I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 482 Is it valuable?

"If the enemy is only a strong person with special abilities like Gao Tianzun, is it worth living in this world?"

Odin was thoughtful when he heard Kassadin's words.

"Well, let's not talk about Gao Tianzun's strength."

"His ability to resurrect others can be used but not without for the Void God Religion."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this.

His strength can do whatever he wants in the universe, but the Void God Religion has not reached that level yet.

There will be multidimensional and dimensional invasions in the near future.

If the two universes and dimensions go to war, the Void Cult may also die.

Now that he has joined the Void Cult, Harvey, as the God of the Void, is admired by countless people in the Void Cult.

Not to mention wiping the butts of many members of the Void Cult, he does everything.

He is very idle now, but not to that extent yet.

However, he still had to find the proper protection and insurance against death for his Void Cult first.

"Have you talked to Gao Tianzun?"

Odin also knows that a special talent like the Resurrection Man must be grasped tightly if given the chance.

"After talking to him, he already knows the reason why I kept him alive."

"If I need him in the future, I can just call him over."

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

Gao Tianzun also has the ability to teleport to any place in the universe at any time, and the time limit for resurrecting a person is within thirty hours.

This much time is basically enough for resurrection.

And with the ability to resurrect, if members of the Void Cult dare to violate the precepts in the future, the punishment can be more severe.

Really understand the desperate situation of not being able to control life or death.

"I understand, then I'll go back first."

"Come and sit in Asgard when you have time."

After hearing this, Odin also understood some of Kassadin's ideas and nodded.

"It's okay to go and sit in Asgard."

"But before you go, you should first accumulate your wealth in Asgard."

"I don't want you to get hurt by going to Asgard."

Harvey heard Odin's invitation and spoke.

"Please, I know Asgard can't compare to Void Island in terms of money now, but it's not as bad as you said, right?"

"Even if you stay in Asgard all the time, the food... the food may not be enough for the time being."

"But the accommodation and the scenery will definitely not be any worse for you."

"And you eat so casually in Blue Star. The food in Asgard is not much better than that in Blue Star."

When Odin heard these words and wanted to refute the topic of food, he remembered the chefs from various civilizations on Void Island, so he immediately changed his mind.

Odin has absolutely no doubt that Kassadin eats and drinks well on Void Island.

After all, Miss Sonia is there, so the food department will definitely be full.

However, Kassadin ate and drank freely in Blue Star. He even drank pure technological products like carbonated drinks with great joy.

Apparently Kassadin is not that picky.

"Of course there is a difference."

"I came to Blue Star to relax and have fun. I can buy whatever I want to eat."

"If I go to Asgard as a guest, you have to entertain me well."

"If you don't entertain me well enough, let's not talk about whether it will affect my mood. If you don't entertain me well, it will be your own face."

"Of course, if I have the chance, I will definitely go and sit down."

After hearing this, Harvey carefully explained the difference and then said.

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words."

Odin also knew that Kassadin said so, but since he said he was willing to come and sit for a while, it meant there was no problem, so he smiled and left a word, and the figure disappeared instantly, returning to Asgard. .

"Mr. Cassadine."

After seeing Mr. Odin leave, Pepper flew out of the villa and came to Harvey, shouting with a smile.

When Harvey saw Pepper calling him, he knew he was in the Blue Star at this time, and Tony definitely didn't say anything about what happened between them.

"Miss Pepper."

Harvey's armor faded away and he returned to his handsome appearance in decent clothes, with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Cassadine, just call me Pepper."

"To thank you for your help, can you stay and have a casual meal with us?"

When Pepper heard Harvey calling her, he quickly waved his hands to express his displeasure, and then said gratefully.


"And I also have something to talk to Tony about."

Harvey didn't hesitate when he heard this and agreed casually.

"Great, then I'll have someone prepare some delicious food and send it over now."

When Pepper heard that it was okay, a surprised smile appeared on his face, and he immediately flew away.

"It seems you didn't tell Pepper."

Harvey saw Pepper leaving, looked at Tony and said.

"This matter originally originated from me, not you."

"What should I tell Pepper."

"I feel like our current strengths are too far apart and I can't face you calmly."

"So before I get over that hurdle in my mind."

"When I meet your true self in the future and there are no other outsiders, do I need to keep my distance from you as much as possible?"

"That's certainly impossible."

When Tony heard Harvey's words, he sighed and spoke.

"Yeah, these reasons are not very suitable to express."

