I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 681 Let me show you something good (10,000 words)

Soon after, Bai Linglong sat on the space battleship and saw the prosperous island standing on the sea.

Because I didn't fly high enough, I couldn't see the whole island clearly.

However, it can be clearly seen that there are not many people on the island.

The various facilities built look very complete, but they seem a bit deserted.

"There are so few people on Void Island."

Bai Linglong felt a little weird when she saw this scene.

"Of course, after all, most of them are busy with their own things outside."

"The Void Divine Religion only has more than 200 permanent personnel on the island."

"The others are basically people working on the island, or outsiders who come to seek blessings."

Kyle said with a smile as he crossed his arms.

Considering the size of Void Island, it is more than enough to accommodate millions of people.

But now the Void Cult doesn't even have more than a thousand, let alone a million.

Dozens of islands near this large sea area belong to the Void God Cult, and there is no problem in accommodating tens of millions of people.

Everyone will be able to fly after one or two years of joining the Void Cult, and there will be no trouble interacting with each other.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the Void God Religion’s base camp relocation plan.

And even if they migrate, the Void Island on Xandar will still be the main base.

Because Xandar is the core planet of the Andromeda Galaxy, it will be very convenient to do various things based on this.

And here you can always see the latest technology coming out and experience the convenience brought by technological development.

"With hundreds of people as permanent residents on such a huge island, wouldn't you feel too lonely?"

Bai Linglong asked curiously after hearing this.

The population of the imperial capital of Saint Nicholas Civilization was still very dense, which brought prosperity.

As the base camp of the Void God Cult, Void Island has a beautiful environment, but she always feels that there are too few people.

"No, the members on Void Island usually have things they like to do, and they will play together in groups."

"And when it's meal time, it should be lively."

"You will understand after you live here for ten days and a half."

Kyle shook his head upon hearing this.

"That's it."

Bai Linglong was thoughtful after hearing the words.

Of course, having fewer people is good for Bai Linglong.

Because it means she won't face too many weird looks.

The time now is around eight o'clock in the morning.

The space battleship of Kyle and others flew all the way into the landing pad of Void Island.

"Finally back."

"Let's go eat first. I haven't practiced for a few days and my body is almost broken."

Just walking out of the battleship, Kyle looked at the familiar parking lot in front of him, turned his thick arms, and said with a smile.

It's noisy outside, but it's never as safe as being at home.

When you are at home, the sense of complete peace of mind that brings you is difficult to experience outside.

"I'll go to the Void Temple later."

Nikrov walked out of the space battleship and said with a smile.

He has always been keen on the food on Void Island, but his appetite was not that big before.

So most people only take a small portion to taste the taste.

But now that I have come to Void Island again, the situation is completely different.

Both he and Madam Butterfly came back as members of the Void Cult.

A group of people quickly gathered together and moved forward. Although they were walking, the speed was not slow at all.

Soon they came to the bottom of a mountain wall. Facing the 100-meter-high landing difference, Lacey and others jumped up with a light step.

Nikrov also habitually took Lady Butterfly and flew up directly.

Nikrov glanced at the people present, then turned back to look at Bai Linglong below.

Just when he was about to say something, Bai Linglong's seemingly harmless appearance and slender body also jumped.

He jumped more than seventy meters high with his feet. He lightly grasped the mountain wall with his hands, and his body flew directly into the air as soon as he exerted force. His body was as light as branches and leaves, and his posture fell on the flat ground above the mountain wall with incomparable grace. .

The whole set of movements is so smooth that it doesn't look effortless at all.

This made Nikrov's thoughts about whether he needed help suppressed in his heart.

As expected, the average physical quality of the people of the Saint Nicholas Civilization is hard to say.

Bai Linglong is not like her appearance. She looks gentle and beautiful, but she really looks like a weak woman. On the contrary, she looks beautiful but is actually frighteningly powerful.

"After dinner, I will take you to my residence and place your things."

Lacey was not surprised by this, because she could judge how strong Bai Linglong was through her life energy, so Lacey just smiled and said.

"Well, thank you, Lady Lacey."

Bai Linglong smiled and nodded when she heard this.

A group of people were walking along the avenue, passing by a temple.

