I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 686: Feeling like there’s not much hope (10,000 words)

Bai Linglong's observation skills were very keen, so when she realized that such an attack could not make the mysterious metal in front of her vibrate.

Her movements immediately changed from extreme movement to extreme stillness, and she easily avoided the reverberating impact.

Bai Linglong walked around the vibrating metal in a catwalk, her posture extremely elegant.

The instantaneous change of rhythm between movement and stillness aroused applause from the surrounding Void Cult members who were watching.

It doesn't just look like a cat, it actually is a cat.

This sudden change of rhythm is not so easy to achieve even if you have a strong body.

Bai Linglong's brain was thinking wildly, and she came up with attacks that successfully shook the metal, attacks that failed to shake but were extremely ferocious, and her own storm-like attack just now.

All the movements of these people, the changes in their eyes and muscles appeared in Bai Linglong's brain.

Then, the cat tail behind Bai Linglong turned into a white shadow and was thrown directly up.

Like the collision between a long sword and steel rock, the force penetrated the thick metal wall and vibrated inside, causing the vibrating metal to make a crisp "clang!" sound.

And it was this reverberating voice that made all Bai Linglong's thoughts suddenly clear.

She is very fast and her whole body can be regarded as a weapon.

But no matter how fast or how many times you strike, it's not as good as a sudden and effective blow.

After understanding this, Bai Linglong restrained the sharp claws on her hands, and the beast-like aura all over her body suddenly disappeared.

As the vibrating metal walked, Bai Linglong just slapped the vibrating metal with a light palm.

But this time, the attack, which didn't seem to have any power, actually sounded like a thunderous sound.

With a sound of "Boom!", the entire vibrating metal vibrated visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it! There's a pervert here."

"You've learned it now?"

"Maybe it's just one hit."

"It takes more than ten minutes to pass the test."

"You can't skip classes on basic things, so even though I have mastered power control, I still failed the test."

The dozen or so members of the Void Cult around them all stopped and noticed the movements of this extremely beautiful Catwoman.

Because Miss Sarah shared the techniques of exercising and strengthening energy.

Therefore, many people who follow it can reach the first step of mastering the physical realm within an average of three months.

It's one thing to just master the power, but it's another thing to have a good foundation.

In the test of vibrating metal, the most important thing is to improve in all aspects.

Whether it's the burst of power, body coordination, development of moves, or sense of danger.

It's just about mastering how to unleash the purest and most effective attack.

You can't escape the basic training course, so except for the days when everyone takes a break during the New Year's pilgrimage, there are people here all year round.

It's just that they noticed that Bai Linglong didn't know how to control the power just now, but in just such a moment, there seemed to be some signs.

This kind of fighting talent also shocked them.

But the next scene showed them that they were indeed right.

Bai Linglong understood that attacks should not be limited to ranged damage.

Although this is the most effective way of fighting for the strong men of the Saint Nicholas Civilization, it is also the easiest to resolve the battle immediately against most enemies or things.

But this kind of training of the Void God Cult is an exercise of advanced skills.

It is to cultivate in the direction of truly mastering all the power within oneself and defeating the strong with the weak.

The perspective of looking at the enemy is not the usual high attack and low imitation, but the enemy's defense is very strong, and the attack method is that the faster you are, the faster he will be.

This mysterious metal is really powerful. The higher the frequency of your attacks, the faster and stronger the shock feedback will be. The enemies will become stronger and stronger depending on the ton level.

Bai Linglong was immersed in this obvious progress and couldn't extricate herself.

The body was like a white ghost. At this moment, the whole body once again burst out with the momentum of a savage beast.

The attacks continued on the vibrating metal like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

The entire training ground resounded with a roar like continuous waves crashing on the shore.

The commotion was so loud that all members of the Void Cult and outsiders present noticed.

There were more than thirty members of the Void Cult present, as well as more than a dozen outsiders.

Many outsiders only go to worship in the afternoon, so they also come to the training ground to practice in the morning.

Even if you don't get the blessing, if you come to the training ground to practice, if you have some brains, you can still gain something.

Many outsiders can be called masters, heroes or strong men in their own planetary civilizations.

Each one has considerable strength. As they have trained for many days, they know how difficult it is to make vibrating metal vibrate.

