I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 536 Envy makes me separated

"Mr. Stephen, I understand your desire to stay with your lover forever."

"Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is a supreme and great existence."

"He's very kind but that doesn't mean he's responsive."

"It is definitely not easy for members of the Void Cult to see him."

"You've missed your chance, so don't go down a path you know is wrong."

"Otherwise, being hit and going extreme will only lead you to the road of death."

Pepper also looked at Stephen and persuaded in a soft voice.

When Stephen heard what Tony and Pepper said, his heart trembled, and his brain instantly sobered up.

He understood that Tony and Miss Pepper would say these things to him mainly because they hoped that he would not do something stupid.

He indeed underestimated the horror of mental training.

He did have some thoughts just now.

Since both Tony and Steve can succeed, he will also ask Lord Cassadine to see if he can seek a void blessing for Christine.

But this was just his wishful thinking. It was not him who made the decision, but Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Once Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, rejected him.

Stephen already knows what thoughts he will have in mind, that is, feeling unfair or dissatisfied.

And the thoughts and emotions he had would not cause any harm to Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Instead, it will only lead him into the abyss of desire, and then he will die.

"Thank you, I understand."

After thinking deeply, Stephen completely understood his position, looked at Tony and Pepper and thanked him gratefully.

Although it was just a few words, it was no less than a life-saving grace to him.

Although he couldn't bear to leave Kristen in his heart, he also knew that he and Kristen were already people in different worlds.

"It's good if you can recognize the difference."

Tony said with a smile when he saw Stephen taking the initiative to thank him.

At this time, Jarvis's voice rang: "Mr. Tony, we are about to arrive."

When Stephen heard this, he looked out the window and saw an extremely huge and luxurious resort island.

Mages in the magical world need to abide by the rules and cannot use magic to seek too much wealth.

But for members of the Void Cult, it seems that these things are not prohibited.

However, Tony Stark does not use the power brought by the blessing of the void. He is already a rich man with an unparalleled wealth just by relying on his mind.

Although there were some guesses, Stephen still asked: What is this island? "

"This is a private island I bought."

"Stevie and Paige usually live here, and occasionally it is a place where Blue Star compatriots gather to have dinner and discuss war."

"Let's go and introduce you to them."

"The only people who know that you have joined the Void Cult are me and Pepper."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"Then do I want to make a cool appearance or something?"

Stephen said when he heard that Tony didn't greet them in advance.

"up to you."

Tony glanced at Stephen and did not say anything to hit Stephen, but let Stephen do what he did.

Stephen's brain was also spinning crazily, trying to figure out how to make a handsome appearance.

As Jarvis hovers the universe Zhanjiang over the private island.

Tony and Pepper didn't waste any time, they ducked out, flew out of the battleship's cabin and landed directly on the island.

And Stephen summoned the magic floating cloak, turned around and jumped to put on the cloak. He made seals with his hands and slowly floated down from the space battleship in a handsome and mage-ceremonial gesture.

When landing, Stephen clearly felt several glances.

"Who is this?"

Steve looked at Stephen Strange's arrival with some strangeness.

"The clothes are a bit strange, but I have a vague impression of his appearance, but I can't remember where I saw him."

After hearing this, Banner looked at Stephen carefully, thoughtfully.

"Looks like a mage."

"But do you still need to pinch the seal when flying?"

Pietro looked above and held the seal to fly. A man who looked like a mage slowly flew down, looked at his sister and asked curiously.

He only knew two people who could use magic, one was Loki and the other was his sister.

Although he didn't see Loki fly, he saw Wanda fly countless times.

"No need, I can fly as long as I think about it."

Wanda immediately shook her head after hearing this.

Because Wanda has never had contact with other mages, she doesn't know much about the common sense of the magic world. She relies on her own exploration for everything.

She wanted to ask Mr. Loki for some magic knowledge, but Mr. Loki was basically not on Blue Star.

"He can fly and he came here with Tony and Pepper. He must be a relatively important person."

Paige doesn't know Stephen either, but she knows that this is not an ordinary person.


Stephen landed and when he heard these words, he just called his mother to sell batches.

Was it because his actions just now weren't cool enough?

He was confident that if he could pull off the moves and style just now, other people would exclaim when they saw it, and they would even take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

And what is meant by flying? You don’t need to pinch the magic seal. You can fly just by thinking about it in your mind. Don’t underestimate the complexity of magic, okay?

