I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 627 The Malice of the People of Judah

Therefore, Zheng Xian is undoubtedly in favor of mankind moving towards the interstellar era.

If humans can get out of Blue Star, then they don’t have to be beaten to death because of this little acre of land on Blue Star.

However, given that the situation is not optimistic, Zheng Xian is very not optimistic about the success of the joint venture.

But they have always felt the biggest obstacle.

After a large number of U.S. congressmen disappeared in the past few days.

Zheng Xian also saw the dawn of a community with a shared future for mankind, a true union.

Tony Stark's purpose of liquidating American congressmen this time is undoubtedly to liquidate the darkness in America.

Overthrow the old order and reestablish a new order.

One by one of the missing congressmen, they are all unclean existences.

If Zheng Xian's prediction was not wrong.

The next step in Tony Stark's plan is to directly target the already pathological black problem in America.

America's ZZZQ evil tendencies can be accepted by Europe and the United States, but that does not mean that all forces can accept it.

But as long as these problems are solved, the unity of a community with a shared future for mankind will have a greater chance of success.

It's just that after Tony Stark did that, some high-level officials from the major forces who were contaminated with darkness would feel a sense of crisis and object.

Zheng Xian has no plans to take action now and is waiting and watching for the time being.

Let's see if Tony Stark is really preparing to cause a big event as he expected.

The world is as dark as crows, and no high-level force is completely clean.

But if you want to truly abandon the grudges of the past and form a new community with a shared future for mankind.

So at the beginning of establishment, darkness was absolutely not allowed, so the due liquidation within the respective forces became inevitable.

As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked. If the upper beam is already crooked at the beginning of establishment, the backlash will be greater later on.

"Want to be on the same side as Tony Stark?"

"Zheng Xian, are you planning something?"

When the weather witch heard Zheng Xian's words, she noticed something different.

"It's too early to talk now, let's wait and see."

"If they are a group, then the American fire should not reach us."

"If they are not in the same group, then there will be a big problem."

There were many thoughts converging in Zheng Xian's mind, but he still didn't show them on the surface and said with a solemn expression.

According to his assumption, the person who destroyed the NRA headquarters would be with Tony Stark.

Then after Tony Stark overthrows and re-establishes the American order, he will not interfere in the internal affairs of other Blue Star forces without authorization.

But this has also shown that Tony Stark’s attitude, I have already given you a sample.

If they really want to promote a community with a shared future for mankind, then he shouldn't need to teach them what to do.

This is why Zheng Xian was shocked when he began to realize the meaning of Tony Stark's planned actions.

If his guess is true, Tony Stark has really broken away from the scope of the original force and directly stood in the human perspective to envision and plan the future of Blue Star mankind.

And Tony Stark seems to really have such power, completely controlling all situations on Blue Star.

The Weather Witch has known Zheng Xian for many years, so she can certainly tell that Zheng Xian must have started planning.

Although she can be said to be smart, she doesn't have as much scheming as Zheng Xian.

So she couldn't see clearly what Zheng Xian was thinking about.

Since Zheng Xian didn't say anything, she could only know what the future would be like by continuing to wait and see.

At the same time the whole world.

The disappearance of many members of the American Congress has already been widely known.

However, the limelight was overshadowed by the incident where the NRA headquarters was captured by two men in black robes.

Because the disappearance of many congressmen was the result of what was known after the fact, and the process involved also depends on who did it.

Everyone can only rely on guesswork.

However, the destruction of the NRA headquarters was clear, and there were live broadcasts and videos of the process.

Seeing the process with one's own eyes, and discovering the terrifying strength possessed by the two men in black robes, must have been even more shocking.

Many people think that this is a cool thing, and they feel that they have seen the scenes in the movie reflected in reality.

Some people think this is too cruel.

Some people think that two terrifying unknown monsters have appeared in Blue Star and that Blue Star is in danger.

At this moment, it is no exaggeration to say that the whole world is focused on the United States.

The mass disappearance of American congressmen is something that has never happened before.

The NRA has been an organization for so many years, and many people know about its hands and feet. The NRA has never had such a terrorist attack.

And these things that have never happened before happened in just a few days.

Countless people now feel that they are witnessing history with their own eyes.

The NRA headquarters was attacked. For countless people around the world, no matter what they thought, they basically stayed out of the incident and showed their attitude.

As for the Jewish people behind the scenes in America, they really feel that the god of death is approaching them at this moment.

There were originally so many MPs in office who had had some cooperation and contact with them.

