I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 540 The more you know, the more you have worries

Soon Stephen followed Tony and others and saw a large hall that looked extremely grand and covered an area.

Don't tell him this is the so-called canteen.

The cafeteria in his impression didn't look like this.

But Tony and the others headed over there directly.

Stephen flew over and saw various luxuriously decorated countertops when he entered. The space inside was very large.

Even though many people were already seated, it didn't feel crowded.

Laughter and laughter, as well as the charming aroma of wine and food, came from inside the hall.

"You call this a cafeteria?"

Stephen's eyes widened after seeing the layout inside.

He felt that his previous common sense had been overturned.

"Yes, this is the canteen."

"Doesn't it look more lively than at home?"

Banner said with a smile upon hearing this.

In fact, they were shocked when they came back last time.

Because although the original canteen was not bad, it was far from as luxurious as it is now.

However, after the development of the Void God Religion in the past few years, Miss Sonia, who is in charge of financial power, controls an unknown amount of money.

So we directly spent huge sums of money to overhaul the canteen, so that more members would like to eat in the canteen.

Stephen was speechless when he saw Banner's accustomed look.

At this time, a hearty voice sounded from behind Stephen.

"Tony, I just saw your battleship coming back. I think you will run to the cafeteria immediately."

"It seems I was right."

The sound made Stephen turn around, and he directly saw a two-meter-five-meter-tall giant-like man.

This made Stephen break into a cold sweat.

If the giant hadn't spoken, he wouldn't have noticed that this man came quietly behind him.

If that thick arm had punched him, he would probably have died on the spot.

"Kyle, Renoli, didn't I hear that you went to the monster planet?"

"Why are you back so soon?"

Tony was not afraid of Kyle's arrival at all. He stretched out his hand and touched Kyle's huge fist and said with a smile.

"This year, some plans were disrupted because of Lord Kassadin's sleep."

"Originally we planned to stay there longer, but because Alex knew that this year is the day when Lord Kassadin will appear."

"So it dragged us back more than a week ago."

"As a result, I only stayed there for a month."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

Although the bugs on the monster planet are unpalatable, it has now become a must-visit place for several of them every year.

There are more and more members of the Void God Cult, and the competition will become more and more intense in the future. If you don't push yourself first, it will be too late to take action when you are surpassed in the future.

"Lix dragged you back, what about Alex?"

Banner looked behind Kyle and others, but found no sign of Alex, and asked a little strangely.

"I heard that Miss Sonia gave some instructions."

"So Alex and Lacey are now at Miss Sarah's side to understand the situation."

"I'll probably come over for dinner later."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

Alex is the manager of the Void Temple on Mowgli, while Lacey is the controller of the Void Land.

It's not like they can walk around all day long.

They just went there to join in the fun and find out more. Anyway, they could learn the details later by asking Lacey, Sarah, or Alex.

"I see."

"Just in time, I want to introduce someone to you."

"Let's dine together."

Tony heard some instructions from Miss Sonia. Although he was a little curious about what it was, he didn't ask immediately and invited with a smile.

"Is this the person you want to introduce?"

After hearing this, Kyle lowered his head and glanced at Tony's group, and found that among the people involved in this operation, there was an extra person dressed as a mage, and his life energy looked very weak.

"Let me introduce it to you."

"This is the new Supreme Mage Stephen Strange, a personal disciple of the Supreme Mage Ancient One."

"More than a month ago, he was appreciated by Lord Kassadin and allowed him to join the Void Cult and become our compatriot."

Tony nodded slightly when he heard this.

Because if you just talk about Stephen's strength, he will be accepted by Kyle and the others, but he will not be taken seriously.

So at this time, we must mention Stephen’s master Gu Yi.

"The disciple of the Supreme Mage Ancient One, awesome!"

Kyle originally thought it was nothing, but after hearing Tony's words, he immediately gave Stephen a thumbs up and praised him.

Rennoli and the Predicter looked at each other after hearing this.

The Supreme Mage died just over a month ago. It was rumored that he died at the hands of his disciple Casillas, which had something to do with Dormammu.

Immediately after his death, Ancient One was favored by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

It was obvious that Master Kassadin had long been eyeing the apprentice of the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

With the addition of the new Supreme Mage Stephen Strange, plus Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms.

It can be said that the two peak powerhouses of the universe in the Nine Realms have joined the Void God Cult.

Although Stephen Strange has just become the new Supreme Mage not long ago, he still carries a legacy.

