I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 695 The true side of the Void God Religion (10,000 words)

Bai Linglong's training has not stopped yet. Although her power of Void Dark Star is not much, it cannot evolve directly.

However, the recovery speed is not too slow. You can recover by eating one or two normal meals.

So Bai Linglong basically trained in the morning, and after lunch she could start practicing the control of the power of the void.

Bai Linglong's whole body shone like purple stars, and all parts of her body, hands, feet and even her tail were like sharp blades.

Every blow shook the 1,800-ton behemoth in front of him, and the earth was constantly shaking.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan had learned some things from Bai Linglong's words beforehand.

They had expected it in their hearts, but when they actually saw it with their own eyes, it still gave them a huge shock.

Bai Linglong, who uses the power of the void, is undoubtedly comparable to the heads of the five major branches of the Saint Nicholas Civilization Imperial City, and ranks among the planet-level powerhouses.

Although there are various monsters above the planet-level powerhouses, they are still only a minority.

Therefore, having this kind of strength is powerful enough, and it is fully capable of walking in various civilizations in the universe, making countless people fear it.

"Why every time I look at it, I always feel that her power of void is so much stronger than mine."

"It was obtained from the commandment tablet. It can also be said that it was inherited from Lord Kassadin. It is not surprising that it has some special features."

The other members of the Void Cult in the training ground have become accustomed to Bai Linglong's terrifying strength.

Bai Linglong first used the power of the void. When he entered this state, he couldn't last even one minute.

And when using the power of the void, there will be a shadow of a giant beast.

It looks a lot cooler. When the main body attacks, the beast behind it will also attack, and the attack range becomes extremely wide.

But cultivation is cultivation, and destruction is destruction.

Brainlessly increasing the range of attacks can indeed easily defeat countless enemies, but only those weaker than themselves can be defeated.

There are countless ways to deal with people who are weaker than you.

But there are not many ways to defeat the weak against the strong.

Therefore, we must know what is an effective strike and what is an ineffective strike.

If it is impossible to make an effective attack, then it is best to think about how to escape immediately, rather than fight to the end.

Continuous and deafening sounds of thunder continued to echo in the training ground.

This scene will shock many outsiders who see it for the first time, and then look at it all in shock.

However, some members of the Void God Cult began to practice without showing any signs of weakness.

The vibrating metal they shook ranged from hundreds to thousands of tons, but there were also two thousand tons. The stronger the power, the stronger the foundation.

The ground around the metal shocks of different tonnages has been protected to varying degrees.

So even though the earth is shaking, it is not easy to crack cracks in the ground.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan felt this fierce atmosphere of unwillingness to be weak.

At this time, I really felt the true side hidden under the comfort of Void Island.

The first impression that Void Island gives people is that the place is very orderly, peaceful and safe, and many people don't get up until noon. They all look like salted fish.

But the real side is hidden here at the training ground.

This desire creates a stronger atmosphere, and it is easy for those who see it to have a fire burning in their hearts.

If it weren't for the physical strength of Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luosan, they would not have recovered much yet due to climbing the Void Temple.

Now they can't wait to get off the field and try their skills.

Bai Linglong's earth-shaking attack lasted for two minutes and thirty seconds.

Her movements changed from extreme movement to extreme stillness. Her hands rounded with incomparable gentleness and directly caught the impact of the vibration feedback from the metal, guiding it to the sky.

This is the training required by Lady Lacey. You can consider dodging various attacks beforehand.

But when you reach the end of your training and your physical strength is low, you must take the attack head-on and neutralize it.

No matter what the situation is, you must master the skill of unloading force.

After Bai Linglong resolved the problem, she turned around and ran in the direction of Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan.

With her light figure and nimble steps, she climbed up the 100-meter mountain wall with just one leap.

"My current strength is almost at this level."

Bai Linglong looked at Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan and said with a smile.

"What do you mean, you are already very strong with this kind of strength."

"Stronger than both of us."

When Jin Luosha saw Bai Linglong looking weak, he also had some doubts about life.

The gap between Bai Linglong's normal state and using the power of the void is really too big.

It was so strong that Jin Luosha felt that as the leader of the younger generation of the Jin family, his strength was completely inadequate.

"This is not a strength I can usually display. It is a unique skill."

