I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 560 Legendary Commander

"I know, get ready to finish your meal and go to bed."

"It's not too early now."

When Harvey heard Sonia's words, he took off his mask and smiled.

He usually doesn't take off his mask on the island, but on this New Year's day of worship.

While everyone was entrenched in the cafeteria, Harvey could still take off his mask and relax.

Before Mr. Cassadine decided to make the pilgrimage, she had already had food prepared and delivered.

So Sonia took the food directly and put it on the table. The dazzling array of delicious food and fragrance made people appetite.

Harvey and Sonia sat down again.

"But after your manifestation this time, more people should come to seek blessings."

Sonia said with a smile while eating elegantly.

"The number of people who come to seek blessings will only increase, not decrease."

"But there are still only a few people who truly believe in it."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

This time, in order to show his holiness, he had already done a similar rehearsal, otherwise it would not have gone so smoothly.

Even Odin was completely convinced by the successful results.

But what Odin said is indeed good, although the divine power may not be comparable to the power of the Dark Star.

But as long as it is combined with the power of the void, Odin's strength will surely achieve further breakthroughs.

However, if you want to make a qualitative leap, Odin will need to spend a lot of time developing and applying it.

After Harvey obtained the power of the Dark Star, his strength greatly increased to where he is today.

While the power of the Dark Star is already powerful, Harvey has completely mastered the power of the Dark Star in the Void.

Now he actually only has the power of one dark star. If other hero templates can also exchange for the power of the dark star.

Will his strength be greatly improved again, or will direct integration with Arcane Energy lead to a greater improvement?

Let’s wait and see when his next heroic ascension appears in the future.

Opportunities for sublimation are not easy to come by, so he has to think carefully about every opportunity for a hero to sublime.

Now Harvey's priority to evolve is the ability of Korgas, the Void Fear.

Because this ability can accelerate his evolution, he will get other hero templates in the future.

It can also quickly evolve all its abilities a hundred times in the shortest possible time, heading towards a thousand evolutions.

"Although having more people means it is more difficult to manage, there are advantages to having more people."

"The Void God Religion will also need more people in the future to ensure that there will not be a shortage of manpower after expanding its territory."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

The current test of the Void God Cult is that after a few months of her observation, she feels that this person is suitable, and then reports it to Master Kassadin.

All she could observe was the surface.

Lord Kassadin will watch that person's beliefs from all angles.

Only when the exterior and interior are united can it be possible to receive the blessing of the void.

"It's not a problem to guard and protect us after we expand our territory."

"The question is who to choose as the Star Traveling God."

Of course, Harvey also knew that the more people there were in the Void Cult, the better.

Not only is the area covered by the force getting larger and larger, the more people there are, the more void energy he gets, and the stronger power he can get.

"Mr. Alex, don't you think about it?"

Sonia heard that Star Wanderer also knew that it was similar to an inspector.

"Lix is ​​a good candidate, but his ideals and beliefs are not about patrolling the territory."

"But I want to take the initiative to expand the territory for the Void God Religion."

"And the Star Traveler itself does not need to be extremely powerful. It mainly needs the ability to observe various planets in the dark, and a truly fair heart."

"So before the expansion of territory stops, it would be overkill to let Alex be the Star Traveler."

Of course, Harvey also knew that Alex's loyalty was unquestionable.

Alex will carry out his and Sonia's instructions without hesitation.

But when someone takes on some kind of public office, not only loyalty but also ability and personal will are considered.

"Is it the ability to observe various worlds? Those who currently have this ability."

"It's just you and Mr. Odin."

"Mr. Odin is definitely loyal to the Void Cult, but it's hard to say whether it's fair or not."

"And asking him to be the Star Traveler is a bit overkill."

"For the position of Star Traveler, I guess we have to wait and see if other talents will appear."

After hearing this, Sonia thought for a moment and said.

She looked at the members of the Void Cult from a rational perspective.

She will not ignore the strengths of her members but will not ignore their shortcomings either.

Mr. Odin was powerful, and while Mr. Kassadin was sleeping.

He also stayed on the island for several months to guard against the invasion of foreign enemies that would affect Mr. Kassadin's recovery of strength.

It is certain that Mr. Odin is loyal to the Void Cult.

But although Mr. Odin has now stepped down from the throne of Asgard, Mr. Odin still serves as the manager of the Asgard faction.

