I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 675 The powerful man in the universe is so terrifying (10,000 words)

"You'll know what's going on when you go in and take a look."

After finishing speaking, Nikrov found a covered entrance based on his perception.

The power of thought directly blocked the signal propagator at the entrance, and then twisted the metal door forcefully and pulled it out.

With a bang, the heavy door flew out and hit the ground.

A deep and bright passage appeared at the original location.

Moreover, this passage is very spacious. It is obviously not only for ordinary people to walk, but for transporting larger things or living things.

The moment Nikrov flew directly into the metal channel.

Rays of light that could not be seen by ordinary people swept directly past, after scanning the bodies of Nikrov, Madam Butterfly, Golden Rakshasa, and Heiluo.

A mechanical sound sounded.

"Identity detection in progress...detection failed...detection failed!"

"Applying for instructions...received instructions...determined to be a foreign invasion!"

"Enable destruction mode."

As the mechanical sound fell, the entire underground research room erupted with alarms.

"You go outside first!"

While sending Madam Butterfly directly outside, Nikrov gave a loud shout, came directly to the front, and released the telekinesis field.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San didn't know what happened, but when they heard Mr. Nikrov's words, they immediately stepped back.

Since I just entered, I didn't even need to leave for a second.

But in just this second, the terrifying laser light exploded directly through various refractions in the underground research institute.

In the blink of an eye, the terrifying laser crosses the network cable and attacks Nikrov the moment it enters his sight.

The terrifying red ray directly hit Nikrov's telekinesis field

The dazzling red light collided with the mind force field, making a scalp-numbing sizzling sound.

This was not over yet. In the next second, another cross ray shot out from the defensive weapons deep in the underground research institute.

They converged into a dense grid of rays that no one could escape from, and gushed out from deep underground, almost completely covering the metal passage.

Terrifying beams of light are pouring out every second, and these beams can easily penetrate the steel body.

Facing this kind of defensive weapon, even a planet-level expert with a powerful body would die suddenly if he was hit and penetrated without warning.

However, it is of no use against Nikrov's attack.

Just five seconds later.

The intelligent AI detected that the outsider was not dead, and the mechanical sound sounded again.

"It is detected that the foreign enemy is not dead, and it is determined that the vitality of the foreign enemy is extremely tenacious."

"Start [Destruction] mode."

As soon as this sound came out, Nikrov felt the energy core deep in the underground research institute vibrating.

A hundred-meter-long terrifying weapon seems to be waking up as it is charged with energy, gathering terrifying energy.

The lights in the metal passages throughout the underground research room quickly disappeared.

All energy is given priority to the terrible weapon underground.

This caused Nikrov's expression to change, and he flew out of the metal channel.

This thing can't be picked up forcefully, and it's not that it can't be picked up, but if it is picked up here, this area will turn into purgatory.

One beam filled the entire channel, absorbing all the rays released in front, and converged into a laser beam ten meters wide and twenty meters high.

It poured out directly, melting the special metal channels used to build the underground research institute wherever it passed.

It was just that the molten metal liquid was evaporated instantly.

Just when Nikrov was forced out of the metal channel.

The terrifying beam of light showed no sign of deflection, but followed Nikrov closely.

Nikrov had already anticipated this and came directly to an altitude of three thousand meters.

Release the power of thought with all your strength. At this time, the power of thought is no longer invisible but becomes visible to the naked eye, turning into a circle.

The wide beam of destruction was aimed directly at Nikrov, and the entire world was enveloped in red light.

It penetrated directly from the ground to the sky and collided with Nikrov.

At this moment, everything in the world turned scarlet, and then turned into darkness.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye erupted, directly engulfing everything that could be seen around it.

Even though there was a height difference of three thousand meters, the countless big trees in the forest on the ground seemed to be hit by a Category 9 hurricane.

Swinging violently, they bent down one after another, and the big trees fell down with a click, shaking the earth.

Of course, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan could not dare to stay in place when facing this scene, but they immediately came to Madam Butterfly.

It turned into two human walls, resisting this wave of terrifying impact with its physical body.

The huge amount of dust kicked up covered all visible areas.

A shocking explosion of "boom" resounded throughout the world, as if it was about to shatter people's ears.

"As expected of the Kree Empire's technology, it's so powerful."