"And even if I use my special technique to attack with all my strength, I can't break through Lady Lacey's defense even if she stands still."

"She herself doesn't think she is strong enough. How can I dare to say that I am already strong?"

Bai Linglong explained seriously after hearing this.

Those who are close to red are red, those who are close to ink are black. Depending on the people around you, your thoughts will also change.

Under the influence of Lacey, Bai Linglong knew that her strength was good at best, but she was still far from being a real strong person.

Therefore, Bai Linglong did not dare to have any lofty and proud thoughts.

"Miss Lacey is one of the most famous and powerful people in the Void Cult. You can't use her as a standard for measurement."

When Jin Luosha heard Bai Linglong's measure, he felt it was a bit outrageous.

They usually wouldn't encounter a powerful person as terrifying as Lacey, so they must be measuring people they can usually meet.

Most of the people who can be seen usually are ordinary people who have received normal genetic optimization, and they also deal with some more common various technological weapons.

"Even if you don't use Lady Lacey as a standard, there are many people stronger than me in the training ground."

After hearing this, Bai Linglong looked at everyone in the training ground and said.

When she was practicing just now, she had all eyes and ears in all directions, so she noticed some members of the Void Cult shaking heavier concussive metals.

"You shouldn't use the strong men of the Void God Cult as a standard."

"You are from the Saint Nicholas Civilization. Of course, what you need to measure is the level of the Saint Nicholas Civilization."

"With your current level of strength, Miss Bai Linglong, it is no longer impossible to return to the Bai family."

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

The Bai family of the Saint Nicholas Civilization is not famous for its absolute power, but for its super speed and skill combined with magic to stand in the five major branches of the imperial capital of Saint Nicholas Civilization.

Although Bai Linglong did not master magic, she still had explosive strength.

But she can already beat many people in the Bai family, and only the head of the Bai family can stand up to her.

If a strong man of this strength wants to return to the direct lineage of the Bai family, he will definitely be welcomed.

"I did have a lot of expectations about returning to the Bai family."

"But now I just want to travel the universe and see a wider world."

“When you feel you’ve had enough of running around and look around and need to settle down again, you may think of your previous dreams again.”

Bai Linglong knew that her strength might not be considered very strong in the universe, but it was still at a good level in various civilizations.

If the overall strength of the Bai family is used as a standard, her strength is even comparable to that of the head of the Bai family.

It is indeed no longer an unattainable dream to return to the Bai family with such strength.

But Bai Linglong knew that it was just her previous dream.

What really forced her to make a change was her desire to see more civilizations.

If it weren't for this dream that gave her the courage to step out of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

She would not get the opportunity given by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Instead, he was still in the Saint Nicholas Civilization, working as a tour guide to earn some money, and then used the money to buy some things he liked.

Like countless people in the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas, they lived a life without worrying about food and clothing.

That kind of life is actually very beautiful, but a beautiful life often lacks some magnificent passion and changes.

So now Bai Linglong just wants to follow the passion in her heart, travel the universe to enrich her knowledge, experience different cultures, and satisfy her thirst for knowledge.

Lady Lacey is right, desire is something that can easily change.

The more you see, the more you will desire, but before your desires turn into beliefs.

Often it will just become empty talk on the lips or a dream in the heart.

Therefore, you must clarify your beliefs, and then start to truly work hard and move forward for this belief.

Only in this way can we walk out of our own life.

"Since you already have a plan, that's a good thing."

Hei Luosan praised with a smile on his face after hearing this.

He and Jin Rakshasa are the leaders of the younger generation in the five major branches of the imperial capital of the Saint Nicholas Civilization, and they bear the expectations of countless people.

They all know how tiring it is to live like that, so they don't think that other people have to be like them.

Bai Linglong is from a branch of the Bai family. It is normal to desire to return to the direct line or to do other things.

"Did you really get this void power from the Void Temple?"

"Is there any chance we can get it?"

Jin Rakshasa had no intention of forcing Bai Linglong to serve the Saint Nicholas civilization, but asked if he could do the same.

The Void Cult is not very powerful but very powerful.

That's why he and Hei Luosan wanted to come to Void Island to see if they could find anything.

Now I see that Bai Linglong's strength has increased so much because she obtained some void power.