What vibrating metal requires is never a harsh physical body.

What is required is a precise grasp of power, which is no longer limited to surface attacks. As long as the long-range attack method is up to standard, it can also directly shock metal.

Bai Linglong kept attacking, immersed in the world of letting out her power freely.

Until Bai Linglong's last claw gripped the vibrating metal and made a bang! "There was a loud noise, but no shaking sound was heard.

The change in the voice suddenly woke Bai Linglong out of her selfless state, and she quickly hid to the side.

Only by exerting force with her feet, Bai Linglong realized that the last claw had exhausted all her strength, so she had no strength to burst out at a faster speed.

This made Bai Linglong want to stop, but the shock metal didn't care about the attacker's status, it just responded with an attack that was not far from the impact it received.

As the vibrating metal glowed, a shock wave visible to the naked eye burst out.

Bai Linglong could only change from dodging to blocking to protect her vitals, and her body was directly shaken and moved more than sixty meters on the ground.

Her hands, which were already covered with dust and turned gray due to the selfless attack, showed a trace of scarlet, and the severe pain made Bai Linglong break into a cold sweat.

However, Bai Linglong did not feel intimidated, but instead felt more excited.

Because this kind of enemy who spares no effort to attack oneself at any time is the best opponent. .

The eyes of the people around him had already changed from the original feeling that Bai Linglong was just an accident, to shock and admiration.

This time Bai Linglong persisted for eight minutes. Although he had not passed the test, they all knew that this was because the eight minutes of high-intensity all-out attack had exhausted Bai Linglong's physical strength.

Otherwise, with more physical strength, Bai Linglong might have passed the test.

For a fast and violent battle, even one minute of high-intensity battle, not to mention eight minutes, can make people collapse from exhaustion.

At the same time, they also knew that a fighting genius came to Void Island.

How long has it been since I came into contact with the vibrating metal magnesium? I have reached the first level of power control of the physical body by stepping directly into the door.


"This kind of terrifying combat intuition, if one can be blessed and understand the power of the void, he will definitely become famous in the universe."

"Does she really have all the habits and advantages of a cat?"

"I feel like her fighting sense is incredibly sharp, and her body is too soft."

The surrounding Void Cult members looked at Bai Linglong and began to talk about it.

As for why he didn't take action just now, that is completely unnecessary to consider.

It is normal to get injured while practicing in the training ground, and in a real battle, you cannot expect that when you are exhausted, a helper will suddenly appear to save you in danger.

Although it is said that as long as you act with your companions, there is a chance that others will rescue you.

But that also means that his strength is insufficient, or he is extremely arrogant.

If you are not extremely arrogant, when facing some strong people, you will find that you can't beat them after the battle.

The thing to consider is not to fight to the death, but to prioritize finding opportunities to escape.

During training, you can make hundreds of mistakes, and the price of mistakes is mostly injuries.

But in a real battle, there cannot be a single mistake. The price of a mistake is death.

So getting used to this situation where you can't rely on others and can only rely on yourself to fight and win or escape is also part of the training.

Bai Linglong knew that her training had stopped, so she endured the severe pain in her hands and gasped to regain her nearly exhausted physical strength.

She looked at her current appearance. Although only her hands were injured, her whole body was dirty due to the battle.

Thinking of the purpose of coming here this time, he originally planned to go to see Lady Lacey to see how Lady Lacey practices.

However, the way I look now is obviously not suitable for me to go to see Lady Lacey.

So Bai Linglong started to leave the same way she came, planning to take a bath, disinfect and bandage herself before talking.

While passing by several members of the Void Cult.

"It's a pity. There are only one hundred and fourteen seconds left before you can pass the basic test on the training ground."

“It’s my first time trying it out, and it’s already amazing to be able to do this.”

"Also, you damaged some places. Remember to pay Miss Sarah for repairs."

These words made Bai Linglong stop. She should have paid attention to the conditions of the test first.

It was just the matter involving money that directly diverted Bai Linglong's attention.

"Do you still have to pay maintenance fees? How much do you have to pay... I don't have much money with me."

This made Bai Linglong ask in a low voice with some guilt.

