I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 663 Chance Encounter

As Laura drove the airship, it flew at full speed for more than an hour.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is shining in the sky.

Madame Butterfly and Nikrov saw towering golden mountains one after another from a distance.

Laura drove the airship, rising all the way up from eight meters above the ground.

The entire Jinfeng Mountain also comes into view.

Countless golden maple trees fill the mountain waterfalls and rivers.

Under the reflection of the sun, it shines but is not dazzling, just like the sparkling golden ocean, not gold but better than gold.

A gust of wind blew through the mountains, and there was a neat and sweet rustling sound.

The golden leaves fall off with the breeze and float between heaven and earth.

The pure fragrance of rain, dew and earth, mixed with the fragrance of golden maple trees, fills the air and pours into people's five senses.

It allows people to escape from a world of torrent of steel and come to a piece of primitive nature.

This kind of stunning scenery is enough for countless people who are tired of running around to see it, and they will feel relaxed and happy in an instant.

"What a sight."

When Madam Butterfly saw this scene, her beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

With the advancement of civilization, we see more and more high technology and less and less pure nature.

One can't help but miss the pure beauty of nature.

It's just a place that can retain its original and pure beauty. Except for the undeveloped primitive planet, there are not so many places where civilization has preserved stunning scenery.

The golden mountains here alternate one after another, making people feel like they have stepped into the beautiful deep mountains.

"The most special thing about this golden maple tree is that it has different colors throughout the seasons."

"As a result, there will be different stunning scenery in four seasons,"

“Especially when the seasons change, the scenery you see is unforgettable.”

"So even if we don't have any guests here."

“I also come here every year in different seasons.”

"It's a pity that no one can live in the pavilions on Jinfeng Mountain. Otherwise, living here for a year would definitely be a special experience."

Laura saw Madam Butterfly exclaiming in admiration, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

At this time, a voice came from high in the sky.

"Damn it, I must go back and tell Miss Sonia about this scene."

"Let's see if we can plant one on Void Island."

"Miss Sonia may not agree. This scene looks beautiful, but it's just for viewing."

"Void Island doesn't have so much space to grow these things."

"It is estimated that this kind of thing will have to be planted in a larger area to form a stunning scenery that is difficult to see."

"It should be said that it is worthy of being the place established by the Five Major Lines of Saint Nicholas Imperial Capital."

“Each one is a special place not to be missed.”

Lacey, Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor have also followed Bai Linglong's introduction in the past few days.

I traveled everywhere, including the other four scenic spots in the Five Main Lines of the Imperial Capital. Today I came to the last place and saw the magnificent Jinfeng Mountain.

Gold is a color that will never go out of style as long as it is paired well.

"No matter, just take a photo."

"I'll take it back to Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah first then."

Kyle directly urged Lacey to take photos.

When Nikrov and Madame Butterfly heard these whirring sounds, they looked up and found several people standing on the airship floating three hundred meters high, overlooking the people below.


The moment Madam Butterfly saw the tall and powerful Kyle, her eyes shrank, and the fear in her heart surged into her heart again, and her whole body trembled.

"It's fine."

Nikrov saw Madam Butterfly's fear when she found Lord Kyle, and he quickly comforted her.

Although they already belong to the Void Cult, they are no longer enemies with Hercules Kyle.

But the shadow left by Madam Butterfly the previous time was too severe.

As a result, whenever Madame Butterfly sees Kyle, she will be triggered by a deep shadow in her heart.

After all, a desperate situation in which one cannot survive or die is not so easy to forget.

When Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luosan saw the Queen, they saw the bald man above who looked a little scared.

"Stop for a moment."

Jin Rakshasa said directly after hearing this.

After hearing this, Laura started to slow down and hovered smoothly in the air in just two seconds.

The Golden Rakshasa directly turned into a golden arrow feather, and its wings soared upwards, rising three hundred meters in just one second.

When Bai Linglong saw the sudden appearance of the figure, she quickly turned in a direction and flew to the side, misaligned by dozens of centimeters.

