I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 592 It turns out that I went to the theater

After Steve took photos with dozens of people, he was able to escape with a pile of food.

One by one, they posted photos online and said they had met a handsome guy.

Among them, Renault looks like COS but has an unusually cool look.

The blonde girl's Twitter exploded.

"Gwen, who is this handsome and handsome guy?"

"Your boyfriend?"

"If this man enters the entertainment industry, he will definitely have a rich woman to support him."

"This figure looks unreliable, not as handsome as the captain of the rugby club."

"Don't the muscle lines on this handsome guy look perfect?"

"She looks like she is at least twenty years old. Gwen and we are only sixteen now."

All the classmates were asking who this person was.

"He's not my boyfriend. I just met him by chance at McDonald's and took a photo together."

"I don't know his name either."

"There is also a handsome guy with me, but he's not my type."

Gwen Stacy was also in a very good mood at this time and explained patiently.

Silver hair, a hair color that is not a common hair color, looks weird.

However, there does not seem to be any disharmony in this man. On the contrary, it seems as if he is born with it.

Coupled with that handsome and handsome face, the whole person looks very cool, just like he stepped out of a painting.

For high school girls in their prime, this kind of handsome man is the most popular.

Gwen also mustered up the courage to go up and ask for a photo, but she didn't expect that the other party really agreed.

"Damn it, this man is like a god. Don't you like this?"

Because of Gwen's words, his classmates also directly followed Gwen's location to find it.

Then I discovered a handsome and tough guy who looked very masculine. His strong and tall body made people know that he was very powerful at a glance.

"Damn, this is the male god."

“Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together and people flock together.”

"In principle, I don't like anyone who is much older than me, but I can do it with this man."

"It's daytime, perfect for daydreaming."

"Don't go crazy here!"

Photos of Steve Rogers went viral online, and everyone was asking who this man was.

"Why do I feel a bit like Captain America Steve Rogers?"

"Don't be stupid, although he looks a lot like Captain America Steve Rogers, Captain America is not that young."

"So he's an illegitimate child?"

“Is Captain America Steve Rogers married?”

A group of people chatted directly under Gwen Stacy's Twitter, which seemed very lively.

Many people thought he looked like Steve Rogers, but found that the age did not match, so they rejected each one.

As for who these two men are, it directly trended on Twitter.

As Renolly said, the definitions of beauty and ugliness are defined based on public and personal aesthetics.

Real handsome guys and beauties will recognize their looks, whether out of envy or jealousy.

Little did Steve know that there was a wave of search for information about them on the Internet.

He just took his large and small bags to the top floor of a high-rise building and looked at Renoli and the Predictor.

"You two got into trouble, so you ran away pretty fast."

Steve complained directly after seeing Rennoli.

"I need to correct you Steve."

"Just because I ran away fast doesn't mean I got into trouble."

The Predictor corrected him seriously when he saw Steve taking him directly.

His outfit is a weird one in Blue Star. It will attract some attention at most, but not so many people who want to take photos.

This made Steve look at Rennoli.

"I can't refuse a girl who has the courage to come and ask for a photo, right?"

After hearing this, Renoli spread his hands with an innocent face and said.

When he was on Xandar, he was chased by countless women.

Rennoli is willing to interact with women who are courageous and not ugly.

"A good man is done for you."

"Did you know that your face was frozen with laughter just to deal with that group of people?"

Steve heard Renolly's words and pointed at his face and said loudly.

It wasn't because of Rennoli's words that he could take a photo, and those women wouldn't have directly gathered around him.

"How about I give you 100,000 cosmic coins and let this be settled?"

Rennoli said simply when he saw Steve looking unhappy.

"You want to send me away with one hundred thousand cosmic coins? Who do you look down on?"

"It takes at least 500,000 cosmic coins to appease my heart."

Steve heard this and argued for himself.

The purchasing power of Cosmic Coins is still very strong. Five hundred thousand Cosmic Coins can allow him to eat and drink on Void Island for more than a month.

"Why don't you go and grab it?"

"Do you know how much food you can buy with five hundred thousand universe coins?"

