I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 643 Tony takes action and shocks the world (a 10,000-word chapter)

Time passed little by little.

It only took three days.

The chaos in America is getting worse day by day, and there is blood everywhere every night.

A large number of black people began to flee.

Those who really saw the situation clearly sold their belongings, brought a bunch of supplies and bought air tickets and ship tickets back to Africa.

Anyway, wherever you have money, you will be rich. Although Africa is a bit behind, it is better than staying in the United States and waiting to die.

When they landed in Africa, the people of Wakanda had already picked them up at the airport.

The speed of the ship is not that fast, but the people of Wakanda are also picking up the black people at the nearest seaport.

T'Chaka, the supreme leader of Wakanda, also announced to the world that Wakanda in Africa will do its best to accept black compatriots.

It's just that Wakanda's response did not arouse any criticism from other ethnic groups on the Internet.

After all, I don’t care what the situation is in Africa. It’s a good thing if someone is willing to take these black people back.

On the contrary, it was the compatriots who were also black and cursed at Wakanda.

“Who wants to go back to post-barren Africa?”

"Wakanda is such a small country, how dare you accept it?"

"You don't think you're great at this moment, do you?"

"Can you, a small country, handle it?"

Even if Wakanda in Africa is willing to accommodate them, many black people born in the United States look down upon Africa itself.

In other words, there is a natural sense of superiority. Even if I am forced to leave the United States, Blue Star still has many forces that can support them.

And they also thought that if they could escape, other forces might be fine, such as Europe, which was also developed.

According to past situations, as long as they escape, there will be forces in Europe to support them.

It was only when these black people who still did not believe in evil bought their tickets and arrived in Europe that they discovered that the turmoil in Europe had also begun.

Although it is not as chaotic as the United States, the resistance is already very obvious.

So when they landed at some airports in Europe, they were directly blocked at the airport and couldn't get in at all.

At this time, several congressmen claimed to bring them back.

But as soon as they said they wanted to do this in the morning, a team of hundreds of white people rushed into the battle with guns.

In just half an hour, they all died tragically in the office.

The people who killed them were their bodyguards or secretaries. Even if it cost them their careers, they must be killed.

Because according to various information released by the United States.

These people are doing things that benefit themselves at the expense of others.

And it is even more sinful to show generosity to others and do things that are difficult to do.

Many of the taxes they paid in the past were used by these people to line their own pockets.

The moment these news came to light, some high-level powers in Europe were afraid to speak out.

Because when public opinion is too high, people like them have to shrink their heads.

At the same time, this also made many black people afraid. The person who supported them died in less than half an hour. It is also impossible to stay here.

Of course, there are still customary and common black parades in Europe.

Black people have already marched in the United States, but the result was a horrific shootout between two groups of people.

These guys in Europe really don’t watch the news, or they may still have some luck in their hearts.

I feel that Europe, which has always allowed them to run rampant, will not be like this.

Falcon, who was already in Europe at this time, could not even be persuaded to come back.

The result is that black people are severely slapped in the face. The proliferation of guns in Europe is not as serious as in the United States, but guns are still allowed.

Citizens can be allowed to possess unique firearms, so a bunch of people came out with shotguns.

ZZZQ, where black people are always marching, has made many people in Europe extremely disgusted but unable to express their anger.

Now that the veil of ZZZQ has been revealed, it has not only ignited the anger of the people in the United States, but also ignited the anger of many people in Europe.

It is really foolish to think that it can be effective at this moment.

Falcon was on top of a tall building, watching the gun battle that broke out below. At this time, he was angry and helpless and kept touching his numb head.

Tony Stark said that if soft means work, then he won't mind using soft means.

Now it seems that soft methods will not work. It is obvious that the United States is already in such chaos, but there are still a large number of black people who have not understood the situation.

The same is true for black people in Europe. Chaos has begun, and there are far more deaths every day than before.

But he still hasn't let his black compatriots understand that the various forces in Europe and the United States no longer welcome them.

