I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 599 The true awakening of consciousness

"If you need any help from me, you can always ask."

"Although my strength is probably the weakest among the fellow Void Cult compatriots present."

"But I'm still strong enough to help out and solve some of Blue Star's problems."

Star-Lord didn't want to stay out of it this time.

"Facts often make people angry."

Rennoli looked at Tony and the others who were becoming murderous because of the anger they were holding in their hearts, and said.

"It's strange that I can still be calm knowing that I have been fooled in the past."

Kyle heard this and said.

"There are a lot of things going on inside Blue Star, but there are some things that we see through but don't tell."

The Predictor looked at Tony and the others, and after hearing what the two said, he said calmly.

"Ordinary people say bad things about their hometowns, let alone make people believe them. It's not bad if they don't get hated."

"Sarah must have been thinking about this, so she didn't think of speaking out."

Lacey looked at the people who were gearing up and waiting to vent their anger to Thanos' men and said.

"Actually, if Miss Sarah said it directly, even if I don't believe it, it's impossible for me to hate or hate Miss Sarah."

"After all, as hosts, we sincerely hope that Miss Sarah, who comes as a guest, can have a better experience during this trip to Blue Star."

"And the time Blue Star has truly been called human has not exceeded ten thousand years."

"Compared to the Xandar Empire, which has reached the pinnacle of technology in the universe and has a long history."

"There are indeed many shortcomings that need to be learned and improved."

"So it's normal to be a little dissatisfied with Blue Star, but I never expected that Miss Sarah would directly see the essence."

When Tony heard these words, he looked at Miss Sarah who ran directly into the villa to find food and said slowly.

"And Predictor, since you know there are some problems within Blue Star, just tell me."

"Given our relationship, you are still afraid that I will hate you and hate you."

Immediately, Tony rolled his eyes at the prophet and complained speechlessly.

"What am I afraid of? It's just that we didn't notice it until we came to Blue Star this time."

"The ZZZQ here is much more serious than when we came here a few years ago."

"So I also reminded Steve."

"But Steve said he wouldn't worry about it that way, as if he already had an idea."

The prophet heard this and spread his hands as if he was not taking the blame.


After listening to the prophet's words, Tony also looked directly at Steve.

"I thought that you and Banner had read the history of Xandar civilization and knew what the problem was, so we didn't take it seriously."

Steve felt Tony's questioning eyes and said with some embarrassment.

"We have studied the history of Xandar Civilization, and we also know the history of Xandar Civil War and the Dark Ages."

"But as a person in the game, some things are not so easy to detect."

Banner heard this and said.

They are now waiting for Stephen to open the portal later and recruit them.

So a few people basically stood nearby.

The moment the portal opens, you will arrive on the battlefield to join the battle. This is the benefit of having the Supreme Mage among your compatriots.

In the past, they would have already set off one by one to wait near this African battlefield.

How can I have the leisure and grace to ask Miss Sarah about her feelings on this trip to Blue Star, and then dig out the root cause of the decay of the United States?

This group of members of the Void God Cult is capable of sweeping across Blue Star.

They didn't think about ruling, exploiting and squeezing countless humans in the past, but they thought about how to assist Tony and fulfill Tony's ideals.

In this way, they can go to Void Island to live permanently with peace of mind.

As a result, things are going well inside the United States, with black-hearted masterminds and selfish people in power waving their weapons of power and doing things that benefit themselves at the expense of others.

"Yeah, but now I know."

"I will let those who deliberately commit misfortune but are actually ungrateful people taste the consequences."

"There are also those black people who keep using the theory that I am weak and I am justified to do evil things."

"They all have to go back to their original homes."

"As long as they support me, when my ideals are realized and we enter the interstellar era, I can also allow them to immigrate to the interstellar space and directly send them to live on other livable planets."

"If everyone is so stupid and ignorant, they think they can resist."

"I'll show them what real discrimination is."

Tony said coldly with cold eyes.

"Count me in."

Steve also echoed after hearing this.

"When others say you are discriminating, the best thing is to really do it, otherwise the villain will only take advantage of it."

The Predictor did not feel at all inappropriate about Tony's decision, but supported it.

Because not only did Miss Sarah notice it, but the prophet also saw more.

The ZZZQ within the United States has begun to go down the road of demonization and will never return.

If Tony doesn't forcefully correct this problem, then Tony's plan to bring Blue Star to the universe will encounter many obstacles and troubles.

The biggest trouble is that because of Miss Pepper's activity and efforts, she has successfully united with other forces in Blue Star.

