I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 512 The Disadvantages of Immortality

Now Thor needs to use the forbidden trump card to defeat Hela.

Loki himself is unable to confront Hela head-on, but this situation is not eternal, but can be changed.

Loki knew how terrifying the taboo on the power of the void brought about by the blessing of the void was.

He would not offend, but this also allowed him to see the possibilities brought by the power of the void.

Loki is confident that as long as he is given time, he alone can suppress Hela without Thor taking action.

Because as he continued to grow, Hela's divine power was sealed and he could only stand still.

His previous psychology was also very extreme, so he knew very well what Hela's psychology was like when he arrived.

Seeing your enemy become stronger but unable to do anything about it is even more uncomfortable than killing yourself, and you might break your teeth.

"Is immortality a punishment...then do as you say."

When Thor heard what Loki said, he thought about it and felt that it made sense.

Hela is located at the bottom of the sea, but she can still hear the discussion of the old immortal, Thor and Loki.

When Hela heard that she had finally recovered her strength, she was about to be sealed back again.

Let's go back to a life where our physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people, but we have no other abilities.

The old immortal Odin is still alive, and it seems that the trick Thor used on him just now can no longer be used.

But Thor will only get stronger, not weaker.

This means that one day when Saul is around, she may really never get ahead again.

I can only hide in a dark corner with the ambition and hatred in my heart, unable to do anything.

Thor and Loki were under the light, enjoying powerful power and leading Asgard to create their own legend.

"No! You can't seal my power."

"I can't fight you, I won't take action against Asgard."

"Please don't seal my divine power."

"Father...Father, please let me go."

This made Hela scream in despair, pray and even call out a title that she hadn't called for many years.

Odin was shocked when he heard Hela calling him.

"Father, now is not the time to be merciful."

"Thor almost died this time before he defeated Hela."

"If she is allowed to continue to possess divine power, she may even return to a stronger stage."

"Can you live your life in peace and enjoy your freedom in the future?"

Loki saw his father's eyes wavering and said immediately.

He is not a merciful master. From the previous contact, it seems that Hela no longer cares about family ties, and he will show no mercy to the two of them.

If Thor hadn't been strong enough, they would be the only ones on the verge of despair now.

Thor was speechless when he heard this. His relationship with Loki and Hela was not deep, because today was the first time they met, and the meeting was a fight to the death.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to say that he has a deep affection for Hela.

However, his father raised Hela and fought for Asgard together for many years.

If the father wants to decide how to deal with Hela, then Thor will support it even if he feels wrong.

Odin heard Loki's advice and looked at Hela whose thighs had begun to recover deep in the sea, his eyes flashing constantly.

At this time, he remembered what Kassadin had said to him. If trouble is not dealt with cleanly, it will always be trouble.

In order to let Thor and Loki endure the disaster they deserved, he unlocked Hela's seal and allowed Hela to regain her divine power.

In the end, Thor and Loki did not disappoint him. In the end, he won. However, the process was not smooth but was full of dangers and almost cost Thor his life.

Thinking of this, Odin already had an idea in his heart.

"Repent in exile."

Odin stretched out his hand towards Hela and directly pulled Hela up from the bottom of the sea, floating in the air.

After the Eternal Spear was retracted, Hela recovered from the severe abdominal injury.

"No! No! No! Father!"

"Please don't seal me. I just regained my power not long ago."

Hela looked at Odin and kept praying.

However, Odin's eyes were indifferent, and Odin's power directly wrapped around Hela's body, turning into a seal that directly sealed the divine power in Hela's body.

It is impossible to kill Hela because she is bound to Asgard.

But Loki said that sealing Hela so that her ambitions cannot be realized is the greatest punishment.

"When you truly repent and let go of your cruel and perverted ambitions."

"Regain a rational heart and focus on Asgard, and the seal will naturally be unlocked."

"Otherwise you will never be able to command your divine power."

Odin sealed it and issued a ban.

Hela felt that the space that could be sensed and the energy that could be seen dissipated, and her extremely sharp five senses became dull.

The divine power at his disposal disappeared, and the feeling of omnipotence disappeared again.

This made Hela's eyes full of despair.

What makes people feel heartbroken is the first time that the power they care about most is taken away by others.

This heartache can easily turn into hatred and ambition.

What things can make people feel hopeless.

That is, after regaining something, you want to retaliate but are ruthlessly deprived of it again, but you have no means to resist.