If it weren't for the magic floating cloak, he wouldn't be able to fly now.

"Let me introduce it to you."

"This is the new Supreme Mage Stephen Strange, a personal disciple of the Supreme Mage Ancient One."

"More than a month ago, he was favored by Lord Kassadin and allowed him to join the Void Cult and become our compatriot."

Tony was not surprised to see that Banner and others did not recognize Stephen, and took the initiative to introduce him.

Because Stephen has not been the new Supreme Mage for a long time, and the guys in the magic world are basically hiding on the other side of the world.

Under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to encounter the magician of Kama Taj.

Banner must have seen some advertisements or news about neurosurgeon Stephen Strange somewhere before.

But because Stephen is an expert among medical scientists, not an expert in the scientific community.

So Banner would only have some impression at most, but it wouldn't be too deep.

Even before Tony actually met Stephen and read Stephen's detailed introduction, he actually didn't have much impression of Stephen.

"Disciple of the Ancient One, the Mage Supreme?"

Paige's face immediately showed surprise when she heard this.

"The new Supreme Mage, damn, isn't he a boss?"

"Sister, you have a boss who can teach you."

Pietro also shouted when he heard that this was the disciple of the Supreme Mage, the pinnacle of the universe.

Because Mr. Steve taught him, he has already become a strong man.

Unless you encounter such an outrageous strong man like Mr. Tony, who attacks a triangle with high blood, thick blood and fast speed.

For the others who are not fast enough, one can kill one of them, or two of them can kill a pair. You can play with them casually.

However, because his sister had no one to teach her, she could only explore on her own, which made Pietro very worried. .

She is worried that her sister will not be able to keep up with her strength and will not be recognized by Mr. Steve and Mr. Tony.

Let the two of them take over the responsibility of being the guardians of the Blue Star.

"We still don't know what kind of person he is, so it's hard to say."

When Wanda heard that this was the new Supreme Mage, she also wanted to communicate with Stephen.

But given that the Supreme Mage’s Karma Taj seems to have its own sect, and those who are not apprentices may not be willing to teach it, so Wanda doesn’t hold out much hope.

"Hello, my name is Captain America Steve Rogers, a member of the Void Cult."

"Welcome to join us, we will be compatriots from now on."

When Steve heard that this person was actually the new generation of Supreme Mage, and the most important thing was that Stephen had actually joined the Void Cult, he also took the initiative to step forward with a smile and extended his hand.

"The name Stephen Strange comes to mind."

"That neurosurgery expert who is very famous in the medical community!"

When Banner heard Stephen's name, his brain immediately recalled more impressions, and he said with a sudden realization.

As for the new Supreme Mage, he didn't care much.

Because this is not the Supreme Mage Gu Yi himself, but her disciple.

Stephen has just taken office, and his strength is definitely impossible to compare with that of the Ancient One.

Instead of being the top figure in the universe, he is no different than a weakling in front of Banner. It is nothing more than a matter of one punch or a few more punches.

However, Stephen joined the Void Cult, so Banner also took the initiative to step forward after exclaiming.

"Hello, my name is Hulk Bruce Banner, and I am also a member of the Void Cult."

"Welcome to join us, we will be compatriots from now on."

Banner also repeated what Steve said.

"My name is Paige, Steve's wife, a member of the Void Cult."

Paige came to Steve's side and said to Stephen with a smile.

"That's great. The new Supreme Mage will join the Void Cult directly."

"When can we join the Void Cult?"

"I really want to join the Void Cult."

Pietro originally felt very happy to have a mentor who could teach his sister, but now he realized that Stephen had joined the Void Cult more than a month ago.

Pietro would be so envious that he would be separated from his parents.

His strength has indeed grown a lot, but Mr. Steve's strength has grown even more.

And after a few years, his appearance has grown up and matured a lot.

Mr. Steve was exactly the same as when he first met him.

The same goes for Mr. Banner, Mr. Tony, Mrs. Pepper, and Mrs. Peggy. They are still very young, as if time has ignored several people.

Although waiting for Miss Zhao Hailun to develop the gene enhancement potion.

His age can extend to at least two hundred years, but two hundred years and eternal youth are completely different concepts.

But they had no chance to see Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and could only see a few faces through communication or projection.

Pietro didn't know how to pursue the opportunity to pursue the blessing of the void.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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