Bai Linglong saw a beautiful woman with bright red hair, sexy and beautiful, but an aura as pleasant as the spring breeze that made people want to get close to her. She was cleaning the leaves scattered in the temple.

"What a beautiful woman."

When Bai Linglong saw this woman, she was also stunned and thought to herself.

"Miss Sarah!"

After seeing this, Kyle waved his arms and shouted loudly, his voice so loud that he directly broke the silence.

Sarah, who was doing routine cleaning, heard the sound and looked over. After seeing Kyle and others.

"Mr. Kyle, Mr. Rennolly, Mr. Predictor, Miss Lacey, welcome back."

"You have been gone for less than half a month."

"It seems that things went smoothly."

Sarah showed a smile on her face and said her blessing directly.

"That's right, if the four of us are there, is there anything we can't do?"

"Are you free to go have breakfast together now?"

"We gained a lot from our trip to Saint Nicholas Civilization. I have some good things that I want to show you first."

"Then send it to the community."

When Kyle heard these words, he raised his head with an air of dignity, said in a bad way, and then directly extended an invitation to Sarah.

Just because they wanted to show Miss Sarah as soon as possible, they never directly posted some of the photos they took in the San Nicolization to the group community.

"Since it's Mr. Kyle's invitation, of course I'm free."

"But why is it so mysterious?"

When Sarah heard this, she swung the broom in her hand and leaned smoothly against a tree in the temple. Then she walked towards Kyle and said with a smile.

"Meet the Recorder, Lady Sarah."

When Nikrov and Madame Butterfly saw Sarah, they called her respectfully.

"Is this an adult? Who is the recorder?"

When Bai Linglong heard this title, she looked at Sarah with a little surprise.

Sarah's whole aura seemed too soft, and she didn't exude any terrifying aura.

In the scene just now, it looked like a beautiful woman cleaning.

However, this is not the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas. Strength is basically linked to appearance. The more beautiful or handsome a person looks, the strength will definitely not be much lower.

So although Bai Linglong felt a little surprised at first, she didn't feel how powerful Sarah's strength was.

I never thought that Sarah seemed to have a good status, and she seemed to have a very high status.

"Mr. Nikrov, Madam Butterfly, welcome to join the Void Cult."

"But if you want to call me, just call me Miss Sarah or just call me by my name."

"Sir, this title doesn't suit me very well."

Sarah said with a smile after seeing Nikrov and Madame Butterfly.

"Okay, Miss Sarah, you already know that we have joined the Void Cult?"

Nikrov received the welcome blessing and looked shocked on his face.

"Well, senior Sonia and I already knew about it a few days ago."

Sarah nodded slightly when she heard this.

She fills in and manages the various information on the Void Cult's member list most of the time.

So when Sonia-senpai added the names of Nikrov and Lady Butterfly.

Sarah had already received the latest news, and then learned that the Void Cult had two more compatriots.

Mr. Niklov and Madam Butterfly have not yet arrived at Void Island and officially obtained permission.

Therefore, Mr. Kyle and the others have no right to let Ranilov and Madam Butterfly enter the community, so naturally the news has not spread within the Void Cult.

If word spread, Mr. Star-Lord would probably be happy about it.

Because Niklov and Madam Butterfly are friends with Mr. Star-Lord.

"A few days ago, you were really well informed."

When Nikrov heard the time he knew, he was even more surprised and said with some admiration.

Because this means that even though they are far away from the Saint Nicholas Civilization, they are many light years away from the Xandar Empire.

Certain characters in the Void Cult can still know changes in certain key information.

"No, I'm just responsible for this, so I just knew it in advance."

Sarah didn’t pretend to be mysterious when she heard this, and smiled gently.

"Who is this Miss Catwoman?"

Immediately, Sarah looked at Bai Linglong, who had been quietly observing her.

"This is Miss Bai Linglong, a visitor from the Saint Nicholas Civilization."

"In San Nicolás civilization is our guide."

"This time I wanted to come and visit the Void God Religion, so I brought her with me."

After hearing this, Kyle immediately introduced and explained.

"Hello, Miss Bai Linglong."

When Sara heard the origin, she smiled at Bai Linglong and stretched out her hand.


