I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 578 The Dilemma of the Witch

Facing Rennoli's words, Tony, Banner, Steve, and Paige were unable to refute.

Although Wanda was from their Blue Star, Wanda's behavior was really too irrational.

He felt confident that he could force Rennoli to agree to all his demands.

He completely misjudged the strength gap between the two sides, overestimated himself and underestimated the enemy.

The consequences of misjudging the situation on the battlefield are basically death.

"I am very grateful for your guidance, Mr. Rennolly."

"I apologize for my sister's impulsiveness."

Pietro knew what he said, so he bowed his thanks and apologized very simply.

"Recognizing mistakes can greatly improve things."

“Don’t say I didn’t give you any advice.

"As a natural witch, I won't say how far your sister will grow in strength."

"Each witch's minimum limit is generally very high, and the upper limit of her ability is completely different depending on the magic she awakens."

"According to the upper limit brought by awakening magic, although the possibility is very low, it is not impossible that she may grow to the level of the pinnacle of the universe in the future."

"But what we just said was very clear."

"Witches are born with powerful abilities, but it is very difficult for them to survive in a world of strong people."

"Not only people from the magic world will be watching her, but also the bounty world, the Predator Legion organization, and all kinds of powerful people may become her enemies."

"If you want to survive, you must learn what it means to be rational."

"Otherwise, she will let her emotions dominate her mind and act irrationally like she did just now."

"It's okay if the trouble is small. If the trouble is a little bigger, more people will come to kill her."

Rennoli felt a little relieved when he saw that Pietro did not hold a grudge against him but instead thanked and apologized to him, and he spoke.


Wanda also knew that these words were completely teaching herself how to survive in the future, so she also took the initiative to apologize like Pietro.

Stephen watched Wanda apologize to Renelli honestly. Although he didn't have much contact with Wanda, his initial impression was not bad.

"Originally I had some prejudice against witches."

"But after listening to what they said, I also understood that witches are not inherently evil."

"It's just that this is not just a label that the magicians have planted on you, but a label that the entire magical world has planted on you."

"As the Supreme Mage, even if I want to change, I cannot change the mage world's view of witches in a short period of time."

"But if you need help, you can always come to me."

"I'll try to help you."

So after Stephen understood the situation, he looked at Wanda and said.

Just now Kyle called him Renault, not a witch killer, but a mage killer.

In fact, it has been shown to Rennoli and other people outside the magic world.

Whether it is him, the supreme mage who has inherited the Book of Emperor Weishan, or Wanda, the natural witch, they all belong to the category of mage in the magic world.

They master a lot of fancy and weird magic, but essentially they all have the same weak points.

"Mr. Supreme Mage Stephen Strange, thank you for your kindness."

"But my brother and I will try our best to deal with my troubles."

Wanda faced Stephen's kindness, because the situation of the witches that Mr. Renolly and the others discussed just now made her afraid to accept Stephen's kindness.

Because Mr. Kyle and others have made it very clear that the magicians in the magic world treat their witches very simply, either using them or rejecting them.

"I know you don't want to have too much contact with me, but if you really encounter any trouble that is difficult to solve."

"As long as you look for me, I will still help you."

Stephen saw Wanda's reaction and knew that it was the witch's dilemma that made Wanda not want to have too deep contact with him.

Because of understanding, Stephen did not flinch because of Wanda's alienation.

When he was a doctor, he encountered many troublesome patients.

With this kind of rejection and rejection, how could Stephen give up so quickly.

Tony looked at Wanda and spoke at this time.

"If Wanda doesn't leave Blue Star, she shouldn't encounter that much trouble."

"Just let Wanda continue to stay at Blue Star."

"If you really can't think about going to the universe anymore, let's find a place to survive."

In fact, Tony can be said to know Wanda's situation best.

Because Kassadin told him about Wanda's situation.

Kassadin did not explain what Wanda's natural magic was, but Kassadin affirmed that Wanda has the potential to grow to the pinnacle of the universe.

It also affirms Wanda’s extreme personality deep in her heart and possesses the character essence of a crazy woman.

However, Cassadine also said that Wanda's character may not necessarily turn into a crazy woman.

Only by experiencing many setbacks and accelerating her growth can she become an extremely terrifying witch.

Tony didn't understand much before, but now he knows what Wanda's frustration is.

Nine times out of ten, according to Wanda's original trajectory, Pietro, who is now dependent on Wanda, will inevitably die.