"Judging from the extent of your training damage, you'll probably have to pay 300,000 cosmic coins."

"You spread too much power at the beginning and destroyed too much of the field."

"If you control it better and don't damage the venue, you don't have to pay a dollar."

"We, the members of the Void Cult, also have to pay this money, but we can owe it first..."

"As an outsider, you must hand it in within three days."

These members of the Void Cult also knew that Bai Linglong was brought back by Kyle, so their attitudes were relatively friendly and they explained the rules.

Let members of the Void Cult and outsiders freely express their power here.

It would obviously be unrealistic for Miss Sonia to allocate all the maintenance costs.

Of course, the maintenance personnel are not ordinary construction workers, but Shi Tianpo, a member of the Void God Cult who can create the Void Blessing Technique to repair and strengthen it.

The three hundred thousand cosmic coins were mainly given to him so that he could work overtime at night to repair it.

In fact, at this time, it is no longer so easy to destroy the venue.

It was only Bai Linglong's explosive force of more than a hundred tons, coupled with the constant bombardment, that caused some damage to the venue.

After hearing this, Bai Linglong looked back at the place where she had just trained, and found a large number of shocking deep and shallow claw marks on the ground.

Paying 300,000 yuan was not a lot, but she found that her full strength just now only damaged so much.

The solidity of this training ground was far higher than any place she had ever seen before.

With her power bursting out, as long as the buildings and land are not made of particularly strong metal.

Her attacks can easily create a lot of holes or even destroy them directly, but here she only destroyed so many places.

"Well, I will ask Miss Sarah to pay."

Bai Linglong nodded after being surprised and promised to go to Miss Sarah to pay.

"If you want to recover from your injuries immediately, you can also go to Kyle."

"You were brought back by Kyle. He probably won't charge you any money. Even if he does, it probably won't be too much."

These members of the Void God Cult don't care whether Bai Linglong refuses to be friends with her.

Because Shi Tianpo would not be used to outsiders. He would pay the money within three days. If he didn't pay, he would wait for Shi Tianpo to collect the debt in person.

Although Bai Linglong's strength is good, she doesn't have the ability to directly escape debts.

"Mr. Kyle also has medical skills?"

Bai Linglong was also a little shocked when she heard that she wanted treatment not from anyone else but from Mr. Kyle, who was known as Hercules.

"Kyle is not only good at medicine, his healing ability is said to be able to cure you as long as you still have breath."

"So you just go find him, but Kyle is in the gravity room right now."

"Just go to the cafeteria to find him during lunch time."

It's not surprising that these people were shocked when they saw Bai Linglong. If they didn't understand, who would have thought that a muscular man had such terrifying healing abilities.

"Okay, thank you for the reminder."

"Then I'll leave first."

"If you have a chance tomorrow, please, sir, please talk to me again."

Bai Linglong was a little shocked when she heard about this incredible healing power, but because her body was too dirty, she wanted to go back and take a shower early.

So after saying some thanks, she took the initiative to say goodbye.

"We will be here for some time to come. If we have time, of course we can chat with you."

Faced with Bai Linglong's idea to continue chatting tomorrow, they did not refuse.

Although Bai Linglong is an outsider, members of the Void Cult never communicate with outsiders.

Star-Lord, who was most enthusiastic about communicating with members of the Void Cult before, has become their compatriot.

As long as your attitude is good enough and you are not rude, they certainly don't mind sharing your cultivation experience or even discussing with outsiders.

Seeing their agreement, Bai Linglong nodded slightly, and then walked away.

Because she didn't have much strength, Bai Linglong didn't dare to shuttle between the branches in the woods.

Miss Sonia said that she was allowed to take that route, but the premise was that she would not tear down those trees, otherwise she would also have to pay for repairs.

She is usually in good health and can walk that way if she has enough strength.

But now she doesn't even have much strength to run, so she might as well go back along the avenue honestly.

Bai Linglong has only come to the island for a few small things, but she has already memorized the general route distribution.

Bai Linglong's dirty appearance attracted a lot of attention along the way.

Just because Bai Linglong was not as beautiful as she originally appeared, she did not attract the coveted eyes of some outsiders.

This difference made Bai Linglong feel a little surprised. Maybe it would be better for her to be a little messier?