The possible ambition in my heart has not dissipated, but after knowing that there is nothing I can do, I will feel despair.

Hela is in such a state now.

In her heart, she wanted to cut Odin into pieces and regain Asgard, which she had also sacrificed her blood and sweat for.

All weak scumbags must surrender under their own majesty. Her majesty does not tolerate provocation by the weak.

But your destiny is not in your own hands.

Hela knew that the fate of the seal had been decided, and her desperate eyes and prayers turned into resentment.

"Old Immortal, how long will you continue to be hypocritical?"

“What’s wrong with the weak surrendering to the strong?”

"Isn't that how the universe works?"

"We Asgard are born with divine power, and together you and I have the power to bring the galaxy to our feet."

"Why not make the world like that?"

Hela's eyes were full of viciousness and her voice was fierce.

Before Odin could speak, Thor looked at Hela who was no longer pretending and spoke.

"What do you gain by asking the weak to surrender?"

"Asgard rules the nine realms and is already recognized as one of the rare divine realms in the universe."

"The legend even spread to other galaxies and became known to countless people."

"There are only so many people in Asgard, and they are no longer able to rule more worlds."

"If you rule too much, you will only be overwhelmed and unable to handle it."

Thor is very satisfied with the current situation of the Nine Realms.

Because they Asgard can only have so many people and power.

He can protect the residents of the world he rules when they encounter alien invasions that are beyond the limits of their abilities and cannot be resisted, or monsters appear in the world.

This allows them to only face the natural disasters that are due to the order of nature, instead of facing sudden catastrophes, and then they can freely develop their own civilization.

As the guardian of the nine realms, Asgard can also enjoy the heartfelt gratitude and blessings of countless weak people.


“The nature of the universe is survival of the fittest.”

"It is only natural that the naturally weak should surrender to the naturally strong."

"It is natural for the strong to have more resources that the weak cannot control."

"Even if we don't rule, someone else strong will."

"In that case, what's wrong with letting us rule?"

When Hela heard Thor's words, she laughed sarcastically. The way she looked at Thor was like looking at an overly kind trash.

"According to what you say, among us in Asgard, except for my father, who has the power of the pinnacle of the universe, he can survive."

"Even my father has not truly reached the point of being invincible in the universe."

"He is strong to us, but there will be stronger ones in the universe."

"We Asgard are not strong enough to make all the rules for the universe."

"To some who are strong, we are all weak."

"Are we being ruled? We are not, aren't we?"

Loki heard Hela's words and spoke directly.

God King Odin is one of the few peak powerhouses at the pinnacle of the universe, but God King Odin is not invincible.

The rest of Loki didn't know, but Kassadin, the God of the Void, was definitely more powerful than his father.

However, Kassadin, the God of the Void, did not take action against his father, nor did he attack Asgard. After talks with his father, he gave him a chance to be reborn.

They Asgard need to respect Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

But as long as they don't violate the commandments, they don't need to be afraid of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, who will impose divine punishment on Asgard for no reason.

On the contrary, they can also be blessed and protected by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Asgard cooperates with the Void Cult, and Asgard has contributed many exclusive black technologies.

This is a contribution, but it does not mean that there will be no reward for Asgard's contribution.

Let’s not talk about the secondary technological development brought about by mutual cooperation.

Many soldiers in Asgard can also expect to receive the blessing of the void.

The blessing of the void can give people a longer lifespan, and having more opportunities to peek into the world of the strong is already the biggest benefit.

"You still can't understand why I govern the country with benevolence."

"In order to win the Nine Realms, I lost an eye and was left with hidden wounds."

"The soldiers and people of Asgard are also in dire straits. They have paid too much price. Families are broken up, wives are separated, and white-haired people send black-haired people away everywhere."

"Let's not talk about your immortality, but also whether I can continue to fight to the end."

“But we continue to fight to rule more worlds, regardless of whether we can manage them or not.

"The people of Asgard will definitely not be able to hold on."

"This is why I decided to stop. Now after so many years, Asgard has also slowed down."

Odin looked at Hela with eyes full of disappointment and regret.

The incomparable strength and the blessing of immortality have made Hela unable to understand the torture caused by injury and death until now.

Because the immortal Hela cannot empathize with ordinary people, Hela's character becomes more and more arrogant and twisted.

Until now, I know that I can't reverse the situation, and I haven't thought about truly changing my nature.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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