I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 689 Lacey’s Teachings (10,000 words)

Bai Linglong then asked Sara for advice on how to use the power of the Void Dark Star.

Sarah also taught Bai Linglong everything she knew.

But for now, they have not long mastered the power of the Dark Star of the Void, so they don't have much clue on how to use it. It is just enough to bless the physical body and simple release.

For example, after Master Kassadin regained control of the power of the Dark Star of the Void, his strength underwent earth-shaking changes. After becoming a saint, his body was even larger than light years.

The subsequent blow not only shakes the stars, but shakes the universe. That is the kind that truly masters the power of the Dark Star in the Void.

They didn't even get started, they just had more powerful power.

However, the power of the Void Dark Star can also be used as the power of the void.

And it is more efficient and more powerful.

It’s just that Bai Linglong has not officially joined the Void God Cult, so Sarah just taught Bai Linglong how to practice [Sky Skiing], that is, how to fly.

Bai Linglong carefully wrote down various techniques for use and practice, and planned to practice them slowly in the future.

"In the future, you just need to declare to others that you have received a gift from Master Kassadin and have mastered some power of the void."

"And this kind of energy has unlimited possibilities. How to use it depends on whether you can research it yourself."

"If we come up with some research results, we will teach you later."

After Sarah taught Bai Linglong some cultivation methods, she warned her seriously.

The power of the Dark Star of the Void actually belongs to Master Kassadin who opened a small stove for Senior Sonia, and then Senior Sonia opened a small stove for her and Lalatina.

They have the responsibility of guarding the island during the most critical period. They can guarantee that they will never show up, so it's okay.

However, Bai Linglong was lucky enough to get a big opportunity and got it by chance.

Therefore, there is no guarantee that Bai Linglong can keep secrets as closely as they do.

So let Bai Linglong have an explanation to the outside world in the future.


Bai Linglong nodded when she heard the words and agreed seriously.

Putting aside everything else, just being able to make her learn to fly and make her body stronger is already very powerful.

Sarah also exchanged communication signals with Bai Linglong.

Senior Sonia also pushed it to Bai Linglong, but Lalatina has not met Bai Linglong yet.

So we'll talk about it later after the two of them meet.

The time came to three o'clock in the afternoon unknowingly.

At this time, some members happened to come to the Temple of Records.

Bai Linglong said goodbye first and planned to have a good chat with Miss Sarah after practicing and studying.

Of course, if you talk to Miss Sonia, you may be able to get more help.

It’s just that Miss Sonia is not as free as Miss Sarah.

Because she had just finished her meal at noon, Bai Linglong didn't feel hungry yet, but she still went to the canteen, planning to have afternoon tea and some dessert.

And she knew that if she wanted to find someone, it would be fastest to go to the cafeteria during meal time.

Members of the Void Cult generally eat five times a day.

On average during the day, I spend at least a few hours in the cafeteria.

There will also be many members eating in the canteen at night, and the canteen is open 24 hours a day.

This is also great for outsiders.

Because no matter what kind of schedule you are on the island, when you want to eat, you don’t have to worry about where to find it.

When Bai Linglong came to the canteen again, she not only saw Mr. Kyle and others, but also Mr. Nikrov and Madam Butterfly.

After the two of them visited the shrine, they didn’t know where they went for a few hours.

Bai Linglong didn't know where to look if she wanted to, but now she finally found someone.

But with the arrival of Bai Linglong, Kyle, others and Niklov could see the changes in Bai Linglong at a glance.

"It seems that it really made her feel something and get some opportunities."

Nikrov has not yet understood the power of the void, but his telekinesis has never lagged behind others.

He felt that Bai Linglong's body had become stronger, so there were some changes in the technique of exerting force, for fear of damaging everything he touched.

And it seems that I haven't completely gotten used to it yet, causing my movements to be a bit stiff.

Although his posture and movements were still elegant in the eyes of ordinary people, it was impossible to hide the blame from Niklov.

The most important thing is that Bai Linglong also has a strange aura on her body.

This kind of aura gave Niklov a feeling very similar to that of members of the Void Cult, but it was just similar, and he couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"Did Bai Linglong really get the chance?"

