I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 506 Hela is about to be born

"Why are you so mysterious like Tony? Let me explain first whether this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

When Banner heard that Thor said that he wanted to call Steve and Tony together to talk, he also asked a little warily.

Although reading and understanding the history of Xandar civilization, it really gave Banner a lot of surprises.

But at the beginning, it was not a surprise to Banner, but a shock.

"That must be a good thing."

"I won't bother you. I just came to have a chat with you and relax."

When Thor saw Banner's suspicious eyes, he felt a little baffled and said immediately.

"That's good."

When Banner heard that he was here to talk to them and catch up on old times, the warning in his eyes immediately dissipated.

Tony heard the sound coming from outside the villa and looked at the lawn that was somewhat damaged and ugly due to the landing of the Rainbow Bridge.

He now also feels what Kassadin said about Odin before.

But Tony knew that since Thor and Loki could arrive, it also proved that Mr. Odin's plan was about to begin.

Tony is also very interested in what kind of person Hela, the goddess of death, is and how powerful she is.

It's just that Tony planned to pretend that he didn't know anything. After all, Kassadin said that what happened that day should not be revealed.

It is now early May 2016.

"Look who's here. He hasn't been seen for half a year."

Tony temporarily put down the work at hand and walked out directly to greet Thor and Loki.

"We have big news to announce. Come on, hurry up and find Steve."

Thor said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Okay, let's go to the private island."

Tony didn't mean anything when he heard this.

Several people boarded the space battleship piloted by Jarvis and headed to the private island.

Along the way, Banner kept asking Saul what happened, but Saul kept saying that he would find out later.

So in less than twenty minutes.

Banner and his group also rushed to the private island.

Helen Zhao and Su Li lived directly in the laboratory to study technology.

The private island was once again inhabited by only four people: Steve, Paige, Wanda, and Pietro.

"Loki, Thor?"

"What kind of wind has brought you here too?"

"And when did you return to the Nine Realms?"

Steve was exercising when he saw a few people arriving. He quickly took a shower to wash away the smelly sweat, then walked out and looked at the people who were already sitting directly in the hall and said with a smile.

"Don't be shocked after hearing this."

"Just after the New Year, I will return to Asgard to inherit the throne."

"Loki also became the Protector Prince."

"In recent months, we have been busy with official business in Asgard."

"After more than four months of busy work, our mother decided to give us a few days off."

"So the two of us immediately ran over to play with you."

Thor said with a smile on his face.

Then look at the expressions of some of your friends to see if they are happy for you.

"Have you inherited the throne?"

"So fast?"

Steve and Banner also looked at each other and asked in shock.

"It is indeed too early, but your strength is indeed enough."


Tony had already known about this from Kassadin, so he was not too shocked inside, but he still showed some surprise on the surface.

"Sounding good isn't actually happy."

Thor's smile turned into sadness when he saw the expressions on Banner, Steve and Tony.

"There is one thing more important than our taking over Asgard."

"Thor and I are worrying about whether that thing can be done."

Loki also spoke at this time.

"He also said he just came to chat with us."

"If you want help, just say so. Don't beat around the bush like Tony."

Banner couldn't help but complain after hearing these words.

"What do you mean by beating around the bush?"

"I heard from Jarvis that you were very happy to see it."

"Isn't that a surprise?"

When Tony heard what Banner said, he quit on the spot.

"Surprise is a surprise, but just say it."

"In that case, if I go back to Void Island and get it back, I'll probably be happier watching it."

Banner also said seriously when he heard this.

"What did you watch to make you happy..."

"Oh~! Don't forget that there are women on the island."

"Please pay attention to what you are saying."

When Steve heard that Banner had brought back some interesting things from Void Island, he rolled his eyes and suddenly realized with an "I understand" expression on his face, and spoke to remind him.

"Where did you go?"

"What Tony wants me to bring back from Void Island are books recording the Xandar civilization."

"Let me read through the history of Xandar civilization."

"I felt repulsed at the beginning, but after watching it I felt that I had benefited a lot and just felt happy."

Seeing Steve's obvious misunderstanding, Banner explained with a blank mind.

"Why does Tony want you to study the history of Xandar civilization?"

Steve was a little confused when he heard this.

"This is a long story. Let's see what help Thor wants us to do first."

When Banner heard this, he did not explain for the time being, but looked at Thor.