Fortunately, Bai Linglong was slowly driving the airship to take Lacey and others on a tour, otherwise they would have collided directly.

Before Bai Linglong could say that the other party was crazy, she heard the sudden appearance of the figure speaking.

"What did you do to the Queen?"

Jin Luosha looked at the bald man who was about 2.5 meters tall and looked like a giant, and said with an evil look in his eyes.

"Are you talking to me?"

Kyle looked around, then pointed at his face and asked.

As for Bai Linglong's sudden change of direction, it didn't matter to Kyle, Lacey, Rennoli, and the Predictor.

Not to mention the sudden change of direction at this speed, even the supersonic change of direction caused inertial vibrations, to them, it was like a breeze.

It is impossible to shake their status at all.

"Hurry up."

When Niklov saw the idiot Jin Rakshasa and Madame Butterfly who was frightened, he ran over to question her and also urged Laura.


After hearing this, Laura continued to ascend the airship and took several people up.

"What about you? What did you do to Her Majesty the Queen?"

Seeing the bald man's unresponsive look, Jin Luosha said immediately.

"First of all, before I tell you what I did to your Queen."

"You have to tell me first who the Queen you are talking about is."

"Besides, I just came here for a few days to travel."

"I haven't dealt with too many creatures from your Saint Nicholas civilization."

Kyle didn't know how long he hadn't been questioned by anyone, but in order not to get into a fight over the slightest misunderstanding, he decided to ask questions before talking.

"Who is the queen...well...the agent of the land of nothingness?"

Hearing this, Jin Luosha wanted to say the Queen's name, but he remembered that he didn't know the Queen's real name, so he thought about it and said.

At this time, Nikrov, Madam Butterfly and Heiluo San also flew up on Laura's airship.

"Meet Lord Lacey, Lord Kyle, Lord Predictor, and Lord Rennoli."

Niklov and Madame Butterfly also spoke quickly as soon as they came up, shouting respectfully.

Lest the Golden Rakshasa piss off Kyle, the God of Death.

To be honest, they really didn't expect that asking Lady Lacey to pay attention to this matter would result in them recruiting all four killing gods.

Jin Rakshasa originally thought that this bald man had used murderous intent or other means to do something to the Queen.

It was just when Nikrov and the Queen respectfully said goodbye to these four people.

The bodies of Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan froze.

The names of the four killing gods of the Void Cult resounded throughout the Fairy Galaxy.

Among them, Lacey, the manager of the Void Land, is the immediate boss of Niklov and the Queen.

"I see, Madam Butterfly, you are the queen he calls you."

After Kyle saw Madam Butterfly, he immediately understood.

Madame Butterfly's superpower charm doesn't work on them, but it's really not difficult to control other people and make people call her Queen.

"They didn't mean it...I asked them to stop screaming like that."

After Madam Butterfly saw Kyle, she shrank a little behind Nikrov and whispered.

"What happened before is in the past..."

Kyle saw Madam Butterfly's frightened look and wanted to explain, but when he saw that Madam Butterfly didn't relax, she became even more frightened because she looked at him. He rubbed his head with a headache.

Thinking about how to untie the shadow in Madam Butterfly's heart, Kyle couldn't think of any good way for a while.

"Forget it, Lacey, come and talk to her."

So Kyle sent Lacey directly to talk to Madam Butterfly.

He also didn't expect that he just scared the two of them and scared Madam Butterfly out of her shadow.

"I didn't expect that the four adults would come to raid the formation in person."

Seeing Lord Kyle's helpless look, Nikrov also knew that Lord Kyle actually didn't have any ill intentions towards them, so he took the initiative to speak.

"We are just visiting San Nicolization."

"If you can handle it yourself, handle it. If you find that you can't handle it, let us know."

"Only then will we consider taking action."

"Remember the time limit is one month and it's been a few days now."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

Now that they have discovered it, the Kree Empire's conspiracy will be impossible to realize.

Once the Predictor takes action, the Kree people hiding in the San Nicol civilization will be unable to escape.

