I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 567: Thanos’s end is near

"As the boss, you only dare to send your subordinates to take action, but you don't dare to go yourself? You don't have the courage of a strong person at all."

"You guys who are as timid as a mouse should go and watch the show for yourself when the time comes."

"I still want to practice."

When Alex heard Loki's words, he showed contempt.

If he was asked to attack a dangerous world, he would definitely take the lead.

He would never be able to let his men charge forward in a dangerous front while sitting back and waiting for news.

Moreover, the Blue Star attacked by Thanos has no other dangers except that Odin may threaten itself.

Under such circumstances, if you dare not take the lead in launching a charge, it means that the boss's temperament is really bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, and he is very precious about his life.

There was no thought of letting Alex go to watch the show.

"Calm down your anger."

"When he dares to come in person, I will admire him as a character."

"His men arrived, but he didn't."

"I'll be done with it after I hunt him down."

Tony saw that Alex did not hide his disdain for Thanos at all, and he also knew Alex's temper.

After he joined the Void Cult, the positions of hunter and prey between him and Thanos had been reversed.

It's not that Thanos is holding on to him, but it's absolutely impossible for Tony to let Thanos go. ""

"I don't know when it will be. If it is this year, I will go and watch the show."

Sarah smiled with interest.

"Miss Sarah, are you free to leave Void Island this year?"

Frigga also had a smile on her face when she heard that Sarah was going to Blue Star to watch a play.

"I can't leave Void Island for too long, so I can't say I'm very free."

"But if you look at the cycle correctly, it's still okay to go out for three to five days."

Sarah saw Frigga immediately having an idea, but she didn't mind and said with a smile.

"Stephen Strange knows how to teleport."

"When the time comes, I'll just pick you up and play around, and you'll have more time."

"We will definitely entertain you well then."

Tony was very happy to hear that Sarah actually had a few days to leave Void Island.

And they must entertain her well, because last time Miss Sonia went to Blue Star with Kassadin.

The impression left was not good, so it would take some thought on how to entertain Miss Sarah.

"I'm not a teleport driver."

Stephen heard Tony pull him directly and declared for himself.

"If Miss Sarah is willing to go to the Nine Realms this year, I can take care of it."

Loki knew there was no chance between him and Sarah, but he couldn't resist the expectations of his mother Frigga.

Although the space gem has always been kept in the treasure house and is usually not used, if Sarah wants to go to Blue Star, she will make an exception and include transportation.

As long as they go to Blue Star, they can then turn around and ask Sarah to go to Asgard for a while, which can be regarded as fulfilling what their mother has always wanted him and Thor to do.

"It's too exaggerated."

"I will definitely go when I have time. No need for pick-up or drop-off."

"This makes me less afraid to go."

Sarah waved her hands quickly when she heard this and said.

"Okay, if you want to come to Blue Star to play, just send a message to one of us."

Tony heard this and knew that being too enthusiastic could be scary.


Sarah nodded upon hearing this.

"What about you, Miss Lalatina?"

Tony looked at Lalatina.

If Sarah comes to Lan Xingguo as a guest, it will definitely be better if Lalatina can come with her.

"Now Planet Void 001 is preparing to expand its production capacity."

"And there's still a lot of business to be done."

“So I don’t expect to have much free time in the last few years.”

Lalatina raised her eyelids when she heard this and said directly.

She now wants to travel back and forth between Planet Void 001 and Xandar, including negotiating business.

Because this is her job.

"Excuse me"

When Tony heard this, he quickly apologized and did not dare to bring the topic to Lalatina.

"These are my jobs, so Mr. Tony doesn't need to apologize."

“And it’s a lot more fun now than working at a celebrity hotel.”

Lalatina shook her head slightly when she heard this, and a slight smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"As long as you don't feel troublesome and don't want to do it."

Tony felt a lot more relieved after hearing this.

"Let's not talk about these trivial matters."

"If the five Obsidian generals under Thanos go to Blue Star, what is the estimated time?"

Lacey looked at Madam Butterfly and took the initiative to bring back the words that had gradually strayed away from the focus of the topic.

When Madam Butterfly heard Lady Lacey asking her, she immediately released the star maps of the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way.

Then she began to pull the star map, starting from the direction of Thanos' men and clicking on all the unrecorded wormholes she passed one by one.

"If they go to Blue Star C53, then they have only twelve routes forward."

"According to these routes, if we don't go through any of the recorded wormholes, it is estimated that it will take three months at the latest to reach it."

"But when we get close, for the sake of operational efficiency, we will definitely consider using recorded wormholes to increase the success rate of our plan."

