I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 573 Rennoli’s Guidance

"You're faster than me!"

"Isn't this unfair to me?"

Pietro looked at Mr. Rennoli, who was showing murderous intent and extremely terrifying. Hearing these words, Pietro said loudly.

"Although there are no iron walls around, there will be a psychological hint within a hundred meters."

"And this high psychological level will become the shackles that bind your feet."

"Keeping you from running freely."

"It's not that I'm too fast, it's that your speed is too slow."

"Have you not noticed by now? The speed I used from beginning to end was never more than one speed of sound."

"My original plan was that I would be the weak side of the imbalance to deal with you, the strong side."

"It's not that I'm too fast, but that you're too slow."

"It was you who turned that position on its head."

Rennolli's eyes showed some disappointment when he saw Pietro yelling about the injustice.

When Pietro dealt with the binding of Stephen's magic rope just now, the speed and control he showed were quite good.

That's why he agreed to teach Pietro.

But it doesn't matter that Pietro can't run on the sea. On the land he is more familiar with, he has not noticed it until now after the test began.

"You said that what you showed was only one speed of sound?"

Pietro said in a daze as if he was struck by lightning when he heard this.

"I'll show you what real inequality is."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

This brought Pietro back to his senses and looking at Mr. Rennolly attentively.

But in his sight, Mr. Rennolly did not move at all.

But just one second passed, and a deafening sonic boom appeared in the sky, and terrifying deep pits appeared on the sea in the distance.

As more than ten seconds passed, terrifying deep pits appeared in the distance from the sea level.

At this time, afterimages appeared in the sky and sea, converging on Mr. Rennoli's body.

Listening to the continuous sound of sonic booms that echoed through the sky, Pietro's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched this scene.

"This is called an unequal speed confrontation."

Rennoli looked at Pietro's unbelievable look and said.

"What a spectacular display Mr. Rennolly performed."

Sarah looked at the scene where the phantoms were gathering towards Mr. Rennoli and said with a smile.

"The speed Renault showed just now, if I read it correctly, was thirty-two times the speed of sound, right?"

Tony could only see some traces of Renault's actions, but could not directly capture all traces of Renault with his naked eyes.

"It's how fast he can explode without hurting everything around him."

"With this desperate outburst, no one knows where his limit is now."

Kyle nodded and said.

It is no exaggeration to say that just by running with the blessing of speed, Rennoli can directly bulldoze most things.

However, Rennoli's purpose was definitely not to dismantle those things, so under normal circumstances, he deliberately limited the destructive power caused by running.

Now if Renault wants to fully display it, he must either go to an abandoned planet or fight in the universe, the kind of battlefield where he can have no worries.

Normally Rennoli has always limited his speed.

"Actually, it's not difficult to capture his speed trajectory. You can capture it using some special means."

"The difficult thing is whether the body's reaction can keep up."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

Capturing Rennoli's speed is not just about precognition, but various force fields and perception abilities, or sixth sense and combat instincts, can all capture Rennoli's speed.

Just because you can capture the trajectory doesn't mean you can compete with it.

Rennoli's path of evolution has always been the path of his innate superpowers.

The evolved body, the power of the void, and the research skills all play a supporting role in Rennoli's superpowers.

Continuous accumulation and improvement, after the accumulated improvement reaches a certain critical point and breakthrough, Renault will step into the realm of the top powerhouse in the universe.

The prophet himself has also evolved his ability to predict and glimpse more things in the universe.

"As long as the skill mastery reaches the ninth level of using Qi to follow the heart, you can rely on the first attack to deal with it."

Lacey heard this and spoke. .

She has now reached the ninth level mentioned by Miss Sonia.

Her perception has also been strengthened to a whole new level, without the ability to predict.

However, she has mastered the ability to strike first and strike first and her body's instinct to strike first.

Gain direct insight into your enemy's abilities and weaknesses, and use a variety of combat methods to deal with terrifying opponents like Rennoli.

"I have been practicing for so long, but I have only reached the third level where the power has been eliminated. The fourth level of material transmission has never been reached, let alone the ninth level."

"That's not something humans can practice."

Kyle complained dejectedly after hearing Lacey's words.

It is really difficult to master the skills as you go to the end, and Kyle has never slackened in his study of the skills.

However, training for so long made him understand that skill training still depends on talent.

"Loki is right. The physical strength of the physical training has something to do with the technique."

Banner also said extremely seriously at this time.

