I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 618 The world is shaken

Inside a stealth fighter jet above Fairfax.

"Steve, do you think they'll come back?"

Peggy looked at the large number of police cars below, as well as the police officers running back and forth, and the reporters who wanted to make a big news story.

"Not only will they come back, they will come back within three days at most, and they will be heavily guarded."

"If they don't get rid of me, they won't be at peace."

"Those lawmakers want to solve it within a month, and we don't need that."

"Take your time, none of them can escape."

Steve's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

These guys, who look glamorous on the surface, are actually very sinful guys secretly.

All of them are extremely proud guys. How could they allow criminals to go unpunished and make it difficult for them to live in panic.

It is bound to use the financial resources at hand to put pressure on the chess pieces under his control and let them find a solution as soon as possible.

And what Steve just wanted to do was to make each of them feel fearful and uneasy.

The existence of him and Peggy is equivalent to the guns faced by ordinary people.

You have to be careful every time you travel, but in the end it is difficult to escape, and you will die from the uncertain bullets that may come at any time.

This matter has nothing to do with justice, Steve only thinks of the evil in his heart.

"Within three days? Let's go find a place to play now."

When Paige heard Steve's words, she didn't doubt it.

Steve nodded slightly and went directly to other cities for dinner in the stealth fighter controlled by Jarvis.

The double crushing of technology and strength will bring about an unsolvable situation unless Steve and Paige are willing to stop.

But Steve can't stop until the enemy dies.

Harvey saw Steve and Paige's methods and knew that one of them was a SHIELD agent and the other was the former Captain America.

Their understanding of crime is extremely high, so they can follow the clues and take action.

Now it is up to these two people to take action personally, even if they have not joined the Void God Religion.

It is not easy for the American military to deal with them, not to mention that the two's current skills are completely beyond the ordinary, and they can be called supermen in the blue star.

It is completely impossible for the FBI and countless police officers to follow conventional criminal methods to track down the real culprit.

If someone else did it, then there is a solution by turning to SHIELD and the Avengers.

But this matter is led by Steve, Tony, and Banner, and the liquidation of America is inevitable.

If Blue Star belongs to the day time, Xandar Star belongs to the night time.

"Mr. Cassadine, have you encountered anything troublesome or entangled?

"Or is it that today's recipe selection is not to your taste?"

Sonia asked worriedly when she saw Mr. Kassadin was in a daze while eating.

"I'm watching interesting things happen on Blue Star."

"There's nothing to worry about or worry about."

When Harvey heard Sonia's worried words, he temporarily withdrew his gaze and spoke.

"Are you going to watch a show? Counting the time, Mr. Tony and the others should have already started to liquidate."

When Sonia heard that Mr. Kassadin was watching the drama happening on the Blue Star from a long distance away, she stopped worrying and thought for a moment before speaking.

Mr. Cassadine used to have to go to Blue Star to see the show.

However, since the strength has been greatly restored last year, it is not surprising to be able to directly overlook the Blue Star from Xandar Star.

The difference lies in whether Mr. Kassadin wants to go and watch the show in person, or whether he wants to watch it directly using void detection.

"Yes, Tony and the others are very angry, so they have already started to liquidate."

After Harvey was called back from his thoughts by Sonia, he returned his attention to the food in front of him and said with a smile while eating.

After he knew Tony's ideals, he knew that it was only a matter of time before Tony liquidated the United States.

"I will not let the future of the Void God Religion become like that."

Sonia could see that Kassadin was a little happy and said.

"With you in control of the Void Divine Religion, I feel relieved."

"Plus, when the time comes, Ilani Rael will be Star Trek."

"The regulatory issues should be no problem."

Harvey wouldn't feel uneasy after hearing this, after all, these things had been taken precautions in advance.

Moreover, unlike conventional forces and empires, all members of the Void Cult have the ability to move up.

So in the near future, after the expansion of territory.

We will not deliberately oppress the original people, but only those who work for the Void God Religion.

And as more and more civilizations are mastered, the interconnection between economy and technology will completely change the entire Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way.

Harvey himself is mainly responsible for some of the formidable enemies that the Void Cult encountered when it expanded its territory, as well as the subsequent invasions from other universes.

Those who protect the entire universe will not become the losers when their universe intersects with other universes because of the opening of the multiverse.

"Well, let's finish eating first and then watch it slowly."