Pietro's death may not necessarily cause Wanda to explode immediately, but it will definitely arouse Wanda's inner extreme.

He was already in a very difficult situation, and then he was ostracized by the magic world. Everything went wrong, and he was in danger of being bombed at any time.

Once it explodes, it will truly let go of the kindness in its heart and do whatever it wants to do, leading to a terrible disaster.

The current Wanda is definitely not as weak as Pietro thought. On the contrary, she may have become stronger.

It's just that Wanda met Renault, the mage killer, which left no room for her to use her skills at all.

If you can't even cast a spell, then no matter how powerful the magic is, it will be of no use.

"Although there is a cosmic translator, you can survive anywhere in the universe."

"But the current situation has not reached that point."

"The wizarding world knows that Wanda is a witch. I don't think many people know that except me."

"At least Karma Taj, who is in charge of the magic world on Blue Star, doesn't know."

"I will definitely keep it a secret, although you can rest assured."

Stephen heard this and said.

Wanda also felt a little complicated when she saw that Stephen was still speaking for her.

"Because of the rejection of witches, is this why Mr. Loki is unwilling to teach me magic?"

After understanding her current situation, Wanda whispered.

"It's normal for other mages to reject you."

"Because witches are naturally superior to all kinds of mages."

"However, Loki's character is rather awkward or willful, which also means that he is not a person who follows the rules."

"He has a mentality that others don't want to teach but he wants to teach and likes to watch the fun."

"So there's no need to blame Loki's unwillingness to teach you on the rules of the wizarding world."

"He is not willing to teach you like this. I think either Loki is not available, or there is some conflict between you."

Lacey heard Wanda's muttering and said a rare good word for Loki.

"As for Loki, apart from his unwillingness to teach you magic, I guess he should have no problem getting along with you."

Kyle also spoke after hearing this.

After Loki and Thor joined the Void Cult, they stayed on Void Island for a long time.

So they often get together to chat.

This allowed them to form a close friendship and know each other's general personalities and styles.

"We did have some conflicts."

"Aside from Mr. Loki's unwillingness to teach my sister magic, there is no problem with us getting along with each other."

When Pietro heard the beauty's evaluation of Loki's character, he also remembered the time when they first met.

The two of them took turns calling Loki a monster, inhumane, and other unpleasant things to hear.

Now that I think about it, they didn't die like this. They really have to thank Mr. Tony, Mr. Steve, and Mr. Banner for their kindness.

"That's fine then."

"As a mage, Loki did not deliberately want to take advantage of your sister Wanda. In fact, he has already made his attitude clear."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

"Although the situation of a witch will make most mages reject you, there is no need to generalize and kill all mages with one stick."

"Now that you know the situation you will encounter in the future, it will definitely be uncomfortable, but there is still time for you to digest it."

"If you don't understand the reason in the future, but are inexplicably ostracized by the magic world, that would be really frustrating."

The precog looked at Wanda and said.

When Wanda heard this, she knew that her idea was too extreme, and the reminders these people gave her were basically kind reminders.

"Well, thank you for the reminder."

So after thinking for a while, Wanda sincerely thanked her.

"If you want to talk about anything, please sit down first."

"Just waiting for you to come to the table to eat."

"Steve kept insisting that we wait until you both serve it before we can eat it."

"Made me starving."

Kyle greeted Wanda directly when he saw her appearance.

He didn't dare to complain too much, after all, he promised Miss Sarah to have a meal here.

As soon as Kyle said these words, a warm current flowed through the hearts of Pietro and Wanda. ,

"Don't be so impressed. Do you think they are the only ones hungry? Serve it on the table quickly."

Steve saw the two little brats, Wanda and Pietro, with moved faces. He didn't cherish these grateful thoughts at all and urged them directly.

"Pietro, remember to take a shower quickly. Can't you smell the blood on your body?"

Tony's words were not polite at this time.


Pietro heard this and disappeared directly.

In less than ten seconds, Pietro had finished taking a shower and changed clothes, and then pulled Wanda to sit down next to Miss Paige.

As Pietro and Wanda took their seats.

No one said anything, Steve, Kyle, Rennoli and others just started eating with their chopsticks.

"Mr. Rennolly, could you tell us a little more?"

"We want to know a little bit more about the universe."

Pietro asked after seeing their quick movements and looking at Mr. Renelli.

"I don't have time to talk to you about this now."

Rennoli's voice was clearly audible, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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