I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 683: Draw a clear line in advance (10,000 words)

Therefore, it was rare for Miss Sarah to have a few days off before, so she could go to Blue Star with them to take a look.

Kyle and others all hope that Miss Sarah can have the best gaming experience.

Although to be honest, Miss Sarah's experience on that rare trip was not a good one.

So Tony, as the host, felt a little embarrassed or embarrassed about this.

But Kyle and others also knew that it was something that Tony himself couldn't do anything about.

Therefore, Miss Sarah did not express any dissatisfaction with this.

It was only after Tony asked him about it that he realized the real experience.

Now I have found something that can make Miss Sarah, who can only stay on the island, feel shocked or happy.

Kyle naturally wanted to share it with Miss Sarah as soon as possible.

Then he informed the entire Void Cult and let them see what something special is.

The Void God Religion currently has three people who deserve extra care.

One is Miss Sarah, the recorder, because everyone usually receives some care from Sarah.

These cares come from the mood. As long as you get along and talk with Miss Sarah, you can be in a good mood.

One is Miss Lalatina, who is also responsible for a lot of development and external negotiations.

The last one is undoubtedly Miss Sonia, who has the highest status.

Because of the three of them, the development of the Void Divine Religion can flourish.

Let them, as members of the Void God Religion, comfortably enjoy the various changes brought about by development.

And you can experience it personally, and you can see that the Void God Religion is developing better and better little by little.

Let’s see if Miss Lalatina likes these golden branches and leaves.

If she likes it, give her one piece first, and then we’ll see how it goes with the remaining two pieces.

"Well, thank you Mr. Kyle."

Sarah also knew how well Kyle and his group took care of her, and said with a smile.

"You can choose the one you like among these one hundred and ten golden leaves."

"If you want to keep it at home as a decorative collection, or plant it, it's up to you."

"Then we each select one hundred pieces. If Miss Sonia likes them, we will present them to Miss Sonia."

Lacey asked Sarah to pick a piece she liked first.

But it is inevitable that Miss Sonia likes them, and Lord Kassadin seems to be very fond of these.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have made a special trip to take Miss Sonia to visit the Jinfeng Mountain of Saint Nicholas Civilization secretly.

Those who didn't come forward probably knew that they could already get the golden branches and leaves.


"Then the Void Divine Religion will also have a large golden maple tree in the future?"

Sarah heard a happy smile on her face.

"Of course, Miss Sonia doesn't want to plant it. We all plan to pay for an island and plant it full of it."

Renoli said with a smile upon hearing this.

It is also a great joy to be able to bring back some gifts from the journey and share them with people in my hometown.

The premise is that the recipient is worthy, and Miss Sarah is undoubtedly completely worthy.

However, regarding the construction of the pavilion, we have to wait until the golden maple tree grows. There is no need to be too anxious about this.

Sarah heard it and carefully selected it happily.


at the same time.

On the other side, Bai Linglong followed Madam Butterfly and Nikrov all the way to the Void Temple.

"This is the Temple of the Void."

Bai Linglong stood at the bottom outside the Void Temple, looking up at this magnificent temple with some admiration in her eyes.

The Void Divine Religion was established not long ago, but there is still a special atmosphere here.

Nikrov also let Madam Butterfly down.

The two of them came here to worship and thank Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, for his gift.

So when you get here, you need to go up step by step to show your respect.

"In the future, this Void Temple may last for thousands or even tens of thousands of years."

“I don’t know if it will be rebuilt.”

Niklov heard this and spoke.

The distance between the steps was not small, and the difficulty of climbing was not small for ordinary people. However, the three of them started to climb smoothly.

"It shouldn't happen for the time being, right? Hasn't the Void Divine Religion been established for less than ten years?"

Bai Linglong said after hearing this.

Bai Linglong observed everything in the temple along the way and found that not long after it was built, the steps had already shown traces of time. These were all traces brought by visitors.

There are countless people who come to the Void God Religion to seek blessings, but the members of the Void God Religion have not exceeded a thousand, and receiving a blessing is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step.

"The Void Divine Cult has more than just one territory, the Land of Void."

"Miss Sonia seems to have spent a huge sum of money to buy a planet bigger than Xandar, and named it Void 001."