"Under the circumstances that the order of Blue Star has not been unified."

"Mr. Tony's liquidation is definitely not something that can be solved overnight."

Sonia nodded slightly when she heard this.

Both she and Mr. Kassadin know that corruption harms the people at the lowest level and even the future of the entire force.

That's why Kassadin set up the official position of Star Traveler, allowing someone who truly understands balance to control and supervise him.

The candidate has undoubtedly been found, and Irani Rael’s wisdom and balance will definitely come in handy in the future.

Harvey also finished dinner with Sonia first.

After Sonia started to put away the dishes and clean up, she went directly to take a bath.

Harvey continued to use void detection to look down at the blue star.

At this time, Blue Star's time has reached noon.

More than ten hours have passed, and news of the disappearance of more than 80 congressmen has begun to spread.

The entire high-level leadership of the United States was shocked.

Because this is not a case of missing one congressman, but more than eighty.

This familiar scene makes the top leaders of the United States feel scared.

The last time a congressman suddenly died suddenly for various reasons.

Although there is no clear evidence, they all know that Tony Stark, the Iron Man behind Stark Industries, did it.

Stark Industries dumped energy, micro-gravity control devices, and void translators all over the world.

Pepper Potts of Stark Industries also constantly flies to various countries to negotiate and sign agreements with leaders of various countries.

The goal has been very clear, which is to promote the overall technological development of Blue Star.

Is this action intended to clean up the United States?

How is the scope of liquidation defined and what things have been done to be liquidated?

It made the top management of the United States and the people behind the scenes feel a little chill.

There are countless melon-eating people in the United States.

Regarding the sudden disappearance of many congressmen, some were worried, while others were not too concerned about it and made a fuss.

One by one, they felt that the invisible big hand started to move again.

What the purpose of this time is, no one knows yet.

All kinds of self-media are going crazy because of this. This is traffic.

The various forces in Blue Star are also watching the show.

The fact that America is bound to change is something that almost all leaders of all forces have anticipated.

Now the United States seems to be still in the hands of politicians, but in fact it is already in the hands of Stark Industries.

Is America strong?

The United States has all kinds of high technologies and talents, as well as Stark Industries, which is now at its peak. It would be false to say that it is not strong.

But is the current situation in the United States good?

I believe there will be many failed answers. Some forces will think it is okay, while other forces will think it is a big problem.

Although Tony Stark is behind the scenes, he has big hands.

Many places in Blue Star have been greatly affected.

Of course, for now, everything Tony Stark has brought is going in a good direction.

There is no shortage of energy, development has accelerated, and production efficiency has also been amazingly improved.

Oil has now been gradually replaced, and in a few years, conventional oil will be completely replaced.

And this is a good thing for many forces, because there is cheaper and easier to use energy.

However, it is undoubtedly the United States that will suffer heavy losses when oil is replaced, and there are also some forces whose main profit is oil.

Since Tony Stark dares to play like this, other forces naturally don't mind benefiting from it and watching the fun.

Let's see how Tony Stark plans to promote the entire Blue Star era.

Some people have investigated the identities of these missing congressmen and what they have done in their lives.

Know what Tony Stark's reckoning is all about.

But when they saw it, they felt a little weird.

Because Tony Stark's move shook not only Dole's hegemony, but also the superficial order that the United States had maintained for many years.

At the same time, the freedom, democracy, and equality that the United States has maintained for many years will be wiped out.

This price for the United States will lead to violent turbulence in the existing solidified class.

Some people noticed this but couldn't believe it.

Zheng Xian, the director of the Divine Spear Bureau, was also stunned after noticing these situations.

"Damn it, this guy can't be serious."

Zheng Xian, director of the Divine Spear Bureau, noticed this intention and his eyes widened.

"What did Tony Stark see in the universe?"

"He actually has such a big picture."

The weather witch was also in disbelief at this time.

What these congressmen are promoting is basically immigration and those who support black people to profit from it.

Although the United States is a force formed by the gathering of multiple races, it has never been truly integrated internally after so many years.

As a result, the internal situation has been in a state of chaos, and the bottom layer is getting more and more sad.

Only by crossing the bottom level and entering the middle level can we live happily, while the top level can sit back and relax.

According to their speculation, this liquidation is intended to liquidate the already deformed ZZZQ and black people, and even the darkness shrouding the United States.

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