I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 504 Just tell me if you are surprised or not

Gu Yi knew that she had abilities, but compared to the other peak powerhouses she had just seen, her abilities were also limited.

Originally, Odin's abilities were limited. Like her, he could not escape the constraints of his lifespan. He was ready to die after living for tens of thousands of years, but he was revived by Kassadin, the God of the Void.

As long as she doesn't want to die, she can live for at least tens of thousands of years.

But Gu Yi didn't know whether continuing to rely on taboos to live was a good thing or a bad thing.

Gu Yi lay worriedly on the bed and looked at the ceiling, examining his past.

She has done many unknown and glorious deeds in the past, repelling various dimensional demons and monsters that tried to invade Blue Star, and there are also dark deeds that she dare not tell outsiders.

And the most important thing is her sadness that she can't tell others.

Over the millennia, she has witnessed mankind's step-by-step progress from backward times to modern society, witnessed human infighting and even the tragedy of near-genocide.

As long as monsters and demons from the magical world do not invade, she will not easily interfere with the development of human beings.

This is related to the order of time magic.

If it weren't for dealing with demons in the magical world, she would never be able to use time magic easily unless absolutely necessary.

Because it is not a joke to influence the whole body with one move. Too much interference may even affect the stability of this universe.

But Kassadin had no such scruples at all.

Ancient One was sure that Kassadin knew him very well and might even have insight into her future.

Because Kassadin is an unknown existence that transcends time.

Even Gao Tianzun can forcibly subdue him, so Gu Yi will not be surprised by the incredible things Kassadin can do.

Now that Kassadin knows herself, it's also clear that Stephen Strange is her successor.

But knowing this, she didn't have the ability to change what Kassadin was trying to accomplish.

In addition to magic, her greatest reliance is the Time Stone, which is ineffective against Kassadin.

Then she naturally lacks the advantage of a prophet, which can be used to change events to make the future go to the future she wants.

When Gu Yi recalled his past, his heart was filled with sadness, and at the same time he felt a sense of powerlessness that he had not seen for a long time.

Kassadin, a demon from an unknown universe dimension, quietly arrived in this universe.

But she had no way to expel it and seal it, so she could only sit back and watch the future move towards the future that Kassadin hoped for.

This sense of destiny made Gu Yi feel a little desperate.

"There are still more than two months... we will be relieved soon."

Gu Yi wiped away the little tears shed from the corners of his eyes because of recalling the past, and murmured.

She didn't know if Stephen Stark could stand up to the banner passed down to her, but she could no longer withstand the pressure.

She knew that compromising and joining the void might be the best way.

As the saying goes, join if you can't beat him, but joining the side of the dimensional demon is not the outcome that Ancient One hopes for.

This means that if Kassadin plans to destroy the universe, she will become an accomplice who can only watch.

Now she just hopes to be freed from the quagmire of this world.

The afterlife may be boring, but at least it won't feel so heart-wrenching and powerless.


After the gathering of powerful people with peak knowledge.

Tony quickly returned to work, hoping to bring Blue Star into the interstellar era as soon as possible.

After achieving your current ideal first, then pursue your larger ideal.

But before that, Tony made a direct call to Banner.

"Tony, what's going on?"

Banner had just finished exercising, and after taking a bath, he was going to drive out to pick up girls. Suddenly he received a call from Tony, and he picked it up and asked casually.

"You go back to Void Island. I bought some things and prepared a surprise for you."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

"What did you buy?"

Banner asked a little strangely when he heard that he was going back to Void Island.

"Can it be called a surprise if I tell you what it is?"

"You will know when you return to Void Island and take a look. Remember to seize the time and bring Blue Star back as soon as possible."

"You'll know when you open it."

Tony said with an unchanging smile upon hearing this.

"Okay, then I'll go back now."

When Banner saw Tony's mysterious look, he was also curious about what surprise Tony planned to give him, so he canceled his plan to go out to pick up girls.

"Well, go and come back quickly."

Tony's smile grew even brighter when he saw Banner immediately planning to take action.

"The round trip only takes about a day or so, so leave it to me."

Banner patted his chest when he heard this.

Then Banner quickly went to the private island, boarded the space battleship docked near the private island, and set off.

Banner drives the space battleship forward at full speed, constantly traveling through space wormholes.

Because his body could fully bear it, in less than a day,

Banner successfully returned to Xandar Star Void Island, and successfully got the so-called surprise in Tony's mouth.

