“Energy and food will always be at the heart of civilization.”

"It's understandable that your Ark Reactor is only intended for internal use and not for sale."

"But the food can be sold to earn cosmic coins."

“Especially Blue Star’s delicacies can be called a hundred schools of thought contending…”

When Harvey heard this, he also explained the situation to Tony.

According to Sonia, because of Tony's technology, Blue Star now has the conditions to transport it to other civilizations.

As long as you find a good buyer, you can already start selling food to earn cosmic coins to give back to Blue Star.

This will also prevent Tony's cash flow from being so tight.

The food alone will be cheaper because we don’t know how to make it delicious.

However, as long as the delicacies are made and sold to other civilizations, other civilizations will learn how to make them.

Then the price of food will rise a lot, and if it is exported in large quantities, Blue Star can earn a lot of cosmic coins.

Harvey also asked Sonia casually because Sonia mentioned it.

What would Sonia do if she used the technology Tony had mastered to develop Blue Star?

Sonia said that with Tony's technology in hand, developing Blue Star would mainly cost a lot of money, but it would not be difficult.

There are many ways to speed up the process. If you have cosmic coins, you can directly purchase the necessary equipment from other civilizations.

There is no need for large-scale introduction, only a small number of high-end talents from other civilizations.

Let them build and spread the basic facilities of scientific and technological civilization, which can greatly accelerate the process of Blue Star's star era.

The infrastructure of other civilizations in the universe is also the most advanced technology for Blue Star.

"Damn it...do you still do these things?"

"I originally thought that we could only wait for Blue Star's overall technology research and development to make money by selling technology."

Tony's face was a little moved after learning about it.

"I didn't ask in detail, so Sonia casually explained a few general directions."

"Sonia thought that with such a genius mind like yours, you must know this, so she didn't take the initiative to tell you."

"You'd better study the historical process of the Xandar Empire."

"I think it can provide you with a lot of directions. You don't need to blaze a trail alone."

Harvey asked Tony just to be on the safe side. Unexpectedly, Tony really didn't understand, so he gave him a suggestion.

"Jarvis, have you carefully studied the history of Xandar?"

Tony also felt a little embarrassed when he heard Miss Sonia say that a genius like him must know.

"Mr. Tony, I've done some research, but you can't blame me for not doing enough research."

"I only dare to read the surface data of the Xandar Empire's database, and I dare not take the initiative to attack the inner data."

"Otherwise [Heart of the World] will automatically trigger the countermeasure system, and I'm afraid I'll be hacked instead."

"The history of the Xandar Empire on the Internet is the history from the birth of the Heart of the World to the establishment of the Xandar Empire."

"The Xandar Empire was already a super civilization at that time."

"There is no specific data on the origin of Xandar civilization. No.

"And you're not saying that the Nova Armor can't be researched, so there's no need to research too deeply, just research on useful technologies."

"I did everything you told me."

Jarvis was also very innocent when he heard this.

Mr. Tony can't blame him even if he tries to blame it.

Regarding all the instructions given by Mr. Tony, he did his best to complete them.

"Where is the origin of Xandar's civilization recorded? Look for it."

Tony heard this and understood why he kept worrying about how to earn more cosmic coins, but Jarvis never told him these things.

It's a shame that Jarvis himself didn't read the data.

It's normal to not dare to break into the Xandar Empire's database. Advanced AI is no better than a baby in front of a super optical brain.

"The Xandar Empire sells them."

"There are thirteen volumes, the first six volumes, the next six volumes, and the final volume."

"The first six volumes are "The Origin of Xandar", "Xandar Split", "Xandar Civil War", "Xandar Dark Ages", "Xandar United" and "Xandar Rise"

"The next six volumes are "Xandar Interstellar Development", "Xandar Interstellar Colonization" and "The Pinnacle of Cosmic Civilization and Technology, the Terror of the Kree Empire."