Madam Butterfly didn't see anything, but she knew that Niklov would not make any unreasonable assertions, so her eyes were a little surprised.

Lacey, Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predicter all felt a breath of the same origin from Bai Linglong's body. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Although Bai Linglong had met Master Kassadin and Miss Sonia in person before.

However, it had only been less than a day since I arrived on the island, and I actually had the aura of void in my body.

What exactly is going on makes several people full of doubts.

Bai Linglong moved cautiously and came to Kyle and others.

"Mr. Nikrov, thank you for your reminder, which gave me some opportunities."

Bai Linglong bowed to Nikrov and thanked him.

"Being able to feel the breath from the Void Temple and just hold it in your hands is all your ability."

"I just know that the Void Temple is not an ordinary place, so I let you go and find it based on experience."

"I didn't expect that you actually got lucky and got something from the Void Temple."

When Nikrov faced this thank you, he did not take credit, but said it very calmly.

Feeling some special atmosphere in an ordinary place may be just an illusion.

But in the Void Temple on Void Island, some breath can be sensed, which means that the breath may be real.

But how to capture that breath is another matter.

At least Nikrov's mental force field was deployed intensively to sense, but he couldn't feel anything from the Void Temple.

Maybe this really has something to do with Bai Linglong's biological transformation, which is far beyond ordinary people's perception.

Of course, this is just Nikrov's guess. Why Bai Linglong could sense it, Nikrov couldn't say for sure. He had no experience related to this kind of thing in the past.

"Miss Bai Linglong, have you been blessed by the void?"

Kyle looked at Bai Linglong, who felt a sense of closeness due to the aura of the same origin, and asked in surprise.

"No, I was just lucky enough to get part of the power of the void from the Temple of the Void."

"It's not like you, Mr. Kyle, are directly blessed by Mr. Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Bai Linglong shook her head slightly when she heard this and said with a smile.

"Get it from the Void Temple?"

Lacey was a little stunned when she heard this.

"How did you get it?"

The same is true for Renault. He has never heard of being able to obtain the power of the void directly from the Temple of the Void.

The prophet planned to directly understand Bai Linglong's fate, but this time he could not see through Bai Linglong's fate.

This change shocked the foreseer's heart, and he already had many thoughts in his mind.

Bai Linglong definitely got more than just the power of the void.

Because apart from the great existence, there are already several members on the island who can prevent him from seeing through his fate.

They are Miss Sonia, Miss Sarah, and Miss Lalatina.

Originally, if I only looked at Miss Sonia, it might be because I often stayed near Master Kassadin, so it was normal to not be able to see clearly.

But later on, Miss Sarah and Miss Lalatina could see through their fate.

One day he suddenly couldn't see through it. In the future he predicted, these people were nowhere to be seen.

Therefore, the prophet also thought a lot, and finally came to the most likely conclusion.

They have already received some unusual opportunities from Lord Kassadin.

Otherwise, it would be unexplainable. He could see through the fate of other members of the Void Cult, but he could not see through the reasons for the fate of these people.

It's just that the prophet didn't say anything. He just watched everything quietly and planned to listen to Bai Linglong's explanation.

Because the prophet knew that Bai Linglong had just been taken away by Miss Sonia for a while.

"I sensed a special aura, and then I went to the Void Temple with a heart of admiration, touched the Commandment Monument, and got it."

Bai Linglong said with a smile upon hearing this.

Bai Linglong really wanted to tell Mr. Kyle and others what happened when they touched the Commandment Monument.

However, after being warned by Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah, she knew that those things could not be spoken out.

Therefore, she briefly summarized the process and only explained some reasons.

"Did you get it from the stone tablet engraved by Lord Kassadin?"

"That's a great opportunity. Congratulations."

Kyle didn't have any doubts after hearing this, but smiled and congratulated Bai Linglong.

"Can you feel the breath from the Void Temple?"

"Is this because of the cat's perception?"

Lacey had no doubts, just thinking about the possibilities.

"I don't know about this either. I just felt a breath after telling Mr. Nikrov."

"He suggested I go take a look at the breath."

"Then I found the Commandment Monument and touched it out of curiosity, and then my body suddenly became stronger."