"The ecological environment is extremely good and you can migrate there at any time, so reconstruction is not impossible."

"It just depends on the meaning of the highest level of the Void God Religion."

Nikrov heard this and explained.

It was Bai Linglong and Laura who introduced them to the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas.

However, after arriving at Void Island, the positions of the introduced personnel were also reversed.

Although they had just joined and had not lived on Void Island for too long, they were well-informed and had chatted with Star-Lord.

Star-Lord stayed here for two years before seeking blessings before passing the test.

Before passing through, I knew a lot about most things on Void Island.

"Did you directly buy a planet with pristine ecology and livable environment?"

"As expected of the Void God Cult."

Bai Linglong was also a little impressed when she heard it.

Because the truly valuable things in the universe are some iconic things, and the planet is one of them.

Not only do you need money, but you also need enough status to be able to buy it from the seller.

It’s just money without identity or power. You can’t even see the seller, let alone buy it back.

And if the planet is not too remote, it was probably purchased from the Xandar Empire, the leader of the Andromeda Galaxy.

Although the Xandar Empire has not attacked other civilizations for a long time, it still has many planets under its control.

After all, every livable primitive ecological planet, if it develops smoothly, can give a civilization another world to develop.

If development is not smooth or encounters a catastrophe, it is also an excellent retreat.

You can move there and take refuge at any time, and then rely on the knowledge gathered in your head to rise again.

Therefore, it is not easy to get the Xandar Empire to agree to sell one.

The Void Divine Religion can buy it, which is already a representative of status, strength and wealth.

"Who says it isn't? Spending hundreds of billions of cosmic coins to buy it back, and not being afraid of other people's prying eyes, is not something that ordinary civilizations can do."

Madam Butterfly said softly after hearing this.

She received more news, based on the news about the Void Cult’s movements.

The development of Planet Void 001 is currently led by Lalatina.

And it is also the base where the Void God Sect builds space battleships.

And these developments are obviously only preliminary developments, the planet is so big.

It will be a simple matter to plan many areas in the future.

While talking, several people came to the statue of the Void Temple.

It was still too early, so the Void Temple still seemed extremely deserted. Except for the arrival of the three of them, there was no one else around.

“I’ve been here several times before, but this time I have a different feeling.”

Nikrov looked at the statue in front of him, his eyes flickered, and he said with deep feeling in his heart.

The first time I came, I was in awe. On my second pilgrimage, I saw the manifestation of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void. The awe in my heart turned into worship and admiration.

Coming here for the third time, this time, I felt a sense of awe and reassurance.

Nikrov and Madam Butterfly knelt down and kowtowed in respect.

"Now, I would like to thank the great God of the Void, Mr. Kassadin, for his appreciation and granting the two of us the opportunity to have a glimpse of the void."

Knowing that they could see into the void, Nikrov and Lady Butterfly also saw the true meaning and steps of the world of the strong.

As long as they do not violate the precepts and continue step by step, they will become a powerful person famous in the universe in the future.

In particular, Niklov was even more grateful for this, because after only joining for a few days and evolving a few times, he could already feel that his physical body was getting stronger step by step.

This feeling is very wonderful, and it also means that the weaknesses in him that he has been trying to make up for are being erased bit by bit.

It only takes a few years for him to erase the weaknesses of his physical body.

He can cross the void, and he will no longer be afraid even when facing the Kree Empire, one of the only peak technological civilizations in the universe.

When the Kree Empire is destroyed, he will be able to return to his homeland of Tesma Civilization in an upright manner, re-assume the throne and regain his status as the overlord of Tesma Civilization.

This was a dream he had thought about countless times, but due to the huge difference in strength, there was little hope.

So he had been drunk and dreaming, immersed in the gentle land, and lived in confusion.

I also thought about making enough money, finding a place I like, living anonymously until the end of my life, and finally dying in depression.

There is no hope of revenge and the long time has smoothed all the edges and corners of his body bit by bit.

But now he has hope of revenge, and it's not just a faint light but the path is clear.

And what brought about all this was just because he successfully gained recognition and received the blessing of the void that countless people longed for.

Lady Lacey and the others also said that their test may have started silently a few years ago.