“If we can ask you for help with this matter we are about to face, then we won’t have to worry.

"The problem is that our father said that only Loki and I can solve it."

Sol's face showed some helplessness when he heard this.

"What on earth is going on?"

Banner's curiosity was aroused when he heard this.

"Our father plans to unlock our sister Hela's seal in the next few days and release her."

"She will definitely want to take revenge on Asgard when she comes out."

"Loki and I are going to work together to find a way to deal with her."

"Although my father said that with him here, even if we can't solve it, my father will take action to control the risk within a certain range."

"But if we can't solve it, it proves that our strength is still insufficient for the time being."

Sol also looked worried when he heard this.

"Damn it, Mr. Odin is crazy."

"Isn't this just taking off your pants and farting when you have nothing to do?"

"Release that crazy woman?"

Steve was also shocked when he heard that Hela, the goddess of death, was about to be released.

Before, he didn't understand the powerful beings in the universe and didn't have much feeling for them.

But I had a chat with Valkyrie for a while last time.

Now Steve still knows something about the powerful people in the universe, especially Hela, the goddess of death, the crazy woman among the powerful ones.

"Who is Hela, the goddess of death? Is she strong?"

Pietro had been standing behind Steve and listening, and was a little curious when he saw Mr. Steve looking so shocked.

"Hela, the goddess of death, is the eldest daughter of the God King Odin, the sister of Thor and Loki, and the leader of Asgard's invincible Valkyrie Legion."

"The strongest person in the universe, second only to God King Odin, has the terrifying blessing of Asgard's immortality and immortality."

Tony opened his mouth and explained the symbol of Hela.

"Isn't Captain Marvel a tricky enemy?"

Banner saw Pietro still looking confused and asked.

"Yes, Mr. Steve said that."

"If Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, hadn't taken action, she would have destroyed us all by herself."

When Pietro heard Captain Marvel, he immediately had a clearer concept.

"Hela, the goddess of death, is more troublesome than Captain Marvel."

Banner heard this and said.

Captain Marvel's power is extremely powerful but relatively simple, but that doesn't mean Captain Marvel isn't troublesome.

Hela, the goddess of death, is an old monster who has lived for many years, and is also a crazy woman eager to conquer and kill. Her abilities are not unique.

"Wouldn't it be dangerous to release Hela, the goddess of death?"

When Pietro heard this, he immediately understood the situation and said with a shocked expression.

"Not only is it dangerous, it's quite dangerous."

Banner nodded and said seriously.

"Aren't you using Asgard's treasure house as you please now?

"Can't you just use some artifacts to deal with Hela?"

Tony knew that Mr. Odin's real purpose this time was to hone and test the strength of Thor and Loki.

For this reason, he even pretended to die and then temporarily handed his life into Gao Tianzun's hands. One can imagine Mr. Odin's good intentions.

"There are many powerful artifacts in Asgard."

"However, the damage caused by those artifacts is too great, and the battle damage cannot be completely controlled."

"If Hela is defeated but Blue Star is also demolished, then we can't call it a success."

Loki heard this and spoke.

He holds the Ice Box and releases it with all his strength, and the world will enter an ice age.

However, the Ice Box obviously has little effect on Hela, because Hela is immortal.

The immortal body is really too bad, and it makes Loki very annoyed.

This was what their father and mother suddenly told them this morning, including the plan to fake their own death.

According to what his father Odin said, he would fake death for at least ten hours, which meant that he and Thor would have to withstand it for at least ten hours.

Hela had been exiled for at least a thousand years, and the anger that just broke out must have been astonishing.

He and Thor were confident of contending with Hela, but they were not confident of fully controlling the scope of the battlefield.

So the two of them could only come to talk to Tony and the others to see if they could come up with a countermeasure.

There is no need to directly participate in the battle, but to help control the battlefield and avoid excessive casualties.

"That means you want us to help you and protect those within the combat range depending on the situation?"

Tony understood immediately when he heard this.

"Our father said that Hela must not be allowed to return to Asgard."

"The longer Hela stays in Asgard, the stronger she becomes."

"If the time is long enough, the strength will even be comparable to that of my father."

"So we definitely can't choose Asgard as the battlefield."

"But the battlefield doesn't necessarily have to be on Blue Star."

Loki nodded slightly when he heard this and said.

But if you don't choose Blue Star, where to choose is also a problem.

So they came over to discuss it with Tony and the others.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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