"I accidentally destroyed some things and made some noise, which attracted Miss Sonia."

"Later, after talking and getting to know each other, I realized that I had received part of the power of the void, but it was not considered the blessing of the void."

"Because after I didn't receive the blessing, I wouldn't be in a situation where I would definitely feel hungry within a few minutes."

Bai Linglong heard the words and explained the reason.

Of course, these are some of what Miss Sarah will say to the outside world after discussing it with her.

At the same time, whether you can feel the feeling of hunger is indeed a major difference between receiving a blessing and not receiving a blessing.

It can very well convince other members of the Void Cult.

"It's a pity that you got a part of the power of the void, but didn't get the blessing."

Lacey expressed some regret after hearing this.

Because as long as you receive the blessing of the void and understand the evolutionary path, you will definitely be able to obtain the power of the void.

And the weight of the power of the void will become larger and larger.

But just by obtaining the power of the void, you may have obtained a large amount of the power of the void initially.

But because he has not received the blessing, he may not be able to go any further.

Bai Linglong received a blessing just one day after arriving on the island.

Lacey and the others may be shocked, but they won't feel jealous or weird.

Because they were among the first group of people to join the Void God Religion, they knew whether they would receive blessings.

There is never a specified number of days that must be tested.

As long as you can get Lord Kassadin's approval, you may be able to receive a blessing in just a minute.

After all, this blessing comes from Lord Kassadin. It’s hard to guess Lord Kassadin’s thoughts. It might be normal for him to give it suddenly when he’s in a good mood.

And even if the latecomers are blessed, it will not be easy to catch up with the forerunners.

If you want to get the blessing and catch up quickly, only the strong or potential people with extremely high starting points like Star-Lord, Nickrov, and Thor can catch up with them in a short time.

Moreover, the more powerful members of the Void God Religion, the better, and it is best to include countless types of feathers, so that it will be more difficult for them to encounter enemies that they cannot deal with in the future, so there is no need to be jealous at all.

If possible, they hope that they can deal with all kinds of troubles in the future, instead of being forced to let Lord Kassadin come forward because they are still too weak.

It may not feel like much to Master Kassadin, but to them, this is a symbol that they are not strong enough, and it is an extremely embarrassing thing.

"It's hard to guess Lord Kassadin's thoughts. This may be some kind of test."

Renault also knew that receiving the power of the void did not necessarily mean receiving a blessing, so he spoke.

Star-Lord's test lasted for two years, and he received a blessing the day before he finally left the island.

Nikrov and Madame Butterfly had begun the test without knowing when, and suddenly received blessings.

There may be someone somewhere in the universe who is also undergoing the test given by Lord Kassadin.

People like Bai Linglong, who had the opportunity to obtain the power of the void first, may attract the attention of Lord Kassadin, and the test may have already begun.

Get the power of the void first, and if you can finally get the blessing, then it will be a good thing.

If it cannot be obtained later due to special tests, then this cannot be said to be a good thing.

Even if there isn't much void power in the body, as long as it has some weight, it can already make a huge difference in a person's strength.

If the strength is greatly enhanced, the tempering of the state of mind will be even more difficult and harsh.

As soon as the prophet heard this, he knew that Bai Linglong had received instructions from Miss Sonia.

It was indeed obtained from the commandment tablet in the Temple of the Void, but there must have been some things that cannot be told to ordinary people.

They, the top experts in the Void Religion, are also ordinary people.

The Void Cult is a very human being in terms of status and strength, with only Lord Kassadin and Miss Sonia.

However, according to the conjecture of the foreseer, it must be true that Bai Linglong did not receive the blessing.

Because there is no need to lie about something that is very easy to determine whether it is a lie or not.

It can only be said that there is something hidden in Bai Linglong's body. As for what it is, there is no need to pursue too much for the time being. It will definitely be witnessed in the future.

At the moment, it seems that Bai Linglong can obtain the power of the void, which is an excellent thing for Bai Linglong.

They have no reason to be suspicious.

"The road to testing is long and arduous and may involve many risks."

"But congratulations for now."

"Just for this opportunity, your trip has been well worth it."

Therefore, the prophet also spoke and issued a congratulation.