Nikrov is very grateful for this. All his past training and an opportunity he got by chance have made him what he is today.

"I have climbed to the top and tasted the pinnacle and glory of the strong man's life."

"I have also fallen into the abyss and been at the lowest level of the weak. I have experienced the misery and helplessness brought by various situations in life."

"I thought I would never have the chance to return to the top of my game."

"I never thought that the opportunity would come quietly."

"I am very grateful for this. I will try my best to repay you in the future and not let the name of the void be shamed."

Nikrov's voice was extremely pious and grateful, and also revealed his extremely firm belief.

With these words of oath, the flame in Nikrov's heart truly rekindled at this moment.

At this moment, the aura on Nikrov's body changed again, the moment he stood up again.

Even though he didn't release his telekinesis, he exuded an aura of royalty that was hard to ignore, noble and majestic.

With his tall body and piercing eyes, it was no longer black marketeer Niklov who gave a glimpse of him.

It was the Tesma Civilization, the overlord Nikrov who had once been admired by countless people.

When Madam Butterfly saw this change, she didn't feel much better.

She knew that she had never really seen the truest side of Niklov.

Now this side is most likely what Nikrov really looks like.

He is majestic and domineering, like an emperor who commands countless people, standing in front of him.

Anyone can see that Nikrov's status in the past could never be lower.

At least he is the supreme power controller who commands at least one million people, or a true emperor.

And just from the few words that Nikrov just revealed, you can also hear how brilliant Nikrov was.

Most people know that someone they know is actually a super boss, and they might want to help them out.

Madam Butterfly also wanted to think so, but she felt that the distance between Nikrov and herself was getting farther and farther.

Lady Lacey and the others also said that after receiving the blessing from the void, Niklov will soon join the ranks of the top powerhouses in the universe.

And if you look at the universe, this kind of existence is the strongest among tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

She felt that Niklov would soon be far away from her.

But she still couldn't find out Niklov's true identity and past.

Seeing the changes in Mr. Nikrov, Bai Linglong also grew her mouth.

She had seen this kind of domineering and majestic aura in the successive heads of the five major families of the Holy Nicholas Civilization Imperial Capital.

The aura on Mr. Niklov's body is stronger, which symbolizes that the courage in his heart and the position represented by the peak he said he had climbed may be higher.

The aura is stronger than that of the five most powerful figures in the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

This means that Mr. Nikrov, who may have been above countless millions of people in the past, is the true overlord of a civilization.

No one can order him, only he can order others.

However, judging from his strength, it is indeed very possible, because Mr. Nikrov is a well-deserved cosmic-level powerhouse.

Individual strength is also an existence that can move around everywhere in the universe.

Except for a very few civilized or powerful people who cannot be offended, all others can be bullied at will.

"Mr. Niklov, have you ever held great power?"

"Not ordinary power, but the kind of power where everyone surrenders at your feet."

This made Bai Linglong ask directly out of curiosity.

When Madam Butterfly heard this, she looked directly at Nikrov.

"I was born into a civilized royal family."

"Because of his extraordinary talent and strength, he took over power in his twenties and became the overlord of civilization. Tens of billions of people dare not disobey his orders."

"It's just because I was young and frivolous, thinking that I was invincible, and offended the Kree Empire."

"As a result, the glory of civilization was gone, and I was forced to leave my hometown and wander around incognito."

"But soon I will return to my position as overlord."

Nikrov said with a calm expression upon hearing this.

Because the flame of revenge in his heart has been ignited, he can be the vanguard to launch an attack on the Kree Empire in just a few years.

Moreover, Madam Butterfly has already been settled, so Nikrov naturally does not need to be so secretive about his past.

Madam Butterfly relies on Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and the Cult of the Void.

Even though the Cree Empire had a close relationship with him until Madam Butterfly, they wanted to use Madame Butterfly to threaten him.

The Kree Empire must first consider whether it can snatch people from the Void Cult.

"Are you leaving soon?"

When Madam Butterfly heard this, she understood why Nikrov was always unwilling to tell her despite asking her so many times.

She had always hoped to learn about it before, but now that she was able to learn about it, she discovered that Nikrov would also return to his hometown.