It will definitely favor the Asgardian faction at some point.

There is no room for bias in the position of Star Travel God, otherwise there will be many hidden dangers in the future.

"Your opinion is similar to mine, let's take a look."

"There are still too few people who advocate fairness for others."

Harvey also recognized Sonia's considerations.

So he never thought of handing over the position of Star Wanderer to Odin.

Star Travel God has the power of inspection, and this power will have great weight in the Void God Religion in the future.

Alex would not tolerate others insulting the reputation of the Void Cult.

Even if this person is from his own faction, or even the God of Thunder.

Before, Thor was scolded by Lex for merely neglecting the fighter planes.

If Sonia hadn't directly expressed her understanding, that incident would have definitely come to him directly after the battle in the Void.

Therefore, Alex's character is definitely in line with the position of Star Traveler.

Unfortunately, Alex's intention is not to protect the future order of the Void Cult, but to conquer the universe.

And it’s not just this universe, but every universe.

Before the Void God Religion begins its journey in the future and truly comes to a stop, Alex must be extremely unwilling to stay at the rear.

But apart from Alex, it is too difficult to find other talents who are extremely loyal to the Void Cult and who are fair enough.

"It's not like there are no candidates who advocate fairness. She has even advocated fairness and balance throughout her life."

"I just don't know if that person is qualified enough to get your approval."

Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's words, thought about it seriously, and spoke.

"tell me the story."

When Harvey heard this, he knew that people who fit this kind of evaluation were very rare, so he became interested.

"You should also have observed that person."

"Ilani Reel, the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire."

"Her life is a living legend to the Xandar Empire."

When Sonia heard this, she also named someone who met this condition.

Irani Rael's current strength and ability may be insufficient now, and she does not have the ability to directly observe various worlds.

However, Irani Rael has such qualities as a person.

Sonia knows that for the Void Cult, abilities are easy to come by, but quality is rare.

Otherwise, the Void God Cult would not have only more than 600 members after so many years.

When Harvey heard the name, he also directly looked down at the Xandar star and saw Irani Rael who was looking at the galaxy.

Now the life energy in Irani's body has become very weak.

The moment the life energy completely dissipates, it means that Irani is about to die.

Harvey vaguely remembered it since the battle in the Void.

The Void Cult currently has many privileges in the Xandar Empire.

The most important thing is to take the privilege of letting things go without asking questions.

This heralds the Xandar Empire's overture to the Void Cult.

But because Harvey is not interested in politicians and rich people, but values ​​faith more.

Therefore, Harvey never thought of actively recruiting Irani Reel to join the Void.

But it is undeniable that it was because of the smart move of the Xandar Empire.

And its function really gave Harvey a good impression that keeping the Xandar Empire was more useful than destroying it.

"Show me her life story and information."

Now that Harvey heard Sonia say that Irani Lehr met the requirements, he naturally planned to take a closer look.

Sonia also quickly retrieved all the information related to Irani and said at the same time.

"It's been one hundred years since Elani Reel took control of the Xandar Empire."

"The Heart of the World has publicly stated that she is used as a screening criterion, hoping to find a suitable next successor for the Xandar Empire."

"But now times have changed, and Irani has reigned for two hundred and twenty years."

"One hundred and twenty years have passed, and the Heart of the World still has not been able to find a suitable successor."

"That's why Irani Reel is also known as the best commander who will have difficulty finding a successor throughout the past and future."

"So much so that she is about to reach the end of her life in more than 20 years, because she has been unable to abdicate without a suitable successor."

As a Xandarian, Sonia also has great respect for Irani Rael.

Because the current Xandar Empire needs people who are wise, advocate fairness and balance, and truly care about the common people.

As the supreme commander of such a huge force in the Xandar Empire, the temptation brought by the power he represents is unimaginable to ordinary people.

With just one order, no civilization without the pinnacle of the universe can stop the terrifying technological army of the Xandar Empire.

It is easy for ordinary people to forget about fear because of this power.

And those who know what fear is, find it difficult to resist the pressure brought by this responsibility.

Therefore, the longest commanders of the Xandar Empire lasted for a hundred years, and most of them abdicated within a few decades.

It is because of the inability to resist this temptation and responsibility that it is difficult to find a successor for Irani Lehr.

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