However, as soon as this thought came out, Bai Linglong felt the discomfort all over her body, and she felt that it was better to be cleaner.

And Bai Linglong also truly felt that the safety on Void Island was very guaranteed.

The members of the Void Cult are not that dangerous, but their purpose is very pure.

If she were not in a hurry to go back and take a shower now, she could have a good understanding of some of the invisible rules of the Void God Religion with those people.

Although it cost 300,000 yuan for repairs, Bai Linglong didn't feel too distressed.

Because she really felt that her strength limit had not been improved for many years, and she had made great progress in the training just now.

"Master Jin Rakshasa and Master Black Luo are here, and they will definitely gain something."

"I just don't know when they will come."

Bai Linglong knew that she could improve her strength through special training at the training ground.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San, known as the young leaders of the Jin and Hei Damai families, will definitely gain a lot, and they may be even more perverted.

The various advantages brought by biological transformation are different from ordinary people, giving her a fighting sense and perception that far exceeds that of others.

Bai Linglong spent more than half an hour returning to Miss Lacey's villa.

Then he immediately started to bathe with water, his whole body was covered with foam, and he used a special brush to wash his dirty hair.

Finally, soak in the huge bathtub, stretch your limbs and relax your tired body.

“This is my first trip and I have a good experience so far.”

“As expected, I still need to come out and take a look.”

Bai Linglong's whole body was soaked in the bathtub, her exquisite and slender figure rippling in the water waves, with a smile on her face.

After finishing the bath, Bai Linglong walked into the seasonal equipment.

Directly adjust to the comprehensive mode of summer and autumn, start to face the warm light, blow the cool wind, and start to dry the hair on your body, while arranging your hair with a comb.

People with hair in the Saint Nicholas Civilization need to buy some necessary technological instruments, and this seasonal instrument is a must.

After the hair was clean and completely dry, Bai Linglong took out the medicine box she brought and made a simple bandage.

Because she had already had this idea, she basically had all the necessities that she should bring with her when going out.

After finishing the bandage, Bai Linglong cleaned the floor which was a little dirty and wet because she had just come back.

Lady Lacey allowed her to stay here for now. As a guest, of course she must pay attention to her hygiene.

Bai Linglong herself likes to be clean, so she started cleaning in a good mood.

Of course, she was cleaning some normal dirty places. As for the placement of certain furniture and decorations, she did not touch them.

Without understanding, touching those things casually may cause some dissatisfaction from the master, Ms. Lacey.

Bai Linglong also wanted to stay on Void Island for a while, but of course she didn't want to make both of them unhappy.

As for practicing, she decided to just practice every morning.

Her physical body has been biologically modified, and her physical strength is definitely not bad. She can run at super high speeds for a long time without any problem, but for fighting.

Her whole body and even her spirit had to be concentrated and exploded, and her physical strength could not withstand it for long.

Everything Bai Linglong did was under Harvey's supervision.

I saw the transcendent fighting talent that Bai Linglong showed just now, and I also saw Bai Linglong's unique way of bathing, drying, etc.

Of course, when Bai Linglong was taking a bath, he only glanced at her.

But Bai Linglong does have some fighting talents.

Although Harvey has already mastered the physical realm of letting Qi follow his heart, all attacks follow his heart.

Because he stayed in Blue Star before, whether in his subconscious or main consciousness, he was thinking about controlling every bit of his power, so he naturally learned it.

Therefore, this does not affect the judgment of whether some people who have just learned have some fighting talent.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to expect him to give Bai Linglong a blessing just because he has fighting talent. Everything needs more observation.

And what Harvey wants to know most is whether Bai Linglong can get anything from the stone tablet he engraved.

So Harvey looked down at the Void Island leisurely while eating.

While Bai Linglong was busy cleaning, the time came to around eleven o'clock unknowingly.

Lacey also came back from the Gravity Building.

As soon as she entered the door, Lacey saw Bai Linglong cleaning, and Bai Linglong exuded a good smell.

It was obvious that Bai Linglong had just taken a shower, and her whole body exuded a clean smell.

It made her want to hug Bai Linglong, rub it, and smell it to heal her soul.

But Lacey immediately noticed Bai Linglong's bandaged hands.