""The Rebirth of Xandar Concept", "The Mining of Xandar Energy", "The Origin of Xandar Super Optical Brain"

"The final volume is "The Birth of the Xandar Empire"

Upon hearing this, Jarvis immediately connected to the cosmic communicator, connected to the cosmic network and started searching, and then successfully found the corresponding data.

Before the Xandar civilization met the Kree Empire, it was obviously not an empire that intended to maintain peace in the universe.

Even the history of colonization is etched directly into the history books.

It wasn't until the Xandar civilization saw the terror of the Kree Empire that it changed its philosophy and caught up, leading to the birth of the Xandar Empire. ,

After the final volume, it is natural to start writing history with the Xandar Empire as the historical node.

However, Jarvis was also shocked to see that the Kree Empire was already a large empire in the universe before the birth of the Xandar Empire.

"Just buy some and send them back to Void Island."

"Banner is so free now, let him go back to Void Island to get it back later."

"Let him study it carefully first, and I will find time to look at it in detail later."

When Tony heard the names of these large volumes, he knew that it was indeed necessary to study them carefully.

Although these are all fabricated by the Xandar Empire, there are many things that cannot be guaranteed to be true.

However, the development process of Xandar civilization will definitely bring him a lot of empirical help in developing Blue Star.

"Okay, the order has been placed."

Jarvis bought some rubbings from the Xandar Empire Historical Library.


The moment Jarvis placed the order.

Banner was enjoying a hot spring bath in his villa in New York when he suddenly felt an itchy nose and sneezed.

"Is some beauty thinking of me?"

Banner murmured thoughtfully.

Now he also practices every day, but the intensity of his practice is definitely impossible to compare with Void Island.

After all, Kyle would urge him to practice there, even if he didn't want to practice.

However, Blue Star has gradually settled down in the United States recently, and Tony is also busy building a factory.

We haven't reached the stage of jointly developing new technologies yet, so Banner shouldn't be too busy.

Practice eight hours a day, and then find ways to have fun.

Recently, Banner's mobile phone has a lot of contact information of beautiful women, and his life is very comfortable.


In Harvey's villa.

"Thank you Kassadin, if you hadn't told me today."

"I didn't even know these things existed."

Tony looked at Harvey and thanked him seriously.

He also lamented Miss Sonia's erudition.

It has been 100,000 years since the birth of the Xandar Empire, and the history of the Xandar civilization is even longer, at least hundreds of thousands of years old.

It is not easy to read through the various ancient and modern deeds of a civilization that is at least hundreds of thousands of years old.

"I'm just giving you a reminder, it's not important."

Harvey shook his head slightly when he heard this, but he didn't feel proud or helpful.

After all, to put it bluntly, he just told Tony that these things existed.

Tony needs to spend some time studying history after buying it back, and then draw some inspiration and lessons from history.

"That's true for you."

"But for me, originally I just came here to gossip about you and Miss Sonia."

"I didn't expect that I still got help."

Tony was a little emotional when he heard this.

It cannot be said that every time you look for Harvey, you can provide him with something.

After all, there were times when the two of them simply ate together, chatted and bragged.

But chatting with Harvey often can provide him with a lot of help or solve some problems that trouble him.

If he hadn't come here today, he wouldn't have wanted to export food at all.

After all, Jarvis doesn’t understand the history of Xandar civilization, so he has no specific reference.

Basically, it's up to Tony to find a way to explore the future.

Of course, Tony is also confident that even without exporting food, he can still bring Blue Star to the interstellar era, but the progress of time will definitely be much slower.

"You really have nothing to do."

Harvey heard that Tony came here just for gossip, and his mind was filled with dark clues.

"I'm extremely busy. Now it's rare to give myself a few days off."

"I don't dare to play around in Blue Star."

"I knew you might be in Blue Star, so I was wondering if I could have a chat with you to relax."

"And if I come to you, Pepper will also feel that I am doing something serious."

Tony said seriously after hearing this.