The Golden Rakshasa himself must also want to obtain this kind of power.

Once this power is obtained, even the biological modification technology of the Saint Nicholas civilization will fall into a bottleneck for a longer period of time.

He can still lead the Saint Nicholas Civilization to become stronger, help Saint Nicholas Civilization, and solve the problem that although it is an advanced civilization, it does not have enough voice.

"I can't say for sure, but as long as you go after the feeling."

"Maybe there will be some gains."

"Because my opportunity was obtained by following the special aura I felt."

Bai Linglong also hopes that Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luosan, the two responsible future controllers of the Saint Nicholas civilization, can also get some opportunities from the Commandment Monument.

But Lord Kyle and the others also said that Lord Kassadin would only appear to be very kind at the beginning.

It is not very possible for latecomers to receive the same treatment as first comers.

But since Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luosan can sense the breath of the Commandment Monument.

Then when the two of them climb to the top of the Void Temple, it is very likely that they will start the trial of Void Blessing.

Whether they can get the blessing of the void at that time depends on the ability of the two people.

Bai Linglong is still preparing to pass the trial of the Commandment Monument.

She needs to constantly clarify her beliefs until her heart truly desires and believes in her beliefs.

At that time, she will go to the Commandment Monument to participate in the test.

If she can pass, it will definitely be better, and her future will be even more exciting.

She can also truly have more in-depth communication with the members of the Void Cult, and learn about many powerful worlds that she has never seen or heard of before.

Even if you can't pass, rely on more time to practice and master your own strength in the future.

She will also have the ability to protect herself by traveling the universe.

"Is it okay to just follow the feeling? I will definitely climb up within half a month."

When Jin Luosha heard this, a raging flame burned in his heart.

"Don't talk so loudly, and be careful about flashing your waist."

"But climbing to the Temple of the Void is something that must be done."

Hei Luosan looked calmer than Jin Rakshasa who looked like he was on fire and fighting high.

Bai Linglong didn't lie to them. The training methods of the Void God Cult are different from those of the outside world.

You will also master some special techniques by attacking the various concussive metals below.

He had observed very clearly that there were many people below, even if they struck what looked like an extremely powerful blow, they still could not make the concussive metal actually start to vibrate.

And some people can easily shake it with a seemingly simple blow, which must contain some kind of skill difference.

"Miss Bai Linglong, attack the shock metal and make it vibrate."

"Are we going to completely attack its interior?"

So Hei Luo San asked.

There was someone who could shake metal beside him, and Bai Linglong didn't hide much from them at all, so she didn't ask when to ask.

"You should have noticed that shock metal has the characteristics of absorbing and counteracting shocks."

"And as the tonnage of shock metal increases, the volume and thickness will become larger and larger."

"And many attacks that can destroy countless things seem to be powerful, heavy, and extremely ferocious."

"But because the attack usually disperses in all directions, it cannot effectively penetrate the layers of metal like a city wall. It attacks the entire interior of the shock metal and causes it to vibrate and reverberate."

"So you must master a technique called Huajin from the Void God Religion."

"Completely control the power within your body and launch penetrating attacks that won't waste any remaining energy."

"This not only allows you to unleash your own hidden strength, but also makes your various attacks more powerful and effective."

"I was originally only able to shake one hundred and fifty tons of vibrating metal, until I mastered the first entry level of Huajin."

"The potential within my body has been triggered, allowing me to still shake one hundred and eighty tons of concussive metal under normal conditions."

Bai Linglong nodded slightly when she heard this and began to explain why she wanted to learn Huajin.

In fact, after biological modification, it has a huge strength of 150 tons, and it is already like a human weapon.

The Saint Nicholas Civilization's individual combat capability means that if you go to any civilization, as long as you don't encounter some cosmic-level powerhouses or extremely advanced technological weapons, you can basically kill them randomly.

If not for the long history of the Xandar Empire, which controls the cosmic order of the Andromeda Galaxy.

The Saint Nicholas civilization should have already begun its journey of conquest by colonizing civilizations on various planets.

The Saint Nicholas civilization cannot defeat empire-level civilizations. Could it be that it cannot defeat various weak civilizations?

It's just that the Xandar Empire is still maintaining order.

Therefore, if you want to compete for the right to speak in the universe, you need some super-standard power.