Kyle and others, who were resting and waiting dozens of kilometers away, also saw this beam of light penetrating the sky.

This attack can easily kill any planet-level powerhouse.

Even a cosmic-level powerhouse can kill him directly as long as his defense methods are not in place and he has high attack but low imitation.

This is obviously not the limit of the Cree's technology, it was just a random arrangement in the Sannic civilization.

"Being able to lead the impact to a high altitude and then explode, it seems that Nikrov is still able to do it with ease."

Lacey saw this spectacular scene and said with a smile.

Because the Predictor didn't let them go to support in advance, it means that Nikrov can handle this.

To be honest, it is not very difficult to help the Saint Nicholas civilization clean up some traitors.

But with the technology of the Kree Empire, the situation is completely different.

The Kree Empire is also the most technologically advanced civilization in the universe, and of course it can kill gods.

Just taking some random weapons and throwing them at lower-level civilizations can guide or even directly determine the direction of certain wars.

"I wonder how many times Nikrov can withstand such an attack."

"His power of telepathy is not unlimited."

Rennoli said with interest.

"He has resisted attacks stronger than this. I think he can withstand about ten attacks without any problem."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

Nikrov was a strong man who survived despite the fact that the Kree Empire specially sent a large space starship to clear the land.

So withstanding this kind of attack is obviously not a problem for Nikrov.

However, Nikrov clearly remembered the reason why his civilization suffered a large number of casualties in the first place.

This time, the impact of the attack burst was directly directed high into the sky.

Otherwise, even if Nikrov is facing him, he can survive without any damage, but the surrounding Madam Butterfly, Golden Rakshasa, and Black Luo San will suffer.

After a long time, the sound stopped and the dust and fog covering the world dissipated.

Golden Rakshasa and Black Luosan looked disgraced, as well as Madam Butterfly, who was unscathed by Nikrov's telepathy field. Looking at everything around them, they could only feel their hearts trembling.

Just the aftermath of this cannon, as far as the eye can see in this originally dense forest, shocking cracks in the earth appeared.

Countless big trees standing proudly turned into tree corpses and collapsed on the ground.

You must know that this is just the impact of the aftermath, not being hit from the front, causing such a hell-like scene.

If it explodes right in front of you, it's probably not going to be a huge, terrifying hole.

Thinking of this, Madam Butterfly nervously raised her head and looked at the sky.

"Nikrov, are you okay?"

Madame Butterfly shouted.

"It's okay, but you guys are okay."

With a movement of his mind, Nikrov dispersed the heavy fog caused by all the dust. He descended from a high altitude and asked.

"Thanks to Mr. Tonikov, he only suffered a little superficial injury, so it's not a big problem."

Golden Rakshasa's feathers were originally covered in glittering gold, but now they look like a chicken that has rolled in the mud. He looks a little embarrassed, but he doesn't really suffer many injuries.

Fortunately, Golden Rakshasa didn't have mysophobia, otherwise he would have died of discomfort at this time.

"I don't have any problem either."

Black Luo San's physical defense is higher than that of Golden Rakshasa, so it's just a scratch on the skin, and it will recover on its own within a few minutes even if it doesn't take the initiative to recover.

"They already knew the conspiracy had been exposed."

"You should be prepared to deal with disasters. Don't fight them head-on. Just involve them for a while."

"If it's really dangerous, just ask Lady Lacey and the others for help."

"I'll go in first and kill the Kree who's still in the underground research room, and then I'll come out to support you."

Nikrov felt relieved when he saw that Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San were not injured.

He didn't want to see the hell-like scene that happened in Tesma Civilization reappear before his eyes.

According to his perception, the Kree in the underground research room were already preparing to evacuate after discovering that a laser cannon could kill him directly.

It's not that these people can't be evacuated directly, they just stay in the underground research room waiting for their arrival.

I wanted to see if I could kill them all in one go. Now that I found out that I couldn't kill them, I decided to just release disasters and entangle them, and I started running away.

If you have insufficient perception and slow movement.

Maybe he actually let this Kree escape, but Nikrov would never let that happen.

"The fight is all our responsibility..."

Upon hearing this, Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San agreed directly.

The power of disasters is dangerous, but they do not have enough reason and wisdom.