Seeing this, Sarah was a little flattered and gently stretched out her hand. She didn't dare to shake Sarah's hand too hard for fear of crushing Sarah's hand.

Although she has not undergone the most advanced biological modification, her power is comparable to most ordinary people in the universe.

One claw can directly break some armors and bones.

She also didn’t know how strong this Sarah was.

She can usually tell a person's approximate bottom line of strength through their walking and some extremely subtle movements.

But when facing Sarah, her eyesight was of no use at all. Sarah looked like a completely harmless ordinary person.

Just like Miss Sonia, the goddess of the void whom she and Laura met by chance a few days ago, her aura made people want to get close to her.

The key to making people feel close to you is not to make them feel any sense of threat or danger.

This raises several possibilities.

First, the recorder, Miss Sarah, is really an ordinary person.

Secondly, the strength of this recorder, Miss Sarah, is far above hers, and not just a little bit higher, but by a lot.

To be honest, Bai Linglong has done some research on the Void Cult and has heard about many powerful figures.

But she had only now heard about the recorder Sarah.

Sarah noticed Bai Linglong's caution.

"Don't be nervous. Now that you've come to Void Island, this is the safest place."

"The members on the island will not hurt you, and they will not be easily hurt by you, so you might as well be bold."

Sarah smiled and held Bai Linglong's furry cat paw, and then she took the initiative to let go of her arm.


When Bai Linglong heard these words, she looked at her loosened hand and nodded.

She didn't know why, but she felt a very special feeling when facing Sarah.

This feeling was not just the first time she felt it, she had also felt it before when facing Miss Sonia.

But she never understood why.

She didn't care much at first, but now it made Bai Linglong think about it carefully.

Carefully recalling the experience of meeting and getting along with Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah.

"Miss Sarah, wouldn't you be surprised to see Miss Bai Linglong?"

Kyle saw the contact between the two and had a question in his mind, so he asked curiously.

"Why are you surprised?"

Sarah asked in surprise when she heard this.

"Don't you feel something special and fresh about Miss Bai Linglong's appearance?"

After hearing this, Kyle directly explained the reason.

"Mr. Kyle, it is not a good thing to judge other people's appearance."

"And there are so many races in the universe. Because of the differences between races, we look at others strangely."

"That's very bad behavior."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

Bai Linglong's appearance is indeed quite special, but she has always seen guests and colleagues with special looks in celebrity hotels.

However, because of the teachings of senior Sonia, Sarah would never gossip about others without reason.

Not to mention being rude and unceremonious in front of others and showing eyes that may easily offend others.

Acceptance between different races itself is extremely concerned about gaze.

Showing strange looks to others at this time will cause some unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles.

"I didn't mean to say anything bad about Miss Bai Linglong."

"But doesn't she look beautiful?"

After hearing Sarah's words, Kyle first explained his true thoughts and asked with a puzzled look on his face.


Sarah nodded upon hearing this.

"Can we talk while we walk? I'm almost hungry."

Rennoli knew that if Kyle asked the question, he could go on for hours, so he took the initiative to offer his opinion.

Then Renault immediately started walking.

Everyone, including Kyle and Sarah, also followed directly.

"Since I feel beautiful, why didn't you show much reaction?"

"When you see a handsome man or beautiful woman, wouldn't complimenting them make them feel happier?"

Kyle continued to talk to Miss Sarah.

Because Sarah also has a lot of things for him to learn.

For example, the ability to observe words and emotions and treat others with courtesy cannot be learned by many people.

"That's just common sense."

"Our common sense cannot represent all civilizations and races."

"Beyond common sense, the other person may feel angry or feel inferior because of a compliment."

"So praise doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thing."

Sarah heard this and explained the reason seriously.

"Isn't this a little too cautious?"

Kyle was thoughtful after hearing this.

"Mr. Kyle, you have your own way of dealing with others, so you don't need to think about it so much."

"But remember to do it less when discussing other people's appearance in person."

"Otherwise it might be annoying."

Sarah saw what Kyle was thinking and said with a smile.

Bai Linglong was following behind and suddenly realized when she heard these conversations.