"what happened to your hand?"

"Did someone attack you?"

This caused some changes in Lacey's eyes, and she asked.

In the base camp of the Void God Sect, anyone dared to do something regardless of the rules. That person really didn't want his life.

"Nothing, just when I attacked that mysterious piece of metal at the training ground."

"I was exhausted in the end, so I couldn't dodge and resisted and suffered some injuries."

When Bai Linglong heard the sound, she realized that Lady Lacey had returned quietly and said with a smile.

"Mysterious metal, shock metal?"

"Why did you run to the training ground?"

"I haven't had time to tell you about some of the rules and training methods over there."

"If you go there suddenly to play, you will easily lose money."

When Lacey heard that Bai Linglong was only injured due to exhaustion during training, her eyes immediately softened and she said casually.

"I originally wanted to find you to see what your training is like, Ms. Lacey."

"But I felt the atmosphere brought by the training ground, so I wanted to vent my feelings unconsciously."

"I accidentally got a little injured, but it's not a big problem. You don't need to worry about this kind of injury. It only takes a few days to recover naturally."

Bai Linglong felt Lady Lacey's concern and said with a smile.

The impact she suffered was almost equivalent to her own full blow.

And she didn't have the strength to resist, so the injuries she received were obviously not just a little superficial trauma.

Instead, it directly impacted the bones of the hands, so it took longer to recover.

"It's better to recover in a few days than to cure it directly."

"When I finish taking a shower and we go to the cafeteria together, let Kyle help you heal."

Of course Lacey came back to take a shower at this time.

Kyle and his group of bad guys can take a bath directly in the shower room near the gravity building.

Of course Lacey is a woman and cannot take a bath there.

"Is only Lord Kyle capable of healing?"

"Lady Lacey, can you treat me?"

Bai Linglong was also a little curious when she heard that she was seeking treatment from Mr. Kyle again.

"I can't. My evolution direction is different from Kyle's, so I can't master his ability."

"Of course Kyle is not the only one who can heal, the Hulk, Bruce Banner, and Yama Alex can also heal."

"If nothing else, Kyle's ability to help others heal is the most perverted."

"We'll talk later. I'll take a shower first."

Lacey shook her head when she heard this and said.

In order to avoid encounters, Kyle has terrifying speed similar to Renault, and crazily restrains his enemies, specially creating a terrifying trump card called Void Eternity.

Entering the eternal state of the void, Kyle can recover even if his heart is broken, even if his head is chopped off.

Directly start the life-fighting method. You must know that Kyle can make countless mistakes when playing Rennoli.

But Rennoli cannot make a single mistake when playing Kyle. Even one mistake may cost him half his life.

According to what Nikrov said about attacking first and attacking later, when Kyle faces an enemy who is restraining himself, it is the most obvious type of fighting: finding an opportunity to counterattack can turn the tide of the battle.

So in terms of healing ability, Kyle is definitely the most perverted.

Kyle and Rennolli would occasionally compete against each other to improve their skills.

Because both sides understand that each other is the enemy they least want to encounter.

Therefore, we must fight more and more with this kind of enemy.

Then Lacey went directly into the bathroom to take a shower.

"It doesn't sound like someone who knows how to treat, but he does know how to treat."

"The Void Divine Religion is really amazing."

Bai Linglong heard the names of several important people mentioned by Lord Lacey, and felt a little emotional because she knew some of their deeds.

Kyle, Alex, and Bruce Banner are the three giants of the Void Cult who shined in the Battle of the Void, and their reputations are known throughout the Fairy Galaxy and are known to countless people.

It is just rumored that their strength is terrifying, but it has never been reported that they have extremely terrifying healing abilities.

Since Ms. Lacey dares to use the term pervert, she must be very powerful.

This made Bai Linglong look forward to seeing how Lord Kyle treated him later.

Since it was not the time to rest at night, Lacey's bathing was done very quickly, taking only ten minutes.

"Let's go."

Lacey changed into a tight black uniform that highlighted her figure and said with a smile

Because she had to practice after the meal, she couldn't wear too many flashy clothes.

Bai Linglong had already finished cleaning, so she followed Lacey out to the canteen.

And Lacey's pinching time was very accurate, basically when they arrived at the cafeteria.