For example, extremely advanced large space battleships and starships, or humanoid powerhouses or technological weapons that can rival large space battleships.

These Saint Nicholas civilizations do not yet exist, and biological modification is not a normal culture in the universe.

And it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t belong to the normal culture. The biological modification of the Saint Nicholas Civilization can easily be discriminated against or targeted.

As a result, the establishment of diplomatic relations between Saint Nicholas Civilization and other civilizations will be more hindered.

The combination of various reasons caused the Saint Nicholas Civilization to know that it was in a huge dilemma, but the method to break out of this dilemma was also extremely difficult.

This is also the reason why the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas has been integrated with the universe as early as Liang Mingming years ago.

But compared to other civilizations in the universe, it is more common that after the integration of the universe, the development direction is mainly to produce various things for sale and purchase various needed things from various civilizations.

On the contrary, we still pay more attention to the reason of internal circulation, because only the internal circulation is maintained well enough.

Only then can the Saint Nicholas Civilization be able to obtain what it desires, such as technological breakthroughs, in a longer period of time.

"Just getting started can bring out the true power hidden in one's body?"

"How many levels of Huajin are there in total?"

Jin Luosha now also understands Bai Linglong's intentions, and hopes that he and Hei Luosan can learn something and then bring them back to promote the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas.

"Hua Jin was discovered and divided into nine realms by Miss Sonia, the God of the Void."

"Each level has a specific learning method, but even with detailed learning methods, if you want to master it to an extremely advanced level, you still need to pay attention to talent."

"Of course, only members of the Void Cult have the right to know."

"For outsiders, they can only learn the first level of power control."

"Don't underestimate the fact that you can only master the first level. The Void God Sect is very strict about the division of strength and the method of cultivation."

"On Void Island, you may only be considered a newbie who has just mastered the basics."

"But in other civilizations, you can already be called a combat master based on this foundation."

Bai Linglong explained after hearing the words.

This is also the most abnormal place in the Void God Religion, because there are so many powerful people here and they have the ability to evolve.

Therefore, the direction of improving strength varies, but the basics are generally applicable.

Regardless of your direction, you can learn these basic abilities to allow you to deal with more unknown dangers in the universe.

"You can see...but you can master the power of penetration in the first level. How strict are the techniques in the subsequent levels?"

After hearing this, Jin Luosha paused and said.

He and Hei Luosan had just watched Bai Linglong demonstrate the fighting skills displayed by Bai Linglong.

It didn't seem to directly destroy the concussive metal, but just from the sound echoing in the sky, you could tell how explosive each blow was.

Bai Linglong has the power to shake 1,800 tons of vibrating metal. It is no exaggeration to say that a casual blow has the power to collapse mountains and crack rocks.

It's not difficult at all to unleash a super powerful attack with all your strength.

After all, basically anyone can accumulate all the strength in the body and exert it.

But if you want to hit every blow with full force, it not only requires super strength, but also a severe test of endurance.

Mastering this level of monster skills can only be regarded as a basic entry level in the Void God Religion.

So how strong are those who have mastered the ninth realm?

"Because I didn't receive the blessing, I don't know how to divide and learn the subsequent skills."

"But if you want to talk about how powerful it is to master the ninth level, I know a little bit about it."

"Master Kyle said that Miss Sonia and Master Lacey are the only people in the Void Cult who have reached the ninth level."

"Miss Sonia, the God of the Void, is too mysterious, so I don't know how to judge her strength."

"But through Lady Lacey, you can get a glimpse of how powerful the technique is."

Bai Linglong shook her head when she heard this, saying that she didn't know the whole story, but she named a representative figure.

Lady Lacey had some chats with her at night. She started out as one of the lowest members of the Void Cult.

Being able to be as powerful as it is today relies on incomparable self-discipline, mastery of ultimate skills, and the ability to evolve more times than others.

Because the starting point is too low, if she is caught up in the number of evolutions, she may still fall behind, so it is impossible for her to stop.

As for the starting point of the Void Cult, Lady Lacey also mentioned something.

Mr. Nikrov is a representative with a very high starting point.

Before he had the blessing of the void, he was already the overlord of a civilization and one of the top beings among the strongest in the universe.