Falcon tried his best to discourage the outbreak of such conflicts, but these days he persuaded his compatriots to return to Africa.

He successfully dissuaded a few people, but most of the situation he faced was being scolded by countless people, calling him a gangster and a traitor to his race.

These situations make Falcon feel tired.

He doesn't have the terrifying strength of Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, or Bruce Banner.

He's just a heroic Falcon with super tech equipment.

Under this situation, his personal power and the weight of his words were simply not enough to convince countless black compatriots.

"The chaos has started for three days, Steve, it's time for you to take action."

Falcon looked down at the scene where countless black people began to flee in all directions because the white man fired the first shot, and said feeling powerless.

Now only Steve and a few other extremely powerful men take action.

Only by directly rectifying the situation in the United States and setting an example for these forces in Europe can his countless black compatriots understand that the situation is irreversible.

At the same time private island.

Stephen Strange received contact from Tony and others and also came to the private island.

"Guardians of the Galaxy, you are wearing the black robes of the United Nations. You don't need to break out too much blood. You just need to make those black people understand that they are invincible and start running away."

"I'm going to fix up New York."

"Steve, you go clean up Washington."

"Banner, you go and sort it out..."

Tony and several other people are assigning their respective areas of responsibility.

The purpose is to shock black people and make them truly understand what the irreversible trend means.

It was also because the areas they were going to were not too close together that it took Tony and the others to find Stephen.

They want Stephen to open the portal for them and go to various cities to shock them.

"Would it be inconvenient for us to take action?"

Gamora from the Guardians of the Galaxy said.

Gamora wouldn't mind letting them carry out assassinations and capture those congressmen.

Because those things are hidden behind the scenes, but the current large-scale evictions are meant to bring things to light.

If people knew then that Tony Stark was teaming up with aliens like them to rectify the United States on Blue Star.

It may make Tony Stark's reputation worse, and he may even be accused of being a traitor.

That's why Gamora needs to check it out with Tony Stark.

If Tony Stark still wants them to take action, Gamora herself will certainly not mind.

"Just follow Star-Lord to increase his power. Star-Lord will take care of everything."

"I don't need all of you to take action."

"If the effect is ideal, if we continue to push the situation for at most three days, the black people in America will truly realize the situation and leave America."

"With most of the black people leaving, the remaining ones who won't shed tears without seeing the coffin will not be able to make it happen in the end. The reservation can be completed within half a month at most."

Tony heard this and spoke.


Gamora heard that she just went to help out and didn't need to take action, so she had no objection.

"Let's all get on the plane."

"Stephen, please activate five larger teleportation arrays."

The target of the operation was clear and the areas were divided, so Tony looked at Stephen.

Showing the technology of the space fighter at this time can also let all mankind know Stark's true confidence.

"It's up to me to open the teleportation array that allows fighters to pass through, right?"

Stephen also understood when he heard this.

Stephen's hands have completely recovered as before, his fingers are extremely sensitive and he can print extremely fast.

Five transmission channels were opened in the sky at the same time.

Then, as the jets of the fighter plane erupted, the fighter plane Steve and Paige were on flew directly into one of the teleportation arrays.

Banner set off with a single fighter plane, and the Guardians of the Galaxy set off with a single fighter plane. Wanda and Pietro in a fighter plane.

Tony himself was wearing a nano-suit, and he flew directly through the teleportation array in a fighter jet, arriving in the sky above New York.

"Jarvis opens the global live broadcast for us."

"I want everyone to see what we do."

“Whether it’s praise or infamy, we’ve taken it all by heart.”

"Your Mysterious Person code name can also be used back to your original name."

Tony was in the fighter plane and said.


Jarvis received Mr. Tony's instructions and agreed.

The information platform randomly set up by Jarvis is attracting the attention of countless people.

Five live broadcast windows suddenly appeared.

Shown from multiple perspectives, five fighter planes bear the unique logo of the Void God Cult.

With this perfect arc design, a special fighter plane that far surpasses all the technology of Blue Star appears.