So the danger is danger, but it's not so much that you'll die suddenly as soon as you meet.

Nikrov knew that after that shot, there would be a period of overheating that would last ten minutes.

This means that he has ten minutes to go deep into the underground research institute to deal with the enemy.

After more than ten minutes, the weapon can be reloaded and fire another shot.

Therefore, Nikrov didn't waste any more words and rushed directly into the metal channel that had melted and was still extremely hot.

The power brought by this blow is also a mechanism that can hinder the enemy's progress.

When the high-temperature metallic liquid dripped onto Nikrov's telekinesis field, it was directly isolated.

If a drop of this superheated metal falls on an ordinary person, it can directly burn through the person's body.

If it happens to fall on the upper body, the internal organs may be burned through by the high temperature and die.

This can already hinder many powerful people who are not well-equipped, strong enough and unable to fly.

Only in the face of strong men who can fly and have excellent defense, the effect will not be too great.

The mechanical sound reports that foreign enemies are invading again, and they are advancing at super high speed.

This made the Kree people who were researching deep underground not too afraid when they heard it.

Because he was about to get on the underground shuttle and run away.

The underground research institute extends in all directions. Without a map, it is not easy to reach a certain location accurately.

When he uses the underground shuttle to burrow into the ground and leave, as long as the passage is blocked, the enemy will be like a headless fly and cannot find any trace of him.

Of course, this Kree man also knew that he was facing a super powerful cosmic powerhouse.

It is impossible for someone who is not a cosmic-level powerhouse to withstand the attack just now.

The destruction mode itself was installed to prevent those physically terrible disasters and riots.

Research is very important, but what is more important is to ensure that you can survive in unstable research.

Now that the situation has changed, I directly fired a shot at the cosmic powerhouse. Before the solution was resolved, he had to run away.

Just when the scientists from the Yuan family asked the Kree scientists to come in quickly.

It only delayed less than thirty seconds.

The Kree's body was suddenly twisted and compressed by an invisible force.


The severe pain caused by being squeezed made the Kree scientist scream.

Then, in the trembling eyes of the scientists from the Yuan family, the Kree's body twisted more and more violently, and in just a few seconds, it exploded into a ball of blood mist.

"What the hell?"

"Who is that blue-skinned guy?"

"Who did the Five Major Meridians of the Imperial Capital find?"

"How could there be such a terrifying enemy?"

"Isn't he a Kree?"

"There are too many blue-skinned people in the universe, so we can't be sure they are Kree."

All the scientists from the Yuan family were frightened to the point of bursting with fear.

They knew that the five major branches of the imperial capital of the Saint Nicholas Civilization did not have this method of killing people from a distance.

Therefore, those who can do this are obviously the strong men invited back from outside by the five major branches of the imperial capital.

What these people don't know is that if they are in an open area, even if they are within dozens of kilometers apart, Nikrov can directly crush the enemy.

However, there are many obstacles in the underground laboratory, which affect the shuttle control of telekinesis.

So at this time, Nikrov was standing three hundred meters away from these people, directly using his telekinesis to start killing people from a distance.

Nikrov decided to do this from the beginning.

He had no interest in showing off in front of the Kree, because a formal meeting with the Kree might reveal his identity.

Then, like the god of death demanding their lives, the bodies of many scientists from the Yuan family began to twist one by one, and then exploded into blood mist.

At this time, each of the Yuan family scientists began to cry and beg for mercy.

But it still failed to stop Nikrov's killing. Now he didn't have so much time to waste.

The disaster has been awakened at this time, and everyone wants to rush out.

Even if these disasters lack reason and wisdom, through the integration of disaster genes, their power is real.

So it took less than twenty seconds, and there was only a large and shocking blood stain left deep in the underground research room.

After finishing dealing with these people, Nikrov turned around and flew outside.

At this time, all the disasters were neutralized by injections of sedative and sleeping potions in the body, as well as incapacitating potions and so on.

So everyone has woken up from the cage, and opened their cruel and hungry eyes.

After sniffing, I found that there were people of the same kind around me, but there was the smell of food far above.

The strength in the body is also restored quickly.

They have always slept in cages filled with various softening gases.

Now that these gases are gone, they will naturally return to their peak strength.

This allowed them to break free from the specially-made shackles and cages one by one.