This makes Madam Butterfly feel very complicated. The universe is extremely vast but friends and confidants are hard to find.

She and Niklov were not husband and wife, but they had known each other for nearly a hundred years.

That must be because the three views are correct, and you know that even if you are wandering in the land of nothingness, there is no way.

Also always know what can and cannot be done.

His knowledge and the things he likes to talk about are all in the right direction, so the conversations have always been extremely harmonious and pleasant.

Especially in recent years, Nikrov has taken special care of her.

It allowed her to gradually open up her heart and no longer be as afraid of showing off her abilities as in the past.

As long as Nikrov was around, he would be able to protect her unless something too dangerous happened.

This kind of protection that truly combines words and deeds makes Madam Butterfly very at ease.

Madame Jean-Butterfly unknowingly regarded Nikrov as a safe haven.

I firmly believe that as long as Nikrov is here, there will be no problem that cannot be solved.

"Well, once the Kree Empire is destroyed, I will go back and restore the glory of Tesma Civilization."

"This is my mission."

"But even if I go back then, it doesn't mean we can't see each other again."

"I will make regular pilgrimages to the Void God Religion, and we will occasionally be able to reunite."

Nikrov nodded upon hearing this and did not deny his intention to leave.

I want to bring Tesma civilization back to its glory and go to a higher peak.

By then, he will definitely have a lot to do.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to stay in the Andromeda Galaxy or Void Island for a long time after the collapse of the Kree Empire.

Maintain the glory of Tesma civilization and make it develop more powerfully.

This is what Nikrov has been taught since he was a child, and he has never dared to forget it over the years. He is unable to do it because of his lack of ability, so he can only live a decadent life.

But now his abilities will become stronger and stronger and he is fully equipped to recreate the Tesma civilization.

Of course, it was impossible for Nikrov to stand still.

After the Tesma civilization regains its glory, he will spread the name of the Void.

At present, the main scope of operations of the Void God Cult is still in the Andromeda Galaxy.

However, it does not represent the name of the Void God Cult, and the place where it can be spread is limited to the Fairy Galaxy.

The name of the void will be resounded throughout the universe, and the greatness of Lord Kassadin, the god of the void, will be awed.

Madame Butterfly has been unable to get information about Nikrov, but after hearing about the Tesma civilization, she directly opened the cosmic communicator, retrieved the information, and quickly saw some information.

"Reproduce the glory of Tesma civilization..."

"Tesma Civilization..."

"Are you Niklov Tesma XXXVII, the emperor with the title [God-given] Emperor?"

Madam Butterfly said with some shock as she looked at these experiences and glorious deeds she had achieved since her birth.

He was known as the strongest person in Tesma civilization when he was only ten years old, and he became the overlord in his twenties.

He is arrogant but not cruel and has great talents and strategies. He knows astronomy and geography, and has broken all the records of Tesma civilization. He is truly the proud son of heaven who was born and grew up under the light of thousands of feet.

An existence that is expected by countless people at a young age.

Therefore, the title is called a gift from heaven. Countless people believe that Nikrov, a proud man who has been favored by God and brought to the Tesma civilization, can lead the Tesma civilization to strength and achieve a legendary life.

Just because he didn't know the bounds of heaven and earth, he was extremely stupid and arrogant, he killed people of the Kree Empire for no reason and provoked the majesty of the Kree Empire.

As a result, the Tesma civilization suffered a great disaster, and they were expelled from the Tesma civilization, and were later hunted down by the Kree Empire.

Then he had only been on the run for a few years, and before he was fifty, he had already died under the baptism of the Kree Empire's railgun.

According to records, Nikrov was the youngest emperor to take over power, which directly broke the record.

At the same time, this God-given emperor was also the earliest emperor to die in infancy, which also broke the record.

It was because he was dead that Madam Butterfly had investigated it before.

But I never thought that Niklov would be this person.

Because whether it is the records of Tesma Civilization or the records published by the Kree Empire, Nikrov has paid for his life with death.

This incident is also called the crime of pride in Tesma civilization.

Although some deeds of the emperor's life are recorded above, they are too specific and not obvious.

How he became the strongest was not included in the survey information.

Madame Butterfly thought she had offended the Kree Empire, so it was not surprising that she was deliberately erased.