Let the world's attention focus on this information platform.

At the same time, the live broadcast also showed some situations inside the fighter plane.

The total number of people in the five fighters was only a few.

But it completely attracted everyone's attention.

Among a fighter plane, Tony Stark, wearing a gold and red nano-armor, was among them.

In a fighter plane, there was an unusually young Steve Rogers and an unknown but very beautiful beauty.

Among the fighter planes, there was a man who seemed to have an elegant temperament, sitting alone in a fighter plane.

In a fighter plane, there was a young man with short silver hair and an exquisite-looking young woman.

In the last fighter plane, there were five men in black robes.

All fighters are fully autonomous, and there is no need to perform complicated maneuvers on the seat.

At the same time, the name of the mysterious person on the information platform also changed at this moment [Jarvis].

The five fighter planes began to explode at extreme speeds in the sky, and it only took one second to go from 0 to breaking the speed of sound.

The visible cyclone formed by breaking through the sound barrier appeared behind the fighter plane.

The sonic boom that shook the eardrums was clearly audible, and at the same time it exploded in the ears of people watching the live broadcast around the world.

This is the technology underlying Stark Industries today.

The visual and sensory impact shocked countless people beyond measure.

"The man in black robe!"

"Sure enough, this was all planned by Tony Stark."

"Damn, this fighter looks so good!"

"It only took one second to go from 0 to breaking the sound barrier?"

"How did their bodies resist?"

"Is this kind of technology really something we can see in modern times?"

"The handsome guy I saw last time at McDonald's, could he really be the long-lost Steve Rogers?"

"Why does he look so young?"

"Then who will be next to him?"

People from all forces around the world were shocked at this moment.

Stark Industries not only possesses epoch-making convenience and energy technologies such as void translators, micro-gravity devices, and Ark reactors.

There are also fighters that are ahead of the world, at least for hundreds or thousands of years.

Nowadays, human fighter planes can also break the sound barrier, but the speed from 0 to breaking the sound barrier is obviously impossible to be so fast.

This is a complete ejection start, and it seems that the internal anti-load system is also extremely advanced. There is not much vibration inside the fighter plane, which is the most terrifying thing.

This means that these fighters may be able to directly enter the universe.

Now various forces are still frantically developing fighters that can fly into the universe.

Just because the energy system and gravity system are completely solved, it doesn't mean that we can build a space-level fighter.

There is also a need for load-reducing systems, specific weapon systems, space navigation systems, etc.

"Stereoscopic projection, isn't that a star map?"

"Holy shit, it seems like it's true!"

"How many years is the technology hidden by Stark Industries ahead of Blue Star?"

"What's that symbol on the fighter plane?"

"In addition to the Stark Industries logo, it is also wrapped in a brilliant starry sky."

"Is this a representation of something?"

"I do not know!"

"Is it possible that it represents the universe?"

"I'll find out later. Now I just want to see the river of blood."

People all over the world are watching the live broadcast of fighter jets from all directions.

Stark Industries has a specific logo, but now countless people have discovered that the logos of these fighter planes seem to have other meanings.

It's just that they don't understand what these signs mean, so they don't get entangled one by one.

Because Tony Stark personally went out and showed his identity.

This means that Tony Stark, who planned the [Liquidation Plan] to expel black people, will take action himself.

At the same time, all media and television stations in the United States immediately broadcast the live broadcast on the information platform established by Jarvis.

The fighter plane soaring in the air controlled by Jarvis quickly stopped and levitated after completing several difficult actions.

Staying at an altitude of 10,000 meters, everything below seemed to be the size of an ant.

As the hatch opened, Tony flew out of the fighter plane's cabin wearing a nano-suit.

At the same time, the same was true for the fighter plane Banner was riding on, and he jumped out without wearing any protection.

Steve and Paige do the same, jumping right out of the gate.

Wanda flew directly with Pietro.

Several men in black robes also jumped out of the fighter plane and glided directly down in the air. -

This series of operations made everyone take a breath of cold air.

