I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 544 I’m afraid that Thanos won’t come

"Since Stephen feels that a civilized overlord who becomes the representative of a land of nothingness is degenerate."

"Then let's explain this aspect first."

Banner and the others sat together, drank some wine and started talking about these things.


Tony heard the direction Banner first mentioned and thought there was nothing wrong with it.

"Stephen, first of all, you must understand that the universe is a vast and boundless stage."

"Except for civilizations like the Kree Empire and Xandar Empire, whose technology is at the apex of the universe."

"Have all kinds of advanced technologies and kill gods directly with technology."

"It can be regarded as the upper stage encompassing several galaxies, and is also known as one of the great forces in the universe."

"In such a big force, there is no need to stand at the top of the Xandar Empire. They just go up to the middle level and have some power."

"You can directly command one or even several space battleships."

"It is also the most advanced space battleship in the universe. With this kind of battleship and a fleet of dozens to hundreds of fighter planes, it can go to various civilizations."

"Unless this civilization has superpowers with strange powers, or it is a super strong person."

"Otherwise, there won't even be any room to fight back, and it will be completely a dimensionality reduction attack."

Banner began to explain to Stephen.

"Is the power of a space battleship that terrifying?"

"During the previous battle in New York, wasn't the Chitauri army's attack more intense?"

"Gu Yi didn't seem to take action at that time. He relied on you before. Although he paid some price, didn't he resist it?"

After hearing this, Stephen thoughtfully raised his doubts. .

"How virtuous and capable the Chitauri are compared to the Xandar Empire."

"The Chitauri don't dare to fly directly to the Blue Star in a big way, so they can only try to seize the root cause of the space gem invasion of the Blue Star."

"It's because the Milky Way is a galaxy adjacent to the Andromeda Galaxy, and it falls within the range of galaxies protected by the Xandar Empire."

"The Xandar Empire has a cosmic peace treaty."

“It is forbidden for interstellar civilizations to launch interstellar wars against backward civilizations that have not reached the interstellar age.

"Although the Xandar Empire did not send troops to guard Blue Star, they are within the scope of protection."

"It will be able to directly restrict other civilizations and form a large fleet to attack Blue Star."

"If the Xandar Empire appears, it will issue a warning or directly intercept it."

"So if the Chitauri want to attack Blue Star, they must use a surprise attack."

"Use the space transmission channel that Loki opened with the space gem to directly reach Blue Star to avoid directly violating the treaty and starting a direct war with the Xandar Empire."

"There are only a handful of major forces in the entire universe that can wage a full-scale war with the Xandar Empire."

Tony felt a little outrageous when he heard that Stephen used the Chitauri as the standard, but considering that Stephen didn't know much about the universe, it was quite reasonable.

The attack of the Chitauri army left a very deep impression on countless humans on Blue Star.

Stephen became the Supreme Mage not long ago, and he has not participated in any major battles.

It is very reasonable to use the Chitauri as the first impression to measure the danger of the universe.

However, the universe is a dark stage where the law of the jungle prevails.

Now, because of the Xandar Empire, several galaxies near them have a bright place to gather.

Outside these galaxies, there are precarious and chaotic areas.

If you want to develop, you can only pray for a more powerful civilization, and don't make your own decisions. Otherwise, if you are destroyed, you will be truly destroyed.

No one will seek justice for you, and no one will help you get through it, except for man-made disasters such as natural disasters and ground disasters.

If the Xandar Empire disappears, then the light zone in the universe can basically be said to be completely gone. The universe will only become more chaotic, and there will be a war-torn world everywhere.

"That battle was very short, probably less than ten minutes."

"So much so that the Chitauri only sent out a vanguard force at the beginning, and neither the main force nor the space battleships could reach Blue Star directly."

"So that battle was not a full-scale confrontation, but a brief confrontation."

"That's why we only lost so many people."

"If only the Chitauri could attack in full force."

"We at Blue Star want to repel the Chitauri. It is unrealistic to rely solely on the Avengers at that time."