One by one they rushed out like wild beasts breaking free from their cages.

They only have one consciousness now, which is to find things to fill their stomachs, and eat everything they can.

They are huge in size but not slow at all.

They are not familiar with this place, but it does not affect their knowledge of where to go.

Just move towards the place where the smell of food comes from, so wherever you go, the metal wall will be directly penetrated and the ground will be shattered.

One by one, they headed towards the ground crazily.

A huge creature like a giant ape, the tail behind it was like a terrifying sharp blade, directly cutting open the dome, and moving up quickly with a strong body.

The entire underground research room is in turmoil, as if it is about to collapse, but this does not stop the pace of these disasters.

In just ten seconds, they came from the depths of the ground to the ground and under the sky.

I could smell the smell of food everywhere in the distance.


This caused this huge ape-shaped disaster to hang its mountain-like chest with great excitement, and let out bursts of thunderous drumming sounds.

Various strange disasters also roared with excitement at this time.

Each disaster is in a period of non-growth at this time, because after they were transformed into disasters, they did not eat a lot to grow their bodies.

At this time, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan looked at these disasters that were roaring excitedly to the sky, their faces extremely solemn.

"It seems that someone in the Yuan family also turned into a disaster."

"Be careful, this guy may be much more powerful than Yuan Mingya, the head of the Yuan family."

Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San were also exchanging opinions at this time.

You must know that the strong men who have grown up through the advanced transformation of the ten major veins of Saint Nicholas are either close to the planet level or at the planet level.

Even if the disaster fused based on this does not grow to a stronger level, its strength cannot be underestimated.

Madam Butterfly had already been sent three kilometers away by Golden Rakshasa.

The Queen's ability is useful for intelligent people like them, but it does not mean that it is useful for these irrational monsters.

Just when Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San were planning how to involve them.

The giant ape who reached the ground first and was more than 20 meters high suddenly slapped the ground with the tail of his sword behind him.

With a sound of "Boom!", the ground began to tremble like an earthquake.

But that's not the most terrifying thing. A terrifying vertical sword energy visible to the naked eye, more than 20 meters high, shot directly through the air and slashed at Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan one kilometer away.

A shocking crack was cut directly into the ground wherever it passed.

"Hit you!"

When Jin Luosha saw this scene, he cursed and dodged to the side.

Hei Luosan also hid directly to the side. Both of them knew their abilities and did not dare to confront him head-on.

The sword energy slashed all the way through and directly cut a terrifying crack more than a thousand meters long and ten meters wide on the ground.

This is absolutely pure power without any skills. If it is allowed to grow, it will only explode into even more terrifying power.

This is why the Saint Nicholas civilization has always been eager to master this transformation technology even if it has not made progress for five thousand years.

It is so powerful without reason, but with reason, through further study and study, the strength will only become more powerful.

As for the issue of body size, we don't need to worry about it for the time being. If we can transform it into a rational disaster first, it won't be too late to consider further improvements to reduce the size.

At this time, a huge strange bird made a cheerful bird call, and there was an explosion of air around it, sweeping away and rushing directly into the sky.

Because it could finally soar into the sky, it spread its wings more than thirty meters wide in the sky, and a huge black shadow shrouded it.

The feathers on the wings are like scarlet eyes, which look extremely penetrating.

The pair of scarlet bird eyes were filled with joy and excitement at this time, but they still could not hide the overwhelming power emanating from them.

This is undoubtedly a symbol of an unknown disaster.

The strange bird looked at the ants-sized Golden Rakshasa and Black Luosan below.

Although the bodies of Golden Rakshasa and Heiluo San are definitely not ants according to the size of ordinary people, they appear to be unusually tall.

But in the face of these disasters, even if it is five meters tall, let alone a few meters tall, it is just a slightly larger ant.

If it is ten meters in size, it is considered a small animal. Of course, it is equivalent to prey no matter what, so it can make itself fuller.

Then the strange bird flapped its wings and swooped directly towards the Golden Rakshasa.

The only reason is that the ant Golden Rakshasa is also covered with hair and is taller, so it should taste more meaty.

It is well known that birds often swoop much faster than they fly.

When Golden Rakshasa saw this strange bird looking at him, he already felt something was wrong.

It turned directly into a golden arrow and flew to the side at high speed.