"Well, I think the trip was well worth it."

Bai Linglong had a happy smile on her face when she heard this.

She knew that it would be the best if she was blessed by the void.

Because then she might become as powerful as Lady Lacey at this stage.

But the most taboo thing for people is to be lofty and ambitious, to have a heart higher than the sky, and never be satisfied.

According to Lady Lacey, these are also the most taboo things for many members of the Void Cult, so they must always be alert and sharpen their state of mind.

"Now that you have understood the power of the void, I will spend some time tonight to teach you how to use it."

"Although I can't teach you the Void Magic that involves some trump cards, even if I teach you, you probably won't be able to learn it."

"But there are some void magics that are relatively easy to learn. It's still okay to teach you."

After Lacey learned that Bai Linglong had obtained the power of the void, she became closer to him, so she planned to teach Bai Linglong herself.

Even if you don't get the blessing of the Void, but just get the power of the Void, you can barely be considered as half a member of the Void Cult.

But we can't let Bai Linglong return to the Saint Nicholas Civilization in the future because she doesn't know how to use the power of the void, and lose the face of their Void Cult.

The reputation and symbol of the void power of the Void God Cult have slowly spread in the universe.

Others cannot directly judge the breath of the Void Power, but they can judge what kind of energy is used through some color symbols of the Void Power.

"Okay, thank you, Lady Lacey."

Bai Linglong smiled sweetly and said gratefully when she heard this.

Then she ordered a drink of her choice and some snacks.

I plan to go back to Lady Lacey's villa after eating.

She knew that how to practice and use the power of the Dark Star of the Void was not important at the moment. What was important was to adapt to the body's surge in power first.

If she can't adapt, then she won't be able to take the route in the woods and will have to walk through the avenue.

Although currently, because of the blessing, she feels more secure in her heart and no longer needs to be afraid of people who covet her.

However, the looks in those people's eyes made her easily feel uncomfortable, so she had to take the road with fewer people.

"Mr. Niklov, you are leaving in two days?"

"Can't you stay on the island for a little longer?"

Immediately, Bai Linglong looked at Nikrov and asked curiously.

At present, the only people she is familiar with on the island are a few people who have been to San Nicol civilization before.

If possible, Bai Linglong certainly hopes that Mr. Niklov and Madam Butterfly will stay on the island for a longer period of time.

That way she can also have a good chat with these people.

Especially Mr. Niklov, he is an awesome person who has experienced many civilizations. Talking more with him should be able to provide her with a lot of good experience.

"Not in two days, but we will go back tomorrow afternoon."

"Although we also want to stay on Void Island more."

"But Wu Maqi is not used to the land of nothingness. Can't we go back and take over early?"

"After all, Wu Maqi was entrusted by Lady Lacey to help take care of him."

"The Void Land itself should be controlled by the two of us."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

In Bai Linglong's opinion, the two of them might have disappeared for a few hours, and they didn't know where they went.

But the two of them are very active in the Void God Cult community.

Chatted more with many members of the Void Cult, asking about their experiences related to various evolutions, as well as dealing with Wu Maqi's complaints.

Of course, Nikrov can understand some of Wu Maqi's feelings.

A lawless zone like the Land of Nothingness can accommodate strong people from all walks of life to live prosperously there.

But it does not include members of the Void Cult.

For members of the Void Cult, the Land of Void is a place that lures them into the abyss. Once they are affected by the atmosphere of the Land of Void and the bottom line is breached, they may have to face the personal judgment of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

There are only new members of the Void Cult like him and Madam Butterfly who have lived in the land of nothingness for hundreds of years and have not broken through the bottom line for many years.

You can regard the rules and atmosphere of the void as if it were nothing, and you don't need to worry about stepping into the abyss of desire.

"I see, but I think Master Jin Rakshasa and Master Black Luo San may be coming over in the next few months."

"The two of them must really want to see you two."

Bai Linglong felt a little pity when she heard this.

As one of the people of the Saint Nicholas Civilization, Bai Linglong is extremely grateful for the help of Mr. Niklov and Madam Butterfly, as well as Mr. Kyle, Mr. Lacey, Mr. Predictor, and Mr. Rennoli.