She also already understood what the special feeling was when facing Miss Sarah and Miss Sonia.

As a bio-modified person, she faces almost all outsiders.

When you first meet her, she will definitely receive looks of surprise, weirdness, admiration, and many looks that can easily offend others.

These are things she has become accustomed to.

When I first met Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah.

She would not feel any uncomfortable and weird feeling from the eyes of the two of them.

Both of them will release the most comfortable kindness and make people feel a sense of respect. .

This gave her some special feelings, which she couldn't describe but didn't feel anything unpleasant about.

At this time, Bai Linglong also noticed that although Miss Sarah was explaining and discussing with Mr. Kyle, Miss Sarah's steps were light.

The speed they were traveling along the road was not slow at all, about fifty meters per second, but they were still able to keep up with ease, and it seemed effortless at all.

This proves that even Miss Sarah, who seems harmless to humans and animals and is the kindest, has extremely amazing strength.

However, Bai Linglong arrived at Void Island for the first time and did not understand all the common rules on the island.

So she also observed silently and absorbed this knowledge.

Let yourself be better able to live on Void Island in the next few months.

As Bai Linglong followed Kyle and his group, they came all the way along the avenue to a luxurious palace, and saw a dazzling array of people.

It can't be said to be a huge crowd, but it is also very lively.

At the same time, all kinds of tangy fragrances came out from the open door of the palace, which made people feel their appetite was whetted.

Bai Linglong was a little shocked that this luxurious and huge palace was actually a canteen.

She had never dined at such a high-end and luxurious place in the Saint Nicholas Civilization. Could her wallet afford it?

Thinking of this, Bai Linglong silently thought about the money in her account.

Before setting off, her mother told her to be careful and safe, and then gave her a sum of money, a total of 10 million universe coins.

When you borrow a loan in San Nicolás, your parents usually won’t help pay it back.

Because most parents know that life will become easier once they have the ability to make money by repaying their loans in the future.

If you help repay all the loans at the beginning, it's not that you don't have that ability, but the problem is that it is easy to develop the habit of being lazy and lazy.

Only by truly working hard to repay one's debt can one understand the principle of repaying one's debts as a matter of course.

Then even if you are lazy in the future, you can ensure that you will not do too badly no matter what.

At least it is certain that you will have enough food, clothing, housing and transportation. As for whether you can make a lot of money, it depends on whether you have that kind of ideal.

So her mother gave her a travel expense, which made Bai Linglong very happy and cherished.

Normally this would definitely be enough money, but seeing this palace.

Because she didn't know the price of consumption, Bai Linglong had some worries in her heart.

Is her total of more than 21 million universe coins enough on Void Island?

"The consumer prices on Void Island are not that high, so there is no need to worry."

"As outsiders, as long as you don't have a big appetite and have normal food, clothing, housing and transportation, you can live a very good life with at most 500,000 universe coins a year."

While Sarah was being observed by Bai Linglong, she was also observing Bai Linglong, so she noticed the shock in Bai Linglong's eyes, and also noticed the uneasiness caused by Bai Linglong's shock, and said softly.

Sarah's voice was like the comfortable autumn wind that passed into Bai Linglong's heart.

Although she didn't know Bai Linglong very well, she could tell that there was a 90% chance that Bai Linglong was traveling far away for the first time.

Therefore, it is normal to feel a little uncomfortable with the surrounding environment and feel a little uneasy when you first arrive.

Of course, ordinary outsiders cannot be comforted by Sarah.

However, since Bai Linglong came with Kyle and the others, she was naturally able to receive some comfort.

"I can rest assured that."

When Bai Linglong heard that it only cost 500,000 cosmic coins a year, her uneasy heart quickly calmed down and she said with a smile.

So according to her savings, if she lives here for thirty years, she won't be afraid of running out of money to return to the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

Of course, Void Island's annual consumption of 500,000 yuan is still relatively high for ordinary people, but it does not mean that it is unaffordable.

Then Bai Linglong followed everyone into the canteen. It was already very lively outside, and it was even more lively inside the canteen.

Many people were sitting directly on various seats, eating and drinking and chatting happily.

They also looked at Bai Linglong's arrival a lot.

