I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 625 Tornado destroys NRA

Because many members are concentrated in one location.

On the third night, the total number of missing members reached an astonishing one hundred and thirty-six.

Including the members who disappeared in the past two days, the number has reached an astonishing 304.

More than half of the sitting members have disappeared.

But whether it's the FBI, the police, or various investigation teams.

There was no way to catch the real culprit, and no evidence to prove that it was Tony Stark who did it.

But the leaders of all the forces on Blue Star knew that Tony Stark must have done this.

In the entire United States, only Tony Stark, who has not been seen for a long time, has such an ability.

But without evidence, it is indeed impossible to forcefully send out various troops to capture Tony Stark.

Even if he was sent, he might not be able to catch him. General Ross had previously targeted Stark Industries and brought armed troops to the door, but he simply disappeared.

Among the remaining members, only a handful are doing things right and are not afraid of liquidation.

The remaining more than 150 sitting members were trembling at this time.

At this time, he did not care whether offending Tony Stark would cause Tony Stark to migrate out of the United States.

If they were gone, America's future would have nothing to do with them.

So each one used his power and wealth.

The Internet and various public opinion media continue to criticize the news that Tony Stark has gone crazy.

They also launched a wealth-led march, bringing countless black and white people to the streets, trying to convict Tony Stark without any evidence.

Mastering public opinion in human society means that you have mastered a weapon called civilization, which can influence many things.

It can lift people up to the altar and make them sing all the way to the top of their lives.

You can also send people to hell, force them to betray their relatives, and finally force them to death.

This kind of civilized weapon can be said to be invincible.

If it were Iron Man Tony Stark, he would still be the businessman and superhero he was before.

No matter how much he contributed, he would never be able to defeat the top leaders of the United States.

With this kind of public opinion trend, even Tony has to stay away from the edge for a while.

It’s just that what they met was Tony Stark, the pioneer of the void, who wanted power, technology, and wealth.

The final counterattack of these congressmen was nothing more than an inconsequential issue to Tony.

Some congressmen directly submitted their resignations, and at the same time also directly boarded private planes or chartered flights to flee the United States.

America, their favorite land for making money, has now become a mouth of hell.

If they don't escape at this time, then they will risk their lives here.

They also hope to escape abroad to save their lives.

My colleagues and companions disappear every day. Who can bear this kind of thing? Who knows if it will be my turn tonight.

For a time, it can be said that there were demons dancing in the United States, and the situation became extremely chaotic.


At night on the Void Island on the Xandar star.

Harvey has been watching the show.

Tony teamed up with Steve, Banner, and a bunch of helpers.

Only three days after the liquidation began, the top leaders of the United States experienced what real fear is.

Things like power and wealth only apply within the rules, to deal with those who are weaker than yourself, such as the people.

But when a being above the rules appears, the so-called power and wealth cannot make you a strong person at all.

For the United States, which has been corrupted to the core, it needs to use heavy codes in troubled times.

Only by sorting out these things can Tony say things that contribute to a community with a shared future for mankind.

Black people still don’t realize that liquidating these congressmen is doing the preliminary work of liquidating them.

Still being led by public opinion to march, you are so stupid that there is no cure.

But as the liquidation becomes more and more thorough, it will become more and more exciting when it comes time to expel black people.

Just when countless people in the United States focused their attention on Tony Stark.

The NRA has also returned to its headquarters under the protection of mercenaries and the army.

Although the defense is not as powerful as last night, it is still the highest standard they can mobilize.

Gunships, troops, and experienced mercenaries are all patrolling outside the headquarters.

They dared to return to the headquarters for a meeting because it was broad daylight and it would be several levels more difficult for the enemy to act than at night.

And the most important thing is that they don't think that the people who deal with them are the same as those who liquidate the members.

At ten o'clock in the morning.

The seven of them actually sat side by side in the NRA headquarters, with other NRA members on both sides.

Just when they were about to discuss how to deal with the person who was looking for them in secret.

Suddenly there was a "Boom!" and a earth-shaking explosion.

All their trips are under Jarvis's supervision.

Steve could intercept it directly in the air, but what he wanted was to make the people behind the NRA desperate.

These high-level officials of the NRA are not the most deeply entrenched members of the Jewish people. Behind them there are people who are even more deeply entrenched.

The explosion caused a stir among senior officials at NRA headquarters.

"My lords, please go first to the underground air raid shelter."

"Our technology is professional and our weapons are cutting-edge."

"We will sacrifice the bodies of our enemies."

"Just leave everything to us."

At this time, a mercenary with thick eyebrows and big eyes immediately made a loud guarantee to appease the employers who had paid a large price.

After receiving these assurances, NRA senior officials left their seats in an orderly manner and went to the secret underground bomb shelter.

The thick-browed mercenary also picked up the communicator and asked about the situation.

"How many enemies are there?"

"There are only two people we have seen so far, which is the same as the initial information we received."

"They came openly."

"What the hell is that speed?"

"These are not people at all, they are..."

The person on the other side of the communicator couldn't finish conveying the message, so it stopped abruptly, and then there was a sound of a body falling to the ground.

The sound was not loud, but in the ears of NRA senior officials, it sounded like an alarm bell.

At the same time, there was the sound of intensive bullet firing and the sound of explosions.

It was as if an earthquake had occurred at this time, causing the tall building where they were to tremble.

Steve and Paige faced this elite force of thousands of people.

Facing the dense line of fire, the two of them felt like they were in a deserted place.

Steve touched the ground with one foot, and the power of this foot directly shook the earth.

With one punch, a tornado was created, mixed with countless sharp gravels, destroying everything in front of Steve's eyes.

As if the might of God was furious, the army in front of him was torn to pieces.