Whether they were men or women, some were afraid to look at the scene.

However, most men know that it is definitely impossible to perform a failure scene in this live broadcast.

So they are all looking forward to how these people who are following Tony Stark plan to perform successfully.

It still takes some time to fall from a height of 10,000 meters.

In just a few dozen seconds, countless people's eyes widened.

The originally elegant and easy-going man's body began to expand and transform into the Hulk.

Those terrifying muscles made countless people feel unbelievable when they saw them.

This Hulk turned out to be this gentle-looking man.

Then the Hulk's falling speed increased instead of decreasing, and he turned into a green comet and shot straight down.

Steve and Paige landed from a high altitude, only two hundred meters above the ground.

One step fell into the air, and a visible air explosion exploded at an altitude of two hundred meters. The two of them stood directly in the air.

When the five men in black robes were about to fall to the ground, one of them, a thin man in black robes, threw something and it fell to the ground accurately.

Then a gravity wave rose, and several people fell to the ground with great ease.

Wanda landed on the ground with Pietro gently sending her.

Finally, Tony Stark makes a direct superhero appearance with a "Bang!"

The dust cleared and Iron Man knelt down on a street between whites and blacks where a gun battle was breaking out.

The bullets pouring in were about to hit Tony Stark.

An energy shield visible to the naked eye appeared all around, and the bullet hovered above the energy shield.

Then it fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

This scene made countless people look in disbelief. This level of technological advancement is simply unplayable.

"I am Tony Stark, the pioneer of the void, the true leader of Stark Industries. I want to promote a community of shared future for mankind and lead mankind to the interstellar age."

"However, if we want to promote a community with a shared future for mankind, we need to eradicate some sources of chaos among mankind."

"Only in this way can the community with a shared future for mankind avoid a civil war breaking out and falling apart just after the alliance."

"The hidden darkness in America has been reckoned with, and the next step is to expel the sources of chaos."

"Although we have been stigmatized as demons, as long as you are willing to return to your hometown, we do not want to cause killing in vain."

Tony stood up and stretched out his hands to stop the street gunfight. He looked in the direction of the black man on the left. While revealing his identity, he also gave the black man an ultimatum.

At the same time, in other scenes during the live broadcast, everyone went to the fighting area between blacks and whites, made announcements, and issued words similar to expulsion.

"Why do you define us as the source of chaos?"

"Didn't all this chaos start because of you?"


"We are living a good life here, but you suddenly caused this chaos. Not only are we being discriminated against, but now we are also being targeted by countless people."

"You are not only a devil, you are an inhumane scumbag!"

"What bullshit Void Herald, I think you are anti-human!"

Tony Stark's appearance shocked many black people, but Tony's words made them filled with indignation and cursed.

It's just that these dozens of black people who were shouting were turned into ashes in just a second when they were swept by the laser.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be still, and countless people took a breath.

"The purpose I pursue is to expel you. Expelling is not the same as extermination."

"But never means it can't evolve from expulsion to extinction."

"Why you are defined as the source of chaos, I have revealed in advance."

"A generalized theory can be applied to other people, but it cannot be applied to you."

"It's my fault that you didn't think of any initiative to integrate and stop the evil in the past."

“In the past, in order to enjoy welfare, I turned a blind eye to all kinds of sins and helped the tyrants to do evil, which led to today’s results.

"Even if a few of you have no sin, the sin brought by the whole group needs to be borne by all of you."

"I have been burdened with countless admirations and infamy."

"Now obey the orders and return to your hometown, and you will not die."

"If you are still so stupid and won't shed tears until you see the coffin, I don't mind letting you see what it means to be an inhumane devil."

"When I was fighting on various battlefields in Blue Star and the universe, the number of people who died in my hands was at least a million lives, and tens of millions more would not be that many."

Tony's indifferent voice resounded in the ears of countless people around the world through Jarvis' live broadcast and various channels.

Tony's ruthless approach was accompanied by a vision of great ambition.