Because this was the first time they saw such a beautiful Catwoman.

After many outsiders saw it, they felt like they wanted to touch it and take it home to raise.

However, when they discovered that this Catwoman came with Kyle, the Hercules of the Void Cult, they immediately gave up their thoughts.

Bai Linglong, the catwoman, makes people want to keep her at first glance. If she were to catch her and sell her, she would definitely make a fortune, but the question is whether she has that kind of ability.

If Bai Linglong has nothing to do with the members of the Void God Cult, then after Bai Linglong leaves the shelter of Void Island.

They have countless ways to take away Bai Linglong. They can play with it for a while and then sell it.

But once you get involved with the Void God Religion and dare to make decisions, you will risk your life. The Void God Religion has a greater bad reputation than its good name.

The members of the Void Cult practice tooth for tooth and eye for eye.

There is usually no friction with each other, so everyone can play their own way on the island.

But once there is friction and some confrontation, then you have to see if your arm can be twisted through the thigh.

Moreover, the risk factor of taking action near Void Island is extremely high, because Void God Sonia has rectified some situations in recent years.

If you want to take action, it is safer to do it in Sandar City than near Void Island.

If a fight breaks out due to kidnapping or personal grudges, and someone is caught by the Nova Corps, they may go to jail and spend decades in jail before being released.

But if he was caught by the Void God Cult, he would have to prove who made the move first and whether there was such a big grudge.

If so, I can let you go. If you act unilaterally, then no one can escape.

Therefore, the area around this sea area has become more and more prosperous recently, and more and more Xandar people live nearby.

Because the shelter circle of Void God Cult is safer than Xandar City in terms of safety.

And if you want to enjoy it, just go to Void Island by airship or fighter plane, and you can experience the top vacation experience.

"Kyle, Renolly, where did you bring this beautiful Catwoman back from?"

When some members of the Void God Cult saw it, they directly asked loudly.

"She was brought back from the Saint Nicholas Civilization. She is an outsider who has come all the way to Void Island as a guest. After that, when she walks around the island alone, if she encounters you, please don't bully her."

"Otherwise I will take you to the training ground to practice."

Kyle responded loudly and directly after hearing this. This can be regarded as adding a protective umbrella to Bai Linglong.

Because the varieties Bai Linglong chose to transform are very excellent, and their appearance is in line with the way most people view pets and even playthings.

Therefore, walking in the universe is indeed prone to encountering many dangers.

Since I came with them, not to mention escorting her throughout the entire process, at least they could provide Bai Linglong with more safety within the scope of their control.

"What kind of civilization was Saint Nicholas?"

"There is such a beautiful Catwoman?"

"I do not know."

"The farthest place I've ever traveled is the Land of Nothingness, and the other is traveling back and forth within 150,000 light-years. I've never been to any farther place."

"Me too, but it sounds like you can go over and have a look?"

Kyle's remarks immediately sparked discussion.

Even if they join the Void God Cult, their strength has become much stronger, and they can thrive in various civilizations.

But the vast majority of people's activities in their lifetime are limited to only a few places.

Therefore, it is natural to not understand many civilizations in the universe.

Unless a certain civilization can develop to the level of the Xandar Empire and the Kree Empire.

Or maybe there are some big names sitting there, and people have heard of certain reputations even if they have never been there.

For example, the nine realms controlled by Odin's name are something that anyone with some common sense about the universe will understand.

The Saint Nicholas civilization may be an advanced civilization, but there are no big figures in charge, and it has not caused any major events that shook the universe.

So separated by so many thousands of light years, it is normal for us to have never heard of them even if we live for hundreds of years.

But because of Bai Linglong's arrival and Kyle's introduction.

Some members of the Void Cult also became interested and wanted to visit the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

Facing these many different looks, Bai Linglong didn't dare to say a word. She just grabbed Lacey's hand and followed Lady Lacey obediently.

Those eyes that wanted to eat her alive made Bai Linglong very uncomfortable and uneasy.

But she didn't want to regret taking such a long trip so soon.

She wants to truly step out of the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas, learn more about civilized culture, and create a different life for herself.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Kyle's words are still very effective."

"If you walk around the island in the future, not only will they not bully you, but they will also help and take care of you."