"A figure like Ancient One or Odin must come forward to ensure the safety of Blue Star."

"And just to protect the safety of Blue Star, the number of human casualties will reach an astonishing number."

Banner also added after hearing this.

Before he set foot in the universe and understood the pattern of the universe.

Banner also believes that the technology of the universe is not as scary as he imagined.

But after truly understanding it, I realized that fortunately Blue Star was within the protection scope of the Xandar Empire's Cosmic Peace Treaty.

So at that time, mankind only lost a few people, which was considered a high incense.

Seriously, it is not impossible for human civilization to directly regress hundreds or thousands of years, or even be directly destroyed.

This is still a civilization like the Chitauri, which is only a middle-class civilization in the universe.

If we were to face the behemoths at the pinnacle of civilization such as the Xandar Empire and the Kree Empire.

Even if Odin himself could survive, he would even destroy the Xandar Empire or the Kree Empire later.

Once these two empires activate their stellar-class Star Destroyers, the Nine Realms will also be completely destroyed.

The number of dead creatures must be at least tens of billions.

War is fought for victory, not for both sides to lose or even be destroyed.

Therefore, there is at most some minor friction between the major forces in normal times, and it will not rise to the level of a full-scale war.

At this time, the strength of the pinnacle powerhouse in the universe, who cares nothing about people and things and is above all technology, has become highlighted.

Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, can directly transfer them to various places in the universe, and then directly destroy the Xandar Empire or the Kree Empire with one person.

"That is to say, the major forces in the universe belong to the national level, while other weaker civilizations are equivalent to states, counties, cities, villages, etc."

Stephen was not a fool. After hearing this, he immediately understood.

"Although the metaphor is still a bit inappropriate, it can be understood this way."

"A civilized overlord may be equivalent to a county overlord, a city overlord, or even just a village overlord."

"You can still dominate your own little land, but once you are connected to the big stage of the universe."

"Unless you are so strong that you ignore the environment or become a strong person who specifies the rules, you will be forced to adapt to a larger stage whether you want it or not."

Tony heard Stephen's popular but extremely simple understanding, thought about it and nodded.

"The great forces in the universe don't talk about the entire universe, but just a few nearby galaxies."

"There are Xandar Empire, Kree Empire, Celestial Clan, Cosmic Elders Council, Council of Gods, Asgard, Olympus, etc."

"The Void Divine Religion has a short history of establishment, so the number of people is insufficient."

"But on the surface, there is Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and he has directly squeezed into the seat of the big power."

"Privately, there are also two peak powerhouses in the universe, God King Odin and Gao Tianzun."

"Even the Xandar Empire may be taken under Lord Kassadin's command at any time."

"So to be able to serve the Void God Religion, one should not use the word "degradation", but should use the word "promotion" or "honor".

Banner said slowly.

The Kree Empire is next to the system that the Xandar Empire mainly protects.

If it had not been for the rise of the Xandar Empire, both the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way would have been the territory of the Kree Empire.

According to the history of Xandar civilization, sheltering two huge galaxy groups is already the limit.

The current civilization of the Xandar Empire has also encountered some bottlenecks, and the total amount of manpower is there.

If no one is watching, we can protect more galaxies.

But the Kree Empire has been waiting for the opportunity to swallow up the Xandar Empire.

The Kree Empire can occupy so much territory without having much impact because the Kree Empire has no intention of protecting the civilization within its sphere of influence.

After conquering each civilization and destroying it, and then frantically collecting valuable things, you can throw them away without caring about the life and death of the creatures born in each civilization.

As we all know, destruction is always easier than creation and protection.

Stephen also now fully understands the position of the Void God Religion in the universe.

To put it simply, Nikrov, whether he is equivalent to the village chief, mayor, county chief, or governor.

After serving the Void God Cult and taking charge of the Void Land, he was directly promoted to a high-ranking national level official. .

Although it may not be the largest, those above Nikrov are members of the Void Cult, who take orders from Miss Lacey, the manager of the Void Land.

