I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 519 Everyone gathers on Void Island

At the same time, Tony, Banner, Steve, Paige, and Pepper from Blue Star also felt the call from the void.

"Let's go back to Void Island and take a look."

Although Pepper has a lot of work to do and can't get away for the time being, he faces this call.

She felt that she should go back and take a look no matter what.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too."

"This time the call was even more intense than the last time."

"I have to go back and take a look anyway."

"Jarvis informed Banner to meet up at the private island as quickly as possible and head to Void Island."

Tony nodded when he heard this and said directly.


Jarvis could not sense the call of the void, but he knew that Lord Kassadin, the god of the void, had called once last time.

Let Mr. Tony shout Long Live the Void.

Although Mr. Tony didn't shout this time, he said that the call was even more fierce, so it must be true.

Without Tony's notice, Banner had already quickly headed to the private island.

Regardless of whether Tony and Steve are free or not, he must go to Void Island to witness it.

So just less than ten minutes.

Tony, Pepper, and Banner had already arrived at the private island to meet Steve and Peggy.

When Steve and Peggy saw Tony and Pepper coming together, they naturally understood the meaning.

"Pietro, Wanda, look at Blue Star."

"We need to go to Void Island immediately."

"If there is no big accident, I will be back soon."

Steve looked at Pietro and Wanda and ordered.

"Can I come along and have a look?"

When Pietro heard this, he also wanted to see it.

Mr. Steve was practicing just now, and suddenly he said he felt the call of the void.

Mrs. Paige said the same thing.

So Mr. Steve immediately stopped practicing and said that Mr. Tony and Mr. Banner would definitely come.

There was obviously no contact, but the situation was as Mr. Steve had guessed. Mr. Tony, Mr. Banner and others arrived quickly.

"If you have a chance in the future, you will see Xandar Star Void Island."

"But it's not possible right now."

"If you are optimistic about Blue Star, we will leave first."

After hearing this, Steve rejected Pietro's idea of ​​following him to take a look, and followed Paige directly onto the space battleship.

The few people didn't need to communicate, and they directly launched the space battleship and headed for the universe.

Each space battleship has its own room, so some clothes are always prepared.

So even if it is a sudden departure, there will be no problem with a few people.


Among Asgard

Thor and Loki also felt the cry of the void.

Sol survived a difficult three months, which also greatly improved his knowledge.

If you don't find something to do for yourself, the punishment of being able to eat only one meal in three days is really torture.

So now Saul is feasting.

Thor felt this call from the void, which indicated that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, was becoming stronger and stronger.

"Can I get away now?"

Loki asked looking at Thor.

"If you can go back and forth within five days, that's fine."

"Do you want to leave now?"

When Thor heard this, he said directly without hesitation.

"How slow would it be to just build a space battleship?"

"Wait for half an hour more. Then send a message to my father and ask him to take us there."

"I think my father must have felt the call and is on his way back."

Loki shook his head slightly when he heard this and said.

The father and queen are supposed to be traveling in other galaxies now, but they will definitely come back at this time.

"You are still smart."

When Thor heard that his father was asked to take them there, he immediately reacted.


At the same moment, all members of the Void Cult sensed the call.

The members, who were originally playing with the enemy in their hometown and planning to kill some time, no longer held back and directly dealt with the enemy and embarked on the return journey.

The same is true for the members of the Void Cult who are saving the world. They attack with all their strength without reservation, directly pulling meteorites from the universe and destroying the enemy's lair.

They all knew that this time the call was stronger than the last time, so they had to go back and take a look no matter what.

Among them, Alex was in the highest mood.

"Great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, your loyal followers are on their way back."

Alex was on Mowgli, and it wouldn't take long to get to Xandar, but he still went as fast as he could.


Xandar's new star army is now under a lot of pressure.

In particular, Irani Rael, the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire, quickly issued instructions at this time.

Let the many officers and soldiers of the Nova Corps appease the people.

After all the instructions were given, Irani Rael looked at the purple stars in the sky outside the window that were more dazzling than the sun.

As a result, the rare purple world of heaven and earth also appeared on Xandar.

She knew that all this must have been caused by Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The Void God Cult's reputation on Xandar is definitely not low-key. The Void God Cult's reputation is there.

There are many people in the universe who come to seek blessings, and some extremely evil people want to fish in troubled waters, which also adds a lot of trouble to the Nova Corps.

However, the Void Divine Religion cannot be said to be very high-profile. It rarely mobilizes its entire army or causes some big battles.

The Power Stone among the Infinity Stones fell into the hands of the Void Cult, which may be a good destination.