Sarah saw that Bai Linglong was not used to this situation and seemed a little autistic, so she said softly.

"If you are really scared."

"Then when I finish my usual practice and take a break, I will take you around for a while."

"Once you get used to it, it'll be fine."

Lacey also noticed that many outsiders just looked at Bai Linglong as if they were looking at a delicious prey. She understood why Bai Linglong was autistic, so she comforted her.

Now Bai Linglong's situation is like a zoo that was originally unremarkable. Suddenly, a national treasure-level and beautiful rare animal came, thus attracting a large number of onlookers.

Moreover, this national treasure-level rare animal has no clear protection. As long as it is caught and sold, it can be exchanged for a large sum of money. This is strange that people are not tempted.

Because of this, Lacey decided to set aside some time in the future.

Let Bai Linglong get used to Void Island first and understand that Void Island is a very safe place.

As long as Bai Linglong is aware of this situation, even if she usually feels uncomfortable, she won't feel so uneasy.


When Bai Linglong heard these words, although she felt some malice, she also felt some obvious kindness, so she nodded and whispered gratefully.

Fortunately, she offered to come with Mr. Kyle and the others, otherwise she would have come alone.

Perhaps when I arrived on the island, I was still not used to it, so I was frightened by the extremely uncomfortable eyes and tried every means to return to the San Nicolization.

The outside world is too dangerous, but the civilization of Saint Nicholas in my hometown is safe.

However, Bai Linglong also felt some sadness in her heart, because the situation she faced may be the same for many people who went out to explore from the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

They will also receive many strange looks and countless malicious intentions.

The root of all this lies in the fact that the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas has not yet been powerful enough to break through to a certain limit and make countless people know it and feel respected and feared.

If their Saint Nicholas civilization was as powerful as the Xandar Empire and the Void Cult.

Then other civilizations will not easily provoke them, let alone take advantage of them.

Then countless people from the Saint Nicholas Civilization would not have to feel so uneasy when traveling.

Soon a group of people found a large empty table and sat down one after another.

Madam Butterfly was still wearing a veil at this time, but because she was blessed by the void, she was no longer so afraid.

Even if others are eyeing her, they still have to weigh it based on her status at this time.

Madam Butterfly noticed the change in her mood and understood that this was the sense of security that came from relying on Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and the Cult of the Void.

Bai Linglong sat between Lacey and Sarah.

Sarah taught Bai Linglong how to place an order.

Because the food categories on Void Island include most of the civilizations near the Xandar Empire, there is a wide variety, and there is no shortage of food that Bai Linglong likes to eat.

Bai Linglong also noticed that although some food and set meals are expensive, most of the food is relatively affordable and the price is indeed not very high.

Therefore, even if you come here to eat different delicacies every day, the burden will not be very high for a year.

"By the way, Mr. Kyle, where are the good things you said you wanted me to see?"

Sarah herself ordered some food and looked at Kyle.

“Some of the beautiful things I saw in San Nicolás.”

After hearing this, Kyle directly clicked on the cosmic communicator, and then began to release a bunch of projections.

"The culture and ecology of the Saint Nicholas Civilization are well protected."

Sarah also had a look of surprise on her face when she saw the stunning scenery recorded in these projections.

The higher the development of science and technology, the worse the ecological protection. This is basic common sense.

Because even if there is intention to protect it, for the sake of research, development and prosperity, it will inevitably attract a large number of people to work, live, play, shop and so on.

It is very difficult to achieve both prosperity and good ecology.

The current ecology of Void Island is also very good, because there are not many members on Void Island.

Moreover, the Void Divine Cult is just a force, not a city, a country, or a civilization.

Therefore, the requirements for prosperity will not be too high.

This is also the result of senior Sonia’s careful planning, and this ecology will be preserved for a longer time in the future.

But for the development of many places, if you want to prosper, you have to trade ecology, which naturally destroys a lot of the original ecology.

"Yeah, we were shocked when we saw it."

"We went to the imperial capital of the Saint Nicholas Civilization. I thought we were going to see the buildings brought about by the technological torrent that I was tired of seeing."

"Because we just arrived, we saw the same kind of scenery."