Banner looked at these dozen large boxes and was a little curious about what they were.

But after having a meal at Void Island, I quickly brought my things back to Blue Star.

Banner's action was very efficient, taking only thirty-four hours.

He brought back the things Tony said he wanted to bring back from Void Island to Blue Star.

At the same time, Banner also came directly to Stark Manor and moved more than ten large boxes in front of Tony.

"As expected of you, your efficiency is really fast."

Tony saw an expression of admiration on Banner's face when he came back so quickly.

"Can your expression be more real when you praise me?"

"Forget it, one of them is mine, right? Can I open it now?"

Banner complained as he looked at the fake admiration on Tony's face when he said these words.


Tony nodded upon hearing this.

"Are you sure this is the surprise you were talking about?"

Banner started unpacking it directly, and then saw a pile of books related to the history of Xandar, and his mind was filled with dark clues.

"Of course, you can't find this stuff on the Internet, so you have to buy it."

"If you don't believe it, you can check it online and see if you can find the data book."

Tony looked serious when he heard this.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it online."

Banner didn't understand when he heard this.

"This thing affects whether we can quickly bring Blue Star to the interstellar era."

"I still have something to do here, so I can't read it through at the moment."

"So I decided to give you this great task."

“Read through these books and find things in them that we at Blue Star can emulate, and then we can push forward together.”

"As long as Blue Star enters the interstellar age, we will be able to be liberated from Blue Star."

Tony heard this and patted Banner on the shoulder, looking like he was entrusted with an important task.

"If you want to find something for me to do, just say so. It's not like I don't want to do it. What a surprise."

Banner saw Tony's posture and said speechlessly.

"Just say it's a surprise or not."

When Tony heard this and saw that he couldn't be fooled, he simply confessed.

"Surprise, thank you for seeing me too idle and adding some work to my leisurely daily life."

Banner gritted his teeth and said when he saw Tony's cheating look.

Thirteen large books, each one thicker than an open palm.

It will take a lot of time to read through them all and use the historical experience contained therein.

"I'm so busy here every day, and you're playing around here every day."

"You also have to understand my feelings."

When Tony heard this, he looked like I couldn't help it, and admitted that he was indeed jealous of Banner's easy life.

"Besides practicing every day, Steve has a lot of free time."

"How do you find him again...forget it, it's mine."

Banner also realized when he was halfway through Steve's words.

"You don't need to apologize to me. Just remember not to make it too clear to Steve, so as not to hurt his self-esteem."

After Tony saw that Banner understood why he didn't find Steve, he also had a look of helplessness on his face.

Both he and Banner knew that Steve was very reliable.

No matter what he does, Steve will work very hard to do it well.

But there is a premise, that is, these things do not require too many brain cells and can be done as long as you work hard.

Studying the history of the huge and far-reaching Xandar civilization, Steve is not the material at all.

Even if Steve wanted to study and help without complaining, he might be able to do it if it took some time, but the efficiency is obviously too poor.

"What about you? Don't you need to study?"

Banner knew that Tony had no choice but to ask him to do it himself, but he just asked to see Tony's attitude.

If Tony planned to find a way to get Jarvis to read it through, then there was no need for him to study it.

"Who do you think I am?"

"These are the experiences of Xandar civilization history."

"I will let Jarvis study the records and extract cases for us later, but I will definitely study them too."

Facing Banner's question, Tony felt that he was being questioned and said loudly with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I don't mean to doubt you, I'm just asking."

"Then I'll take it back and study it carefully."

"What's the approximate time limit?"

Banner saw Tony was dissatisfied and said quickly.

"I'll study it tonight to see how much time it takes to read a book, and then talk about the time limit."

Tony heard this and did not give exact information.

Because he knew that the history of Xandar civilization needed to be studied carefully, and it would definitely take a lot of time to memorize it clearly.

He had to be busy with work during the day, and in the evening besides satisfying Pepper, he had one more big thing to do, but these were things he couldn't help.

Although asking Miss Sonia to teach her how to develop Blue Star is the most convenient and quick way.

But Miss Sonia felt that a genius like him must know it, and this impression stuck on her.

Tony really couldn't bear to look like that, so he went to ask Miss Sonia for advice.

If Banner knew that Tony was trying to save face and suffered, and involved himself in it, he would definitely give Tony a beating.

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