"So it's expected to be between two to two and a half months at the earliest."

Madame Butterfly is now the biggest intelligence chief in the Land of Nothingness, and is well aware of almost all anonymous wormholes that are not recorded in the network of the Xandar Empire.

"Damn it, the information from the Land of Nothingness is so terrifying."

“Even the route forward can be predicted.”

Steve was a little shocked when he saw Madam Butterfly quickly sketching a route.

"These recording points used to be registered within the Xandar Empire's network."

"However, some wormholes were deliberately abandoned because of Irani Reel, the current supreme commander of the Xandar Empire."

"Let the lawless people have a rare route that can completely avoid the surveillance of the Xandar Empire."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

"Since these were all logged into the network in the past, why should they be deliberately discarded?"

Steve felt a little strange when he heard this.

"Because of Irani Rael's decision, these wormholes were abandoned, which can be regarded as drawing a boundary line for those who cannot live in the zone."

"The impact of this decision is that the crime rate in lawless zones has not decreased in the past two hundred years."

"But the crime rate outside the lawless zones has dropped significantly."

"And it has greatly reduced the head-on conflicts between the lawless in the light zone protected by the Xandar Empire, and reduced the casualties on both sides."

"In the past, if a lawless person wanted to commit a crime, he had to use all his strength to fight against the Nova Corps."

"This resulted in a large number of lawless people either dying or being arrested and imprisoned, and the Nova Corps also had a hard time."

"But ever since the border was drawn."

"Now as long as we are not doing something as heinous as human trafficking."

"Even if you occasionally travel through the wormhole of records."

"Then as long as you run fast enough and don't launch a direct attack immediately, you won't have a head-on confrontation with the Xandar Empire."

Madame Butterfly saw that Steve didn't understand these things, so she explained it.

The biggest benefit of this decision is that there are zones and routes between the Lawless and the Xandar Empire that can completely avoid war.

"So to hear this, Irani Lehr is also an amazing person."

Steve heard Madam Butterfly's explanation, thought for a moment and said.

"Nonsense, Irani Reel is one of the top ten characters on the list of legendary figures in the Xandar Empire."

"The other characters are basically the founders of Xandar civilization, or they are great men who ended the dark age."

"Or he is the person who made the Xandar Empire more prosperous."

"Either he left behind a great man who had a profound impact on the rules."

"Ilani Rael is still alive, but she already has titles such as [Peace Defender] and Balance Controller.\

,""A legend who truly implements the concepts of peace and balance pursued by the Xandar Empire to the extreme."

"As the highest-ranking figure in the empire, she is able to attend various grand occasions and meet with important figures from various civilizations without wearing protective equipment."

"If you know what this concept is, you will know how awesome she is."

Seeing that Steve didn't understand, Banner quickly made some popular science and compliments.

He not only studied the history of the Xandar civilization, but also the history of the Xandar Empire.

Among the list of great people in the Xandar Empire, the living legend of Irani Rael can be said to be a shining existence.

Before getting to know Irani Rael, Banner never knew that there really was such a wise, wise and selfless leader.

Tony should also hope that in the future, after the Blue Stars unite to form a community with a shared future for mankind, they will also have similar leaders.

However, the ideal is very beautiful and the reality is very skinny. Blue Star has a lot of people, but it is basically impossible for such talents to appear now.

"This is indeed a bit awesome."

"If you are so powerful, can you be brought into the Void Divine Religion?"

When Steve heard Banner's words, he immediately understood what this meant. While admiring him, he also hoped to bring such a character to his side.

Tony hasn't studied that far yet, but after hearing Banner's praise, he also knew that Irani is definitely an awesome person.

But Tony also knew very well that Kassadin would not deliberately win over politicians.

"This issue is beyond our control."

So Tony directly stopped the topic when faced with Steve's desire to draw Irani into the Void Cult.

"If it's two months at the earliest, it seems like there's plenty of time."

Tony returned to the topic of Thanos with a smile on his face.

"Aren't you considering intercepting it directly in the universe?"

Steve also knew that his question was indeed over the top, so he returned his attention and spoke.

"Steve, I know what you mean. You don't want to make too much noise and affect too many people."

"But failing to stop them will only cause greater casualties."

"So our first goal is to completely leave Obsidian V behind."

"Although the route is clear, it is still unknown which route and direction Thanos' men will take to Blue Star."

"If we spread out to intercept, they may be defeated individually."

"The casualties will be even more incalculable."

Tony looked at Steve and said with a serious face.

Star-Lord looked from above as Tony and others discussed how to deal with Thanos' men.

He knew that Thanos only had a few years to live.

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