I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 649 The powerful technology of the Saint Nicholas Civilization

Whether this culture is good or bad, Madam Butterfly does not want to comment too much. She is just doing the intelligence work she should do.

Because she doesn't understand it yet, Madam Butterfly doesn't know which level of transformation this rabbit is into, high, middle or low.

However, from Laura’s words, we can learn that the transformation of some creatures must be very powerful.

Humanoid species have more developed brains and balanced bodies in all aspects. Instead, they are not proficient in everything.

If we only talk about the advantages brought by physical abilities, the genes contained in various creatures far exceed those of humanoid creatures.

It wasn't until various civilized races invented genetic improvement potions, tapped into the various potentials hidden in the body, and further extended their lifespans that they could make up for the weak physical body of humanoid creatures.

But even so, if humanoid creatures do not have superpowers or magic or technological power.

Fighting alone with only the physical body is still inferior to various living creatures.

However, humanoid creatures possess various high technologies and can easily kill various creatures.

The primitive era of hand-to-hand combat with spears has passed for countless thousands of years.

Therefore, most civilizations have a certain degree of genetic improvement, at least while retaining the original racial appearance and genes.

The Saint Nicholas civilization seems to be pursuing the ultimate evolution of power.

Once this kind of technology is combined with the Kree Empire's technology, there will be a terrifying spark.

"Is your biological modification a genetic fusion modification of a single organism, or can it allow for the genetic fusion of more organisms?"

Nikrov also knew that Madam Butterfly was summarizing intelligence information, so he continued to ask Laura.

"Of course it is a transformation brought about by the genetic fusion of multiple organisms."

"Longevity, jumping ability. Running ability. Flying ability, breathing ability, adaptability, etc. will all be combined."

"It is dominated by a certain biological gene, and the combination of multiple genes brings about significant improvements in all aspects of capabilities."

Laura is already used to this kind of problem, and popularizing science about these things may make more people join the biomodification camp.

So Laura didn't mind this. She drove the airship to the airport at a steady speed while introducing Nikrov.

"The fusion of various biological genes sounds really powerful. Is there no risk of failure?"

Nikrov was a little surprised when he heard about the biological transformation brought about by integrating the excellent genes of multiple organisms.

Like a normal outsider, he has developed a strong interest in biological modification.

"Inferior and cheap biological modification is definitely risky, but for many people it is also an opportunity to achieve success in one step."

"A slightly better biomodification package, one that costs more than five million, will not pose any danger."

"The better the biomodification technology, the more expensive it will be."

"The advanced one means that except for some changes in the skin, the appearance remains roughly the same."

"But that kind of service basically serves the military or some big shots, such as rich people, politicians, etc."

Laura became interested when she saw this male guest. She didn't know if this guest was a big shot, so she gave a general introduction.

"Then how much did your biological modification cost approximately?"

"Give me an amount and let me know if I can afford it."

Nikrov heard that as long as you have money, there is no risk, and he also learned about the power of the bio-modification technology of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

"I got my biomodification on loan."

"I spent 11 million cosmic coins, and with interest, because I paid it back relatively quickly, I paid back a total of 19.4 million cosmic coins."

"And I already paid it off five years ago."

Laura raised her head when she heard this, and proudly told the cost of her biological transformation.

The average salary in the Xandar Empire is about 150,000 cosmic coins a year.

This is already the highest among the civilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy.

If you are smart and know how to do business, 20 million is not a lot and you can pay it off quickly.

But that's also because the Xandar Empire has developed all walks of life and can make a lot of money quickly.

The average salary of civilized jobs on many planets is not that high, and the annual salary is generally between 50,000 and 80,000.

And if you don’t do it, there will be simple jobs that people do, which can support themselves but are not enough to make them rich.

So if you want to live a good life, you must make some choices and sacrifices.

With her existing job, she has now paid off her debt.

Nowadays, she can do her job when she wants to do it, rest when she doesn't want to do it, and go play wherever she wants.

She worked hard for more than thirty years to pay off her debts, and now she can spend whatever she earns.

Because her biomodification package is relatively good, she will have at least eight hundred years of life left to enjoy in the future.

Before you pay off your debt, you cannot easily leave the San Nicol civilization and do a job like a bounty hunter.