Let the main forces outside the imperial capital successfully unite the Kree Empire, and then suddenly break out.

Not only a few people will die in the Saint Nicholas Civilization, but the entire civilization will be set off in a bloody storm. The civilization will regress for tens of thousands of years, and there is even a risk of destruction.

But these people discovered and solved all this in advance. It is not an exaggeration to say that they saved the Saint Nicholas civilization.

She also knew that Mr. Nikrov was one of the people who wanted to return to Tesma Civilization in the future.

When Mr. Nikrov really goes back, the distance is not just millions of light years, but millions of light years. The journey is far away and we don’t know when we will see each other again.

As for Lord Kyle, they don't have to worry, they can basically see him as long as they come to Void Island.

This is what Ms. Lacey said personally. The permanent staff like them will not travel far unless there is no big deal.

"As for Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San, there will be opportunities to meet in the future."

"Anyway, the lifespan of the Saint Nicholas Civilization is not a short-lived race in the universe, but one of the long-lived races, right?"

Nikrov smiled calmly upon hearing this.

He needs to quickly improve his strength in a short period of time so that he can contribute his meager contribution when the Void Cult and the Kree Empire officially start a war.

In this way, you can wash away your resentment, wash away the guilt caused by some stupid actions you have committed in the past, and return to Tesma civilization with peace of mind.

It has been more than a hundred years since he left Tesma Civilization, and some of his thoughts about Tesma Civilization were too far away.

Coupled with this, the overall development of Tesma civilization has been set back for many years.

If civilization is not strong enough, it will remain unknown to the universe.

He also doesn't know what the situation of Tesma Civilization has become now. He hopes that the situation is not too bad.

"Okay, then I will definitely tell Mr. Jin Rakshasa and Mr. Black Luo San that you have returned to the Land of Nothingness and ask them to come find you."

Bai Linglong said with a smile upon hearing this.

"If the two of them have this heart, then we will entertain them well and show our kindness as hosts."

Nikrov said with a smile upon hearing this.

After a burst of laughter and lunch, Lacey and the others disappeared again.

Nikrov and Madame Butterfly went directly to visit some members of the Void Cult. They did not communicate in the group community, but planned to meet in person and learn some evolutionary experiences.

Nikrov did this to pave the way for Lady Butterfly to stay more comfortable on Void Island in the future.

As long as she gets to know more people, Mrs. Butterfly will not feel lonely living alone on Void Island in the future.

Madam Butterfly didn't understand this, she just learned from the past.

She didn't know enough about the Void Cult, and she was also confused about her future path of evolution.

I don’t know how to evolve so that I don’t bury this hard-earned blessing.

Bai Linglong returned home and began to practice.

Of course she was practicing how to control the surge of power within her body.

Through the opportunity casually given by Lord Kassadin, Bai Linglong was able to understand how strong her current body was.

Because she hasn't had a chance to test it yet, she doesn't have a clear idea yet.

But no matter how strong her strength is, if she can't live a normal life, it will cause big trouble.

If an ordinary person's strength suddenly increases dozens of times, he may not only feel happy, but also face great troubles.

But for Bai Linglong, there is no such trouble.

Because Bai Linglong had been trained to learn how to control her own strength before, it was not that difficult to adapt.

Bai Linglong started practicing on the lawn outside the villa, walking, running and jumping.

In just a few hours, Bai Linglong had adapted to the surge of power in her body.

Of course, she was just adapting to the physical increase in strength. She had not yet learned the physical body blessed by the power of the Void Dark Star.

Miss Sarah taught her how to use the power of the Dark Star of the Void to bless her physical body.

According to Miss Sarah, entering that state is at least ten times more powerful.

However, because she doesn’t know how much power she has in the Dark Star of the Void, and how long she can last for, she doesn’t know yet, so she can slowly explore on her own.

Bai Linglong knew that Lady Lacey was ready to come back, so she temporarily stopped her plans to further practice and explore.

Just as Bai Linglong thought, Lacey returned home shortly after nightfall.

After taking a good bath, Lacey put on a short shirt and a pair of hot pants. She looked very hot, stunning and sexy, which further highlighted her femininity.

