I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 521 Power beyond cognition

As Alex returned to Void Island, dozens of scarlet figures also arrived, directly forming an extremely fierce giant army.

"Miss Sonia has an order that prohibits anyone from approaching the location of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"So you have to watch out for me. No one can be allowed in, either in heaven or on earth."

Alex gave them instructions directly.


When the compatriots on Mowgli heard this, they responded in unison, their voices shaking the sky.

Immediately they dispersed and went to guard all directions and entrances to the Void Island.

Alex himself came directly in front of Sarah and others.

"Odin, you are back too."

Alex was not surprised to see Thor, but was a little surprised to find that Odin was also there.

"I was called by the void, so I came back."

Odin nodded as he looked at Alex, whose domineering aura became more and more obvious and his strength became stronger.

Alex called him by his name not once or twice, so Odin didn't care.

Because he understood how Alex viewed himself.

He is the manager of the branch temple of the Void Cult in Asgard, and Alex is the manager of the branch temple on Mowgli.

At present, their strength is not completely equal to each other, but their identity and status are equal.

And I think I will definitely be able to catch up with him in the future and keep pace with him.

Alex's idea must be somewhat arrogant.

It's not that easy to catch up with him as God King Odin.

But this is also the character of Alex. No one can order him except Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Miss Sonia, who controls the temple of the Lord of the Void God.

"It is rumored that because you are too old, you passed the throne to Thor to retire and enjoy your last days in peace."

"What are you doing this for?"

When Alex heard this, he knew that the summons was for the members of the Void Cult to return, so he understood it and asked.

Not many people in the outside world know yet, but God King Odin has returned to his peak state.

"Asgard has made many enemies in the past. I just want to see if they dare to jump out."

Odin heard the words and said directly without any concealment.

"Just clear out those people and forces that you feel still regard Asgard as your enemies, and that's the end of it."

Alex couldn't understand what he heard.

"It's because I don't know if they still regard Asgard as their enemy after so many years, so they have to plan.

"I'm going to have a meal first, and I'll talk to you about these things later."

Odin heard this and spoke.

Although he felt that Alex's strength could not be compared with his, he did not mean to look down on Alex.

Alex's faith is extremely fanatical, and he is willing to endure pain that is unbearable for ordinary people for his faith.

It is only a matter of time before the strength reaches the pinnacle of the universe, and even the realm of peeking into the pinnacle of the universe.

It can be said that Alex will definitely become a representative of a powerful faction of the Void Cult in the future.

As long as it is approved by Alex, it will be very friendly.

So Odin doesn't mind chatting with Alex more and leaving a good impression on both of them.


Alex nodded upon hearing this.

"Then Sir Alex, I will go to the Recording Temple to make records for others in the future."

After Sarah saw Alex coming back, she safely handed over the responsibility of staying here to Alex.

"Go without worry, no one can disturb Lord Kassadin with me here."

When Alex saw it was Sarah, a smile appeared on his face.

Although Sarah's appearance does not match Alex's aesthetic, she looks like an underdeveloped brat.

However, Sarah's character and contribution were highly recognized by him.

And Sarah is also Miss Sonia’s person, which is an added bonus.

"Let's catch up on old times later."

Lacey and the others also handed over the responsibility of guarding to Alex and went to the cafeteria to eat.


In a mountaintop villa.

Harvey's consciousness escaped directly into the void, and his body began to step into the dark star.

He didn't know how much time had passed.

However, he could clearly feel that the power of Dark Star was constantly changing his body.

Let his physical body receive more changes.

At the same time, with the influx of Dark Star energy, his body also gained a power that was completely different from the power of the void.

This power is merging with the power of the void, transforming into a more mysterious and powerful force.

This made Harvey a little lucky that he chose to complete his ascension on Void Island.

Harvey's body was bathed in the galaxy where the power of the Dark Star gathered, silently feeling his increasingly powerful body.

Sonia has been staying ten meters away from Mr. Kassadin.

Observe everything within a fifty-mile radius of the mountaintop villa with all your heart.

Once she finds someone who dares to break into the restricted area, she will severely punish or even kill them.


Eight hours have passed since the vision of heaven and earth appeared.

Tony, Banner and a group of people were also on the space battleship, constantly traveling through the wormholes in the universe, and quickly rushed back to Xandar Star, where they saw a spectacular scene.

"There are some powerful forces in the infinite universe that are truly beyond all understanding."

Jarvis couldn't help but sigh when he detected the energy released by these vast and huge stars.

There is no record of these energies in any knowledge in his database.