If he had been busy on Void Island for several months, he would definitely go to a celebrity hotel.

But no matter how blue-star Tony is, he is still very honest and responsible.

"You came to me to play, why is it related to business?"

Harvey was speechless when he heard Tony's words.

It's not that he excludes Tony from coming to talk to him, but he just doesn't quite understand Pepper's thoughts.

"That's what Pepper thought, and that's what she told me."

"I don't know what the principle is."

"Maybe it's because she respects you very much."

"But in fact, I came to you with some new inspirations this time."

When Tony heard this, he spread his hands and said that he didn't understand Pepper's brain circuit either.

But Pepper is very supportive of him talking to Harvey more.

"It's good if it can inspire you."

"Have a meal here before going?"

After hearing this, Harvey didn't bother to try to figure out Pepper's thoughts.

"Of course that's what I thought."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

Later, Harvey and Tony also ate together under the sun in the rear courtyard and chatted about the current situation of Blue Star.

At this moment, a rainbow light beam fell from the sky and landed directly in Harvey's courtyard.

"Mr. Odin is so high-spirited."

Tony said with a smile when he saw this man coming.

"Of course. Now that I'm free and don't have to worry about state affairs, how can I not feel high-spirited?"

Odin laughed loudly upon hearing this and sat directly on the big table without any scruples.

"Come here, Odin. Why did you use the Rainbow Bridge to come here?"

Harvey looked at the neatly manicured lawn, and suddenly a mark appeared, and he said speechlessly.

"I forgot...How about I pay to help you fix it?"

When Odin heard this, he also followed Harvey's eyes and saw the uneven lawn that he didn't like no matter how he looked at it, and he said with some guilt.

The Rainbow Bridge is easy to use, but every time it lands, there will be a mark on the ground caused by the energy tilt.

This kind of imprint is valuable for research by various countries in Blue Star.

But for Kassadin, it is obviously of no value.

"The money is no longer needed."

"Remember to teleport directly here next time you come."

"Just don't use your environmentally damaging rainbow bridge blindly."

Harvey heard Odin say that Qian Xiu didn't care too much.

Because Stark Industries made so much money, Harvey now has even more savings.

So I didn't care about the money issue at all. It was just that the beautiful lawn became unsightly due to Odin's sudden arrival, so I just told Odin about it.

"Well, Kassadin, I came to see you this time because I have something I want to discuss with you."

Odin felt relieved when he saw that Kassadin didn't care. He sat down and started eating.

"Did something happen to Asgard?"

Tony said curiously after hearing this.

He was not surprised that Odin would come to visit Kassadin. After all, Kassadin and Odin were similar in strength, and their vision and knowledge were not exactly the same, but they were also relatively similar, and they had topics they could talk about.

"Nothing happened to Asgard."

"Thor and Loki were a bit inefficient when they first took office, but the results are still good."

Odin said with a smile upon hearing this.

Tony's strength is relatively weak, but Tony's talents are very good, and he not only contributes to the Void Cult, but now he is also contributing to Blue Star, one of the Nine Realms.

So Odin still has a very good impression of Tony.

"You are here this time because of Hela's affairs."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"As expected, it's convenient to chat with you."

"That's right, it's about Hela."

"I'm thinking about how I can create the illusion of my own death and lure Hela out."

"According to my daughter's ability, she should be able to directly sense whether I am really alive."

"As long as I am still alive, even if I lift Hela's seal and restore Hela's power."

"She probably won't jump out."

"Sometimes my bloodline ability is too high, which is also a worry."

When Odin saw Harvey directly calling Hela's name, he also told what was troubling him.

"Since you can't fake death, why not just die once?"

"Just ask Gao Tianzun to resurrect you later..."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"I've thought about it too."

"It's just that Gao Tianzun's ability is very strong and he can resurrect many people, but I still have some concerns about whether he can resurrect me."

Odin also showed some trouble on his face when he heard this.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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