But now Nikrov is standing in front of him alive.

This means that this may be the Tesma civilization. In order to protect Nikrov in the end, it cooperated and actively erased most of the information.

"God-given emperor, I haven't heard of this title for a long time."

"You don't need to read too much of the information above. They are all past events not worth mentioning."

"The Kree Empire thought I was dead. That was just a method I used to deceive them."

"But as far as the Kree Empire is concerned, it doesn't make much difference whether I die or not."

"The main thing is that he forces me to not be able to walk in the universe with my original identity."

"And it directly attacked the Tesma civilization, causing countless casualties and plundering a large amount of resources."

"For the top brass of the Kree Empire, this has safeguarded the majesty of the Kree Empire."

"They also don't release a lot of information."

"Because they also want countless people in the Kree Empire to think that what they have done is a just act."

Nikrov said slowly after hearing this.

No matter which force or civilization you are in, there will always only be a few people who know the truth.

The Tesma civilization is like this, and the Kree Empire is like this.

As long as the face-saving work is done and the purpose is achieved, it doesn't really matter what the truth is.

And for the Kree Empire, a cosmic-level powerhouse has no influence at all, so it doesn't care whether he is really dead or not.

Anyway, as long as the people who were chasing him were sure that he was dead and reported him, he would not cause trouble to the Kree Empire by running around.

Then the Kree Empire will not target the Tesma civilization again, whose civilization has regressed for countless years.

Because all the valuable resources of the Tesma civilization have been plundered by the Kree Empire, what is left is just a devastated world with a low level of civilization.

The Kree Empire will not be like the Xandar Empire.

Because of the change in concept, all planets colonized in the past will be fully liberated, and then every effort will be made to help those civilizations develop.

After making them all enter the star civilization and guiding them to integrate with the cosmic civilization.

Let them each choose the direction they want to develop.

The Kree Empire directly destroyed most or even all of life, took away valuable resources, and simply left it alone.

According to the history of Xandar civilization, the Xandar Empire was not a good force in the past.

However, the subsequent achievement of the Xandar Empire and the maintenance of peace for so many years.

The reputation of the Xandar Empire has improved, and the Andromeda Galaxy managed and protected by his men has become the only bright galaxy.

The truth about the Xandar Empire's past colonization could have been left unrecorded.

But facing the glory and sins of civilization's past is also the most awesome thing about the Xandar Empire.

This kind of courage made Niklov admire him very much.

But maybe this is also because there are basically no forces in the Andromeda Galaxy that can shake the Xandar Empire.

As long as you are strong enough, you don't need to care what the weak say.

"Did you come from another galaxy?"

"Then your hometown is at least seven million light years away from here."

Bai Linglong turned her head, glanced at the information retrieved by Madam Butterfly, and her eyes widened.

Although the current technological level of the universe is very high, it is not impossible to span so many thousands of light years.

It's just that the scope of human activities is only so many places. Being able to travel one-tenth of all the planets you live on is already considered to be well-informed, and you have traveled countless roads.

But unexpectedly, Nikrov actually escaped from outside the Andromeda Galaxy.

This kind of distance is not just a matter of millions of light years, because the journey is too far, and repairs on the way also require passing through a large number of planets.

"To be precise, it is 6.34 million light-years away from Xandar. It will take a while to get back and forth."

Niklov nodded upon hearing this.

"Having traveled so many thousands of light years, I must have been to many different civilized worlds. That's amazing."

Bai Linglong praised him directly after hearing this.

Because in her eyes, this is indeed a very remarkable thing.

Even if the original reason was to flee, he was able to travel through so many civilizations.

For Bai Linglong, who was traveling far away for the first time, Nikrov was a very awesome person.

"Haha~ I think mine is quite powerful too."

“In the beginning, many civilizations could not stay but there were also some that could.”

"So I collected a lot of books and learned more than ten languages ​​that are more mainstream in the Andromeda Galaxy."

"I used many identities and finally settled down in the lawless zone of nothingness."

"While there is chaos there, it also means that as long as you save your own life, it is the most free place."

Nikrov said with a smile upon hearing this.


Madame Butterfly saw Nikrov smiling and responded, but she could understand the isolation and loneliness brought about by being forced to live everywhere.