"The maximum is 150,000. I won't give you even a cent more. The worst I can do is apologize to you."

Rennoli saw that Steve was opening his mouth like a lion, and he didn't like Steve either.

Steve's expression kept changing when he heard this, looking angry and angry.

But Renolly didn't take Steve's approach at all.

"Just 150,000, do you want it?"


Steve found out that Rennoli had not been deceived by him, and he just gave up.

He just took a photo with someone, it wasn't a big deal.

It would be nice to be able to take advantage of this to make 150,000 yuan, and it would also allow him to eat and drink freely for ten days.

Rennoli directly initiated the transfer to Steve without any nonsense, so that Steve would not hold on to the matter.

When Steve saw the money Rennolly transferred, a smile appeared on his face and he threw the food in his hand directly.

It's not that Blue Star's money cannot be used by him, but it doesn't matter as long as it's enough to eat and drink.

Because he will live in the universe in the future, and with Peggy, he will have to save some money.

Otherwise, if you can't even come up with the minimum annual contribution of 10 million, it would be a big shame.

Rennolli and the Predictor caught it and ate their burgers.

"The taste is okay, but the energy is too little."

Rennoli quickly finished a beef cheeseburger, felt the energy provided and spoke.

"I can't help it. I'm in a hurry. I just want to find something to eat."

Steve was very understanding when he heard this.

The energy provided by the food on Blue Star is far less than that provided on Void Island.

The ingredients on Void Island are not top-notch ingredients that are hyped, but are ranked according to the difficulty of hunting.

Only the truly top-quality ingredients can be called an evolutionary set meal.

If Steve had stayed on Void Island for the past few years, his evolution would have been faster.

But the problem is that he has to guard Blue Star, so he basically stays on a private island and has people make them whole for him.

Although the energy provided cannot be compared with the evolution package of Void Island, it can be compared with common ingredients.

"It's just a piece of meat the size of a palm. It can provide you with as much energy as you want and it doesn't taste bad."

The precog didn't care at all.

The three of them leaned against the wall on the top floor and chatted while eating. The wrapping paper after eating evaporated directly with the power of the void.

Soon Sarah also browsed the clothing stores in the whole building, but she didn't find any clothes she liked. She just bought some good-looking shoes.

Although salesmen all praised her beauty wildly, and said what brand it was, and what brand bags it had, it was a status symbol, and it would definitely look good to wear it to show her sisters when attending formal events.

Jarvis also said that Mr. Tony would pay for all the expenses for the two days of travel, but Sarah was not interested at all.

But what she wants is that she feels good-looking, not bragging about good-looking or some brand name effect.

What other high-end luxury goods are diamond rings? Can something like this be called a high-end luxury goods?

Real luxury goods should be luxury houses, luxury cars, fighter planes, battleships, planets, high-end arms and high-end technology.

Especially top fighters, battleships, planets, high-end weapons and planets.

You can't buy it with money, you must have connections or power.

This is a symbol of real power and status, not a dispensable decoration.

After Sarah left, everyone saw that the big fat fish just bought some shoes and ran away, and they beat their chests in anger.

Although they didn't recognize this woman's identity or name, Sarah was no ordinary person just from her appearance and temperament.

And Sarah holds an unlimited black card in her hand that can be swiped at will.

As long as Sarah can be persuaded to buy it, it will be a commission delivered to her door.

But they tried their best and all the words and flattery they had learned all their lives, but Sarah was not moved at all.

Obviously their words are very useful to those wealthy women.

"Just buy this little?"

"There is no need to save money for Tony. Tony is short of cosmic coins but not Blue Star money."

"If you spend so little, Tony might think you think he is too poor."

Kyle said when he saw that Miss Sarah only bought a dozen good-looking shoes and nothing else.

"That's right, Miss Sarah, you can just buy whatever you want. You don't have to worry about whether you wear it or not. You can just buy it and put it away."

Jarvis saw Sarah shopping around the whole building and bought some shoes. The cost was less than one hundred thousand dollars, which was also numb.