He, Kyle and Alex are all pure strength types, purely competing for physical strength.

Except for Miss Sonia, none of the three members of the Void God Cult had defeated anyone.

Because they don’t know how strong Miss Sonia is.

But because their physical strength is too strong, it is even more difficult to control the strength of the three of them. They can dismantle a table with just a flick of their fingers.

Especially Banner himself, it is more difficult to control his power after transforming into the Hulk.

Therefore, it is really difficult for them to want them to specialize in very advanced skills.

"Mr. Kyle, Mr. Banner, don't be impatient."

"The future is so long. Diligence can make up for weakness. If you practice hard, you will definitely succeed."

Sarah saw Mr. Kyle and Mr. Banner looking a little downcast about practicing their skills, and she comforted them.

She has now reached the fourth level of material transmission and is practicing the elimination of matter.

She doesn't have so many ideas. It's just that Senior Sonia gave her a clear study plan. She just needs to study step by step without running out of patience.

"I'm just sorry. I never said I wouldn't practice."

Kyle said with a smile when he heard the sound of safety.

"Me too. Skill training is still very useful."

"Otherwise we wouldn't be living so easily now."

Banner also spoke after hearing this.

Lacey, Kyle, Predictor, Tony, and Banner were not too surprised by the speed Rennoli showed.

But it made Stephen, Wanda, and Paige all stunned.

"Renolly is so scary, is this your reaction?"

Stephen asked incredulously when he saw that several people were chatting and the topic had changed. They didn't care at all about the speed shown by Rennoli.

"Renoli is recognized as one of the top experts in the Void God Religion. Isn't it normal to be able to achieve this level?"

Lacey said matter-of-factly upon hearing this.

"This is normal business for Rennolli. It would be too early to be surprised."

Kyle also spoke after hearing this.

"Stephen, it hasn't been long since you entered the world of the strong. You will understand it in the future."

"We haven't reached the top of the universe yet."

The prophet understood why Stephen was so shocked and said.

"Everyone has his own support. Rennoli's support is very strong, but who doesn't have strong support?"

Banner said with a smile upon hearing this.

Tony may currently be the weakest among the top powerhouses of the Void Cult.

But this is only relatively speaking. Tony has truly awakened the power of the void, and the strength that explodes is extremely terrifying.

Their current goal and direction is to look towards the top of the universe.

Thinking about who is at the top of the universe, it is normal to have this kind of ability that is beyond common sense.

"Didn't you say that you have met Dormammu? Please be calm in this small scene."

Tony saw Stephen looking frightened and said.

"You fight them once and you will know what the gap is."

Steve was a little surprised but not shocked to see Renault so fierce.

The members of the Void Cult who are known as the top strong ones are very terrifying in every point they are good at.

Although Niklov was so strong, he admitted that he couldn't beat Rennoli, Lacey, Predictor and Kyle at all.

If you know that was only two years ago, you can already get a glimpse of the terrifying strength of the four people now.

Among them, Thor even faced Hela, the famous top powerhouse in the universe. Since it can be called the top, no one is good.


Stephen is now deeply aware that he has not yet fully integrated into the thinking of Tony and others.

Wanda saw Pietro dodge Rennoli's attack and was not seriously injured.

Although they were also shocked by Renault's strength, because it would not threaten their lives, they were only shocked and not afraid.

Paige herself feels like a strong person in a world of strong people, and she refreshes her understanding of the strong every time.

And Pietro failed to capture any trace of Rennoli's actions.

I just saw the phantoms that gathered later and the deafening sonic boom that resounded through the sky like thunder.

He knew that Mr. Rennolly's instruction was not to let go of water, but to let go of the sea.

Mr. Steve was right when he said it before. It is unlikely that he will reach the level of Mr. Rennoli because he is blessed by the blessing of the void.

But it was only after Pietro finally realized how powerful Mr. Rennoli, who also had supersonic speeds like him, was.

I realized that I had been too arrogant before. I bullied some unequal enemies and thought I had truly grasped the potential of supersonic speed.

"Please give me some advice."

This made all the pride and dissatisfaction in Pietro's heart disappear, leaving only the hope that the other party could guide him and the desire to become stronger.

His speed may not be as fast as Mr. Rennolly's, but the skills displayed by Mr. Rennolly are worth learning at all costs.

"I will only give you directions. How to become stronger is something you need to think more about."

Rennoli saw that Pietro had finally let go of his ignorant arrogance, and of course he didn't mind teaching Pietro.

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