Apart from the fact that his body is too weak to travel in the universe, Mr. Nikrov has almost no weaknesses.

So Nikrov passed the test and received the blessing of the void.

He may not be as powerful as Lady Lacey and the others now, but he may take the first step and become one of the top powerhouses in the universe.

This means that the efforts and the gap that Lady Lacey has put in after joining the Void God Cult for so many years may be erased in just one or two years.

It's hard to imagine whether it's a complicated thing for a pioneer to be caught up by a latecomer.

These are all said by Lady Lacey herself.

But Lady Lacey also said that this is the cruelty of the world of the strong.

Even if you are active in the same world of strong people, the starting lines are not equal, and the effort required is also unequal.

Among them, Miss Bai Linglong also mentioned a person named Xingjue.

Star-Lord's potential has been recognized by Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Star-Lord's potential far exceeds that of countless others, and he has the potential to quickly reach the top of the universe.

But maybe Lady Lacey knew that she didn’t know Star-Lord, so she only mentioned him once or twice, but not too much.

"Miss Lacey, you can probably understand."

Jin Luosha also understood a little after hearing the case representatives cited by Bai Linglong.

He didn't know how strong Lacey was, and he hadn't seen much of Jin Rakshasa either.

However, he has seen the actions of Lennoli and Kyle who are as famous as Lacey.

Disaster-level creatures with powerful strength and vitality are like ants in front of them.

Moreover, Mr. Nikrov and Her Majesty the Queen received the blessing of the Void before they officially joined the Void Cult.

The real boss of the two of them is Miss Lacey.

Taking Mr. Niklov's strength as a benchmark, we can roughly judge how abnormal some of Miss Lacey's abilities are.

"I'll start climbing the Void Temple tonight, and climb to the top as soon as possible to see if I can get a chance."

"Even if not, passing the trial as early as possible will allow us to save more energy to practice this energy-converting technique in the training ground."

The three black figures were talking about their future plans, but they were actually telling Jin Rakshasa what to do next.

"Well, let's do it."

“But after learning more about the Void God Religion, it’s really the right time to come to Void Island.”

Upon hearing this, Jin Rakshasa nodded directly without any objection, and was full of expectations for the next few months of practice.

As a strong person, you will have arrogance, so even if you have heard that there are some powerful people in the universe.

But until you really see it, you will still have some disbelief in your heart.

Because things like rumors can easily be demonized.

There have always been many cases in the universe that are rumored to be strong but are not actually that strong.

Therefore, only after you truly see how strong the strong people who exist in the world of strong people are, can you wash away your own psychology of thinking you are strong and understand what humility is.

And also understand again that we cannot be satisfied with the status quo, but need to become stronger.

This is also a kind of desire. Desire is never-ending. The more you see, the more you desire.

As for those who are satisfied with the status quo and stay in a corner, they have either seen too much and tried too much, and have truly reached their limits.

Or they are weak people who sit in a well and look at the sky without knowing how high the sky is.

Everyone has arrogance, but arrogance also has its divisions.

Some people are arrogant because they have too little knowledge and think they are invincible.

Therefore, I am not afraid of anything and just want to talk about everything based on my own ideas.

This kind of arrogance is not wrong, and maintaining a mentality of not fearing anything is also a state of mind.

But the premise of this kind of arrogance is that one's own strength is really strong enough and there is no one stronger than oneself.

Otherwise, because you are too arrogant and do not know how to be brave, you have provoked certain beings. Only before you die may you realize that you are not as invincible as you thought, and how dangerous the universe is.

The universe has existed for such a long time and the stars are as countless as the sand of the ocean.

There are some old monsters hidden among them that are unknown or have been forgotten for a long time. That is a normal thing.

Some arrogance is the arrogance of having truly seen a lot and knows how to advance and retreat.

Pretend to be cowardly when you can, and give in when you should give in. This way you can ensure that you will not encounter bad luck suddenly.

Moreover, attitude has always been differentiated by people and situations.

Appropriate arrogance can make one's life more comfortable. Excessive arrogance will definitely lead to disaster. It's just a matter of the length of time.

"We don't have enough physical strength right now so it's not suitable to participate in training immediately, so let's go and take a look at the Gravity Building first."