Predictor, Kyle, and Rennoli also just arrived.

"Miss Sarah isn't here."

Bai Linglong scanned the inside of the canteen and found no trace of Miss Sarah, feeling a little disappointed.

If she were here, she could pay directly to Miss Sarah.

And the process of talking to Miss Sarah was very pleasant, so she hoped to talk more.

"Miss Sarah will only appear in the cafeteria regularly in the evening."

"Other times, I basically pack up and go back to the Temple of Records to eat. It's not surprising that I didn't see her."

"If you want to see her in the cafeteria, you have to check her daily schedule or invite her directly."

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

Because they have to eat quickly and then go to training, so they don't have so much free time.

Therefore, Kyle would not keep inviting Miss Sarah if he had nothing to do.

"And stretch out your hand, and I'll help you treat it."

On the way back to the cafeteria, Kyle had already heard that Bai Linglong had been to the training ground and showed her super understanding ability. At the same time, she also suffered some injuries due to training.

In the eyes of other people in the Void Cult, Bai Linglong was brought back by him, so they specifically mentioned these things to him.


When Bai Linglong heard this, she obediently extended her hands.

Kyle used his huge palm to directly drag Bai Linglong's arm, releasing the purple power of the void.

Wrapped Bai Linglong's arm.

Bai Linglong watched all this carefully with her eyes wide open, but felt a comfortable feeling coming from her, and the pain in her arm no longer hurt.

It would take a hundred days for an ordinary person to break his muscles and bones, but her physical fitness is very strong and her self-healing ability is good, so she can get it done in just a few days.

However, her self-healing ability is obviously not enough in front of Mr. Kyle.

"Okay, next time you go to the training ground to practice, pay attention to your physical condition."

"Although you can get injured in any way on the training ground, I want to pass the test of the training ground."

"You have to make sure that during a high-intensity attack, you receive as little or no injuries as possible within ten minutes. Only then can you pass the test."

"The purpose of the training ground test is essentially to focus on this issue when fighting the enemy in the future."

After Kyle treated Bai Linglong's muscles, bones and injuries, he gave Bai Linglong some instructions like a doctor.

"Is it cured so quickly?"

"And why do I feel like my body has been treated?"

Bai Linglong moved her hands and found that not only did her hands not hurt at all, but her body seemed to become lighter.

"It's a convenient thing, so I'll naturally help you with your treatment."

"But since you have something interesting to do on Void Island, you might as well go and play more and practice."

"The injury will only hurt for a few hours at most. If you find me, I will help you treat it."

After Kyle warned Bai Linglong, he also said some words of comfort.

Among their team of four, Kyle was responsible for more than just the ultimate destruction.

Treatment is also a very critical part, just let them run away.

After resting for a few hours at most and having a good meal to restore your physical strength, you can come back to fight the enemy at full strength.

So when the four of them went out together, the success rate of completing the mission was 100%.

"Well, thank you Mr. Kyle."

Bai Linglong said gratefully after hearing this.

"Let's eat first. You have practiced hard and are exhausted. You need to replenish your strength."

Renolly spoke.

A few people quickly ordered and sat down.

"I heard that you have officially entered the realm of physical skills?"

The prophet looked at Bai Linglong and asked.

"What is the formal introduction to the realm of physical skills?"

Bai Linglong didn't understand this at all.

"In the Void God Religion, there are nine levels of physical skills."


"This classification was assigned by Miss Sonia."

"Generally speaking, even strong people may not be able to enter the first level."

"As long as you enter the first level, it means you have very powerful combat skills in physical close combat."

The prophet heard the words and briefly explained.

Daily actions are just not to destroy some things that can be seen everywhere. This is an easy task for many strong people, as long as they use as much strength as possible.

But how to exert every bit of your strength, the difference between closing and releasing can be said to be the gap between heaven and earth.

"Is the Void Divine Religion so strict about the division of power advancement?"

“I feel like I’m already pretty good after I understand that technique.”

Bai Linglong was shocked and opened her mouth when she heard the division of the nine realms of physical skills.

She knew that her current strength was at least half times stronger than before.

Because her attacks were more powerful and more effective.

"It's normal to feel this way."