The space battle mentioned in it made countless people around the world feel excited.

Because this has completely shown that Tony Stark has already been in the universe.

This is not a modern ride on rockets and satellite detectors, but a real journey into the universe to various planets.

For a time, this caused countless people to have countless reveries.

This means that there really are other civilizations in the universe, and aliens are not just human fantasies.

This caused countless people who were obsessed with the existence of aliens in the world to start a carnival and came up with the idea that I am really smart.

And the advanced level of those civilizations must be far above Blue Star.

The technology displayed by Tony Stark is thousands of years ahead of Blue Star.

Perhaps it is precisely because he has truly seen other more powerful civilizations that he wants to make his hometown more advanced.

This has also made countless people understand why Stark Industries can obviously acquire rare goods, reach unreasonable overlord terms with various forces, sell them at high prices, and make crazy money, but does not do so.

Instead, they are willing to dump various high technologies from Stark Industries at low prices and promote them into the hands of various forces and countless people.

The purpose is obviously to look forward not only to the comfort inside the Blue Star, but also to the broader sea of ​​stars.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, and countless people who have longed for the starry sky have the fire in their hearts ignited at this moment.

When countless men were young, the future they hoped for was not boring work day after day.

What more people want is to truly achieve a great cause and contribute to their own power and leave a name in history.

But as they grow older, the cruelty and beatings of reality gradually erase the fighting spirit in their hearts.

But erasing it does not mean that it has completely disappeared. It just means that it is suppressed in my heart because I realize that it is an unattainable fantasy.

The moment an opportunity arises, it will revive the beautiful vision of the future that countless people had when they were young.

Tony Stark's words made countless powerful leaders and wealthy people feel numb.

Because of just these few words, even Tony Stark does not interfere in the internal affairs of other forces.

It will also cause turmoil around the world.

Because as these words ferment over time, they will surely arouse countless people's yearning for the world after a unified community with a shared future for mankind, and ignite the fighting spirit in their hearts.

This will have a terrifying impact on many people who already stand at the highest level of society, subverting the class solidification that has been achieved over the past many years.

Blue Star says it is a world controlled by wealth and power.

But in fact, the essence that truly constitutes and controls the world is not the so-called power and wealth.

Power and wealth are based on the gradual formation of class solidification, which means that their roots are based on people.

If no one is willing to pay for the wealth you give, then no matter how much wealth you have, it will be of no use.

Therefore, how to prevent countless people from awakening and subvert the order is what countless high-level officials are thinking about.

This is the fundamental reason why the ascending channel will gradually shrink.

A few ordinary people are not enough to have an impact on the solidified class.

But now the overwhelming public opinion has been ignited again. In order to build the ideal world in their hearts, countless people will unite.

Countless senior executives who have done bad things in the past can no longer do anything even if they destroy Tony Stark.

Because Tony Stark chose the perfect time.

The opportunity to unite all the high-level forces in the world to jointly destroy Tony Stark has disappeared.

From this moment on, even if Tony Stark dies, the spark that subverts the order has been ignited.

Of course, not all senior executives are afraid. There are also many senior executives who are not afraid of the shadow, and they also have some yearning for the future mentioned by Tony Stark.

Countless wars throughout human history have resulted from insufficient resources.

Therefore, in order to make more resources available to their own forces, war after war breaks out.

Among the technologies Tony Stark dumped, the Ark Reactor was the most useful.

The continuous improvement of science and technology also indirectly leads to less shortage of energy and food.

But if these problems are only solved, it will only be a matter of time before war breaks out among various human forces.

Because energy and food are solved, when the number of humans on Blue Star increases, sooner or later there will be another war due to lack of land.

But if we promote a community with a shared future for mankind and go up to the universe, there will no longer be a shortage of land.

Although humans in modern society currently do not have the ability to go up to the universe, it does not mean that humans have not discovered livable planets similar to Blue Star.

It's just that in the past, due to insufficient technological level, we were only separated by dozens or hundreds of light years.