Hei Luo San was very satisfied with the atmosphere of the training ground and the way of training and was eager to join soon, but at the moment he also knew his purpose.

"The Gravity Building is at the end of the training ground. I'll take you there."

Bai Linglong nodded after hearing this.

"By the way, Miss Bai Linglong, do you know how many people in the Void Cult are as famous as Lacey?"

After Jin Luosha followed, he was a little curious because he talked about powerful people like Lacey.

"I was curious about this question before, so I asked Lady Lacey."

"She just said that in addition to Lord Kyle, Lord Rennoli, and Lord Predictor, there are four others with the same name as her."

"However, those four people are not permanent members on the island. They basically stay in their respective hometowns now."

"If I'm still on the island in the future and I'm lucky enough to see them, I'll have a chat with them."

Bai Linglong said with a smile when she heard this question.

"Are there four people as strong as Mr. Kyle and the others? It's really scary."

When Jin Luosha heard this amount, he was also a little emotional.

The reputation and strength of the four killing gods of the Void Cult are terrifying enough, and they are known as one of the legends in the bounty world.

There are four other gods who can compete with these killing gods. If all eight of them came together and killed the enemy, the scene would be despairing just thinking about it.

I'm afraid that except for the top powerhouses in the universe who are not afraid, even the top powerhouses in the universe will not be able to withstand it.

"Let's wait and see when the Void Cult goes to war with the Kree Empire."

"The scene you imagined should be able to be seen by then."

"And it may be even more spectacular by then, because as long as Mr. Nikrov is given some time, he will definitely catch up."

Hei Luosan knew Jin Rakshasa very well, so he directly penetrated Jin Rakshasa's thoughts and spoke.

Mr. Nikrov will soon become one of the top powerhouses of the Void God Religion, but Mr. Kyle and the others have said it themselves.

Therefore, as long as it is not in the near future, start the war immediately and give Nikrov some time.

Mr. Nikrov will definitely become an extremely terrifying existence by then.

The scene where Mr. Nikrov crushed so many disaster-level monsters into bloody dregs with one move is still imprinted in Hei Luosan's mind.

He may never forget that scene for the rest of his life.

As far as he could see, all the signs at the moment represented that the Void God Religion was preparing for the war to expand its territory.

Waiting for the many members of the Void Cult to become stronger should also be a form of preparation.

The Void God Religion will not become very terrifying immediately after receiving the blessing of the Void, but it will take some time to brew.

"Well, no matter if there is any trouble, I will take time to go and watch it."

"The confrontation between the great forces of the universe and the empire of the universe."

Jin Luosha didn't care when he saw Hei Luosan piercing his mind, but showed his expectation.

"Then we have to see what kind of trouble we encountered."

"Otherwise if you want to run away, I will catch you back."

When Hei Luosan heard that Jin Luosha actually said that he had to think about everything no matter what, he poured cold water on it.

The two of them belong to one of the younger generation groups, and they have always been both humiliating and prosperous.

If you encounter any trouble and cannot get out immediately, you must give top priority to dealing with the trouble. Let's have fun, don't make fun of the responsibilities you bear.

"You guy, you really don't understand the style at all."

"Shouldn't you agree with me at this time?"

"Of course I also know that if there is really trouble, dealing with it must be the first priority."

Golden Rakshasa was speechless upon hearing this.

"You are the type who dares to do what you say, so I can't take your words as a casual joke."

Hei Luosan said with a serious face when he heard this.

Others may just say it casually as a joke, but Jin Luosha has always dared to speak and act.

Moreover, Jin Rakshasa has a mentality that even with him in charge, he can solve many problems even if Jin Rakshasa is not present.

Therefore, Hei Luosan suffered a lot from it.

If it weren't for the fact that he and Jin Rakshasa were very compatible with each other, he would be to his liking.

So that he doesn't have to deal with other old foxes at work, and at the same time, he also has to intrigue with his partner and guess each other's thoughts outside of work.

And the most it would do is cause him some minor trouble, and he would have been replaced a long time ago if he wouldn't let things slip at critical moments.

The alliance between the younger generations of the five major branches of the imperial capital is not something that can only be said to be unchangeable once chosen.

"Okay, I'll ask Mr. Kyle for information then."

"If the Void God Religion plans to start a war, we will handle everything in advance."