But both Niklov and Madame Butterfly are talented people.

Therefore, Lacey also hopes that Niklov can perform well and see if he can join the Void in the future.

"Yes, thank you Lady Lacey for your kindness."

When Nikrov heard about the tourists, he understood that this matter was left to him and Madame Butterfly.

And unlike Madam Butterfly, Lord Lacey and others know his past.

So I also understand that he desires revenge on the Kree Empire.

Although if Lady Lacey and the four of them join forces to attack, the Kree conspiracy will be shattered in an instant.

Because the prophet's ability is so powerful that all enemies can't hide.

But I still plan to give him some opportunities to take revenge in person.

"How are you progressing now?"

"And how come you are related to the Five Great Meridians?"

Renault also knew some of the characteristics of the five major meridians through the introduction of Miss Bai Linglong.

"Something happened, so I brought it with me. It will be more convenient to move together."

"The intelligence has also obtained practical clues. If we continue to investigate, we should be able to solve it within a few days."

Nikrov said after hearing this.

"You don't have to promise us, there's still a lot of time, there's no need to be in such a hurry."

"The Saint Nicholas civilization also has its own unique features, and we just want to play here to increase our knowledge."

Rennoli saw that Nikrov was eager to guarantee that the matter would be solved, so he asked Nikrov to relax in a calm tone.

"You guys keep moving, we still have to look around."

Lacey also saw Nikrov's eagerness to show off and used words to make him relax.


Nikrov noticed this intention and nodded.

"Miss Bai Linglong, please keep walking."

Kyle directly urged Bai Linglong to leave. Now he has not thought of any way to solve Madam Butterfly's psychological shadow.

So if you continue to stay here, you will only continue to scare Madam Butterfly.

"Goodbye, everyone."

Bai Linglong nodded slightly when she heard the words, waved to Niklov and Madame Butterfly, and drove away in the airship.

Among them, the prophet seemed to have not spoken, but the identities of Jin Rakshasa and Black Luo San, as well as why they acted together with Niklov and the others, were already clear.

After Lacey and others left on Bai Linglong's luxury airship.

"Golden Rakshasa, don't be so impulsive next time."

"Because of my presence, there are very few people in the entire universe who can scare Madame Butterfly."

"And those very few will be extremely dangerous people."

"If it appears again during our operation, you don't have to worry about it and just run away."

Nikrov looked at Golden Rakshasa and warned him seriously.

Of course, Jin Luosha was a little impulsive just now, but his thoughts were still good.

Jin Rakshasa nodded after hearing this. He now officially knew the Queen's name.

"Is the Kree Empire's conspiracy so big that it actually recruited these four killing gods?"

Hei Luosan realized what the arrival of these four people meant.

"The Kree Empire's plans are not big, but they still have to be successful."

"We will solve it within a month. We will definitely not give it to your Saint Nicholas civilization, so it will be too implicated."

"The Void Cult is not focusing on your Saint Nicholas civilization, I can assure you."

"This time we are here to curb the Kree Empire's conspiracy."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

They actually planned to go search for traces of the Cree people after finishing their meal and deal with them quickly.

However, before the battle that will come soon, you have to fill your stomach and relax your mind, so that you can deal with it in a more perfect state.


Hei Luosan said gratefully after hearing this.

"Miss Laura, continue to Jinfeng Mountain to taste the specialties here."

"We will start taking action later."

Nikrov didn't pay attention to the gratitude, and said to Laura, who had been afraid to speak out.


When Laura heard the names of the four killing gods of the Void Cult and the plans of the Kree Empire, she didn't dare to speak out at all.

Because she knew she was hosting a bunch of real big shots.

Madam Butterfly was directly addressed as Queen by the two superiors of the Saint Nicholas Civilization, Black Luosan and Golden Rakshasa.

The relationship between Madame Butterfly and Mr. Niklov is not a relationship of patronage at all, but one of the agents of the Land of Nothingness, the legendary female agent of the Land of Nothingness.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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