Lacey knew that she wanted many members of the Void Cult to treat her not as a man, but as a woman.

She must appear more feminine on the island, like Miss Sarah and Miss Sonia.

Instead of treating her as a powerful and terrifying female tyrannosaurus.

Obviously in terms of appearance and temperament, she can't even compare to Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah, who have been truly influenced and cultivated by countless knowledge.

But she used to rely on her face and figure to make a living, so her appearance and temperament are definitely not bad either.

But the treatment she received from Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah could only be said to be worlds apart.

Although there are some identity factors involved, it should not be regarded as a female tyrannosaurus by others.

Through Lacey's observation, Lacey discovered the usual attire of Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah.

It is basically the elegance and nobility of a fair lady and a gentleman.

But Lacey knew that she didn't have that noble and elegant temperament.

This is not only a question of knowledge, but also a question of understanding the world, so she needs to take other routes.

Therefore, I was in a state of rest after stopping practice for a day.

Lacey would focus on the issue of her dressing up and try to save her image as a woman, instead of going further and further down the path of a female tyrannosaurus, which would lead to her being unable to pull it back in the end. -

Not to mention receiving special care and treatment like Miss Sarah, at least it would be nice not to regard her as a strong and powerful woman with terrifying strength.

Of course, Lacey also tried it. The so-called piano, chess, calligraphy and painting wanted to cultivate her own sentiment and temperament.

Because Miss Sarah and Miss Sonia are not only knowledgeable but also very professional.

But after Lacey tried it in private, she found that she had no interest in it at all, and instead felt that doing so was a waste of her training time.

Bai Linglong didn't know what Lady Lacey had in mind. She saw Lady Lacey dressed completely differently when traveling with the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

I just think this is what I like to wear at home after a busy day on Void Island.

And Harvey was a witness who saw all this in secret. He didn't feel anything when he saw Lacey changing into sexy and hot clothes.

Except for the first time she met him, Lacey showed a sexy look that understood men's thoughts very well and was able to talk.

After Lacey received the blessing of the void and became stronger and stronger, Lacey's style changed to that of a strong woman forever.

It is undeniable that Lacey's appearance and beauty are absolutely excellent, and there is nothing wrong with her figure. She is top-notch.

But many members of the Void Cult, seeing Lacey's current impression, were definitely the first to notice Lacey's reputation and terrifying strength.

It's not like the usual strong men who, after seeing some beautiful women, have the idea of ​​​​taking care of them a little bit.

The reason is none other than that Lacey has grown from an ordinary person on the Xandar planet to the top powerhouse of the Void God Religion.

He showed a fierceness that countless people could not ignore or even admire.

With such a ruthless person, there is a question mark as to whether other members of the Void Cult can beat Lacey, let alone protect Lacey.

And Lacey began to give Bai Linglong advice.

Although the effect of blessing the physical body and directly releasing it with the power of the void is very obvious and effective, just how to bless the physical body is a major science.

"There are many ways to use the power of the void to bless the physical body."

"Kyle is a very representative figure among the strong men of the Void God Religion."

"He is born with divine power and a strong body, so if we want to confront Kyle head-on, we who are physically weak must think of more ways."

Lacey looked at Bai Linglong and said slowly.

"Please give me some advice, Lady Lacey."

Bai Linglong knew that no matter whether she had been blessed or not, or whether she had obtained the power of the Dark Star of the Void, the difference in strength between her and Lady Lacey was still very high.

If such a strong person is willing to teach her something, it will definitely be of great benefit.

"There are many ways to bless the physical body."

"Kyle and I, as well as Rennoli, or Tony, all have their own ways of blessing."

"Not to mention Tony, the route he takes to awaken is different from that of ordinary people."

"Let me first talk about the direction that me, Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predicter are taking."

Because using the power of the void to bless the physical body is the foundation of the foundation, Lacey is not afraid to teach it to others.

Bai Linglong nodded when she heard the words and listened attentively.

She has not met Mr. Tony Stark yet, but she was chatting with Miss Sarah this afternoon.

Miss Sarah once mentioned that Mr. Tony is also one of the eight top powerhouses in the Void Cult, and he is a man who has blazed his own path.