The strong wind blew Steve's black robe, and a monstrous murderous intent erupted, as if the god of death was coming.

Steve walked forward step by step. Even if God came today, he would not be able to protect the scumbags he wanted to kill.

Peggy was like a wandering ghost, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of everyone she passed.

The two of them regarded technology and firearms as nothing, and walked directly to the NRA headquarters.

This scene made Director Hogg, who was watching from a distance with a telescope, dumbfounded.

Judging from the figures shrouded in black robes, one is strong and tall and the other is slender.

The two men were clearly acting together, a man and a woman.

Neither of them looked like humans, but complete monsters.

Director Hogg was not the only one who saw the two men destroying the NRA headquarters with a tornado.

There were reporters who used sophisticated equipment to broadcast this shocking and terrifying scene live.

"Two men in black robes suddenly appeared in Fairfax City and were attacking the NRA headquarters."

"The defense line composed of 1,300 people was as fragile as tissue paper and was torn to pieces."

"Who are these two people?"

"What grudges do they have with the NRA?"

"There is no way of knowing all this, but please look at this horrific scene."

A beautiful reporter broadcast live and kept talking.

Originally, there were not many people in her live broadcast room, but when they saw the tornado that was far away behind this beauty but could still see it, it had not dissipated.

In just a few tens of seconds, the number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

"Beauty, are you experiencing an earthquake?"

"There's an earthquake, why don't you run away!"

"Earthquake plus tornado, this must be a natural disaster, right?"

"Is there really someone who can control the power of an earthquake?"

"How about a slap in the face?"

"Where is the man in black robe?"

"Why didn't I see it?"

The barrages in the live broadcast room were refreshing crazily.

Men in black robes suddenly appeared in Fairfax City and directly attacked the NRA headquarters.

Whether this was ordered by Tony Stark has also caused widespread discussion.

Then they saw an even more terrifying scene. The ceiling of the NRA headquarters was penetrated directly.

A shock wave visible to the naked eye broke through the ceiling of the NRA headquarters and shot all the way into the sky.

It exploded suddenly, like a ground-shattering sound, and the booming sound penetrated the ears of countless people wearing headphones and watching the live broadcast through the live broadcast room.

Let each of them feel their heads buzzing.

They are doing this despite the live broadcast.

Countless residents in Fairfax are closer to NRA headquarters.

At this time, he was so frightened by the thunder that he almost stopped.

Countless people have never seen a real natural disaster with their own eyes in their entire lives. Instead, they have seen the harm of natural disasters from movies, television and various newspapers.

Even the disaster caused by the New York War was not only affected by the people of New York, but also by people scattered all over the United States.

I just knew it was awesome, but I didn't have much awe.

After all, people don’t understand what it means to be in awe when disaster has not befallen them. Most of them just think that there is a good show to watch.

But now, they really use their eyes to see, their bodies to feel up close, and their ears to hear.

Countless people realized at this moment how terrifying natural disasters are and how fragile humans are in the face of the power of nature.

The same is true for viewers watching the live broadcast in various places in the United States.

Even though they weren't in Fairfax, they saw it in person.

But through the live broadcast, they can also clearly know that some unimaginable existences have appeared in Blue Star.

How easy it is for these beings to destroy the social order established by mankind.

Director Hogg, who was witnessing this scene in Fairfax City, saw this scene.

He didn't know why these two men in black robes wanted to ban guns despite being so powerful, but Director Hogg knew that the NRA was doomed.

Combined with the disappearance of congressmen from various places in the past few days, he has already felt that a storm sweeping the United States has begun.

The old order in the United States is being shaken and subverted, and a new order is preparing to be established.

What will America look like when the storm subsides?

Director Hogg has worked hard for decades to reach his current position. He can see the world far better than many people, but he still cannot predict the future of the United States.

He knew that what he should do most now was to hoard supplies in large quantities and live in seclusion at the same time.

When the new order is established again, his supplies will be his real life-saving straw.

This is the powerlessness of ordinary people. Even if they know that the current order will be subverted, there is no way to do anything.

I can only think of ways to get through this difficult period.

Unless there is overcapacity, materials are the strongest guarantee at any time.

Director Hogg also came directly in front of this beautiful woman and directly grabbed the camera's perspective.

"At this time, I would like to give you three pieces of advice."

"The first is to hoard supplies, the second is to prepare weapons for self-protection, and the third is to stay in seclusion and don't be led astray and join the chaos."

"Only in this way can we try our best to ensure that we can survive."

Director Hogg, his face was a little red at this time, which was caused by excitement and shouted loudly.

The period between order being overturned and order being established is often a turbulent period filled with blood and tears.

Even an originally stable society will become chaotic as a result.

Not to mention the already chaotic society of the United States.

Director Hogg couldn't see other things clearly, but the gunmen would definitely go crazy because of this.

Director Hogg didn't know how many people would listen to his words, but as long as one person obeyed and saved a family, it was a good thing.

"Who is this guy?"

"Look at the police badge, it's the city chief."

"What do you mean at a time like this?"

"Does this mean that the monster that destroyed the NRA headquarters will attack others?"

"Is this a deliberate attempt to spread panic?"

"Don't be fooled. This is deliberately guiding people to consume."

"Isn't this guy afraid of being fired?"

People watching the live broadcast came from every state and city in the United States.

Of course there are people from Fairfax City, not that everyone works in the land of their birth.

There are also many people who were born in this land and then went out to make money for various reasons.

Sheriff Hogg has worked in Fairfax City for many years and is quite respected.

Because this is a man who is truly willing to solve crimes and do real things.

So many people didn't take Chief Hogg's words seriously.

Some people who knew him and those who still had some confidence in the police also sounded alarm bells in their hearts.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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