At least this is the case for now. The Void Cult does not use power gems to destroy planets.

The only battle was to capture the big cake of the universe in the land of nothingness.

The battle created this time should not be underestimated. Irani Rell knew at a glance that this must be the work of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Only Kassadin, the God of the Void, can possess such a skill. Even the brilliance of stars cannot compare with his divine power.

She didn't know if this was the end of the world on Xandar, but she knew that if the Void Cult planned to attack Xandar.

Then no matter how you escape and resist, there is no chance of survival.

So she could only place her hope in prayer, praying that Kassadin, the God of the Void, would not have any thoughts about Xandar.

The technological level of the Xandar Empire is already one of the pinnacles in the universe.

Ordinary gods are like younger brothers to the technology of the Xandar Empire.

But this does not include all gods, facing Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The Xandar Empire is equivalent to mortals.

As a mortal, you have no right to make requests, let alone go against God's will. You can only accept and embrace or pray.

"Heart of the World, have you detected what that star is made of?"

Irani Lell sighed in her heart and asked.

"Without detection, that's a power I've never seen."

"The void power of the Void God Religion comes from other cosmic dimensions."

"This power is different from the power of the void, but it is also an extremely mysterious and unknown power."

"It also belongs to other universe dimensions."

"Smashing it down directly will destroy Xandar directly."

"However, it was observed that all the members of the Void Cult were gathering, and there was no case of running away."

"So currently there are no signs of the Void Cult destroying Xandar."

The Xandar Empire's Super Light Brain World Heart also responded to Irani Rael's inquiry.

It is also unable to intercept the power of the void and retain the power of the void, but this does not affect the analysis of the power of the void by the Heart of the World.

It is natural for a super optical brain to know other dimensions and even parallel universes.

However, the Xandar Empire is currently still researching technology that can span parallel universes, but it is not yet possible.

Therefore, the Xandar Empire needs to pursue a longer-term survival.

As long as there is time, the technological future of the Xandar Empire will definitely be able to reach a higher level.

"No, that's fine."

"I hope he leaves after regaining his strength in this universe."

"Otherwise my heart really won't be able to bear it."

Irani already understood when she heard that it was coming from other dimensions of the universe. She leaned back on the soft chair and stroked her heart that was beating rapidly due to excitement.

She is just a mortal, even if she wears the three-star nova armor, she is still a mortal with good strength.

But she often has to think about how to get along with a god who can destroy them at any time.

Thinking about whether the Xandar Empire will be destroyed by his own hands and make himself a sinner forever, who can bear this kind of thing.

At present, Irani has given Void Island a lot of privileges, just short of letting the Nova Corps surrender directly.

However, surrendering is not something she can do if she wants to, but depends on what the Void God Cult wants.

If possible, Irani would like all Xandar people to join the Void Cult.

But the problem is that the choice is not on her side.

The Void God Religion did not relax the boundaries of blessings and allowed a large number of people to join the Void God Religion, otherwise it would not be as bad as only a few hundred people.

Obviously, if you want to get the blessing of the void, the conditions are quite stringent.

"You need to take care of yourself. Currently, there is no suitable candidate to replace you on Xandar."

The Heart of the World also detected Irani's abnormally high heart rate and gave a kind reminder.

Irani is a truly talented person with excellent qualities such as kindness, wisdom, talent, insight, decisiveness, foresight, and hard work.

Be merciful when you should be merciful, compromise when you should compromise, defend when you should defend, and never be holy in killing decisively.

Irani's reputation is very high, she is deeply loved by the people and respected by all the officers of the Nova Corps.

It is very difficult to find someone like Irani.

So Irani has been sitting in the position of supreme commander for a long time.

Irani has always wanted to find a successor so that she could abdicate and enjoy her old age.

However, after its observation and screening, no corresponding candidate has been found.

Irani's name has left a glorious mark in the history of the Xandar Empire.

"At this time, I don't dare to think about abdicating the throne in favor of someone more worthy."

"I just hope that the Xandar Star Empire is not destroyed by my hands in my lifetime."

When Irani heard what the Heart of the World said, she quickly adjusted her breathing and spoke.

At this time, she would never dare to pass on the position of supreme commander to the next generation casually.

As long as she is still here, she can ensure that there will be no stalemate between the Nova Corps and the Void Cult.

But if it is left to the next generation, they are young and energetic, and want the new official to take office, which will directly ignite the fire of the Void God Sect.

So even if she retires and goes directly to other planets to take care of herself, she will not die from this.

The destruction of Xandar was inseparable from her.

The third update contains 3,000 words, and 10,000 words have been completed.

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