Let Mr. Tony know that it took just this to wander around, and I thought he didn't do a good job as a guide.

"I didn't want to save money, but those clothes looked too tacky and I didn't like them."

Sarah opened the car door directly, sat in, and said.

What kind of diamonds are used to embellish those clothes? The problem is that shiny things like diamonds don’t suit her taste.

So the beauty is there, but if it doesn’t match your preferences, it becomes vulgar.

If she spends too much, Sarah can directly pay it back to Mr. Tony with cosmic coins.

So Sarah didn't have any psychological burden at all. She didn't buy it simply because she didn't like it.

"Then what type does Miss Sarah probably like?"

"I can search for you."

Jarvis also took the initiative to ask.

Even if Miss Sarah just provides some words, he can find similar ones immediately.

"Mr. Jarvis, do you know where I can find clothes similar to the ones I'm wearing?

Sarah saw Jarvis looking a little anxious, so she thought about it and gave a piece of information related to his preferences.

"Of course there is, but it's not a high-end shopping area."

Jarvis heard that Sarah liked the cheongsam, which symbolized the Chinese culture, and made a sound.

There are many styles of cheongsam, some look elegant, some are simple but very pure, some are noble and dignified, and some are as sexy as fire.

To put it bluntly, the cheongsam is a style of clothing that not only needs good clothes but also has a good appearance and temperament.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to show off its charm at all, and you’ll look a bit like a customary woman.

It is difficult to grasp the charm of cheongsam, and the cultural nature is different, so it has not entered the high-end market in the United States.

"It doesn't matter whether it's high-end or not. The main thing is that the clothes are not sold on Shandar Star, and I like them very much."

"So I'll ask Mr. Jarvis to help me navigate."

Sarah didn't care to hear that it wasn't high-end.

Senior Sonia must have seen many styles of clothes.

Finally, I chose the cheongsam, which is a special garment that can reflect different temperaments with changes in hairstyle and clothing patterns.

Being able to design this kind of clothes obviously has cultural heritage in it.

Jarvis also knew that this trip with Miss Sarah was not about what he wanted to buy for Miss Sarah, but what she decided to buy herself.

So I directly marked some stores selling cheongsam and Hanfu clothing for Sarah.

This kind of clothing style is a niche even in China, and it is not said to be common, let alone in the world.

Jarvis is a super artificial intelligence, but he cannot judge human aesthetics.

Sarah saw that she was also driving a Ferrari and headed directly to the destination.

"You didn't buy anything?"

Rennoli looked thoughtful when he saw Kyle empty-handed.

"You mean you didn't get a good experience when you went shopping this time?"

Steve also noticed that Kyle didn't even have a shopping bag in his hands and said.

"Although I didn't buy much, I did buy it anyway, and delivered everything to Stark Industries."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

Although the prophet is watching from a distance, through prediction, he is almost accompanying the whole journey, so he knows all the information.

“If you don’t buy much, do you mean how much you bought?”

Steve asked feeling a little anxious after hearing this.

"It probably cost $20,000."

The prophet also gave a rough number after hearing this.

"Only twenty thousand dollars?"

"Isn't this the end of the line?"

Steve heard that Sarah spent half an hour walking around the luxurious building and ended up spending just this little money.

Occasionally, he rarely goes shopping with Peggy, and he spends more than this.

After Paige regained her youth, she returned to a beauty-loving mentality and liked to try on all kinds of clothes.

"Calm down, as long as Miss Sarah doesn't encounter any trouble during this trip, it's fine. It doesn't matter whether you spend more or less."

"Miss Sarah is a rich woman herself. She has already bought what she wants to buy."

“It’s normal to come to Blue Star for shopping this time and just want to buy something special.”

Rennoli saw Steve's terrible expression and spoke to comfort him.

"Yeah, as long as it doesn't affect your mood."

Steve also suddenly realized when he heard this. Tony told him not to be embarrassed, but just asked him not to hesitate.

But looking at the cooperation between Rennoli and the Predictor, Steve felt like he could just come over and supervise the show and be done with it.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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