Two-thirds of the group disappeared in just three days, and the NRA headquarters was attacked.

If they can't see the problem, they are stupid.

This is no longer a pair of invisible hands stirring up the situation in the United States.

Instead, there is a pair of terrifying hands visible to the naked eye that are influencing the direction of the United States.

Ordinary people cannot discover what they do, but there is no airtight wall in the world.

As long as you do it, no matter how perfect the concealment method is, there is no guarantee that others will not discover it.

It’s just that what should be criticized has been criticized, and public opinion has been guided.

If there are further moves, then they will start a war with Tony Stark openly.

Therefore, these Jewish people contacted each other immediately using their own internally developed encrypted remote video software.

"What should we do now?"

"We have no evidence. Public opinion only has some influence on Tony Stark, but it is not fatal."

"He is already in a state of retirement. He probably doesn't care at all about his reputation."

"Isn't Tony Stark's purpose to push the era of Blue Star into the interstellar era?"

"Then let's start from this aspect and give Tony Stark a warning directly."

"If he still doesn't stop and takes action against us, then it will be a big deal in the world."

"He will be spurned by countless people and regarded as a devil who wants to control Blue Star. Then it will be impossible for him to achieve the ideal of a community with a shared future for mankind."

"This is not only the ideal of Tony Stark, but also the hope of the entire Blue Star force now."

"This is a great move. If the plan succeeds, that's fine. We can sit back and relax."

"But if we fail, I'm afraid that not only us, but also our race will suffer."

“What good is race if we die?”

A group of Jewish people were quickly exchanging their thoughts.

They all felt that their lives were being fatally threatened.

They originally planned to use the wealth in their hands to further expand their influence and gain more wealth when mankind enters the interstellar era.

But Tony Stark, who pushed Blue Star into the interstellar era, was planning to uproot them.

To be honest, they really don't understand why Tony Stark discovered them.

Since ancient times, humans have been creatures that like to stick together.

Therefore, in 99% of cases, humans will not touch or question the consensus and order established by everyone.

But there will be an idea that everyone thinks this is the case and it should be so.

This is the most common herd effect. Human beings like to do things that everyone agrees with, and those who do not conform to the majority are outliers.

Over the years, they have quietly guided the trend of American society into the trend they want.

And they have done it in a subtle way. On the surface, the people who benefit the most from ZZZQ are black people and ethnic minorities.

They, the Jews, were among them, and they also received some preferential treatment that was better than ordinary people.

However, they, the Jewish people, are joint beneficiaries, not the main beneficiaries.

ZZZQ has become the consensus of countless people in the United States. When facing them, Jewish people will be more tolerant than ordinary people.

Moreover, some of the embarrassing things that the Jewish people occasionally exposed were suppressed by them at the first opportunity.

Tony Stark became Iron Man, a superhero.

But whether he becomes a superhero or not, Tony Stark is essentially a human being and a wealthy businessman.

Tony Stark is also a beneficiary in today's America.

Maintaining the existing order will allow Tony Stark to live a healthy life until his death, and the next generation he will breed will be able to live a prosperous life if he inherits his property.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current social structure of the United States, even though Tony Stark has not really entered the upper echelons of the United States.

But for Tony Stark, it is also a comfort zone and a category of vested beneficiaries.

Human beings are inherently lazy and will develop a dependence on the comfort zone that has been established for a long time.

Therefore, there should be no doubts about the existing rules, order and environment.

Previously, Tony Stark dumped all kinds of high-tech in his hands and did not set up defenses against the Judahs.

Various forces in the world can buy the technology purchased from Stark Industries, and they, the Jewish people, can also buy it.

This arguably confirms that Tony Stark was previously unaware of their existence.

It was also because of this attitude that they didn't try every means to get Tony Stark.

Since they were not discovered and were not excluded, these masterminds must not mind taking advantage of the situation.

After entering the interstellar era, he will continue to use his wealth to influence the situation of the community with a shared future for mankind behind the scenes.

But for some reason, Tony Stark seemed to have a sudden epiphany, and went crazy to attack the existing order, and directly dug out existences like them, hidden deep in the deepest parts of America.

"If we are uprooted, everyone related to us will be implicated."

"Then let's take a step to remove the firepower."

This is not just a matter of interest, but an important matter of life and blood.

Therefore, each of them completely abandoned the kindness in their hearts, released the undisguised malice in their hearts, and approved the plan proposed by one of them to drain the firepower.

The third update contains 3,000 words, and 10,000 words have been collected.

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