survive.

  Faced with such a situation, he also completely wiped out the joy in Leng Shiqi's heart due to the surge in strength.

   Then Leng Shiqi continued to stay underground for a while, and after confirming that there was no movement, he quickly returned to the ground in the mist area.

  When he returned to Lin's face, he first took a few deep breaths, then his eyes flashed, and countless different thoughts flashed quickly in his mind.

  He must move the Yushu Gang to the mountain within half a month.

  Moreover, the three areas currently occupied should not be wasted. It is best to maximize the benefits.

After thinking for a while, Leng Shiqi put on the mask and first returned to the camp in the dry forest.

  When Leng Shiqi came to the camp as a dark crow, he found that there were a lot of wounded in the camp. It seems that the previous monster riots caused no damage.

When the   gang saw Leng Shiqi’s return, they all cast awe in awe. Although his deputy gang leader rarely showed up in the gang, everyone knew his strength.

  This is the awe of the strong.

  Leng Shiqi was surprised that Yushu was not here.

   After asking for blood, he knew that Yushu was still sitting in the camp in the sand. He gathered all the wounded here and put most of his combat power here.

  According to Yushu's law, he alone is enough to fight a monster beast, without putting too much combat power on the sand.

  The camp in the dead forest is left to Hualingling and Xue Wudi to take care of.

  Hua Lingling has been following Yushu for a long time, and is very familiar with things in the gang, and Xue Wuyi was also in charge of big affairs in Baili Tuan.

  So these two people also took care of the camp in an orderly manner. On the contrary, it made the deputy leader of Leng Shiqi a bit embarrassed.

   So Leng Shiqi asked: "Are there monsters wandering in the dead forest?"

  Hua Lingling and Xue Wudi were stunned when they heard the words, and Xue Wudi replied: "There should be one or two. They were hit by us before, maybe hiding somewhere to heal."

   "By the way, these two seem to have monsters coming down from the mountain. Yesterday, one appeared at the entrance of the camp for a while and then left." Hua Lingling added.

  Leng Shiqi nodded his head and said: "Send a few fast brothers out to find out the location of the monster beast."

   "Uh, the deputy chief is going to do this?" Hua Lingling asked in confusion.

  Blood is no different, but his complexion changed slightly, as if thinking of something, he said hurriedly: "Subordinates do it now."

   "Go, I have to go to the helper in an urgent matter. I will solve these hidden dangers first." Leng Shiqi said lightly.

  Hua Lingling swallowed her saliva with a "gulu", after thinking about it for a while, she understood the meaning of "clearing hidden dangers", and then followed the blood in a daze.

  Leng Shiqi looked at Hua Lingling who was leaving with a little amusement, and felt that it would be nice to have such a girl by her side.

  About two hours later, the people sent by Xue Wuyi not only found the trace of the monster, but also brought the monster back directly!

  Or was chased all the way by monsters.

  A thin boy ran over here, spreading his legs, yelling: "Help me, help me!"

  Because there is a monster beast behind him!

  The people in the camp heard the call for help from a distance, and immediately picked up their weapons and rushed out of the camp in an orderly manner.

  However, there is a figure faster than them!

  Leng Shiqi stepped on the black mist to come up behind, and rushed forward directly from the crowd.

  Just as the monster raised its sharp claws and smashed the boy at the young man, Leng Shiqi arrived!

   With a "噌" war knife out of its sheath, Leng Shiqi swiped abruptly, cutting out a dazzling knife light, the knife light flashed, and the two claws of the monster beast were directly cut off!

  The monster beast "boomed" and fell to the ground, Leng Shiqi retracted the knife and punched.

   With a pair of fists, they smashed into the monster's body like a wave.

  The huge body of the monster beast was actually flew out by double boxing, and rolled a few times on the ground. Leng Shiqi clung to it and cut off the big head with a single knife.

   Kill the first-order monster beast with two knives and two fists!

  The people who were still running behind suddenly stopped in place, as if time had suddenly stopped, and the scene looked a bit strange.

  Leng Shiqi closed the knife and returned the sheath to clap his hands, and whispered: "Take it away, it smells bad."

After   , he walked straight into the camp. Everyone was already dumbfounded, but he still subconsciously separated for him.

After waiting for Leng Shiqi to return to the tent for a while, everyone finally recovered.

   Their first reaction was not shock, but surprise!

  This deputy gang leader is super powerful, they all know, but they never thought it was so strong that it could easily kill monsters.

  With such a strong presence, they suddenly felt a strong safety blessing, and the panic of being attacked by monsters in the past few days was blown away.

  After that, three monster beasts were led over again, and Leng Shiqi was easily solved by three hits and five divided by two.

  Everyone would be surprised at first, but in the end they were a little numb.

   Three swords to kill monsters?


   "That's it." Leng Shiqi took a piece of cloth and wiped the blood on the upper part, and asked Xiang Hua Lingling and blood were the same.

  Xue is no different and replied: "Counting the two heads that were hit before and the two heads from the mountain should have been killed by you."

  Hua Lingling nodded.

   "That's good, I can leave without worry." Leng Shiqi said calmly.

"What? Your lord, are you leaving?" Both of them were a little surprised after hearing it~www.ltnovel.com~ Although Leng Shiqi had only been here for less than one time, it gave them a great sense of security and Trust Fu is now suddenly leaving, which also makes them a little bit at a loss.

  Leng Shiqi finished the practice, and said: "I am going to the helper to discuss something important, and I will be back soon."

  "My lord is all the same." The two said in unison.

  After that, he left at about seventeen and went straight to the camp on the sandy ground.

There are not many people in the   sand camp, about thirty or forty people, among them there are a few strange faces.

  But looking at the calm expressions of these people, you know that the situation here should be pretty good.

  Leng Shiqi came here to find Yushu directly, and asked when he came up, "Is there still power in the Valley of Wind?"

Yushu opened his mouth, not knowing why he suddenly asked about the situation of Fenggu, but still replied: "There is currently no power in Fenggu, but there is a loose alliance of some escaped spiritual practitioners. Together is to resist the monster beast together."

  Leng Shiqi passed a ray of light in his eyes, and explained several things to Yushu.

  Several complex looks suddenly appeared on Yushu's face, with doubts, worries, shocks, and finally a few madnesses!

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