"Kyle's is a fierce form, which allows his strength to reach its strongest state, and directly defeats all methods with force."

"Renoli uses a rapid form, which mainly increases his speed so that his strength will be partially increased."

"The Predictor is defensive, mainly to strengthen his defense, because according to his ability, he never lacks effective means of attack. As long as he can protect himself from injury, there are countless ways to kill the enemy."

"And mine is Transformation, a physical blessing technique that combines the above three fusions."

"When used, it has the advantages of the above three. Depending on the enemy and the situation, the form of blessing will be changed at any time, focusing on strengthening a certain form and direction."

"This requires very high-precision control over the power of the void, and it also takes more effort, but this is the most comprehensive blessing method."

Lacey herself is so powerful because she spent more effort and energy to master abilities that others have not mastered.

Use it to bless yourself and narrow the gap in strength with other people or even surpass them.

The physical enhancement technique is only one of them, and she is ahead in all other aspects, allowing her to stand on par with other top powerhouses of the Void God Religion.

"So which one should I learn?"

Bai Linglong knew that since Lady Lacey said this, it meant that she wanted to learn Lady Lacey's illusion.

The other three forms must be learned first before you can learn the illusion of Lady Lacey.

"My illusion depends on the three. I can only say it is the most comprehensive, but I cannot say it is the best."

"So I should ask you this question."

"Bai Linglong, which one do you think has the highest weight among strength, speed, and defense in battle?"

"Or what kind of blessing technique do you think can help you better defeat enemies and face various dangerous situations?"

"I should have said that specialization is the key to the world of the strong."

“Learning too much doesn’t necessarily make you better than someone who specializes in a certain path.”

“Which path do you think you want to specialize in?”

After hearing this, Lacey did not directly help Bai Linglong make a decision, but asked Bai Linglong about her own thoughts.

Even strong men with the same abilities will have different fighting styles that they like.

Not to mention strong men with different abilities, their fighting methods are even more different.

Lacey knew that she was much stronger than Bai Linglong, but she understood that she could not use herself as a representative to guide Bai Linglong's direction.

Simply following the direction pointed out by someone does not mean that this path is correct, nor does it mean that the learner will be able to become her.

But Lacey clearly understands that the most important thing at the beginning of becoming stronger is to take one step at a time.

Because the foundation laid by hard work will never betray you.

Bai Linglong also fell into deep thought after hearing this.

"The way I'm good at fighting is to win with speed."

"Would it be better to specialize in Lord Renault?"

Bai Linglong thought about the fighting methods she was good at and asked with some uncertainty.

"What I'm asking is not what you are good at, but what you think will enable you to better defeat your enemies in the future."

"Is it a more powerful force that can destroy everything, a faster extreme speed, or a more conservative defense."

"You have to understand that the main purpose of the physical blessing technique is not just to strengthen certain abilities, but to make up for shortcomings in certain aspects."

"So how can you better defeat the enemy and deal with various anticipated or unforeseen dangers, that is what you need to think about."

When Lacey heard this, she shook her head slightly and corrected the direction of Bai Linglong's thinking.

The direction of thinking is very important. Even if you don't have any brains to increase your strength, speed, and defense, you can make yourself stronger.

But Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predicter all have powerful superpowers of their own.

Therefore, the direction they pursue can reach a certain extreme.

Therefore, they can pursue a path without hesitation, and firmly believe that their path is absolutely correct, allowing them to deal with all enemies.

But as weak people who don't have their kind of superpowers, if they want to become stronger, they must go through more considerations.

Bai Linglong fell into deep thought again when she heard that she could not only strengthen her advantages, but also choose to make up for her own shortcomings.

Her advantage is quick speed because she is a cat, and her attacks have become more powerful as she has mastered new skills.

Then his real shortcoming is that his defense ability is extremely insufficient.

Of course, you can also rely on your extreme speed to avoid all attacks from the enemy to ensure that you will not be injured.

In terms of priority, strength is currently the lowest choice, with speed and defense weighing heavily.

Whether to strengthen speed or supplement defense can make oneself better able to deal with danger.

Bai Linglong thought about the various possibilities, strong men and enemies she might encounter.

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