"After all, you've never really mastered all your powers before."

"It's triggered by techniques, of course there will be this feeling."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

The most important thing in controlling power is to elicit it. There are many powers hidden in the body that are not effectively used, which are also the introductory skills for transforming energy.

"These realms are divided by Miss Sonia. Does this mean that Miss Sonia has mastered the ninth realm?"

When Bai Linglong heard the power hidden in her body, she felt the depth of it and asked curiously.

"The only ones known to have reached the ninth level in the entire Void Cult are Miss Sonia and Lacey."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

"Miss Lacey is one of only two?"

Bai Linglong heard this and looked at Lacey, her eyes filled with wonder.

"Specialization is the key to becoming strong, so I just studied it more."

Lacey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Since there are divisions, there must be ways to advance in practice. Can you teach me?"

Bai Linglong saw Lady Lacey's modesty and asked excitedly.

"For outsiders, I can only teach you the first level of cultivation methods."

"As for the follow-up, only the members of Xu Holdings Theological Cult have the right to know."

"Because the divisions of the nine realms and the training methods were discovered and created by Miss Sonia."

"For outsiders to master the first level, they can already bring considerable improvement to their own strength."

"In this way, even if outsiders do not receive blessings, they will not return completely disappointed."

"Of course, this depends on whether outsiders can calm down, discover and practice."

Lacey shook her head slightly when she heard this and said.

The practice of this technique was created by Miss Sonia, and of course it cannot be completely taught to outsiders.

She herself has only reached the seventh level through specialization.

The huge difference in power between her and Kyle allowed her to confront him head-on.

But even if she wanted to teach Kyle and the others, she couldn't clearly divide the efficient training methods and provide them to other members to learn together. It can be imagined that the training methods are precious.

Although the strength of the members of the Void God Cult is not limited to their skills, they are not afraid of strong enemies as long as they have time.

But they are not stupid enough to help outsiders increase their strength for nothing.

Some weapons can only be controlled by one's own people. Letting the enemy control them will bring more risks to oneself.

"Only the first level is good."

Bai Linglong completely understood after hearing this.

The strict division of power advancement within the Void God Religion is unique to the Void God Religion.

The first level of strength control is because many members of the Void Cult are laying the foundation in the training ground.

If your insight and learning ability are strong enough, you can learn the first level through them.

It was through observation that she entered the realm of physical skills by accident.

According to Mr. Predictor, she is just getting started.

There is still some time left before she can truly master the first level of power, but her growth is very rapid.

"I can teach you the cultivation methods of the first level."

"But remember, no matter whether you are so lucky to receive blessings in the future, whether you join the Void God Cult or not."

"Don't spread the cultivation methods randomly."

Renolly spoke.

When he instructed Pietro before, he only taught Pietro how to use supersonic speed.

As for the training methods for the realm of physical skills, he didn't mention a word.

Moreover, in Rennolli's view, Pietro's academic talent was at a normal level and not very talented.

On the first day when Bai Linglong came to Void Island, she showed her super comprehension ability through observation and learning, and got started with half a foot.

Then let Bai Linglong learn how to master it and enter the first level.

Regardless of whether Bai Linglong joined the Void Cult or not, it was still a worthwhile trip.

"The blessing of the Void God Religion is not that easy to obtain."

"Didn't you say that Mr. Nikrov and the others started the test without knowing when?"

Bai Linglong was very happy to hear that she could teach him, and of course she would not pass on this cultivation method to others casually.

It's just that she doesn't have much confidence in whether she can join the Void Cult.

Mr. Nikrov, as a cosmic-level powerhouse, and a cosmic-level powerhouse refers to the kind that China ranks among the best, had little confidence in being able to receive blessings before.

That's why he was so excited after receiving the blessing from the Void God Religion, which rekindled his ambition.

In Bai Linglong's own words, in terms of strength, she was above the average level of the Saint Nicholas Civilization as a whole, not even a planet-level powerhouse.

She felt that there was not much hope, so her purpose of coming to the Xandar Empire was not to seek blessings, but to go on her first long journey.

Thinking of this, I remembered the special atmosphere I felt in the Void Temple not long ago.

Mr. Niklov said it might be an opportunity or it might be nothing.

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