Because those jobs make money very quickly, but bounty hunters come with the risk of death.

Even if the risk of death is not high after being biomodified, it is impossible for lenders to let you do those things.

"More than ten million can make me like you. It sounds really good."

When Nikrov heard this, he showed a suitably shocked look in his eyes and spoke words of praise.

Madam Butterfly felt some pity when she saw Laura talking about repaying so many debts and raising her head proudly.

As long as the lender ensures that the person who repays the loan does not lose control, then it is a business that is sure to make money without losing money.

With the abilities of these biologically modified people, they should be able to take on first-level bounty missions in the world of bounty hunters to quickly earn rewards, and then be able to repay their debts in about ten years at most.

But because for lenders, the longer it takes to repay, the greater the profit.

Therefore, Madam Butterfly can be sure that it is impossible for those lenders to allow these people who have been biologically modified to be capable of various bounty tasks.

Being a bounty hunter is a job where you can not only use your talents, but also bring super high profits.

Instead, they will find a reason to tie them to certain jobs.

After working for decades or even hundreds of years, these people feel that there is no way to repay the loan.

They were reduced to one obedient and easy-to-use living tool after another, making money for the top leaders of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

This is also a common means of amassing money and dominating others.

This Laura chose a tricky way to receive guests from various civilizations while working as a tour guide.

After proposing a relatively low price for sleeping with you, you may receive some extra tips if you perform well.

Therefore, the time to repay the debt is probably between twenty and forty years at most.

It seems that there will be a long time to enjoy life in the future, but once you really step into that industry, let alone do it for decades.

Even if you only do it a few times, you will get a taste of the life of making quick money.

After a large amount of debt repayment, retaliatory consumption will occur, stepping into another consumption trap from the lending trap.

Because I finally broke free from the difficult life, I started spending a lot of money to buy a lot of expensive and meaningless things.

In the end, it is very difficult to break out of the quagmire.

Madam Butterfly has not seen too many people like this.

And only officers and soldiers of the army and various big shots or wealthy people can enjoy advanced biological transformation.

This is also to prevent people who have undergone biological modification from bringing danger to themselves.

However, each civilization has its own forces and rules.

Regarding the invisible trap set by the upper class people of Saint Nicholas Civilization for the lower class people, Madam Butterfly only felt sympathy in her heart and said nothing.

I was just thinking about these things, planning to find a time where I wouldn't be exposed and record all these things.

The information brought about by a civilization's overall customs and cultural tendencies is also very valuable.

"of course."

"By the way, I don't know your name as a guest."

"We can leave a communication method."

"If you want to know more in the future, you can always ask me."

Laura said with a smile upon hearing this.

From the fact that this customer said that he could do it for only 10 million, she knew that this man was rich.

But that's right, just by looking at the appearance of this male high-ranking guest, but accompanied by a beautiful woman, we can also tell that Nikrov's identity is not simple.

"It's an honor to have the contact information of a beautiful woman like you."

"My name is Nikrov, from the Mulino civilization."

While Nikrov praised Laura's appearance, he briefly explained his origin and pointed out his cosmic communicator.

But as soon as Nikrov said this beautiful woman, he felt Madame Butterfly rolling her eyes behind him.

However, Laura was very happy when she heard the compliment, and directly exchanged contact information with Nikrov.

"By the way, I don't know how much it would cost to have you as a tour guide for a day, Laura?"

Nikrov felt that Madam Butterfly's gaze was helpless, and he didn't seem to notice at all on the surface, and asked Laura with a smile.

"The tour guide doesn't need much money, just one thousand universe coins a day is enough."

Laura heard the words and directly said a price.

Precisely because the price of tour guides is low, there is no need to worry about guests not being able to afford it.

I have traveled to other civilizations, and it is inevitable that I will take at least hundreds of thousands of cosmic coins with me, not to mention hundreds of millions.

Moreover, this Nikrov came off a small space battleship, and tens of thousands of space coins must be a drop in the bucket to him.


"Then I will give you two thousand a day, and if we need you to help us guide you every day after that, it will be the same price."

Nikrov was a little surprised when he heard that it was only one thousand a day, so he transferred two thousand without any nonsense.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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