They can only use satellite detectors that cannot carry humans to explore.

But now Tony Stark has shown them a space fighter that can carry people into the universe.

And Tony Stark has traveled to other civilizations.

Then it proves that it is fully capable of realizing human interstellar immigration.

And when facing Tony Stark, he killed dozens of people without wavering.

And issued an ultimatum, which made the black people completely courageous at this time.

It's not that he didn't want to vent his anger by killing Tony Stark with the weapon in his hand.

But in front of Tony Stark, their weapons were like a group of children holding sticks against a well-equipped adult armed soldier.

At this time, it is simply unrealistic to expect to kill the opponent.

So the black group that had gathered into a large number began to flee in all directions.

When the white man on Tony's right saw the black man running away and wanted to catch up, Tony Stark stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Deporting black people is not the same as extermination. If they want to go back, let them go back."

"Only those black people who are unwilling to leave without shedding tears before seeing the coffin are the ones to be killed."

"I will take care of the expulsion. Don't you think there are people who want revenge more?"

Tony looked at the assembled team of these white people and said.

He has the power to destroy all black people by himself, and he can also transform into a demon without hesitation at certain moments.

But Tony understands that the definition of a strong person is to always clearly understand what he is doing.

The goal of his implementation is not to exterminate black people, so black people are willing to return to Africa.

Tony would have no reason to commit a senseless killing.

If he carries out meaningless killing, then he will not be far from stepping into the abyss of desire.

Tony's words made these white groups understand who the person who wanted to be liquidated was, and they dispersed.

Tony's side successfully suppressed a rioting gun battle.

Steve and Paige also took action to deal with some black people without hesitation, directly scaring them away.

The same is true for Pietro and Wanda. If they dare not take action to deal with some people at this time, then the expulsion will be impossible.

Banner generally would not take action against the weak, but he also knew that if he did not take action at this time, his ideal would not be achieved, so he took action without mercy.

Under the watchful eyes of the other Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord faced the black man who kept swearing, and the energy he unleashed with one punch directly killed more than a dozen people.

Because people have a kind of psychology.

I don't believe you dare to take action. This is also the reason why many people dare to bully others and be unreasonable.

When facing some unreasonable people, you can only suppress the evil person's arrogance by truly letting him know that you are even more unreasonable than him.

However, the bloody reality made them realize that not only did these people dare to take action, but they were also the type who would not leave their lives alive if they did.

This caused the black people to start running away one by one.

Tony began traveling to various boroughs in New York.

There are so many black people in New York, so if you want to make them all feel scared and start evacuating, you must make it known to all black people.

Just when Tony flew to Queens.

"Mr. Tony Stark?!"

A figure wearing a spider suit quickly crossed the building with spider silk and came to Tony.

Peter Parker was extremely excited when he met Mr. Tony again after a long absence.

"You have done well these past few days. I have seen that your activity has saved many people."

Tony saw Peter Parker's excitement and directly praised Spider-Man.

Spider-Man's activity in the past few days has saved at least 30,000 people.

Sometimes, let alone saving tens of thousands of people, even if you only save one person, you can still be called a hero.

Because when others are in danger, being willing to help others regardless of danger is a very rare and valuable thing.

It's just that heroes who save people sometimes don't ask for any awards or rewards, but just want a thank you from others.

But sometimes if you don't say thank you, you might get bitten back.

This despicable nature of human nature makes fewer and fewer people willing to help others.

Spider-Man Peter Parker is like this. He has saved many people but is often criticized by some people.

This still does not disappoint Spider-Man so much that he is unwilling to save people. Instead, whenever someone is in danger, he will help others and save others from fire and water.

This is a great and pure state of mind.

"Thank you Mr. Tony Stark for the compliment."

"I just follow your instructions and do what I can to the best of my ability."

Peter Parker has been praised and reviled by countless people, but now he is praised by Mr. Tony Stark, whom he admires, which makes him feel even more satisfied and happy.

"In today's social environment, it is not easy to help others to the best of our ability."