"But just because we can't face it calmly doesn't mean that we are no longer friends. Let's have a meal together after a long time."

Hearing this, Harvey understood Tony's thoughts and spoke.

"Of course, Pepper invited you and agreed. Is it possible that I can still drive you away?"

"But what do you want to talk to me about?"

Hearing this, Tony also took off his armor and spoke.

"That's naturally your plan."

"I know your ideals and the biggest troubles that may hinder your plans, but I don't know much about the details of your plans."

"There are also some situations that may occur on Blue Star in the future."

"And I should fulfill my promise at that time and teach you how to use void magic to transform directly."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me, so let's have a good chat."

Tony and Harvey walked towards the villa while talking.

As for the frost outside the villa and the body of Captain Marvel, Jarvis will take care of it.

Ever since Tony became the Pioneer of the Void and Harvey lived on Xandar as the God of the Void, Kassadin, the two of them hadn't sat down and chatted together for a long time.

Harvey has always been very leisurely, but he also has to pay attention to his image and maintain his majesty on Void Island.

Tony, on the other hand, has been completely idle in recent years, so he won't suddenly run to Harvey's mountaintop villa when he has nothing to do.

It had been a long time since Tony had idle chats like friends, and then Tony saw the power of Kassadin, the real God of the Void.

Let Tony unknowingly fear Kassadin, the God of the Void, like other members of the Void Cult.

But really speaking, Harvey has already shown that his abilities are far beyond what he knows.

The way they get along with each other cannot be said to be completely free of scruples, but there are no such strict boundaries between the two of them.

They talked about their respective preferences for women, the situation of Blue Star, the situation of the universe, their ideals and jokes.

Harvey's opinion of him has always been the same, but because his strength is too far apart, he cannot always be like a good friend.

Tony felt a little sorry about this.

But now it seems that he was also right at the beginning, and Miss Sonia's weight in Harvey's heart has gradually increased a lot.

Tony and Harvey were sitting in the lobby on the second floor.

Harvey listened to Tony talk about his plans and ideals to lead Blue Star into the interstellar era.

This includes Tony's series of preparations, as well as ensuring that Blue Star cannot activate the mushroom egg.

Because Tony's management is mainly dealing with the internal affairs of the United States, and he has no intention of interfering too much in the affairs of other countries.

"Do you want to be the leader of a community with a shared future for mankind in the future?"

When Harvey heard this series of plans, he also felt relieved knowing that Tony was fully prepared.

"If I promote development, I will be in trouble to death, but when current events happen, I will be free."

"How can you be the leader of a community with a shared future for mankind? Isn't it because you have nothing to do but find something to do for yourself?"

"I've already talked to Banner and Steve."

"The best we can do is to be guardians."

"If there is a disaster caused by alien civilization on Blue Star, please help"

"If Blue Star falls into internal strife and leads to the regression of civilization or even destruction, it will only help three times at most."

"If there are too many, it's beyond our control."

When Tony heard Harvey's words, he spread his hands and looked helpless.

Now he has a mountain of things to do in the future, and they are not things that can be done immediately in a short period of time.

Rather, it is a major undertaking that requires effort, manpower, money, and time to be accomplished.

When his plan succeeds, he will definitely say "Farewell to the prison forever." to celebrate his release.

Drive humanity to rapidly develop into the interstellar age.

Tony's body and mind were also certain that he had given a complete explanation of the starting point of his human origin.

"Aren't you afraid that the wealth you will build in the future will be ruined by others?"

Harvey said with a smile when he saw Tony's attitude of wanting to make these plans quickly and be free from the universe.

If a community with a shared future for mankind is formed, it can be considered a force, and Tony will use a lot of money in the future.

If you don't look after the wealth you leave behind, it will probably be ruined by others.

"It's impossible in a short period of time because of the screening requirements for the highest leader of mankind."

"A person who is broad-minded and wise enough, just like Irani Reel, the supreme commander of Xandar."

Tony wasn't too worried when he heard this.

"People like her are hard to find."

Harvey heard the name and admitted that such a leader is good.

After all, Irani Lehr was able to get his approval.

Someone who made him feel that the existence of the Xandar Empire was more useful than erasing it.

This is the most important thing because the senior officials of the Xandar Empire are consistent with the peacekeeping philosophy they promote.

1 "I know, but with so many billions of human beings, I think it's not difficult to find one person."

Tony also heard Harvey's praise of Irani Lehr, and knew that Harvey also agreed with him and set this standard.

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