Why not retreat directly? Because that direction is the direction of Madam Butterfly.

If you want to lure the disaster away and protect Madam Butterfly, the Golden Rakshasa will not be able to be used at all.

When the strange bird saw this golden ant, it wanted to run away, and it made a bird song that shook the sky. It couldn't hide its excitement.

Like red lightning in the sky, it swooped quickly.

Just when it hit, Golden Rakshasa suddenly changed direction and turned to the right at top speed.

The strange bird's black claws, like deadly scythes, grabbed directly onto the ground.

A large chunk of the solid ground was gouged away silently, leaving shocking claw marks.

"Master Niklov, I'm afraid we can't delay this."

Golden Rakshasa suddenly turned towards the bones that had felt a dull pain in his body. Seeing this power, it seemed that it had completely disappeared, and there was some bitterness on his face.

He and Heiluo San originally thought that these disasters were irrational, so it would not be too difficult to deal with them for a short period of time.

But now they know that even without reason and only pure hunting instinct, it is not that easy to deal with.

Because the difference in strength is too big, let alone entanglement, they are lucky enough to be able to guarantee that they will not die and escape.

After seeing this scratching the ground, the scarlet strange bird quickly rose into the air. Seeing that the golden ant was not dead, it did not become angry but made a more excited bird song.

This is its first hunting, but hunting prey with some resistance makes people feel even more excited.

Just when the scarlet strange bird was hovering in the air, aiming at the escaping Golden Rakshasa, it was about to continue its attack.

The other disasters knew that this little food was not enough for them, so they looked at other places one by one, planning to go in the direction of the distant smell.

"Mr. Niklov, come out quickly!"

As soon as this move came out, Hei Luosan was frightened into a cold sweat and let out a loud roar.

If these disasters were to spread to other places, the entire Saint Nicholas civilization would suffer a catastrophe.

When more than 20 disasters were about to take action, the body of the giant ape among them suddenly received a severe blow, and its body was cut off in half.


The giant ape felt something pass through his body, and touched his waist with some confusion.

Immediately, its body was cut off at the waist, and its huge body began to separate.

The upper body fell backward and the lower body fell forward.

A large amount of blood sprayed out like a rain of blood, and the surrounding disasters opened their mouths to drink.

Although they smell the same kind of food, they will nibble without hesitation if there is food to eat, taking the opportunity to eat and drink enough.

Because of this, the disasters that were about to go to other places to hunt for prey stopped one after another.

This scene left Hei Luosan stunned, but before he could react.

At the same time, Lacey was rushing here quickly.

The omnipotent weapon in his hand turned directly into a divine sword, and the power of the void attached to it emitted purple light.

There was a "buzz~" sound from the sword.

Lacey turned around and kicked him directly.

"Hang -" a melodious sound of swords resounded throughout the surroundings.

The divine sword turned into a beam of purple light and struck at a faster speed.

The sky is soaring ready to hunt the red strange bird of the Golden Rakshasa.

Suddenly I saw a purple light coming from the sky.

Before it could react, a tens-meter-long divine sword wrapped in purple flames pierced its heart with lightning speed.

A huge hole was dug all over the body, and the power of the void attached to it caused the red strange bird to be ignited all over.

Let the body of this strange red bird turn into a comet of fire and crash directly to the ground.

A disaster disappears in an instant, and a disaster does not know whether it will live or die.

However, this did not instill fear and fear in the other remaining disasters present.

On the contrary, everyone was still excitedly sucking in the blood rain falling from the sky.

"Lord Rennolly."

Madam Butterfly also had a look of joy on her face when she saw the figure with long silver hair appearing.

The moment these disasters occurred, Madame Butterfly knew that this was not something they could handle.

So she immediately sent a message asking for help.

Lord Rennoli's speed was extremely terrifying, and he had already arrived at the scene for support in just a few seconds.

"The vitality of these guys is, I have to say, a bit awesome."

Rennoli was also a little surprised when he looked at the giant strange bird that was pierced through the heart by the divine sword thrown by Lacey from twenty miles away, but was still flopping on the ground and struggling to survive.

He killed the giant ape directly because he cut it in half and completely chopped its internal organs into pieces.