Above are Sonia, the God of the Void, and Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, the founder of the Cult of the Void.

But even this is a promotion and cannot be described as a decline.

"I see. I understand it completely."

"This is the importance of having a backer."

After Stephen figured out the difference, he suddenly realized it.

"As long as you understand."

"With the support of the Void God Religion, we have risen directly from the humble stage to the truly big stage."

"And on this big stage, as long as you don't seek death, not many people will dare to challenge you."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

Kassadin and Gao Tianzun before. God King Odin. A gathering of peak powerhouses where one of the Supreme Mage meets.

It also shows that even in the soul realm.

Either wander alone, build a power from scratch, or find a backer or power to join.

Only then can one live extremely comfortably in the soul realm.

"But if you put it this way, then Blue Star, which has not yet entered interstellar civilization, is currently equivalent to a village level?"

Stephen's knowledge was greatly expanded, and he thought for a moment before speaking.

“From the perspective of scientific and technological civilization, as long as you don’t step out of your own planet and into the universe, you are equivalent to one of the weakest civilizations.

"But in terms of safety, Blue Star was originally protected by the God-King Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms, and the Supreme Mage Ancient One, which is directly equivalent to the major force in the universe."

"Except for the spontaneous disputes within Blue Star."

"It is impossible for ordinary forces and powerful people from outside Blue Star to dare to take advantage of Blue Star."

Banner also had a smile on his face after hearing this.

"This also means that enemies in the material realm who dare to target Blue Star will definitely be extremely powerful."

"For example, Thanos, Ancient One has some records about him in books."

"It has been clearly stated that the previous Chitauri attack was directed by Thanos."

"He will definitely not give up so easily."

When Stephen heard Banner's words, his eyes flickered and he spoke.

"If I'm not afraid of him coming, I'm afraid he won't come."

"If he dares to come, I will leave his life on Blue Star."

"The conflict between our Blue Star and Thanos is not so easy to resolve."

When Tony heard Thanos' eyes flashed with a sharp cold light.

The existence of Thanos has put too much pressure on him for a long time, so much so that he was so busy that he couldn't breathe before.

Now it can be said that we are very close to the arrival of Thanos in 2017, which Kassadin said.

He knew that the future that Kassadin was talking about should be the future that they would definitely face before.

He's now more than just the superhero Iron Man Tony Stark who has some renown on Blue Star.

It was Tony Stark, the Herald of the Void, who relied on the Void Cult.

He really wanted to see if Thanos dared to come.

I don’t dare to wait for Blue Star’s technological level to develop and give them a few more years to evolve.

He is about to call Banner, Thor, and Steve to take the initiative to hunt down Thanos.

The Battle of New York was entirely due to how well they handled it, so only a very few lives were lost.

If it is not handled properly, Blue Star will end up in ruins.

Others have come to his own home, and of course Tony can't forget the trouble that has been created.

Now he didn't come directly to the door because he was still not confident enough in his own strength.

If Thanos takes the initiative to attack next year, they will be forced to fight even if they don't want to. If they can't defeat it, they will ask for help from the Void God Cult.

But if he could wait a little longer and didn't need to ask for help from the Void Cult, Tony would definitely not be in a hurry.

Because he likes to be fully prepared to face all kinds of dangers, he never lacks patience.

"You also know that Thanos is the leader of the Chitauri army?"

Stephen was a little surprised to see Tony's murderous look.

"Originally we didn't know, but Lacey combined the information she knew."

"He helped us analyze that the person behind the Chitauri army is Thanos."

When Banner heard this, he spread his hands and said.


Stephen felt a little weird when he heard this.

"There's nothing strange about this."

"The Void God Cult has many talented people."

"You will know after you stay on Void Island for a long time and get familiar with each member."

Tony looked very surprised when he heard this, and said extremely calmly.

With an eternal lifespan, its strength is steadily improving, and it is moving in the direction it wants to evolve, the Void God Cult will only have more and more talents in the future.

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