Because she used to wander around, and it took a long and hard time for her to settle down.


Madame Butterfly looked at Niklov when he was about to say something.

Niklov had already understood what Madam Butterfly was thinking and spoke directly.

"Don't tell me to come with me."

"Although I don't know your past, your past may not have been very happy."

"But the Andromeda Galaxy is always your hometown, and your life has begun to move in a good direction."

"There will also be protection from the Void Divine Religion in the future."

"If you go back with me, your situation will finally start to improve."

"It could get dangerous again."

"The layout of the galaxy I am in is completely different from the Andromeda Galaxy."

"There will be many different powerful people, and there will also be many different dangerous forces."

"So stay in the Andromeda Galaxy, Xandar Star Void Island is the safest place for you."

"It would be nice for us to get together occasionally in the future."

Nikrov knew that Lady Butterfly had become dependent on him.

He himself does not feel troubled by the need to take care of Madam Butterfly, nor does he feel that Madam Butterfly is a burden.

It's just that Madam Butterfly was lucky enough to be blessed by the Void and could settle down in the Void Cult.

This allowed him to completely feel at ease about the safety of his old friend.

This is what Nickrov feels is the greatest gift.

"Do you think I'm a burden..."

Madam Butterfly saw that even before she could say anything, Niklov had already refused her to follow him, shrugged his shoulders and said in a low voice.

"I have never said that. If you stay in the Andromeda Galaxy, I will feel at ease."

"At that time, we will be able to devote all our efforts to restoring the glory of Tesma Civilization."

"And when the time comes, you and I will return to Tesma Civilization, a place we are not familiar with."

"The pattern within the galaxy, as well as some invisible rules, the distribution of territories, etc., everything is re-understood and established."

"I have experienced the bitterness and understand that this is not an easy thing, nor is it something to be happy about."

"This does not mean traveling between different civilizations within a million years, but traveling millions of light years away, a round trip distance of more than 10 million light years."

"So no matter what, I will never agree to your return to Tesma Civilization with me."

"Even if you come here secretly, I will send you back by force."

"So you just stay in the Andromeda Galaxy and don't let me worry. Let's get together with each other when I have time in the future."

When Nikrov saw Madam Butterfly's appearance, he explained seriously and thoughtfully.

In a few years, you will be separated from a friend you have known for many years and have been together with for many years. At first, you will definitely feel extremely uncomfortable and lonely.

But Nikrov knew his mission, so even though he was reluctant, he still had to do it.

What he carries is not just a country, but a civilization.

Therefore, things like the love between children have nothing to do with him for the time being.

If he wants to think about the love between his children, he will have to wait until he has completed the recovery of Tesma civilization, paid off the sins caused in the past, and has some free time before he can think about it.

And just think about it, because you think about the future.

Nikrov is confident that he is worthy of his own civilization, but he has no confidence that he will be completely worthy of his lover.

"The question you mentioned about getting together may be too far apart."

Madam Butterfly knew that based on the information she had just seen, it would take many years for Tesma civilization to recover.

This means that Nikrov may not be able to escape from Tesma Civilization for decades or even hundreds of years.

Although Mrs. Butterfly is not afraid of the length of time in terms of lifespan, being apart for too long will definitely affect some of each other's senses.

For couples, a short separation is better than a new marriage, and for friends, they can feel happier when they meet again after a short separation.

But if it is a reunion after a long separation, it will be difficult to go back to the past, because the relationship will gradually drift away.

From strangers to acquaintances and then getting along step by step, they become friends who talk about everything. If you don't maintain it well, you may end up becoming strangers again.

"No, I promise."

"I will try my best to come back to worship. New Year's worship is also a tradition of the Void God Cult."

"I am also a member of the Void Cult, so I will never forget this tradition no matter what."

Nikrov heard Madam Butterfly's reluctance and originally wanted to reach out to comfort Madam Butterfly, but in the end he just spoke to comfort her.

Because the closer we become at this time, the more reluctant we will be when we part ways later.

Nikrov was afraid that he would lose his faith because of Lady Butterfly.

Choose to live up to your own civilization, and then live a stable life in the Andromeda Galaxy with Lady Butterfly, although the second life seems more comfortable and comfortable.