"It's so beautiful. I feel like this is the origin of all things."

When Pepper saw the dark star so close at hand, his eyes shone with admiration.

In the past, she had little knowledge and was just an ordinary person, when she received the blessing of the void.

I was completely frightened by the unimaginably huge monsters, and I was not able to fully appreciate the greatness of the void.

Nowadays, she is not very strong, but she has experienced a lot.

When I saw this dark star again, which was countless times smaller than in my impression, I could truly feel the greatness of the void.

How powerful is Kassadin, the God of the Void.

In the face of this power, everything in the universe seems as small as dust.

"Will we be able to spy on such unknown things in the future?"

Paige also looked at the dark star, her heart filled with admiration.

This dark star is like a natural work of art.

It is full of mystery, depth, and unknown, symbolizing the birth of all things and the end of all things.

"This is far from the limit of Kassadin, the God of the Void. We may not be able to grow to the ultimate level of the Void."

"But it may not be impossible to master this power in the future."

When Tony heard what the two said, he looked at the dark star that was so close, his eyes flickered and he said.

This is both what Tony pursues and what he expects.

It was impossible to completely catch up with Kassadin, so he never thought that he could completely catch up with Kassadin.

He just hopes that he can grow to the point where he feels that he is no longer weak.

In that way, he could completely let go of the inferiority complex in his heart due to the disparity in strength, and return to the old friendship with Kassadin.

Because the power Kassadin mastered a few years ago was far from that of a mortal.

It's just that he didn't really realize how powerful Kassadin was at the time, but he also knew that Kassadin gave him a huge opportunity.

It allowed him to break away from mortals and gave him a longer lifespan, so that he would no longer be trapped by lifespan.

It gave him the power to become stronger and stronger, and to step into the world of the strong without being trapped by powerlessness.

"Only after you have truly seen the incomprehensible existence can you realize your own insignificance."

Steve felt the shock that this dark star brought to him up close and sighed.

After witnessing the battle between Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Gao Tianzun.

Let Steve learn humility when he thought that was the peak.

Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, once again refreshed his knowledge.

In the face of this power, the planet is nothing more than a thing that can be destroyed at any time.

If he wants to reach the highest point and peek into the most comprehensive world of strong men, he still has many steps to climb in his future.

"I feel like something went wrong when I had a physical abortion."

Banner saw this huge dark star where countless energies gathered, and for the first time, he had some reflections on the evolutionary path he had chosen.

Whether the path chosen by the thinker is right or wrong.

A group of people had various ideas. Jarvis drove a space battleship and sent several people into Xandar and flew to the Void Island.

The strange phenomenon about the heaven and earth that appeared on the Xandar star spread across the universe at an astonishing speed, making countless people aware of it.

Among Olympus.

Zeus looked at the image transmitted back with deep fear in his eyes.

He couldn't guess what Kassadin, the God of the Void, was doing.

However, he knew that it would take an immeasurable amount of energy to gather such huge stars.

Zeus originally wanted to contact Odin to talk about this matter.

But he thought of Odin, who had passed the throne to his son Thor in the previous months and was truly beginning to enjoy his final years.

In the end, Zeus still didn't contact Odin.

Odin's body is ready to die and go to the realm of souls.

It is better not to torment Odin at this last moment, so as not to arouse Odin's anger.

But if he didn't encourage Odin to go, Zeus himself wouldn't have the courage to go directly to find out.

In order to avoid attracting the attention of the Void God Kassadin and triggering a struggle, which would lead to a war of gods.

If it were other gods or characters.

Zeus would not be so afraid, but the problem is that Kassadin, the God of the Void, is a terrifying figure who has once forced Gao Tianzun back head-on.

Moreover, in the hand of Kassadin, the God of the Void, he also holds the Power Stone, which symbolizes destruction, among the Infinity Stones.

Since Odin is unwilling to join forces with him, even if he joins forces with other gods, their side does not have a high chance of winning.

The thought of Gao Tianzun made Zeus' eyes light up.

On the verge of death, Odin lost his will and refused to join forces with him regardless of the situation of the universe and life and death.

But Gao Tianzun is the best candidate for cooperation.

Now the God of the Void, Kassadin, has not really taken action to make plans for various galaxies.

This means that he has time to get close to Gao Tianzun before talking about it.

Gao Tianzun's younger brother was killed by Kassadin, and he must have hatred towards Kassadin.

As long as he talks about his intention to cooperate and deal with it together in the future, Gao Tianzun has no reason to refuse.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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