It has already been predicted that Stephen Strange's future will definitely not be bad.

He is a figure who may come from behind to catch up with them or even surpass them at any time.

The Void God Religion will add another peak powerhouse in the future.

After the two people's minds met.

"Hello, my name is Rennoli. We will be compatriots from now on. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time."

Renoli stretched out his hand to Stephen and said with a smile.

"My name is the Predictor, and I have heard the name of the Supreme Mage for a long time, Stephen Strange."

"I wonder if I have a chance to talk to you about precognition."

The prophet also took the initiative to say his name when he heard this.

Stephen heard Tony specifically mention Ancient One, and he also knew that Tony was trying to make these top powerhouses of the Void Cult quickly accept him.

"Hello, just call me Stephen."

"I can only express regret about talking about precognition."

"Because in our Karma Taj, we cannot predict the future casually. My duty is also to protect the nature of Blue Star and the order of the magic world."

This made Stephen speak quickly.

Facing Tony and Banner, Stephen didn't feel much pressure.

Because they are both human beings and belong to the same nine realms, as long as their ideas do not conflict, there is no pressure at all to get acquainted with them.

But the three people standing in front of him now are all top powerhouses of the Void God Religion who have become famous in the universe.

Although Stephen knew that Gu Yi's comments about them were harmless, he was still a little nervous.

Because Tony, as the top powerhouse of the Void God Religion, gave him the feeling of being invulnerable.

Then these few are also impeccable strong men, and may even be more terrifying.

Because the silent approach just now could undoubtedly kill him instantly, and he didn't even have a chance to react.

Now that he doesn't have the Time Stone with him, standing with a strong man of this level makes Stephen feel a little unsure.

"Guarding the order of nature and the magic world, those of you who follow the path of mages are really troublesome."

When the prophet heard Stephen's words, although he had expected it, he still said a little disappointed.

"Because the boundary of time will lead people to countless parallel worlds, thus giving birth to countless individuals."

"If we interfere too much in the future, too many different individuals will be born, leading to chaos in the parallel universe."

"So there's nothing we can do about it."

Stephen also heard the prophet's disappointment and spoke.

In addition to people like Dormammu and the God of the Void Kassadin, there are also various ancient gods who exist beyond time and space.

There is only one other individual in the multiverse.

Most individuals in the world will have different selves at some important point in time, and then lead to different endings.

"I know, but the parallel universe has nothing to do with our universe."

"And as a member of the Void Cult, you need to be open-minded."

"You only need to abide by the commandments of the Void God Religion, and everything else is up to you."

"If you keep living with your hands tied, it will not lead you to a better outcome. On the contrary, it may lead you to a worse outcome."

"But since this is your choice, then I will naturally respect you."

Seeing that Stephen understood some principles of the multiverse, the Predictor spoke.

In the eyes of the prophet, the rules of the magic world are much more troublesome than those of the Void Cult.

This kind of restriction will give rise to depression, and excessive repression will only give rise to hatred, rebellion and even a strong desire for destruction.

This is a way to vent the desires that have been endured and suppressed in the past.

If he does not change, it will definitely leave the possibility of Stephen becoming black in other multiverses.

"What multiverse entity?"

Tony saw the conversation between the prophet and Stephen and learned about these things for the first time.

"The multiverse has nothing to do with the vast majority of living things in the universe."

"This is a field that only those who have mastered advanced magic, precognitive abilities, and super strength can get involved."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand Tony now, so as not to put too much pressure on you."

The prophet said slowly.

Now his ability to predict is not as weak as it used to be.

It is precisely because he can predict and see more and further into the future.

It not only reduced his expectations for the future, but also put some pressure on him unconsciously.

Therefore, precogs generally do not use their precognitive abilities now, but enjoy the present and personally observe the future.

In this way, you can reach the state of understanding thoughts and ensure that you will not be swallowed up by desire.

Just get out of the range of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The precog could directly see where Stephen's future would go, but he wouldn't do that.

Because the more you know, the more scruples you have, adding layers of shackles to your behavior and spirit.

Although the presage has never met Gu Yi, the presage can be sure that Gu Yi has too many shackles on him due to the rules of the magic world.

There's certainly no fun in living like that.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Supreme Mage Ancient One to die in the hands of someone else, and it would not be in the hands of her useless disciple Casillas.

But Gu Yi still died, so there was only one reason for this, and that was that Gu Yi didn't want to live anymore.

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