But he had been burdened with countless expectations in the past and received the title given by God through discussions with countless people.

He has not been able to respond to the countless expectations, so he must respond to expectations.


Madame Butterfly's mood became even more complicated when she saw Nikrov's action of raising his hand just now but then quickly retracting it.

She hopes that Niklov can stay with her, not to mention becoming a partner, but as a true close friend.

Looking at some interesting things about the universe together can also help us overcome all difficulties together.

But she also understood that after Nikrov returned to his true character, he was a very responsible person.

He speaks his truth and will do his best to complete what he says. Maybe this is why Nikrov is appreciated by Lord Kassadin.

Since she joined the Void Cult, Lady Lacey has already told them.

The essence of the test is faith, conduct, and belief.

As long as you attract Lord Kassadin's attention and make him feel that all three are passed, you can get the blessing of the void.

As for his own strength, unless he reaches the level of the peak powerhouse in the universe like God King Odin, it will be of no use to the test.

Nikrov can be tested, that is, his character, beliefs, and convictions are all recognized by Lord Kassadin, so he is given the blessing of the void.

As for Madam Butterfly herself, she didn't quite understand.

She felt that she could receive blessings from the void, possibly thanks to Nikrov.

Because she has faith and is a decent person, she admits it.

But her belief, Madam Butterfly knows, is neither great nor powerful. She just wants to live safely, and preferably live a better life.

Don't worry about food, clothing or housing, and then do what you want to do.

Her faith pales in comparison to Niklov's faith in reviving his hometown.

So while Madam Butterfly is grateful to Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, she is also very grateful to Nikrov.

Although the previous incident had frightened her a little, Nikrov had taken care of her in the past few years.

It made her feel a lot better, and the conversation with Lord Kyle gradually made her less afraid.

What's more important is that she may have received this void blessing because of the previous connection.

Nikrov has been helping her, but she has no chance to help him back.

This is the most uncomfortable part of Madam Butterfly's heart. She doesn't want to be an ungrateful person.

As the saying goes, those who are heartless are mostly scholars but those who are righteous are those who are butchers of dogs.

People who are helpless are assholes, but they often understand the importance of kindness better.

I want to repay a certain kindness even if it means repaying it with my life.

Although Madam Butterfly is currently the strongest intelligence leader in the Land of Nothingness, she is well-read and well-informed, and can be considered a somewhat educated woman.

But as someone who lives in a lawless zone, she thinks she also belongs to the latter.

But Nikrov also made it very clear that he would not give her a chance to repay her kindness.

Even if she ran over secretly, he would send her back. These seemingly heartless words were already spoken in advance.

"I stayed in the Andromeda Galaxy honestly and didn't encounter any danger. Is this the greatest help to you?"

Madam Butterfly was silent for a while and then spoke.

"Well, if I leave the Andromeda Galaxy, the most important thing I can't let go of is your safety."

"Your ability is not weak but it can easily cause some big trouble."

"So I was worried before about how I could keep you safe."

"But now you are like me, blessed by the void."

"I feel relieved a lot, as long as you don't run around or use your abilities randomly."

"I think your safety is guaranteed."

"This way, when I come back in the future, I can see you intact or even better. It will be a very happy thing."

Nikrov could see that Madam Butterfly was in a low mood, even a little bad, but he still couldn't agree to let Madam Butterfly leave with him in a few years.

I am speaking out now because I want to plant the seeds in Madam Butterfly’s heart in advance.

In case Miss Sonia didn't declare war on the Kree Empire so quickly, they would continue to get along for a few more years.

At that time, he might not be able to say that he disagreed with Madam Butterfly leaving with him.

Because Mrs. Butterfly is also an excellent woman, she will think about small things and occasionally act coquettishly.

However, in the face of major issues of right and wrong, Madam Butterfly's character will never act in a sloppy manner. Instead, she appears to be very decisive.

And the most important thing is that after Madam Butterfly's personality gradually became more cheerful, her already beautiful appearance became even more attractive.

If he didn't draw a line earlier, Nikrov worried that he would be so attracted to Madame Butterfly that he would be unable to escape.

It’s the last day, please vote

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