"You can have such awareness and take action and you have won over too many people."

"Continue to ignore other people's criticism and just do what you want to do with all your heart."

"I won't talk to you anymore, I want to put New York in order."

"Other cities in the United States still need to put things in order."

"After things come to an end for now, let's find an opportunity to chat slowly."

Tony touched Spider-Man's head, and then after speaking, he drove the suit quickly to where Jarvis said.

"Okay, Mr. Tony."

Peter Parker saw Mr. Tony leaving quickly and waved goodbye.

He also heard clearly Mr. Tony's shocking declaration just now and his beautiful vision of a united community with a shared future for mankind.

To be honest, Peter Parker's mood is a bit complicated.

He was wondering if there could be a softer way to deal with these things.

But in the past few days, I can see that using soft methods simply won’t work.

As soon as Mr. Tony took action, the black people fled in all directions.

Unlike every time he stopped it, the fight would break out again a few hours later.

It's just that Peter Parker still can't decide to kill him, so his mood is very complicated.

But no matter what his mood was, he could not stop Mr. Tony from realizing his ideals.

So just continue to do what you can and wait for changes in the future.

The meeting scene between Spider-Man and Iron Man was watched by the whole world through Jarvis' live broadcast.

"Spider-Man knows Tony Stark?"

"Teaching him to do his best to save people, does that mean Spider-Man is Tony Stark's apprentice or student?"

"I've met Spider-Man, and he actually saved my life."

"However, he is not as decisive as Tony Stark. He basically subdues most of his enemies."

"This guy promoted me, and I never had a chance to thank him. It seems I need to find an opportunity to thank him."

Many people in Queens, New York, saw this scene and were talking a lot.

Spider-Man has indeed been active enough these days, preventing large and small gunfights, saving many people from danger, and attracting many fans.

The boss of the daily newspaper in Queens, New York, which had been announcing a boycott of media outlets that criticized Spider-Man, felt his face burning at this time.

Because what Tony Stark just said about ignoring other people's criticism was obviously alluding to him.

After this live broadcast, if he wants to criticize Spider-Man, he may encounter many obstacles.

Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Bruce Banner, Pietro and Wanda and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Not only did it suppress the outbreak of many large-scale killings, but the power displayed also made black people truly desperate.

Realizing that America could no longer accommodate them, they began to go home, pack their things, and head to Africa.

In today's world, only Africa can truly accept them.

The ultra-technological space fighter plane that Tony Stark and others were riding set off a sonic boom, which echoed in the ears of countless people around the world on this day.

It makes people feel amazed, admired and yearned for.

Stark Industries is not just talk on paper, but it has mastered real cosmic technology.

If we can form a community with a shared future for mankind, we should be able to obtain this kind of cosmic technology.

At that time, the moment when human beings enter the cosmic era will no longer be an unattainable fantasy of the future.

Rather, it has arrived before their eyes, something they will definitely be able to witness in their lifetime.

Moreover, Steve Rogers looks so young, which makes many people wonder whether Tony Stark has mastered a more advanced genetic modification agent.

Steve Rogers' lifespan has been further enhanced, so he can return to his youth.

If this conjecture comes true, it would mean the problem of life extension that humans have always wanted to solve.

It may have been broken in the hands of Tony Stark, but it has not yet reached the stage of a community with a shared future for mankind, so it has not been popularized yet.

Of course, considering the excellent genetic medicine, it will definitely cost more money.

But look at all the trends that Stark Industries has done since it promoted the ideal of a community with a shared future for mankind.

By then, even if they are poor, they will not be able to buy the best genetic modification drugs.

Then they should also be able to buy slightly inferior genetic modification drugs.

At that time, the era when the physical fitness of the whole people reaches or approaches the limit of human beings may also come one after another.

Empty talk on paper and showing actual finished products can have the same effect on people's hearts.

At this time, countless human beings began to fantasize about the beautiful vision of the interstellar era.

But in order to achieve the future they longed for, they still need to take some actions first.

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