But because there was no proper internal rectification, after forming a community with a shared future for mankind.

In just over a month, the consensus within the community with a shared future for mankind, which had finally been united, led to huge civil strife.

Because America's ZZZQ itself is a mistake. Now it works in the United States because of the use of deliberate people, but it does not mean that it will still work in other forces.

So when Tony formed a community of destiny and tried to push all mankind to move forward to the interstellar era.

Black people still want to use the "I am weak and I am justified" method to continue to deal with people from other forces, hoping to ask for more benefits.

Miss Pepper's hard work was wasted in an instant.

Until Miss Pepper cried to Tony why this happened.

Tony asked Jarvis to go all out to find out what was the reason for the collapse of the consensus this time.

Then Tony really realized the problem and liquidated the black people.

Then Miss Pepper made a lot of efforts to successfully convince many forces on Blue Star that have not yet united.

Although there were still some minor frictions internally, and even many disasters occurred, it still successfully entered the interstellar era.

But because of this problem, Tony's plan was directly delayed for four years.

So the precog gave Steve a warning, but Steve didn't take it seriously.

Blue Star is not the hometown of the Predicter, so he doesn't bother to say more.

But now that Tony has known the internal affairs of the United States from the beginning, realizing the ideal plan will directly reduce many obstacles.

"Discrimination is almost impossible to eliminate as long as the difference in status persists."

"Even the strong ones of the same race will discriminate against the weak, and the weak will discriminate against the weaker ones."

"If you want to avoid being discriminated against, you don't just rely on words and morals, but you have to improve yourself and become a strong person."

"No matter what anyone says, it's just the incompetent barking of a weakling."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

When she worked at the Bounty Bar, she came into contact with all kinds of people, was discriminated against by men, and was also disliked by fellow women.

Because the Xandar Empire does not prohibit such transactions, but in the eyes of many women, they are the lower class.

She knew that the only way to eliminate the feeling of being discriminated against was to become excellent.

As long as you are good enough, no one can discriminate against you.

So when the opportunity to become stronger arose, she embarked on the path of seeking opportunities without hesitation.

People's hearts are basically selfish.

They will brag about those who are far more successful than themselves, and dream of being able to do the same, because there is a huge gap between those in their own class.

But for people of the same class, people don't see them living a better life than themselves, and they even wish that people of the same class live a worse life than themselves.

"Well, I didn't notice it before, but now I can notice the difference."

Steve nodded seriously after hearing what Lacey said.


at the same time.

Blue Star is located in a luxurious and classic manor.

“I didn’t expect that Sarah’s trip to Blue Star during the holidays would actually lead to these things.”

Harvey was a little surprised when he saw Tony, Steve and Banner all making up their minds and preparing to do something big.

Because from Lacey's conversation with Sarah, Harvey knew when the five Obsidian generals would arrive.

So he also arrived at Blue Star at noon today, planning to wait and watch the show.

Harvey didn't expect Tony's thoughts about Sarah's trip to Blue Star before they started fighting with the Obsidian Five.

Let Tony and others realize the essential problems of America one by one.

Harvey does not deny that there are some real elites among black people who are good because they are the result of a lot of hard work and hard work.

But he has no favorable impression of most black people.

You must know that before he received education in the United States, his mind had already matured in his previous life.

So he has no interest in America's so-called happy education and ZZZQ.

Since he has traveled through a new life, even though he is in the dangerous United States, he still has a certain prophetic advantage, so he will definitely climb up.

Originally, he was ready to study hard and seize the opportunity to get out of poverty and prosper. .

However, after awakening the void system, his original plan changed drastically.

He doesn't have to rely on knowledge to make money, and naturally he doesn't have to make money like ordinary people.

But even so, Harvey has always been in control, because he is getting stronger and his inner desire is growing steadily, and he has no intention of ruining it.

Until Harvey became stronger and stronger, and his self-confidence in self-protection became stronger and stronger. Finally, he met Sonia, who took extremely considerate and all-round care of him.

Coupled with the knowledge that he had intercepted the Power Stone in Thanos' plan, he could basically sit back and slowly grow stronger without any worries.

That's why he started to live a miserable life.

Harvey is very understanding of the nature of Sarah's see-through.

After all, America itself is not as beautiful as it appears. If it were really that beautiful, there wouldn't be so many evils.

So from the moment he traveled through time, he never thought about serving or serving the United States.

After he became more powerful, it was considered a mercy of him not to destroy the United States and become a citizen of the motherland.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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