Jin Luosha saw Hei Luo San's serious look, so he immediately changed his tone.

Bai Linglong had a smile on her face when she heard their bickering.

Mr. Jin Luosha's character is indeed a bit casual, and he needs to be cured by a more serious person like Mr. Kuro Luo San.

Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha quarreled while following Bai Linglong to the front of a tall black tower.

The two of them looked up at the towering tower.

This tall tower does not look that majestic, but the thick black tower body exudes a sense of metal thickness.

However, Jin Luosha also quickly noticed that there was something obviously different between the Gravity Building and the training ground.

The atmosphere at the training ground does seem to be more lively, but there are more outsiders.

The number of members of the Void Cult is relatively rare.

But Golden Rakshasa didn't see any outsiders here, at least as far as he saw, except for a few of them, they were all members of the Void God Cult who could be recognized at a glance.

Moreover, there are obviously more members of the Void Cult here than in the training ground.

At this time, a man with a green complexion, a tall figure and good facial features was raising his arms and shouting.

"I finally passed the 100-level trial, and Miss Sonia's voice is still so nice."

"Congratulations Cangming, you finally passed the test of one hundred times gravity."

"What was Miss Sonia's congratulations like?"

When other members of the Void Cult heard this man's words, they gathered around him and congratulated him while also asking about the specific situation.

"If you want to hear it, go take part in the test."

“Miss Sonia’s encouragement is really shocking.”

“The hard work I have put in has really been worth it.”

When Cangming heard these words, he didn't reveal them at all but let them slowly evolve and practice.

A hundred-fold gravity chamber is also a huge threshold for the Void Cult today.

But because when you pass a hundredfold test, you will hear Miss Sonia’s blessings and encouragement.

Therefore, most members of the Void Cult want to go through the 100 times gravity chamber no matter what.

Because the physical body itself is also something that every Void Cult must evolve.

A strong physical body can not only enhance strength, but also allow one to adapt to various harsher environments and resist more dangerous attacks.

Also, only those who are physically strong enough can participate in sports arenas, otherwise they will only be brutally tortured by others.

They can accept failure, but no one wants to be defeated all the time or not even have a chance for revenge.

Therefore, most of them are practitioners of the physical body and the power of the void, but the proportion of evolution will be different.

Some evolve the physical body five times and evolve the power of the void once, while others do the exact opposite.

Anyway, the physical strength will bring about strength improvement, and at the same time, you can also listen to Miss Sonia's blessings.

This kind of beautiful thing has naturally been guiding the thoughts of various members of the Void Cult.

"Why don't you all want to tell me who passed the test of a hundred times gravity first?"

"Because only after you have truly given everything you have to pass the test, listening to the blessings is the supreme experience."

"If I told you in advance, you wouldn't be able to feel the emotion and gain at that time."

"I won't tell you anymore. I just passed the trial and I'm tired and hungry. I'll take a bath first, eat, and go to bed."

After hearing this, Cangming explained the reason and planned to leave immediately.

But when Cangming was about to leave, he noticed Bai Linglong and said hello casually.

"Isn't this Miss Bai Linglong, here to see Lacey?"

Cangming had dealt with Lacey a lot and knew some things about Bai Linglong.

"No, I am taking my friends from my hometown to visit Void Island."

"And congratulations, you finally passed a hundred times the test."

Bai Linglong had also met Cangming a long time ago, and said with a smile when she heard this greeting.

"A visitor from the Saint Nicholas Civilization?"

"The strength of the two of you looks good. At least you are not weak among ordinary people."

"But a visit is a visit, don't even think about making some bold attempts in a place like the Gravity Building."

"The gravity building is much more dangerous than the training ground, so you must strictly follow the rules, otherwise you may be seriously injured if you are not careful."

"Let's talk later when we have time. I'm going to eat and sleep first."

After hearing Bai Linglong's words, Cangming looked at Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan and found the life energy emanating from one of them. While praising them, he also reminded them not to be arrogant in such a place.

He didn't know the names of these two people, but judging from the life energy emanating from Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan.

The two of them are considered strong men with some strength in the outside world.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Cangming for the reminder."

Bai Linglong smiled and waved her hand when she heard this.

Cangming nodded when he heard the words, and then disappeared directly from the spot.

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