“I didn’t expect that within the imperial capital of Saint Nicholas Civilization, some extremely beautiful ecological scenery, both original and artificially created, would be preserved.

"And this ecology does not bring about backwardness. On the contrary, it also incorporates a lot of convenient technologies, which can be said to be a good environment for living."

Kyle said in amazement upon hearing this.

"What are these golden trees?"

Sarah dragged the projections and looked at them carefully one by one, and then saw a stunning scenery like a golden mountain range, and asked in surprise.

Because the branches and leaves of these trees also have extremely beautiful textures, it seems that the tree species are extremely special.

Just seeing it from the projection can give you a sense of amazement. If you see it with your own eyes, it will definitely be more beautiful.

Moreover, in this golden mountain range, there are also a group of extremely majestic and magnificent classical pavilion buildings. It should be a very good experience to live in them.

Even the various villas in celebrity hotels can be said to be extremely luxurious and have various styles.

But with Sarah's knowledge, it was the first time she had seen this kind of luxurious pavilion that was perfectly integrated with nature, and she understood the value of this kind of pavilion.

This is real luxury, not just something to boast about.

Sarah is also a little rich woman now. If possible, she is willing to pay directly for the things she likes.

The scenery brought by this golden mountain is undoubtedly in line with Sarah's favorite standards. She wants to build a golden area and live in it occasionally.

"This is the Golden Maple Mountain created by man-made golden maple trees unique to the Jin family of the ancient Shengni civilization."

"I heard from Miss Bai Linglong that you can see different stunning scenery when you live in Jinfeng Mountain at different seasons throughout the year and at different times of the day."

"But we don't have that much time to stay in the Saint Nicholas Civilization, so we haven't seen it yet."

Kyle saw some movement in Miss Sarah and knew that he was right.

Because this kind of place, both they and Lacey liked it very much when they saw it.

As long as Miss Sarah's taste is not too bad, she will definitely like it too.

Therefore, Kyle was very sure that as long as he brought it back and let Miss Sarah see it, Miss Sarah would be surprised and fall in love with it.

"What about the golden maple tree? I'll talk to Senior Sonia and see if we can't let Lalatina purchase and transport some back."

Sarah was already moved when she heard that she saw different stunning scenery in different seasons.

However, as a recorder, she usually has free time, but she definitely cannot leave the island casually.

So if you want to purchase golden maple trees in large quantities, you can only discuss it with Senior Sonia.

Then let Lalatina get some vacation, go over and talk, and see how much money she has to pay to buy it back.

"We also have this idea, but the Jin family has not sold golden maple trees for many years."

"They have long since passed the days of making money from selling golden maple trees."

Rennoli saw Miss Sarah's move and was sure that Miss Sonia would also like it, so he said with a smile.

Miss Sonia has already swam through the Golden Maple Mountain with Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Maybe Miss Sonia wouldn't be so surprised when she saw this scene.

But they have brought back the branches and leaves of the golden tree, which is definitely a surprise.

"Can we just go over there and watch?"

When Sarah heard that the Jin family of the Saint Nicholas Civilization was no longer for sale, she was stunned for a moment, and then said with some disappointment.

She buys things based on her interests. It's not a matter of how much money she really wants. The question is whether there is something that arouses her interest.

Now she was finally moved, but she was told that she couldn't buy it.

This made Sarah unable to hide her emotions and showed a look of disappointment.

"Don't worry, the real good things haven't been shown to you yet."

Kyle saw Miss Sarah's disappointed look and comforted her with a smile.

The golden tree of the Jin family is the real treasure. In conjunction with the special ceremony of the Jin family, it is as beautiful as art.

It was impossible to bring the golden tree back directly. Although they were interested, they were not interested in taking away the treasure that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years from others.

Golden Rakshasa gave them some golden branches and leaves so that they can plant the best-looking golden maple trees, which is already a very good gift.

Now I know that Miss Sarah will like it, which proves that Miss Sonia will also like it, and Miss Lalatina may also like it.

Because these three people all come from celebrity hotels, their vision and taste may be somewhat different, but the general direction is definitely very similar.

Then the value of Golden Rakshasa's gift becomes even higher.

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