It caused its death. If its internal organs had not been crushed, the giant ape probably would not have died even if its waist was separated. =

After all, a normal creature would definitely die as long as the heart is penetrated or the waist is separated.

However, the vitality of these disasters is beyond the normal range, and death will not occur if the heart is damaged or the waist is separated.

Without this fatal weakness that is generally considered common sense, once these disasters spread and cause destruction everywhere, the scope of the disaster will be extremely large.

"We can't just sit back and do nothing."

"After the disaster here is wiped out, other major forces outside the imperial capital will soon start to take action."

"This disaster must be dealt with quickly."

At this time, the prophet's voice echoed in the sky through Rennoli's communicator.

There are twenty-seven disasters in this basement, but it does not mean that there are only twenty-seven disasters made by the United Crees. These failed fusion products are also placed in other places.

This is the result of the Cree people's brains not turning around due to the instigation of the five major meridians outside the imperial capital of the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

When the Kree people turn their heads, they can really mass-produce disasters and let them fight in advance to grow further before releasing them to harm the Andromeda Galaxy.

That was the beginning of the Andromeda Galaxy disaster.

From the perspective of Saint Nicholas civilization, these disasters are completely the product of failed experiments.

But for the Kree Empire, it was the product of a successful experiment.

After all, these disasters are just irrational, unable to implement precise instructions, and difficult to control.

But there is no doubt that these disaster creatures are fully qualified as effective weapons for fighting on the battlefield and destroying various civilizations.

It's just that the Kree people also long for bio-modification technology that breaks through technical barriers.

Because once this technical barrier is broken through and successful, the Kree Empire's capabilities will be able to quickly find people who meet the conditions for transformation.

Let each of them gain physical strength comparable to that of a cosmic powerhouse, as well as extremely tenacious vitality.

With such a powerful body, coupled with a smart mind and the technology of the Kree Empire, it will be possible to start a war with the Void Cult.

Of course, in the eyes of the prophet, as long as the Kree Empire has no way to resist Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, then everything the Kree Empire has done is in vain.

It's just that once this plan succeeds, it will indeed bring some trouble to the Void God Religion. There is no doubt about this.


Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan heard that they wanted to fight quickly, and they also knew the next purge operation.

The four killing gods of the Void God Religion want to help and solve the disasters in various places as soon as possible.

This is also to prevent the Saint Nicholas civilization from suffering more disasters.

For this, Heiluo San and Jin Luosha can only express their heartfelt gratitude.

Only twenty seconds followed.

Lacey, Kyle, and the prophet who came with him sitting on Kyle's shoulders also arrived together.

At the same time, Nikrov also came out of the underground research room.

"Nikrov, although I can understand your obsession."

"But sometimes, don't forget that protecting the people around you is far more important than killing the enemy."

"Even if you fail to kill the enemy completely this time and let the enemy escape, you can still kill the enemy later."

"But you are not around, and you miss the opportunity to protect me. Then even if you want to protect me, you will have no chance."

Lacey saw Niklov coming out of the underground research room at this moment and said with a serious face.

"Well, I'll revisit that."

When Nikrov heard this sermon, he looked at the four people who were already present: Lady Lacey, Lord Rennolly, Lord Kyle, and Lord Predictor, but he did not defend or refute.

Once these four take action, it means that Madam Butterfly and the others have encountered a crisis that exceeds their strength.

In other words, he underestimated the power of disasters and he was confident that he could solve them.

But it doesn't mean that the two guys, Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San, who have not yet grown up, plus Madam Butterfly can handle it.

In the face of the absolute disparity in strength, it was lucky to be able to survive a single blow, let alone help entangle him for dozens of seconds.

Although Lady Lacey and the others were able to protect them this time, this was not the fundamental problem.

What he did wrong was that because he was eager to rush into the research room and deal with the Kree, he failed to inform him and waited for Lady Lacey and others to arrive before taking action.

Let Jin Luosha, Hei Luo San and Madam Butterfly face a situation where they are almost certain to die at the first touch.

This is the root of the error and nothing else.

"I'm just reminding you, so you don't have to mind too much."

"We plan to participate in this operation, so hurry up and clean it up.

"Disasters in other institutes will soon be affected by this."

Seeing that Nikrov didn't refute, Lacey softened her tone and expression, comforted Nikrov and explained her subsequent plans.

She also wanted to give Nikrov a month to take revenge and wash away the hatred that had been plaguing Nikrov's heart.

But since the prophet said that, it means that the situation has begun to change.

Letting Niklov take Madam Butterfly, as well as Golden Rakshasa and Heiluo San to act slowly is not impossible to solve this incident, but it will cost more lives.


After hearing this, Nikrov looked at the huge disasters one after another around him.

In order to make up for his own mistakes, he no longer retains the burst of telekinesis.

The telekinesis field visible to the naked eye spread, covering a radius of thirty kilometers.

A terrifying and domineering momentum swept across, causing the surroundings to tremble continuously. The gravel flew into the air and turned into powder, as if the overlord who dominated this world was furious.

This scene made Jin Luosha, Hei Luo San and Madam Butterfly all stunned.

Lacey, Rennolly, Predictor, and Kyle watched all this with interest but did not take any action.

Because Nikrov has never really demonstrated his true power as a powerful man in the universe.

Nikrov stretched out his palm and pressed down.

The air around the remaining twenty or so disasters seemed to be shrouded by huge mountains and became extremely heavy.

"boom"! With a sound, his body sank, and the earth directly collapsed and sunk in.



These disasters, who were drinking blood and filling their stomachs, suddenly felt this pressure, and each one used all their strength to resist.

Their bodies are indeed very hard, and ordinary technological weapons cannot even break through their defenses.

It's just that they couldn't resist Nikrov, who was at full strength at this time.

Nikrov knew that facing these guys, it would not be so easy to directly break their bodies.

So he began to walk forward in the air, and with every step he took, a thick drum sound "Boom!" sounded from the sky.

This heavy and unique drum sound spreads, constantly shaking the brains of these disasters.

Their bodies, which were already tense, were dazed for a moment.

But just for a moment, these disaster bodies that were still standing upright were unable to withstand the huge force that enveloped their whole bodies.

They were forced to crawl to the ground, which made them struggle even more fiercely. They let out roars and earth-shaking roars, but all of them were useless.

Although they have bodies comparable to those of cosmic powerhouses and extremely pure and powerful bodies.

But they have not grown up, let alone reason, and do not understand what skills are.

Therefore, these disasters have an unbridgeable gap when faced with beings like Nikrov, who is also among the best among the strongest in the universe.

After lying on the ground, it becomes more difficult for the body to exert force, and it is unable to effectively make one's body stronger.

Therefore, dense clicking sounds were heard, and the bones in these disasters' bodies were violently trembled before being forcibly crushed.

The severe pain made the roar become more intense.

But at the same time, because of the increasingly serious injuries inside their bodies.

The drum sounds brought by Nikrov's walking steps penetrated deeper and deeper into his mind, making them shake his mind even more.

In less than half a minute, with a "bang!", it exploded and was crushed into a ball of blood mist.

Among them, there was one disaster with black scales all over his body, who persisted the longest.

Perhaps because of its stronger physical defense, it took more than a minute for the bones in his body to begin to break and collapse.

Just whether the physical body is strong or not has no effect at this time.

As it finally exploded, a large amount of blood spurted out, and the stench of blood filled the sky and the land that was already in chaos.


Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San saw this scene with their own eyes, and felt both shocked and frightened in their hearts.

They have heard about some of the top and pinnacle experts in the universe, whose strength can crush various technological civilizations.

They have seen a lot of powerful people in the universe, and even killed a lot of them.

The technology of their Saint Nicholas civilization is not top-notch, but it matches their tyrannical body.

When fighting together, ordinary cosmic powerhouses are not enough in front of the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

But they have never seen such a terrifying cosmic powerhouse like Nikrov.

If you look at this telekinesis field, it falls within Nikrov's control.

This means that as long as you step within a few kilometers of Mr. Nikrov, you will be subject to Nikrov's ubiquitous terrorist attacks at any time.

Just like this, Nikrov also said that he is not the top powerhouse in the universe, but the powerhouse in the universe. What is the definition of the top powerhouse in the universe?

Is this because Nikrov is too self-effacing, or is it that the difficulty of killing Nikrov is not as high as they thought?

Is it just because the strength gap between them is too big that they can't see the weakness in Nikrov?

This point made Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha ponder for a long time, and they could not get an accurate answer in their hearts.

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